Hello friend and lovers of all things Aksys! It is your loyal and humble servant, Frank “Bo” deWindt II, Director of Production here at Aksys Games.
Today I bring to you joyous and momentous news in regards to our upcoming fighting game on PS4 and PS3, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-. But first, let me explain a little bit about the game for those that have no prior knowledge of the Guilty Gear series!
The series has been around since time immemorial (and by that, I mean for 16 years!). It’s been redesigned from the world of 2D, to incorporate both 2D and 3D elements, making it a veritable feast for the eyes kind of experience, thanks to some technical Arc System Works magic and the Unreal 3 engine. Thanks to that, 3D models have been fashioned to create the illusion of 2D sprites without anyone being the wiser.
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- has also enhanced its fighting mechanics and has significantly expanded upon one of the series’ long standing mechanics, the Roman Cancel! Thanks to that, players will be able to have a myriad of vast fighting styles at their command.
The character roster also has a lot of familiar faces, from the widely known Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske, two beacons of the Guilty Gear franchise, all the way to someone as cute and adorable as the Jellyfish pirate, May!
Some of the newer characters include the unique and cunning, Bedman, who, like his namesake, is attached to and fights using nothing else but… A BED! And of course the monotone and lovely Ramlethal Valentine, whose swords, if used correctly, can really dish out some punishment on your opponent.
Recently two more characters have been announced, Sin Kiske, who employs the power of lightning as well as a flag to battle his foes, and the lovely and pure Elphelt! But beware of her arsenal of guns! She’ll give a whole new meaning to the term, “Shotgun Wedding”. She will be a DLC character, just for the curious among you.
This brings the current roster to a grand total of 16! Plenty of options to choose from to find the character the best suits you!
Now that I’ve given a little bit of exposition on the game, I probably should keep the rest of my informational cards up my sleeve, but before I go, I need to tell everyone the big news!
A release date for Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- in the US has finally been decided! It will be…
Tuesday, December 16, 2014! That’s like, so soon! (and only ~2 weeks after the Japanese release!)
So now that everyone is informed, make sure to go out and pre-order it as soon as you can! Speaking of pre-orders, there will be both limited and standard editions of the game on both PS4 and PS3!
The limited edition will contain a box to hold all the goodies, fashioned in the likeness of the “Backyard”, the Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Vocal Collection (just like the Japanese version!), the Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- Character Book which will provide information on characters, terms, and concepts from the beginning of the series to the present, and finally, the Sol Badguy “FREE” belt buckle keychain!
That LE sounds “Fireseal” hot! I would totally pre-order it ASAP if I didn’t work here already!
So with all that info swirling in your heads, just remember, Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- releases December 16, 2014! So pre-order away!
And don’t forget the four magic words… Get ready to ROCK! This is Bo, signing off!
If you have never played Guilty Gear I recommend checking out the YouTube Channel “novriltataki”. They have a couple of intro video that discuss this Guilty Gear and “AirDashers” like it. Enjoy and see everyone online soon.
I hope that arcsystemworks does something special for Iemasa Kayumi (Slayers VA) that just pass away a week ago, just like they did for Eddie’s VA.
Heaven or Hell? Let’s Rock!
I heard Japan got a demo for this. When does that demo come out in America? Would love to play it! Especially the PS4 version.
Default1000 it probably won’t be coming to America, but you can create an JP PS account and get 14 days free PS Plus.
I pre ordered the LE once it was announced. Im happy to hear the game will be getting an ENG dub. Do you think you will bring over more of the old cast through DLC? I want jam dang it. Not many of the characters are just hand to hand combat focused and thats what I like about her.
Souledge94 Do you know that Troy Baker voice Sol Badguy in Guilty Gear 2 Overture, he is literally everywhere lol.
@Lil-ManWGT: He’s not going to be Sol this time, especially considering the AAA game industry’s insane demand of him. Personally, I like to see Aksys have the game’s English dub done in Vancouver (Ocean Studios).
@Tehrannotaur I know lol was just giving a little fun fact, I hope English dub is good!
This game is literally the only reason i bought a ps4. For me, it was the system seller.
I love playing guilty gear. I am a fan. I just hate how every GG recycles the same characters. They need more diversity. Look at games like Tekken or MK that switch the character line up every game. GG should take notes seriously.
How about our PS3 fight sticks?
Hi Bo, first of all, THANK YOU!!!!!
Since the first trailer I got nuts to get my hands on this (playing GG since time immemorial too -yup, all that time), and just by the looks of it, I can tell that this will be perfect as always.
But I have some questions:
1 – There will be something like preorder or buy in the first week and get the DLC char for free in the NA release?
2 – Please, tell me that Testament is in it too!! >_<
Again: A BIG THANK YOU to you guys at Aksys Games!
I heard a rumor online that perhaps you can confirm. I heard elphelt will come free in the form of dlc code with all new copies of the game, and that used copies will have to buy her seperately. Similar to yuuki terumi in blazblue cp. If this is not the case will pre orders or special editions come with her?
No Bridget.
No Buy.
She’s the only character I use, so…..yeah….. :(
meant to type S(he)’s*
From what I looked up, Elphelt is free DLC, but can be downloaded from PSN, and will not be a pre-order code. Or something like this statement here from the site…
“In celebration of the game’s release, the DLC character Elphelt (a $7.99 value) will be available for free on PSN from 12/16 for a limited time! Pre-order your copy of Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- today so that you can download this great character the second your copy arrives!”
So yeah, like the DLC characters from P4AU (Adachi/Marie) free for 1 week thing, same thing applies here. Though dunno how long that limited time offer getting Elphelt will be from PSN. So yeah, just get her as soon as possible when she is released.
WIll Jam Kuroduberi be in the game? That’s been my favorite GG char of all time!
ready for this
No Dizzy. No Bridget. No thanks.
Awesome! Been awhile since I’ve played a guilty gear game. Will be getting this when it drops.
Characters going to have both English and Japanese voices, awesome, gives me a reason to purchase this game, I always support dual languages. This and Mighty No. 9 is on my radar, good move Aksys Games. Both Tecmo Koei and Bandai Namco should take notes.
Want this!