Hello PlayStation Nation!
I just got off the stage from my first-ever appearance during a PlayStation E3 press conference and my adrenaline is still pumping. What a rush! Thank you for such a warm welcome — both at the venue and online. Your enthusiasm is truly infectious.
The team at PlayStation wanted to make one thing very clear during tonight’s event: that PlayStation is, and will always be, the best place to play. We’re accomplishing this by listening closely to what you want most from next gen gaming and fostering a vibrant community that shares your same passions. All of the announcements we made tonight were centered on delivering the richest, most innovative gaming experiences that simply can’t be found on any other platform.
This was punctuated tonight by some amazing “only on” PlayStation 4 titles, such as Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, The Order: 1886, Bloodbourne, LittleBigPlanet 3, and Entwined… a fascinating new game that’s available tonight for PS4 in the PlayStation Store.
We also showed that the biggest games coming from the best developers in the industry will be played first and better on PlayStation. For example, PS4 customers will have exclusive access to a special Destiny First Look Alpha starting this Thursday and PlayStation owners will be the first to play the full Destiny Beta when it launches on July 17. In addition to a ton of exclusive content, we also unveiled a special Destiny bundle that features the first-ever white PS4 (it looks incredible!), the game and 30 days free of PlayStation Plus.
Our play it better theme continued during the press conference when Batman: Arkham Knight displayed some amazing gameplay footage and a special bonus: “Scarecrow Nightmare Missions” that will only be available on PlayStation. Our friends at Ubisoft unveiled the co-op mode for Far Cry 4 and announced that when you buy the game on either PS3 or PS4 you can invite your PSN friends to join you even if they don’t own the game. Rockstar Games also joined us onstage to announce that Grand Theft Auto V, one of the best games of 2013, is coming to PS4. Plus, the current community of PS3 players, and Xbox 360 players will have the ability to transfer their GTA Online progress and online characters to the PS4.

While content is king at PlayStation, access is also very important and we’re making it easier than ever to access our famous game libraries. The PlayStation Now open beta on PS4 will officially begin on July 31, giving PS4 owners access to over a hundred PS3 titles…and access to PS Now will be extended to PS3, PS Vita and select Sony TVs very soon. We also introduced PlayStation TV for the North American market. Beginning this holiday season, you’ll be able to use PlayStation TV to play PS4 games via Remote Play, play PS3 games available in PS Now and, of course, play select PS Vita titles, PSP titles and PS One classics.
One of my favorite moments of the night was seeing Brian Michael Bendis onstage providing an update for the upcoming Powers series that will be available exclusively on our network. Staying true to our vision, we selected Powers because of its strong appeal among gamers, and with the help from the incredible talent at Sony Pictures, it will be available this December. The first episode is free for all PSN users in the United States and PS Plus members in the US will get the entire season for free.
Thank you again for your passion and commitment to PlayStation. You’re our inspiration for every new innovation we bring across our hardware platforms, game development and network services. And while E3 is certainly an exciting week for all of us, I look forward to sharing more news in the near future.
It’s going to be an incredible journey.
E3 ’14: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Trailer
The Order: 1886 E3 Trailer Revealed, New Enemy Emerges
Bloodborne: FromSoftware’s PS4 Debut
LittleBigPlanet 3 Coming to PS4 This November
No Man’s Sky Coming to PS4, New Trailer Revealed
Far Cry 4 Co-op Modes Detailed
YouTube Coming to PS4 This Year
inFAMOUS First Light Coming to PS4 this August
Dead Island 2 Coming to PS4, Beta Revealed
Entwined Announced, Out Now on PS4
The Last of Us Remastered Coming July 29th to PS4
Ratchet & Clank Announced for PS4
Battlefield Hardline: Sign Up for PS4 Closed Beta
Tetris Ultimate Announced for PS Vita, Coming This Fall
Devolver Digital: Updates on 6 Upcoming PlayStation Games
I must agree with the Vita owners who have already posted. I am disheartened about the lack of interest, support, and overall presentation of the Vita at the conference. To be blunt, it was an embarrassment. I also find it rather amusing that you have decided to drop the “Vita” name from the new named “Playstation TV”. Call me cynical but I think that alone tells the gaming community and Vita owners specifically about how Sony North America views the Vita.
Overall a good presser but I think your opponent did a better job focusing on games. I’m a huge Powers fan but didn’t need to hear that at the conference, they could have just announced that on the side here. The interacting with games on Twitch, we already do that. Could have knocked it out the park by getting rid of that middle section and bringing us a news on the games we’ve been waiting for:
Planetside 2
Last Guardian
A new Syphon Filter
Crash Bandicoot
Anything for Vita you didn’t already announce elsewhere
Anyhow hopefully we’re hear something soon. Best of luck.
All i have to say is you guys sound like entitled spoil brats, first its there’s no games on PS4. Now its there’s no games and support on Vita. Im happy with the new announcements and I can’t wait to play all of those games on my PS4 and my Vita. Tales of Hearts R can’t wait.
@107 microsoft didn’t focus 100 percent on games either they took time to talk about Ridley Scotts involvement in his series on xbox one tv
Yep, and that’s why the next console I purchase probably won’t be a ps4, but a Nintendo DS. I hate even saying that, but it has so many great games it’s not even funny. I usually game on the go because between work and just life in general, I’m rarely home unless it’s to get ready for work, eat, and sleep. that’s how a lot of us hardworking people have to make ends meet, so gaming on the go is what works for a lot of us. If sony can’t make that work, then I’ll go with someone who can. Mi know sony probably views the big console sales as all important, but I’ve purchased lots of vita. If it’s decent, I own it. Digital especially.
I’m been drooling over bravely default, monster hunter, and others on the DS, so it’s not like that’s a hard decision.
You can upgrade your PC and play older PC games, (kinda depends on how old they are actually) but you certainly can NOT just put in a game designed for Mac (PS3) an throw it into a Windows machine (PS4)
The PS3 is so cheap why even bother complaining there’s no backwards compatbility?
PS3s were 600 and now you can get a PS3 and a PS4 for that price.
Spoiled brats? I don’t even own a ps4 some could care less what they’re doing for it right now. Dont you it’s possible that many of the people asking for vita support don’t even own a ps4?
You know… it’s funny.
I look at the comments on this page, and all I see is “SONY DIDN’T ANNOUNCE ANY NEW VITA GAMES!! WAAAAAAAH!!!”
Sony is shooting themselves in the foot with the Vita. They glanced over it like it was the playstation move. I can understand if they decided not to talk about the PS3 because it’s old hardware but come on now. I thought they discontinued the PSP not the Vita. Even that Power BS and yearly stats got more airtime then the Vita. If you are going to try to convince someone to buy a $200 dollar device and drop another $40 to buy a DECENT memory card, you dam well should promote it a LOT better. I shouldn’t have to learn about games the day of their release to wonder if I want to buy it.
You can always sell your vita if you are that dissatisfied. You should of know that the number one priority for these conferences were the consoles. That’s life, you can’t have everything. Welcome to the real world. That’s how business works.
I don’t think you get it…at least not the Vita perspective. “No games and support on the Vita” isn’t exactly new – it’s TWO YEARS OLD, AND COUNTING.
The Playstation Vita reportedly has an attach rate of TEN (hint: most consoles are profitable at an attach rate of 2) yet the name is apparently so damn abhorrent to Sony that they had to delete it from the “Playstation TV”. That is a kick in the f***ing balls to the people who have been voluntarily trying to push Sony’s hardware for them. Seriously, pretending the Vita doesn’t exist is even worse than outright ignoring the Vita.
Please Sony, if you’re pulling the plug, come out clean and just say it. But if you’re not pulling the plug, then don’t do dumb **** that just craps on your small but extremely loyal fanbase.
“We will NOT forget this.”
For me, Uncharted 4 means this press conference was nothing but extraordinary. Bonus was seeing Arkham Knight in action.
@116 You are over reacting with games like Tales of Hearts R coming out they are hardly pulling the plug on vita. Actually you are all over reacting to be honest
@Lestat….like Interview with the Vampire, you’re a big disappointment.
We’re brats for wanting Sony to put out content for the $200 device we bought? Glad money and getting value mean nothing to you, but to us “brats”, they mean something.
Sony has been promising Vita owners that great things are right around the corner. The only thing around the corner right now is the dump truck coming to haul our Vita’s away.
So pardon us while we seek more content for one of our consoles. I’m not apologizing, and no one else here will either.
Instead….NEVER FORGET. NONE of us will forget.
Other than the middle, you got me excited!
You’re saying that ALL Vita owners in this topic are wrong?
You are the ONLY ONE here that is right?
Well, there is something wrong here..
It’s really a shame though. Such a good handheld. *sigh*
It’s either one or the other you can’t have both 120, Sony is focusing on the PS4 for right now. There are other cons coming soon, us vita owners are in the minority. They are addressing the shortage of games on PS4 first. Consoles are a priority and should be before handhelds. 400 dollars over a 200 dollar device should be first priority.
I’m not saying any of this “never forget” stuff or overreacting, but yeah, it would be nice to see it get some love when you see Nintendo pushing the heck out of their handheld. Like I said, I’m cool with seeing the classics library open up, and I’m good with that alone. Tons of stuff there if they’d put it out. Having spent so much to buy the system and then have to drop close to a hundred bucks for a decent sized and extremely overpriced memory card, it would be nice to see a little more support for it, that’s all.
122 im just being realistic, and im saying sony hasn’t forgotten about vita. If they wanted to drop they would drop it, but last time i check there are still great games coming out for it. You are all just simply overreacting.
@125, you couldn’t be more wrong. MOBILITY is what it’s all about these days. The Vita holds a great advantage over consoles like PS4 and X1 because of its mobility. People download games like crazy on the iPhone and Android. Those units CLEAN UP.
MOBILITY, Lestat person.
If Sony gave a rat’s behind, the Vita would rule the day.
Don’t talk garbage, please.
@125 if sony pushes the vita and focuses less on ps4 then they could possibly have a declining console, and a failing handheld. That’s not good. It be worse then nintendos situation with the Wii U, since both handheld and console would be failing. I rather have them focus whats important first, is covering the shortage of games on ps4 which the majority are asking for, then cover the minority with more vita games.
I’d have to agree with 124. Ps4 is newer and should take more attention. But something like ps1 classics library is open, or heck, somehow making ps2 titles run on a vita. That would open up tons of possibilities with digital content. Just something to show that the vita has life left in it as it’s own console and not an accessory to the ps4. Truthfully that’s all I Want to see. I can live with a couple worthwhile new games each year if I could draw from that awesome library.
You’re telling me a company like Sony can’t focus on two consoles at the same time? PS4 AND Vita is just too much?
OMG, gimme a break.
@126 i get your point, but:
If something is wrong, if something is unfair, we must fight to turn it fair/right.
Its simple as that.
That’s what we are doing.
We are not overreacting, we are fighting for our beloved console PS Vita.
Fighting for me, for you, and for all PS Vita owners.
We need to do a huge pressure on Sony.
We need some actions.
And no, Sony, we wont forget.
@119: Agreed!
There are more important things to be upset about than the lack of Vita news…
…like the lack of news pertaining to MP3 support and DLNA on PS4.
As a Vita owner, I can understand some of the frustration. However, Sony’s main competitor is Microsoft, and with Microsoft claiming they would focus on games early on, Sony had to reply with a PS4-focused presser. Nintendo can’t do that, and will focus on their portable. Sony has far from given up on the Vita, but to think they would put more focus into it than the PS4 is ridiculous. I play on my Vita more than any other console with the games I have on there, and I can’t complain. In the end, it’s a handheld, and I’d take the few(very very few I mean) exclusives it has over Nintendo’s childhood franchises.
Just to clarify : Borderlands 2 on a handheld, Minecraft(soon) on a handheld, Grim Fandango(!!!!!), Killzone:Mercenary(Basically a PS3 FPS on a handheld), AC:Liberation(Not amazing, but AC on a handheld), Gravity Rush(enough said), Gravity Rush 2(to be announced at TGS), Soul Sacrifice, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, NFS and the list goes on.
What more do you expect from a handheld? Buy a PS4 if you want big hitters like GoW/Destiny/Infamous.
I’m not saying they have to focus all of this attention making new games for the vita (that’s just me personally) but heck, you have an amazing catalogue of ps1 and psp titles, make them available! About a month agp, many were able to download ps1 games to their vitas that they normally couldn’t, and then they went away. Why?! That drove me nuts. I’m not saying they need to focus on making new content for the vita and take away for the ps4. I don’t expect that at all, but for me personally, I want to play those older games on the go. Many are great, they’re cheap, and there’s a lot to choose from.
@Lestadelioncort I’m a PS4 owner, and I didn’t complain about the available PS4 games, in fact I’m grateful that thanks to PS Plus I was able to try some good games.
But the PS Vita is already two years old, and the AAA support, while not entirely inexistant, do has been quite scarce. 3rd party support from big developers has been specially lacking for a while now.
I feel very grateful to indie developers and small publishers who keep bringing niche japanese games to the west. But unfortunately this console needs far more support in order to survive as stand alone handheld, rather than an accesory for the PS4 or PS Now.
“We will NOT forget this.”
I think our only hope for the Vita, sadly, is Playstation Now. If I’m reading correctly, you should be able to stream PS3 library titles to your Vita.
Help us, Playstation Now, you’re our only hope.
And before I go to bed…..we will NEVER forget Sony….we shall never forget this night of shame.
I’d be perfectly with borderlands 2 for a looooong time, expect for the fact that it’s next to unplayable. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I’ve had weapons dissapearing from my inventory, text appear as rainbow blocks, characters and backgrounds appear as rainbow blocks, sound cut out completely, glitchy teleporting, and all kinds of other issues that I had to just turn it off and wait for a patch, of that even happens. I love borderlands, and I expected this one to keep me going for months and months. I can live with just one or two big titles on my vita (mlb the show is a yearly purchase that takes up time year round anyways for me on the vita), but borderlands is just too messed up to enjoy right now.
“but to think they would put more focus into it than the PS4 is ridiculous.”
No one here has EVER said that we want them to put more focus on Vita than the PS4.
We just want some NEW GREAT games.
Sony didnt gave us NOTHING this E3.
Nothing huge.. Nothing to help the sales of Vita.
Not even ONE…
We cant a future to Ps Vita!
Something to wait for…
Its simple..
We want a future to Ps Vita!*
Say it, Frodomec….say it for us again……
Shoot, if Sony would just port over more atlus and nis titles, they’d be set here in the west. That was the one thing the psp had going for it was a ton of jrpg titles you couldn’t get elsewhere.
And how about final fantasy type-0?
No VITA love? Ok I’m sad :(
Uncharted 4 Though!
I need some sleep, but, again:
No, Sony, we wont forget.
Great lineup for E3. Though it was sort of disappointing since there was no Final Fantasy XV. I really wanted to see that at the very least there.
I also really wanted to see new games for the PS Vita. The Vita TV is fun and all, but games will help more than new technology.
Thanks Frodomec….wanted to hear it one more time :)
We are united….and no Sony, we won’t forget.
Shame on You SONY!! Where are the AAA games to PS Vita?? We’re really disappointed!!
Not even close. iPhone and Android exist in the gaming market for two reasons. One, the Adroid/iPhone games are CHEAP. They are not only expensive, but poor quality. Easy to make for cheap and sell for cheap/free and sell it cheap and/or with microtransactions. Would you like microtransactions too? No? Didn’t think so.
Know why else games sell great on smartphones? Because people already have them. It is quite LITERALLY that simple.
Vita has neither of these. People don’t have them, and their entire fanbase whines about indies, much less truly cheap microtransaction riddled poor quality farces that phones produce. Considering the iPhone/Android has more free to play games than anything sans PC, downloads mean nothing in terms of games downloaded on mobile.
I own a Vita and I think it’s really fun but I want games for my Vita. Waiting on localizations isn’t very fun. I’d like some Sony support for Western developers too.
And RPG’s! I want to play more of those. Can’t afford a PS4 yet.
Still no BC PS4 and PSP2 gets brushed over. Weak.
It sucked. No way to go around that.
Ya’ll didn’t even give the Vita 5 minutes. Really disappointing, Sony.
Dear Sony, have you forget? You have a handheld console, called Vita, there are some games for this system, you should show something for that 7-8 million m0r0ns, whose bought it and still supporting you, for NOTHING.
I see, you don’t care about Vita, so I don’t care about you either. I won’t buy a single game for Vita and I hope some team will break up it’s protection soon!
Batman gameplay video
Farcry 4 gameplay video
MK X gameplay video
These should all be here in the Blog.
@ 11 honkayjeezus – Uuuhh because they wanted to save the best for last?…that’s not a guess.
i afraid hackers would hack our accounts again because of lame Sony’s E3 and not supporting Vita.
Where is the Vita love? Only Tetris and some Indie games? Where are the AAA games? I thought that there would be something like GTA (from Rockstar) or Infamous for Vita. This is rather disappointing. PS4 on the other hand got a lot of love (Ratchet and Clank: big yes).