Hi all! It’s awesome to return from summer holidays to announce Crimsonland for PS Vita. It’s launching August 19th, and will be cross buy with the PS4 version. A free trial will be available as well.
As some of you may know, the Crimsonland at hand is a remastered version of the first game 10tons ever made back in 2003. It’s definitely a genre cult classic, and the remastered game was launched for PS4 in July. A whole lot of people really appreciated how gratifying and addictive old school top down dual stick arena shooter can be even in this day and age. We also got surprisingly numerous calls for a Vita version, and we’re definitely happy to deliver.
Crimsonland is a simple game. You’re a space marine guy, and a huge horde of monsters is coming at you. Shoot them all, and don’t die! You’ve got a 60-mission campaign to clear, but that’s just the beginning. Completing the missions merely unlocks the weapons and perks you need in the five endless Survival modes, where you’ll face an endless onslaught and a sure death, but hopefully a cool score for the online leaderboards, too.
Combining weapons and perks in Survival is what Crimsonland is all about. How would a sawed-off shotgun with poison bullets, regeneration, and dodging work? Or how about plasma cannon, faster reload speed, extra ammo capacity, and longer powerup duration? Try’em, and find your favorite playstyle! Be warned, though: you won’t get your favorite weapon drops and perk tables every time. Curveballs by Lady Luck are a factor in Crimsonland, so it’s good to be ready to adapt.
Oh, and the game is a bit hard. There’s some blood, too. Check the game out and let us know what you think!
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