Hello everyone,
We are less than a week away from the North American release of Tales of Xillia 2! Everyone here at Bandai Namco Games America Inc. is beyond excited to finally have fans get their hands on this great game. However, we know that maybe not everyone who is interested in Tales of Xillia 2 has played last year’s Tales of Xillia. Well friends, I have good news; we are going to provide you guys with a complete recap of the first game and get everyone caught up-to-speed with the video accompanying this post.
Tales of Xillia 2 follows the story of Ludger Kresnik and Elle Marta, a year after the events from Tales of Xillia, as they set off on an epic adventure to reach the Land of Canaan. Along the way Ludger and Elle will meet up with the main cast of characters from Tales of Xillia who will serve as your party members in the game. Special optional side stories will play out through the game with these returning characters, giving players insight on what has been happening to them over the past year. It’s not imperative that you know all the ins-and-outs of the first game’s story to understand and enjoy Tales of Xillia 2, but if you want to be totally caught up with everything by next week, we have you covered.
And we aren’t done with the Tales of series this year quite yet! We still have Tales of Hearts R coming out November 11, 2014 for PS Vita, as well as more information about the next Tales of game for PS3, Tales of Zestiria, later this year as well.
I know localizations is a big (time and cost). So I don’t care about dub or sub (if it could help Western release available as fast as possible). Of course, if the game is dubbed, it would be good. However, for hardcore JRPG fans, they (including me) always want to play your game as fast as possible. We love JRPGs but language is a big problem for us (some hardcore fans are willing to play with Google translate).
So it would be great if you could release western version as Japanese version at the same time, even though the game is not dubbed. We just need some English text on menu, UI (such as command menu Action, spell, items….) to enjoy the game in the Japanese release (languague options), and when you are ready for localization after that, you can add English subtitle (or dubbed) for content, items, and many more.
It would help some hardcore fans enjoy your game even if it would not be localized, and Japanese release will reach more towards your loyal fans.
I can’t hardly wait to finally play “Tales of Xilla 2.” I pre-ordered mines months ago and I’m dying to play already! I also look forward to playing other tales games this coming December and next year!
I’m gonna rock this!!!! xD
Thank you Bandai for making all this possible!
I just need to know if Tales of Xillia 2 will be released digitally on the PS Store too, but there’s no information on that anywhere =(
@53 Look back at all the PS3 games that have come out over the past year, and tell me which ones haven’t been Day 1 Digital.
In other words, yes.
I preordered Tales of Hearts R only because you guys left the Japanese audio in. Would have skipped it completely if it was dub
I have the Xillia CE but haven’t gotten to it yet so I’m holding off on Xillia 2 for now but thanks for bringing it over! Hope you’ll consider Japanese audio for Zestiria!
I highly enjoyed xillia and cant wait for xillia 2. Is there a day 1 edition for xillia 2? I would like to add that I wont be picking up tales of heart since lack of a dub. If you guys release a dub patch later on I will pick it up same day.
Imo the dubs are great quality and sound anywhere near awful. They do rather good work with the voices.
@26 edit*
Imo the dubs are great quality and sound nowhere near awful. They do rather good work with the voices.
Super amused at all the people who think English dubs grow on trees.
Like Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, Travis Willingham, and Vic “king of the d-bags” Mignogna all work for free.
It costs money to bring Japanese games to English speaking territories. It costs even MORE money to bring them over with a full English dub. For a business trying to make money, that extra cost can be the difference between profit and loss, and Bandai Namco has a right to make a profit.
Be glad we’re getting these subbed games at all, because don’t kid yourselves, the option was subs or nothing.
Remember, it’s a video game. It’s not a TV series. It’s not a movie. You’re supposed to be looking at the screen at all times anyway, because you’re interacting with what’s going on. You’re not getting up to make a sandwich. Having to *gasp* read a little while you’re doing it isn’t the end of the world.
And I say this as someone who prefers dubs.
I just prefer actually being able to play games I want even more.
if they want to bring it over subs thats thier choice but they should know some people are not going to pay for the game cause eng dub is missing. Im personally am not of fan of jpn voice work and this is a game with TONS of voice work and sitting and hearing something that im not a fan of for 60+ hrs doesint sound like a fun experiance.
I have this preordered and tales hearts of r for vita as well. Please bring more to vita as well. Would love a naruto game for it!
Xillia 1 was ok but heard the sequel was much better.
But I’l probably pass because it’s still way back on last gen. maybe if it comes to ps now i’l try it out, but even then idk.
I hope there is a ps4 remaster of these tales games. sorta like what always happens.
I have been waiting for this since I beat Xillia last year! Pre-ordered the collectors edition too so i’m even more excited!
Personally I prefer dub over sub.
I’m glad this game is coming at all. I appreciate the work Bandai Namco is doing to localize this game so I will buy it regardless if it’s dubbed or not. I think it’s hypocritical to beg a company to localize their game then choose not to buy it simply because there’s no dub. It’s for reasons like that is why they choose not to localize them in the first place. Now they’re going out of their way to deliver any way they can. Rest assured BN you will be getting my money for this, Hearts R, Zestiria, and any other Tales games. Keep it up.
Oh and I know I’m beating a dead horse by saying this, but:
PLZ localize Vesperia PS3 and Innocence R!!! I wanna throw some more money at you :)
I think the vesperia shipped sailed long ago sadly.
I`m hype as the cat in the tree next door for Tales of Xillia 2 I already got the CE Pre ordered with the guide book!…can`t wait to play I seen people leaving questions and such I thought I would ask one are we going to see the light of day of tales of vesperia to the ps3? I know It`s not over in NA/EU I would very much love to see tales of vesperia to come out the Tales of Series is by far my favorite I have enjoyed every game I have ever got I would love to play tales of vesperia via NA/EU! I understand that people have already commented about vesperia already but It would be nice to see it come but If you say no I will understand I don`t have a xbox 360 nor Am I going to get one I know vesperia is on the 360 but It would be nice to see It come out on the ps3 over here in NA/EU to play It in English.
I’m just glad we’re getting it.
In the future though, yes, I would appreciate a dub.
I do like dual audio as well.
The story so far, Kupo!!
Ripping of FFXIII saga… how sad….
Hello, namco, i love all the tales series, but when will you release tales of vesperia for the US . Heard it was hold back, is it true?
This game comes out on my anniversary, a day I happen to be off work. I know PRECISELY What I’ll be doing during the day while I get stuff ready to make my wife dinner(well, there are two options: either playing this game, or waiting for the PS Store to be updated so I can play this game). :)
Thanks Bandai for giving me a reason to dust off my Dualshock 3. I can’t to see what you will be releasing on PS4 in the future.
The more i’m learning about this game from reviews and gamers who have received the game early, the more i think i really should just rent this. From what i’ve heard it reuses alot of assets from the first game, which just reminds me of that lazy sequel to Tales of Symphonia.
I’ll restart my gamefly account tonight and if it sends it to me next monday that will be great. If not, i might go ahead and buy it after reading more feedback on it.
After reading that NA i not getting a day 1 edition/Pre-order DLC i canceled my Pre-order. Very sad that Namco Bandi is giving us the shaft in regards to the costume DLC that we wont even be able to buy here(Without shelling out 130 for the CE). I will pick up the game when it is $20 or less on PSN or Amazon. Please dont do this in the future as i enjoy the tales series but not enough to put up with a company that does not care about its customers.
Tales of is my favorite series! You guys at Namco Bandai have been doing things right for a LONG time and are improving every year. Huge fan since the GBA release of Tales of Phantasia – My first Tales of…. title.
Dark Souls II – Day 1
Xillia 2 – Day 1
Sword Art Online – Day 1
Tales of Hearts R – Day 1
Tales of Zestiria – will be Day 1
Tales of Innocence R ? :D
Thank you for all you do and please keep the localization momentum the way it has been going! Very excited!
I’m excited for this game. Can’t wait to play!
what is Ryumoau saying is that to get thos dlc costumes we have to get the collector edition and it cost like 130$ when in EU psn store you can pre-order it for 53% and it come with these costumes and 3 dynamic themes this is not fair and the game is coming out in 4 days and it’s not even added to the us store……….
Thanks so for much for the video re-cap! I was just telling my wife last night that I couldn’t remember everything from the end of Xilla and needed a refresher. So this is perfect!
I love the Tales series and really appreciate Namco’s support of the series in the West, I’m putting my Xillia 2 Collector’s Edition next to the CE I have from the first game and have Hearts-R on order at Gamestop! Its a great year to be a Tales fan. Thanks again for the video and all the great games!
So the bonus costume DLC is really limited to the CE in the US? I guess I won’t be getting Xillia 2 any time soon then if I’m stuck with an incomplete package. A shame too, ’cause I loved Xillia, I love the Tales series, and the biggest reason I pre-ordered the last two was because of the day one editions. Locking bonuses like that behind CEs that are twice the price of the normal game is a poor choice, I think.
But still hoping for Hearts R I suppose!
I’m super excited for Hearts R. ESPECIALLY because it will be SUBBED and not dubbed. Ugh I hate dubs. The dub of Tales of the Abyss pretty much ruined the whole game for me.
Shame this is dub only.
Well Baba already confirmed that he’ll try to push the JPN audio more starting with Zesteria.
Xillia has one of the best seiyuu cast ever(Miyuki Sawashiro, Tomokazu Sugita, Daisuke Ono etc)
I do hope you consider putting both Xillia 1 and Xillia 2 JPN audio up on store. Don’t mind paying even if it’s $15.
Guess i’ll stuck with Tales of Hearts R first :P
Hell yeah JP voices FTW!
Will the Madoka Magica costumes be available for the English release?
Thank you for bringing these games over! I have Tales of Hearts R and Tales of Xillia 2 pre-ordered and will do the same with Zestiria.
Regarding japanese/english voices, I don’t really have a preference, as long as we get these games localized in some form. If english voiceovers are a deal breaker, then I’ll gladly take japanese voices.
Awesome! can’t wait for this and Tales of Hearts!
All of you that say you either canceled a preorder or wont buy the game JUST because you dont get costumes or its not subbed make me laugh can’t you just enjoy a game and be glad its coming out? SMH
Yes…..I doubt I will get this till I finish Xilla original. I have yet to even start Chronicles and Graces.
Halfway through my Innocence 3DS import……ugh.
Tales of Xillia is awesome, but I was hoping for this to come to PS4. This new gen is really hurting for RPGs…
i just picked it yesterday cant wait to play it.at least bandai namco is nice enough to listen to their fans and try to make them happy unlike other publishers
thank u bandai namco i appreciate ur hard work
I bought ToX and ToG F too, because I wanted to support you and your great work. But now you release the 3rd main title of the Tales of series and still no japanese voice option!
Sorry but no buy this time I am not willing to support this.
But if Tales of Zestiria has a dual voice option then you can count on me.
Anyone know when will I get my Tales of Xilla 1 DLC in Tales of Xilla 2? The game said as thanks for having DLC from the first game they are now available in this one. I read else where that you have to complete the prologue first to unlock them. I bought several DLCs for the first game including the 3 Gald ones to give me 900,000 gald. I just began Ch. 3 and nothing yet.
PLEASE consider a Tales of Zestiria PS4 port! by the time it comes out the PS4 will be almost a two year old console and the userbase has been growing steadily. They’ve made the same announcements with Persona 5 and Dragon Quest Heroes so there will be an audience hungry for more Japanese RPG’s I think :)