Hello PlayStation Nation!
I just got off the stage from my first-ever appearance during a PlayStation E3 press conference and my adrenaline is still pumping. What a rush! Thank you for such a warm welcome — both at the venue and online. Your enthusiasm is truly infectious.
The team at PlayStation wanted to make one thing very clear during tonight’s event: that PlayStation is, and will always be, the best place to play. We’re accomplishing this by listening closely to what you want most from next gen gaming and fostering a vibrant community that shares your same passions. All of the announcements we made tonight were centered on delivering the richest, most innovative gaming experiences that simply can’t be found on any other platform.
This was punctuated tonight by some amazing “only on” PlayStation 4 titles, such as Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, The Order: 1886, Bloodbourne, LittleBigPlanet 3, and Entwined… a fascinating new game that’s available tonight for PS4 in the PlayStation Store.
We also showed that the biggest games coming from the best developers in the industry will be played first and better on PlayStation. For example, PS4 customers will have exclusive access to a special Destiny First Look Alpha starting this Thursday and PlayStation owners will be the first to play the full Destiny Beta when it launches on July 17. In addition to a ton of exclusive content, we also unveiled a special Destiny bundle that features the first-ever white PS4 (it looks incredible!), the game and 30 days free of PlayStation Plus.
Our play it better theme continued during the press conference when Batman: Arkham Knight displayed some amazing gameplay footage and a special bonus: “Scarecrow Nightmare Missions” that will only be available on PlayStation. Our friends at Ubisoft unveiled the co-op mode for Far Cry 4 and announced that when you buy the game on either PS3 or PS4 you can invite your PSN friends to join you even if they don’t own the game. Rockstar Games also joined us onstage to announce that Grand Theft Auto V, one of the best games of 2013, is coming to PS4. Plus, the current community of PS3 players, and Xbox 360 players will have the ability to transfer their GTA Online progress and online characters to the PS4.

While content is king at PlayStation, access is also very important and we’re making it easier than ever to access our famous game libraries. The PlayStation Now open beta on PS4 will officially begin on July 31, giving PS4 owners access to over a hundred PS3 titles…and access to PS Now will be extended to PS3, PS Vita and select Sony TVs very soon. We also introduced PlayStation TV for the North American market. Beginning this holiday season, you’ll be able to use PlayStation TV to play PS4 games via Remote Play, play PS3 games available in PS Now and, of course, play select PS Vita titles, PSP titles and PS One classics.
One of my favorite moments of the night was seeing Brian Michael Bendis onstage providing an update for the upcoming Powers series that will be available exclusively on our network. Staying true to our vision, we selected Powers because of its strong appeal among gamers, and with the help from the incredible talent at Sony Pictures, it will be available this December. The first episode is free for all PSN users in the United States and PS Plus members in the US will get the entire season for free.
Thank you again for your passion and commitment to PlayStation. You’re our inspiration for every new innovation we bring across our hardware platforms, game development and network services. And while E3 is certainly an exciting week for all of us, I look forward to sharing more news in the near future.
It’s going to be an incredible journey.
E3 ’14: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Trailer
The Order: 1886 E3 Trailer Revealed, New Enemy Emerges
Bloodborne: FromSoftware’s PS4 Debut
LittleBigPlanet 3 Coming to PS4 This November
No Man’s Sky Coming to PS4, New Trailer Revealed
Far Cry 4 Co-op Modes Detailed
YouTube Coming to PS4 This Year
inFAMOUS First Light Coming to PS4 this August
Dead Island 2 Coming to PS4, Beta Revealed
Entwined Announced, Out Now on PS4
The Last of Us Remastered Coming July 29th to PS4
Ratchet & Clank Announced for PS4
Battlefield Hardline: Sign Up for PS4 Closed Beta
Tetris Ultimate Announced for PS Vita, Coming This Fall
Devolver Digital: Updates on 6 Upcoming PlayStation Games
I did not have high expactations regarding PlayStation Vita, but I got really disappointed though. Not even one good game announced, no love from Sony. I really do not want to say bye bye Vita, but Sony seems to do anything to get me to do so.
Sony! Look at all of those comments regarding PlayStation Vita! Hear us, the gamers! We want games! BIG Games!
The most exciting thing for me was that they showed my letter. Also Bloodborne.
@151/152. If it’s a big game you want, that’s fine. Look at Freedom Wars.
If it’s AAA, then like many Western gamers, you’re asking for too much, too fast, and something that they’ll never see returns on. Remember when you guy ACreed Liberation? And then you got mad because they put it on console because it didn’t sell anything?
That’s how EVERYTHING would go.
My only general complaint of E3, is the trailers. This has been going on way too long. Ever since CGI became the big thing. I can’t speak for all gamers, but I do know many that view this the same way. Please don’t just show us a cut scene(s) that is way better looking than the actually game play.
I would rather see 30 seconds of game play, than even a 10 minute cut scene. Who are you fooling with those scenes? The game play won’t look like that. Of course, the game play and cut scenes are getting harder to tell the difference between. The other, more important, issue is that it doesn’t really say anything about the game, other than possible plots and settings.
With Uncharted, I suppose it’s fine, because we (the fans) know the general game play of that game, unless they decide to really change things up (and I don’t mean small upgrades to the game play). But games such as Bloodborne; the trailer tells us nothing, except the game settings is possible during the middle ages? and it has *yawn* zombies.
#RIPPSVITA Why are you killing your handheld console, Sony? Are you just cutting your losses without a fight? You fought for the PSP, why not the Vita? You created the best handheld gaming console in the world then you just let it die? Why?
Anyway, Sony, you guys are still the best! Thank you for all you do! Of course, there is going to be bumps in the road, like Vita, but you can only do what is possible. Again, Thank You!
@156 Because in the end, Nintendo’s style still wins? Inexpensive, well-established franchises that you can stick it’s name on it, make it based on party-style gaming and get tons of players automatically to buy it?
PSP wasn’t bad for business, Vita is the equivilent of the Wii U. Vita AAA games are also as expensive as console AAA with less return.
Sony my Vita is my primary gaming device. I have over 40 retail games plus digital purchases for this device. I knew not to get my hopes up after last years E3 time devoted to the Vita. I still expected something more than what you guys mentioned. I have not purchased a PS4 yet but let me say this. If Nintendo makes a nice showing of games for the upcoming year I will be buying my son a WiiU before making any other major purchases. I really hope you guys care about your customers because the Vita owners are speaking and have every reason to do so.
VITA TV!!! YEEAAAHHHH!!! Thank you Sony! I guess I’ll have to call it PlayStation TV now.
I wish the Vita had more games and support though!
Sony, when you talk about hearing your fans loud and clear I guess you weren’t including Vita owners.
You might not be aware but Sony has a device called the Playstation Vita. It’s the successor the PSP. It’s essentially a handheld gaming system. You also previously announced three games; Agent, Last Guardian and Until Dawn.
Just thought I’d remind you because you seemed to have forgotten about them!
so many troll kids on here after the PRE-E3 show.
Remember this, Sony:
We will NEVER forget what you did to VITA fans last night… NEVER.
Sony is dead to US!!!!
Reiterating my disappointment in regards to the Vita’s showing at the conference, since my initial comment was deleted. Understand that I, as someone from the UK, had to stay up until 4AM to see your conference through. As a Vita owner, I was extremely disappointed. Not one new exclusive.
You made it a point to keep saying you listen to your fans and you take on board our feedback, so I will hold you to that. Hear the Vita owners. Give us a reason to stay on Vita. Give us a game you can only play on Vita. Let’s see how quickly you take on the feedback of all of the disappointed Vita users.
You keep saying “PlayStation is the best place to play” but that only rings true on PS3 and PS4. Why don’t you give us Vita owners something to look forward to? Last year we had Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway on the horizon. This year, we have nothing equivalent to that.
I don’t know why I’m wasting my time, since you’re probably never going to read this comment. But on the off-chance that you do, understand that I, and many others, expect much more from the most powerful dedicated handheld games console on the market. Thank you for your time.
Talk less, show more. You had some AMAZING things to announce this year, and you marred it with an hour’s talk about meaningless buzzwords and boring number values.
Jack Tretton > Shawn Layden
As I said before sony need to leave the protable space to the 3ds, nintendo knows how to promote their handheld, sony does not. Still love my vita never the less, just a disappointed with treatment its getting from the west, and playstation tv wont make a difference. Lack of bigger titles from the west, lack of advertisement and the memory card price would always keep the vita in the huge shadows of the 3ds.
Do you really think that we dont get it? We know it is not profitable to make AAA games for Vita. But who do you think the fault is?? Sony’s. They let the things get to this point. And i’m sorry if you are the kind of person that accept everything that life throws at you, but i’m not. I know what Sony did last night was wrong, and i’m going to fight for what is right. I wont accept this. I’m not the kind of person that say: ” Well, that’s just the way it is.” No! I,m not that weak. In life, we must fight for the right things, even if the system is against us. Even the smallest things.
Things are NOT just the way it is!
That’s what THEY want you to believe!
We will NEVER forget, Sony!
Not enough love for Vita in my opinion.
Should have at least shown already announced Oreshika and Freedom Wars.
Renaming Vita TV to PlayStation TV is just disheartening. Do you really want to kill Vita that badly? It could have been your chance to make Vita a household name in the states. I love Vita and I love the games I am getting and will get in the future, but Sony’s lack of love for it seriously bums me out.
The idea that “AAA games don’t work on Vita” doesn’t make sense anyway. Killzone world great, for example.
The AC we got was a buggy mess and needed a lot more work. Our Uncharted was, like any launch title, needlessly filled with gimmicks.
Try making some games NOW, without any gimmicks, without releasing them as broken games, and people WILL buy them.
And don’t make a presentation about the Playstation freaking Camera before even properly mentioning the Vita next year. Good lord that was insulting.
“Your main form of gaming means less to us than this optional addon for PS4.”
That’s the message you gave us last night with that “show.”
You can do better. The 3DS shows handhelds CAN sell, the problem is that, Sony, you just aren’t trying.
The Last Guardian please sony .
To be clear. I don’t mind Sony focusing on PS4. That’s cool, I like the PS4 too and it’s great how well it’s doing. All I’m saying is why not give some time for Vita too? Give it well deserved spotlight as well, showcase games for it too and make some for it on your own. I’m not saying they should put all their focus on Vita but giving Powers more time is just incredible insulting to me. Not even showing one game by them like Freedom Wars and Oreshika is just deplorable.
They even removed the “Vita” name from PlayStation (Vita) TV? =(
You know what? I haven’t been happy with Nintendo for years – but I’ll give them credit for one big thing. They stick to their guns.
The Wii U isn’t selling. But do they ignore it? Do they pretend it doesn’t exist? No. They keep making games for it. They keep marketing it. They keep TRYING.
That’s the kind of thing that, even if unsuccessful, will guarantee customer loyalty. It makes customers who own that system feel like Nintendo isn’t just supporting the console – they’re supporting them. They’re doing it for “them.”
How you’re treating the Vita, however, is a completely different story.
It’s kind of sad to see Sony almost completely abandonning the Vita. Well, if they aren’t it certainly doesn’t look like it. They seem more interested in selling the Vita as some sort of PS4 accessory, than a true handheld platform.
They didn’t even mentionned that the Ratchet & Clank trilogy was coming to the Vita (mentionned in the Euro PS blog). No word on Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition from Devolver Digital either, despite them mentionning via twitter a while ago that the title was sent to Sony. No words on Moto Gp 14 either. Also, a new Monster Hunter has been announced for the Vita in Japan and this is a title that the Vita would really need over here. No mention of this either?
Sure, Grim Fandango is a pleasant surprise, as is Tetris, and we already knew about Minecraft and Child of Light (which is great), but come on Sony. And even regarding the PS TV… You didn’t think of a better game than the Lego Movie Game? Lego Games were great on the PSP and Vita up to Lego Batman 2. What happenned?
All the stuff for PS4 is great. But seriously Sony, you have the best handheld platform on the market… and look what you’re doing with it. How depressing.
VITA….. We will not forget this Sony ! ZERO EXCLUSIVE GAMES ANNOUNCED FOR VITA … indies suck . Even SONY JAPAN does a greater job handling the vita. And you couldn’t even spare few minutes to promote your first party titles like FREEDOM WARS , ORESHIKA: TAINED BLOODLINES .. so much for your vita love… NOBODY WANTS AN ACCESSORY , A STEAMING DEVICE . WE WANT NEW VITA GAMES THAT ARE NOT INDIES ,PORTS… WE WANT SOMETHING NEW LIKE FREEDOM WARS, ORESHIKA . Even nintendo is making exclusives for WIIU….
If you can’t make new games for vita , then atleast localize VITA GAMES FROM JAPAN on help/support ATLUS and other localization teams/ to bring more games to WEST.
A respectable showing this year for PS4, but I see Vita is still on life support :(
Stop deleting comments about the lack of Vita support.
If you feel so empty
So used up so let down
If you feel so angry
So ripped off so stepped on
You’re not the only one
Refusing to back down
You’re not the only one
So get up
Let’s start a riot, a riot
Let’s start a riot
Let’s start a riot, a riot
Let’s start a riot
2014. The year the PS Vita died.
I was excited about the PS Now announcement until they put out their press release that basically states the only option they are going to offer at launch is a rental model. I bought in to the PS4 because of PS Now and the announcement that it would be a subscription service that would allow me to play the games I loved from my PS3. Oh well might be time to look at invest in an XBOne :o(
f you feel so empty
So used up so let down
If you feel so angry
So ripped off so stepped on
You’re not the only one
Refusing to back down
You’re not the only one
So get up
Let’s start a riot, a riot
Let’s start a riot
Let’s start a riot, a riot
Let’s start a riot
Don’t get me wrong, I am glad of the relationship Sony has developed with Indies, however I didn’t by a $400 machine just to play them.
Missed Opportunities: You guys took the time to talk about original content, specifically the Ratchet movie that will release alongside a reimagined Ratchet game. While I enjoyed this news I was hoping that this treatment would have been given to Heavenly Sword. According to the official movie website, it is scheduled to release this month…yet there was no mention of it. Also Last Guardian?
While I wasn’t expecting much from Vita this E3, I wasn’t expecting it to be an after thought. One day I hope to work for PlayStation. I have many ideas for old, existing, and new franchises that it’s frustrating to watch this E3 and feel as though creativity is dead. Hopefully Gamescom will prove to be more exciting
While I would love to see new IPs, I do feel as though PlayStation is sitting on many underused franchises. Heavenly Sword, LAIR, PSABR, Legend of Dragoon, Patapon, etc. are all really great franchises IMO. While a few of these titles may have been a critical/commercial flop, it is frustrating to see so much potential in these franchises and they are never used.
L.A.I.R. – Before the haters begin just hear me out. With the popularity of Game of Thrones and Skyrim, it is the perfect time to reintroduce L.A.I.R. with entirely new mechanics / genre. I think re-imagining LAIR as a cinematic experience / open world setting, along with the ability to engage in combat off of your dragon, would prove to be an extremely enjoyable experience. Thanks for listening.
I would have liked more gameplay footage, other than that great job PlayStation.
PS VITA = PS4 luxury accessory
VITA TV!!! *spins in chair*
Was really looking forward to see if any announcements were going to be made regarding this before importing it from Japan. A little disappointed in the name change but regardless it’s still the same machine as the Japanese counterpart, so I’ll be getting this when they are available, saves me on importing at least.
Hope to see some more game announcements later on, maybe see some demos of some of the already announced stuff.
Very disappointed that there is no mp3, audio cd, 3d bluray or dlna coming to the ps4. Nor any support for Logitech remotes.
It’s a shame that you gave more time to Lexi Luthor talking about the show Powers, than you did to the PS Vita. Priorities Sony, Priorities.
Such a shame the vita got nothing good at all again ! might as well discontinue it as a portable and market it as a ps4 accessory
never buying a Sony portable again since they don’t seem to give a **** about it at all
Here is a hint you own GT how about giving us that and working on a gta from rockstar and if you want to shove remakes up are *** at lest give us good ones like the last of us
Makes me more than a little sad for my favorite Sony console, the Playstation Vita, to mostly be swept aside as a remote playstation.
There are so many games coming out this year that could have been briefly showcased in a highlight reel or something…
That said I am not worried about Vita’s future – I think it will end up being a solid success by the end of its life cycle just as the PS3 was.
Wasn’t overly impressed this year, seemed to fall a bit flat IMO. Not much in the way of compelling new AAA PS4 titles. Uncharted, The Order, and Batman look interesting, but of these only Uncharted is “new” from an announcement perspective.
Nothing interesting for Vita at all. No AAA titles, just more indie stuff. Trying to position it as a way to play PS4 games while someone else uses the TV sounds good on paper, but in practice it’s not an ideal experience due to the small screen size combined with differences in available controls.
US-only TV content is utterly meaningless to non-US customers. Can’t watch Powers in Canada so don’t care at all, meaningless.
Playstation TV looks interesting, probably a more viable PS4 remote-play option than the Vita, so one more reason to not buy a Vita for those who don’t have one… :-(
BTW, the PS4 E3 app was a total joke. Why even bother? Just streamed SpikeTV from my iPad to the AppleTV via Airplay. Looked way better and didn’t require a 350MB download for yet more US-only content.
Sometimes I wonder if Sony realizes that the US isn’t the entire world….
I was hoping for some kind of inFamous game for the Vita, but was let down with inFamous DLC for PS4. I was then let down again when there were no actual exclusive Vita games being released, just indies, most of which I already own on the PC.
While I am satisfied with my Vita purchase, I wish Sony would support it further with actual new games and not just indies and collections of PS2 games. Yes, Sony did a better job than Nintendo, since we’re actually allowed to play PS1 and PS2 games as opposed to Nintendo who restricts the 3DS to just NES and Gameboy games, but new games would be nice.