For the past two months, PlayStation Plus members have received a couple games free the day they hit the PlayStation Store, and this time we’re besting ourselves by offering three! Yep, this month Dust: An Elysian Tail (PS4), Spelunky (PS4) and Pix the Cat (PS Vita) will debut on the Store as well as in PlayStation Plus. On top of that, there’s a special bonus this month – members get DriveClub PlayStation Plus Edition (if you want to upgrade to the regular retail version you can for $49.99), which gives them access to 11 tracks, 10 cars and all the game modes. Finally, members will receive the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum as well as Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara and Rainbow Moon.
PS4 owners can check out the Metroidvania-inspired Dust: An Elysian Tail, as well as the hit platformer Spelunky — which also entitles you to the PS3 and PS Vita versions. On PS3, our members can see where the Arkham franchise started with Batman: Arkham Asylum, as well as enjoy a bundle of classic arcade Dungeons & Dragons games with Chronicles of Mystara. For your PS Vita, we’ve got a new addictive arcade game for you in the same vein as Snake and Pac-Man called Pix the Cat and a beautiful, epic strategy RPG Rainbow Moon.
All of these games will be free for Plus members starting October 7th. Watch the video below to see these titles in action.
Dust: An Elysian Tail (PS4)
Immerse yourself in a gorgeous hand-painted world on a search for your true identity. As the mysterious warrior, Dust, your action-packed journey will take you from peaceful glades to snowy mountaintops and beyond. At your disposal is the mythical Blade of Ahrah, capable of turning its wielder it into an unstoppable force of nature, and the blade’s diminutive guardian, Fidget.
Spelunky (PS4 – Cross-Buy)
Spelunky is a unique platformer with randomized levels that offer a challenging new experience each time you play. Journey deep underground and explore fantastic places filled with all manner of monsters, traps, and treasure. Go solo or bring up to three friends to join you in cooperative play or frantic deathmatch!
Bonus! DriveClub PlayStation Plus Edition (PS4)
DRIVE TOGETHER, WIN TOGETHER. Fuel the thrill of high-octane racing by downloading DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition. Take a test drive of the world’s most social racer: Features unrestricted access both offline and online to the 11 tracks of India & 10 cars for your garage.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
Batman: Arkham Asylum exposes players to a unique, dark and atmospheric adventure that takes them to the depths of Arkham Asylum –Gotham’s psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. Gamers will move in the shadows, instigate fear amongst their enemies and confront The Joker and Gotham City’s most notorious villains who have taken over the asylum. Using a wide range of Batman’s gadgets and abilities, players will become the invisible predator and attempt to foil The Joker’s demented scheme.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PS3)
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara combines two timeless D&D arcade classics -Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara- into one definitive package. Battle through a rich fantasy universe with a host of new features, including HD visuals, drop-in/drop-out 4 player online co-op, customizable House Rules, leaderboards, and a trove of extras.
Pix the Cat (PS4/PS Vita)
PIX the CAT is an intense arcade game designed to boost your heart-rate! Rescue forsaken ducklings from the nested levels of the infamous GRID of INFINITY. Perfect your skills to SPEED and COMBO UP until you reach the explosive FEVER TIME!
Rainbow Moon (PS3/PS Vita)
Rainbow Moon is a beautiful role-playing game filled with exploration, turn-based battles, and character development. Six playable main characters with upgradeable weapons and armor, and more than 20 challenging dungeons await you in a fascinating story that lasts over 40 hours.
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Yet another bum month.
4 games for Ps4. Whiners go away, this is a great update.
Nothing for me this year.
The term “Metroidvania” is false. It’s just “Metroid. Castlevania was never like Metroid, it was in Symphony of the Night that they started to use the Metroid style of gameplay, thus, the term is just “Metroid” as it’s the original version of the gameplay, specially considering there were 5 Castlevania games that came before SoTN.
Nice selection of games. Thanks, Sony. :)
Does Dust have a Platinum?
I am excited by Dust and thought about getting Rainbow Moon a couple of times. I am surprised about seeing Batman Arkham Asylum, but I Platinum-ed that game before City came out. Already have D&D. Super excited about Drive Club, but was hoping we would get the full-game. At least I can try it heavily before deciding if I want to buy it.
I’d get Rainbow Moon and Batman if I didn’t have them already, but good lineup.
The term Metroidvania is widely accepted across the industry. You are literally the only person I’ve ever seen complain about it.
What a great month drive club spelunky batman rainbow moon!!! Anyone says hotrible games or sucky is dumb. Big month. Is it available next Tuesday or now?
Meh. Only thing worth downloading for me is Batman. Another weak month.
Looking forward to Spelunky and Rainbow Moon. PIX the Cat looks fun if you use the Geo of the Vita to move him around.
Already have Asylum from the Batman sale before. If I had a PS4 I would enjoy Driveclub….but that would have to wait I guess.
Kind of weak, to be honest here. But I’ll still play whatever I get. Thanks for the games.
-Rainbow Moon
-Thank you
-Thank you
-Thank you
Great month! Race, explore, kill some bad guys and more, loving it! =D Thank you Kris!
Holy… Wow!
Let me start by saying I already put hours upon hours into Spelunky on my PS3, enjoyed the game so much. Can’t wait to dive into it on PS4!
Now, on topic. Three games I’ve been excited to play on PS4, Spelunky of course, Dust An Elysian Tale since I don’t own an Xbox 360 anymore, and of course DRIVECLUB. Well done, Sony!
This month’s line up is great! A ton a PS4 content, some great cross-buy (and cross-save!) vita games. And a little cherry on top called Arkham Asylum!
Dig it.
You had me at Dust: An Elysian Tail
it is metroidvania. i can’t believe there’s actually a person even debating this. it’s funny really.
WOW!! The last 3 months have been SUPER DUPER AWESOMENESS of garbage, but this month has been the greatest one, SO GREAT that im will not renew ps+.
Hopefully Borderland The Pre-sequel and far cry 4 will rock…
The real tragedy is that we’re stuck with last months titles until the 7th. :(
Should of given us HORROR games for October
Great month for PS4 … about time too! If you haven’t played Dust. it’s a very good game and it being free,l makes it a great game. Spelunky was a nice surprise.
My sub runs out this month and its the last time I will sub’s ribe to psplus until I’m forced to when I get a ps4. Every month is a let down and I haven’t played a single psplus game in the past 6 months
Dust is actually an incredible title. Don’t let the art style turn you away. The animation is incredible, and the game (at least on PC) played fast and smooth as butter. This is actually VERY exciting to me. I don’t know a whole lot about Spelunky or Pix, but Dust is enough to keep me happy for another month.
To everyone complaining that DRIVECLUB isn’t the full game.
Enough already. They never announced the full game as a part of the program. During Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference, they said there would be a Playstation Plus EDITION, never offering up the entire game.
Hope that helps, but of course, people will continue to moan and gripe.
WOW! Very nice. Can’t wait to try DriveClub. Spelunky is amazing, I play it daily on my Vita. Dust looks fantastic, I know nothing about it before hand. Played D&D in the arcade as a kid, so that’ll be a nice bit of nostalgia (with the added joy of trophy collecting). Already beat Batman, so gonna skip that, but Rainbow Moon and Pix both look like good additions to my Vita library. Gonna need a bigger memory card! If only I could afford one!
So surprised someone with the handle “teebagg66” doesn’t have good taste.
Getting worse by the month. That lock in strategy seems to be working well.
Congratulations Sony. :-|
even though I own some of these games still a good month. Im happy ill be able to play dust for no cost. Game looks so good.
Another ****** month ¬__¬
As usual, too much whining and crying.
Let’s look at this:
Batman Arkham Asylum- Good game, but old. But since when does age diminish quality.
Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles of Mystaria- Good Game. I own it
Driveclub- the PS Plus free version. I don’t see how anyone can complain about this.
Spelunky- Good Game and Cross buy. I own it
Rainbow Moon- Cross buy and a good game, I own it
Dust: Elysian Tail- I never played this game. But people said the xbox 360 version was good.
Pix the Cat- a brand new indie game that NOBODY can say is good or bad since it’s not even out yet. Yet we’re get it “free” with plus.
Even with me owning 3 games out of this month’s free offerings, even I can see the value and quality in the overall package. If being crybabies and whiners was an Olympic sport, so many of you would be gold-medal eligible.
Amazing free games. Wish I had a working PS3! But Spelunky, Pix the Cat, Driveclub – India and Dust are awesome! Hope to see Mystara on PS Now someday.
Getting a game like Arkham Asylum as the only full retail game is pretty lousy.
It’s PS3. There are hundreds and hundreds of games. Why does Sony need to go back to 2009 to find something to offer? What are we getting next month? The first Resistance?
If we are only getting one retail game, on the oldest of the three platforms, with the biggest library, is it that much to ask that we get something that we all didn’t beat five years ago?
I was expecting better from this month lineup but I can’t complain…its better to have more games that I already own on the lineup than games that I don’t lol,this way my backlog calms down a bit……..anyway I really wish that Arkham Asylum was Arkham Origins….come on Sony I already said that there is no point in putting good games since almost everyone own them already but crappy games like Origins are the perfect games for the IGC…..anyway we’ll just have to wait.City has been in the IGC and now Asylum….its a matter of time until we see Origins.
For me this month only Pix da Cat since I don’t have a PS4 and can’t try that Dust game,Rainbow Moon do not interest me and I own all the other games.Nice month for me,but this is a fantastic lineup for anyone who don’t have Asylum though.
>No more AAA games for Vita
>No more japanese AAA localizations for Vita
>Trash INDIE-nobody-cares-about games on + line up for months in a row
I seriously regret charging another 50$ yesterday, and i am definitively not going to resubscribe next year to +
The overall quality of VITA support on + have been TOTAL TRASH.
Give us PSP/PSX Games, that’s much better than CRAP, INDIE GAMES.
Seriously Kristine, Chen, or whoever has to decide.
Stop giving us trash.
Nothing for me this year.
it’s now been many months since I was even remotely interested in a single igc entry. that should make it less painful should I decide to let me plus membership lapse while you guys bolster the service . I feel a bit unappreciative considering the sheer volume of games for the price, but there are none that I am interested in spending my time in, which just makes it feel as if I am paying to play online, which, to be honest,is why I sat out of Xbox last gen, and why I may still move fully to PC this time around.
this month i was really hoping for a solid game to sink my teeth into on the ps4… but your newest console gets a preview of an f2p racer (?), an old indie title that was already free on PS plus for a different platform, an old and fairly bland 2d indie platformer, and a throwaway indie arcade title.
to get me to buy big retail games on ps4, you’ll need to make the subscription attractive, since it’s required for online play, and until then I will be holding off and probably buying the big games on other platforms.
just so you guys understand
This is one of the best months for PS4 in a while. I can’t wait to play DriveClub, Dust and Spelunky! That said, I think it might be time to sell my PS3.
Once again Sony proves that PS+ is FAR SUPERIOR to XBL. Great month! Keep the awesome games coming! Can’t wait to play Drive Club and Arkham Asylum. I did like Arkham City better but I still own Arkham City and sold Asylum for it so now I get to replay it!
Spelunky is always good and everything else is just cool to check out. Sometimes I end up loving these games I never heard of.
Whoever is in charge of coming out with the PS Plus games needs to be fired! They need to start doing a poll of games that PS Plus subscribers really want and pick from that list.
I was expecting something better for the psvita but… Still it’s something, thanks anyway :)
Wow, October is going to be a really good month for PS Plus, at least for me. I never found the time to buy and play Spelunky and Rainbow Moon. Driveclub is just going to be amazing, I can already tell. I’ve already platinumed Batman, Asylum and City, so I would’ve prefered Origins to be in the collection but that’s ok, great game for those who haven’t played it.
Question – Spelunky is listed as Cross-Buy – does that mean that I can get it on my PS3 in October as a free Plus title?
Arkham Asylum is a great game, but with Arkham City having been free on Plus several months ago, this seems like a step backwards. Seriously. I owned both on disk before either came to Plus (wasn’t Asylum on once before? or was it just a steep sale?), but if you haven’t played it, go give it a shot – it’s pretty solid.
Interested in looking at Rainbow Moon – I remember the tons of press when it came out, so if I can pick that up on my PS3 as well (looks like it), then that will be worth a look.
All in all, a slightly below-average month for me, mostly because I don’t have a PS4 or Vita (want both, not made of money).
I like this month. Thank you for this.
Seems this will be a good month, Driveclub YES, i already have Batman but i’ll pick all the other games, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Pix The Cat look really fun, Thank you :)
This is the worst month I’ve seen in a long while, it obvious that they set it up to make Driveclub look good
Love it when people complain, so what if Arkham Asylum is one of the games? Not everyone has played it and stop expecting Sony to have games that are new or just a year old. I’m pretty sure there’s at least 1 game here everyone can be happy about so quit your crying. I’m glad Driveclub is finally here, it’s been almost a whole year since the original expected release date, hopefully the extra time has given the game a better shine.
Vita support has been dropping lately but thats hardly a surprise.
Not too long ago we had amazing free games like Gravity Rush, Uncharted, Wipeout, Rayman, SFxT , PvZ etc.
Great Games!!!!!