Why face the legions of the Burning Hells alone? In Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition, Blizzard has forged a first-class, couch co-op adventure where friends can face evil and collect huge piles of loot together.
In the second part of our exclusive behind-the-scenes series, Blizzard describes the new multiplayer features included in Ultimate Evil Edition. Send your comrades legendary gifts, take on an apprentice, and face the Nemesis of your friends list in a life-or-death showdown. Only the strongest heroes of Sanctuary stand a chance against Malthael’s forces, and they make a formidable opposition when they stand together.

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition launches August 19th on PS4 and PS3. If you already began your quest on PS3, remember that you can bring your hero’s progress into Ultimate Evil Edition. Best of luck, Nephalem.
thats a nice interactive classic mmorpg game. My favourite gaming type
Still no news on when pre load begins if at all also at what point option for language pack don’t fancy downloading 60 gigs just for plain English ?
Pre download is Sunday so tomorrow
If anyone want to add me on PSN to play some Diablo III UEE, feel free to do so.
ID: Iago_Prochnow
Im ready!!!! but hey if anyone wanna party up sometime then feel free to add me PSN: KrazyLifeMusic add a quick msg like “D3 PARTY” or something like that so that i’ll know whatsup
Hey whats about the PreLoad it’s the 17th so anyone who PreOrderd from the US Store has PreLoad the Game already?
I PreOrderd on the EU German PSN Store but the Counter Say’s 1 Day and Some Hours or so.
Whats about the People who PreOrderd the Game from the US Store?
Because there was a Advertisement they Can PreLoad on 17th. Will this also Available to other Country’s or only on the US?
Also there are 4 Option to Download.
1. Infernal Shoulders 1.2 mb
2. Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition 20 gb
3. Infernal Shoulders 1.2 mb
4. Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition (German) 39 gb
I Only need the German Version so my Question is is the 20GB Version the Germany Only one? and the 39gb is German and other Languages?
Because if the 39gb Version the German Only one it makes no sense to me that the Option 2 one with 20 gb is smaller then :-)
Excuse me sir, i’d like a pre-load with my coffee please.
Looks Like non of a Single Person Living in the US did Download Yet the Preload of Diablo:
If they Can’t Preload it Today maybe another Million charge against Sony then because on the store they Say Preload 17th if you can’t it’s a wrong announcement ;-)
Share, share, share, multiplayer, friends, more friends, share, share. Playstation 4 should be called Sharestation 4. Thankfully I still have my PS3 for the good-old single player JRPGs.
What time today can we begin downloading Diablo 3?
when diablo3 comes to asia ?
You people that never have played a Diablo game ever are going to enjoy it.
I’ve played the 2nd one back in the day and also played a lot of the D3 Starter Edition on Windows.
Add me for Diablo 3 or Destiny battle buddy!!
Psn id
Add me on psn going to be playing the crap out of diablo 3 and hey sharing is caring.
Awesomeness. Can’t wait for tomorrow night!
I’ve killed so much time in this game already and can’t wait to say goodbye to even more hours starting tomorrow. I wish there was a special edition though. One of the best collectors edition items I’ve ever gotten was with the PC version that came with a resin diablo skull and a USB soulstone that had D2 and the expansion loaded onto it and plugged into the forehead. That was such a cool idea. But anyways, with this complete package and remote play, this purchase is a no brainer.
This is awesome!!! My copy is bought already just got to pick it up tomorrow!!!!!