You may already know that PS4’s upcoming system software 2.00, codenamed Masamune, adds some big features including Share Play, YouTube support, and Themes – but the updates don’t end there. I have personally stated in past blog posts that we listen to our fans. PlayStation has heard gamers when they say they want more ways to find friends to play with, and more ways to personalize their PS4. With this update, we’ve added a Players You May Know tile, the ability to listen to your music while gaming, the option to change the look of your PS4 experience, and easier ways to sort and filter your library of content on PS4.
PS4 has been on sale for almost a year and we’re committed to improving the player experience in entirely new ways. As always, we welcome feedback as part of our ongoing effort to make PS4 the best place to play.
- USB Music Player: PS4 owners can play their own music in the background while playing a game using USB Music Player*. After inserting a USB stick loaded with music into the PS4, a new option for USB Music Player will appear. Supported filename extensions include MP3, MP4, M4A, and 3GP.
- Change colors: In addition to the ability to add a theme, PS4 owners can also change the background of the home screen from light blue to one of seven new colors: gold, blue, red, green, purple, pink, and gray.
- Players You May Know: PS4 will now suggest players you may know as potential friends in the ‘What’s New’ section.
- Enhancements to Live Broadcasting: Masamune brings a variety of improvements to live broadcasting on PS4. In the Live From PlayStation app, PS4 owners can now select a Featured channel, which includes official broadcasts from PlayStation, broadcasts from people on a players friend list, and any game channel that the player has followed. Additionally, Live From PlayStation now has filters for searching broadcasts on a specific game, as well as support for archived broadcasts.
- Content Area and Library: PS4’s Content Area, which shows the latest games and apps a PS4 owner has used, has been redesigned to help make it easier to quickly find and access content. It now shows 15 of a player’s most used apps or games, and additional items will be added to a player’s Library. The Library on PS4 has improved filter and sort functions to help organize contented by type (game / app / TV & video), name (a – z or z – a), recently used, or install date.
- Enhanced Voice Commands: The ability to control PS4 using voice has been improved. Players can now say ‘PlayStation’ to begin commands, and ‘All Commands,’ to see a list of all voice command options available. New voice commands were added for live broadcasting, including “Start broadcast,” “End broadcast,” and “Find face.”
- Add To Library: The monthly free PlayStation Plus games will have an ‘Add to Library’ button in the PlayStation Store. This button will add a game to a PS4 owner’s library without downloading it – saving space on their hard drive.
Correction: Back Up Data, a feature listed in an earlier version of this post, is not part of PS4 system software 2.00.
PS Vita and PS TV – 3.35 update, Live From PlayStation
The PS Vita and PS TV systems will also receive a system software update to version 3.35 with the same timing as Masamune, adding four-player Remote Play support to PS TV. In addition, the Live from PlayStation app, which allows users to watch live gameplay streams from PS4 systems, will be available on both PS Vita and PS TV alongside this update.
PlayStation App 2.0 update
The PlayStation App for smartphones and tablets, available free on the App Store and Google Play, is also set to receive an update to version 2.0 within the same launch window as both the PS4 and PS Vita system software updates. This update provides a new layout for tablets, and the app’s home screen has been redesigned.
Stay tuned for more information on Masamune. We can’t wait for everyone to try it!
* User can play music files stored inside USB storage but cannot copy music files to PS4 HDD. This application cannot be used at the same time with Music Unlimited. USB Music Player will appear once USB storage is inserted, and will disappear once USB storage is removed.
This is great news. Keep up the good work and I’ll continue to support this system.
Why I want external HD support? Hassle free and supports bigger capacity. Especially useful for ppl who go all out digital this gen.
Looks pretty good but I don’t understand why they didn’t include features that were already on the PS3. I still want to be notified when someone gets offline, there should be an explanation on why you can’t store music or videos in the PS4. Come on Sony I know you guys can fix the problems everyone has. Also in having problems with online. It isn’t loading any of my friends and it’s having problems connecting to server. I’m not the only one.
I’ve been holding off buying a PS4 because the new console doesn’t do what my PS3 does, so I’d need to have both still hooked up. In particular, DNLA support would allow me to continue to house my massive mp3 library on my main computer, then stream it to my stereo through the PS4 (as I currently do with the PS3.) Additionally, I need the ability to play CD’s on the PS4. Yeah, I know, CD’s are pretty old tech at this point, but I have nice speakers and hear the difference between a CD and an MP3. So, get CD and DNLA support and I’ll get a PS4! :)
Until then, I’ll keep using my PS3 as my main media hub. Thanks!
Also external HD support would make life so much easier.
This update is what PS4 owners have been looking for and because this does not have a date of availability, it makes me question whether or not it will be available early next week or the beginning of next year?
Thanks for listening to us Scott; greatly appreciated !
Hopefully DNLA support is not that far away as well.
Keep up the great work !
and one more thing is when can we change our PSN names
Finally! Good, robust update.
When are we going to change our ps id’s ????? Screw this dumb update…we should all make this happen idk why is it so hard for them to make it happen !
Great work Sony! Pretty much everything i would have asked for to be fair, customisable themes and a way to organise my game collection the way i did on my PS3. Glad to see you are still listening to us ^_^
So, to be clear, does the “Add to library” feature let you claim the free games on PS+ without having to go through the whole “put it in the cart, purchase, download, cancel download” routine we had to go through to insure we have the game in the future?
If so, awesome. Great feature!
Any chance someone might chip in with some info on why you can’t connect a DS3 or DS4 to the Vita? If the PS TV can do it, why not the Vita? It sure would be nice!
Still missing DLNA + remote control for BD player would be nice.
Get MKV then we can talk.
@103: Why wait? You can use both…
now release more themes for ps vita, or let us make our own.. all the “NEW” features your releasing are old crap.. we shouldve been able to do this thing since day one.
This is mostly cool, but still disappointing that it sounds like you still have to back up the entire System. Hopefully it’s more modular so you could choose to back up just the new content and not the whole system as was the case with the PS3.
Where is suspend/resume? HDD MP3 support? DNLA?
App wise, where are the promised apps for YouTube and HBOGo?
How about just getting Driveclub released for us Plus members.
Remote Support is a MUST HAVE!!! I need my Harmony to be able to control my PS4.
can you add ” public massage” or tweets for example to tell your friends what you’re doing at the moment so it will show up to everyone on your list?
it will help communicating with others this way and it will also save time. its kinda fun too.
i would like to say for example that i need one more spot in my party for destiny raid or something and my friends will read it and reply back or join me :)
I didn’t have any faith in Sony pulling something like this. Honestly, you felt so incompetent in bringing what we actually want, what was also an option in a 7 year old console and that was present on the rival platform.
I am surprised. This is not a good thing though. But this really fixed your reputation.
I only want DLNA/local media playback.And Sony, take the opportunity and make the PlayStation App a useful remote for the PS4. It would be great as a replacement for the BD remote for the PS3.
And one question. Is it ever going to be possible to use the local storage to play music? USB stick does the job, but still, It would be more convenient . I guess it takes more effort, but is it possible?
(Hoping for a Spotify app too. I know, I know, Music Unlimited, but that’s not available where I live right now and anyway, the USB MP3 playback is just as much of a competition, it doesn’t really matter now.)
It’s not the best fw support, but the changes are damn positive. I hope Sony will realize how good is this monthly stuff that MS does.
Super happy about this, can’t wait to destroy everything in ResoGun with some custom beats.
Wait where is the stability?
Is there a plan to start doing smaller monthly updates that include new/requested features or will PS4 just be updated with major updates twice a year?
For the people asking about video playback. Most newer TV’s have usb ports that support video playback, so just plug it directly into your tv…
sounds great, now we just need a release date….
Any word on if there will be a return of theme rewards being tied to trophies? It gave a pretty good incentive to work towards trophies
What happened to SUSPEND/RESUME promised at the unveiling of the PS4? you guys don’t even mention it anymore. It’s been over 18 months and nothing. And, why no release date for this? all you guys do is over promise and under deliver.
In addition to just being able to use Plex, with voice commands, on my XB1 I can use their built in media player app for DLNA and can even stream MLV files now. When exactly do you guys plan on competing with MS on the multimedia front? Having a Super PS3 would be nice and all if it at least could do what a PS3 could do.
External storage for games, I’m going full digital games and my ps4 doesnt have space for it, I dont want to change my internal hdd, I wanna have 2 external of 3tb to have all my library installed after some years.
almost a year in, and still no DLNA support?? Get it together, Sony — the XB1 is about to add MKV support, even :p
What about notifications for friends coming online??? That is a nice touch that has always been on the PS3 and is gravely missed on the PS4. Far too many times I’m waiting for a friend to come online while I’m playing and have to exit out of the game just to see who recently came online. Please Sony… add this.
Did sony forget about media ability totally after releasing vita??? The xbox has way better media functions now sony is way behind including mkv support.
Also, Why only usb to play music? Ps4 only has 2 usb ports, to pla all are already used, music and use my gold headset, ugh sony what are you thinking with this?
The fans have been asking for Bluetooth Microphone Support since the PlayStation 4 launched. And it seems yet again there is no sign of it.
Why hasn’t Sony commented on this? You claim to be “listening to your fans” yet you ignore some of the most frequently requested features. At least address them. It’s a shame something next gen lacks something so basic.
The Library feature sounds excellent and something I’ve been asking for. It sounds like it’s like Steam where you can have a list of games you own, but haven’t necessarily installed yet, helping you better manage your HD space. You can delete games but still them in your Library should you want to download them again later.
I don’t understand why it’s so hard for Sony to support their hardware (PS4, Vita, PSTV) and market their products, and keep their customers informed! I’ve always been the guy to buy the Sony console first, including this generation, but after buying my XBOX ONE, I see that Microsoft is better at updating the console’s features on a regular bases with features we want, they’re better at building hype for their games, and they have regular posts on what to expect in terms of new products and features. DLNA is a technology developed by SONY, so why on earth would Microsoft get that feature on it’s console before Sony does? I’m losing faith, my PS4 hasn’t been touched in about a month. Sony’s console is outpacing the sales of the XBOX ONE, why not show some appreciation to your “VALUED” customers? You know, the people that make Sony the actual money since their other divisions are failing to make a profit?
Pretty cool….a lot of new stuff…….I didn’t get the Add to Library feature….how does that work?….it looks fancy.
Very Cool. I hope this leads to games getting custom soundtrack support.
How about the most important thing. PAUSING DOWNLOADS?!
I’ve been reading everyone’s posts and frankly you guys are spoiled brats. PS makes an update we have been asking for and you guys don’t say thank you. You just keep complaining.
So thank you everyone at PS for your hard work.
This is great and all but hey if I haven’t been getting a CE-34861-2 error all day with my profile and friends list can’t even message my friend I was talking to it would be even greater if this didn’t happen
Who would like to have a twitch app for the PS4.
I’d like to mute PlayStation Camera for voice chat but keep it open for other things like voice command. You guys doing anything like this?
please add usb video, also BACKWARDS COMPAT, i have the first edition ps3 and spent all my money on ps4, even bought a bigger HDD for ps4
Seems pretty obvious that HDD access is restricted, no mp3’s, no video support or photo/wallpapers.
I remember Sony saying PS4 will simple, personalised, immediate, integrated, social but looks like Ps4 simple and social is all it really is, is there any reason why personalised wallpapers aren’t supported?
who care about changing colors come on
we want DNLA and MKV support
it seems that Xbox got a head while PS took a step back
whats up sony are you willing to lose customers?!
Really want DLNA and media center support. The PS3 did this pretty well and helped make it the center piece of my home entertainment network and I’d like the PS4 to have that same capability.
Hey Sony how about fixing the broken ass message system that doesn’t load damn messages!? It takes me 5 damn minutes to load a message after it notifies me that I received it! It is pissing me off! Hts off to you though for what you are bringing now finally like playing my own music and themes!