Hi there. It’s been a really long time since I put out a blog post, but I have a good piece of news to pass along — The Sly Collection is launching today on PS Vita!
Now you can play all of the Sly Cooper games on the go. The Sly Collection is a single purchase that features the original Sly Cooper, Sly 2: Band of Thieves, and Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves — for just $29.99! All three games have been remastered in widescreen HD and look amazing on the Vita’s screen.
In the first game we’re introduced to Sly Cooper and his gang as they battle his arch nemesis Clockwerk. From there the gang must fight against Clockwerk’s resurrection by the Klaww Gang in Sly 2: Band of Thieves. Finally in Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, Sly and the gang must pull together an even bigger team of old friends and foes to take down the evil Doctor M.
Millions of gamers have enjoyed the Sly Cooper experience over the years. Now, for the first time, the games can be played and Trophies can be earned — anytime, anywhere.
Have fun, see you all at E3!
@ 36 – Honestly how whinny can u guys be? 2 games on 1 card & a code for the 3rd is fine with me. 3 full platinum games for 29.99 is a STEAL especially considering how well Sanzaru made these games on Vita. I bought Sly & GoW Collection for Vita & spent the same price for 5 full games with 5 platinum trophies as i did on Watchdogs ( 1 game ). Btw “Elvick” the GoW Collection on Vita is over 15gb on a single card, that’s huge i don’t think a single xbox 360 disc could hold that.
@iamtylerdurden1 FYI, the Vita version of GoW is actually just over 3 Gb. The listing on the web store is incorrect. It’s still a great port, but I don’t understand why Sony won’t allow any physical game to be over 4gb or at least let larger collections to be on two carts. I love the Final Fantasy X collection but hate having to clear space on my memory card to download X2.
Out of the Sony collections Vita just needs
The Ico Collection
Ratchet & Clank Collection.
Killzone 1 (Maybe?)
Ratchet: Deadlocked
We still need the Ape Escape Collection and remasters of Ratchet & Clank Size Matters, Secret Agent Clank, Twisted Metal Black & Head On: Extra Twisted Edition, Ape Escape Pumped & Primed/Million Monkeys, Jak Combat Racing, and Jak & Daxter the Lost Frontier. Maybe we’ll get PS4 collections too? Like, God of War Saga with 1-3, the PSP games, and Ascension. Just a thought.
Will pick this up as soon as I purchase a Vita.
I love the Sly franchise, im downloading the collection right now, sony we need Fat Princess, Motorstorm Arctic Edge HD or a proper Motorstorm game, God of War exclusive vita title, inFAMOUS exclusive vita title and Knack, please bring Knack to the psvita.
oh and i hope Sanzaru announces a new sly game for ps4/psv at e3, that would be amazing!!!
@ 53,
I’m SOOO buying a Ratchet & Clank collection for Vita if it ever gets done!
Also, if they can get the ICO and Shadow of the Collossus collection on Vita, it would also be very very sweet. But given that SotC often pushed the limits of what the PS2 could do, graphically, I’m not sure the Vita would be able to properly handle it. I know I can stream the games to my Vita via my PS3, but streaming is really not the same, and not possible if not on my home network.
I love the Sly games, but probably not enough to buy the collection AGAIN for my Vita.
And for those saying that buying physical doesn’t allow cross-buy, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time did allow for such a feature, even without a PSN code. I bought the PS3 version and didn’t need to enter a code to get it for my Vita. I dunno exactly how it worked though. Maybe the discs were serialized in a way that was detectable by the system to make the cross-buy work only one time per disc. Anyway, I know this is feasible. But probably not after release. It would not be business-wise for Sony to release a patch for the PS3 collection that would grant a free copy of the Vita collection. Although I wouldn’t complain if they do so! ;)
I’m Picking It Up A week from this Friday. I Platniumed SLY 1 on PS3. Can’t wait to get another one on Vita.
@ 52 – U may be right, it seems like Sony is trying to stay under 4gb on a single Vita card… & i don’t really care… if i get 2 full games & have to DL 1 – or i get a full AAA PS3 game & have to DL the dlc it is good enough for me. Imo 2 games on 1 card is awesome! Btw my only complaint is that Sony hasn’t yet remastered & released the 2 PSP GoW games on VITA yet. They’re made for a handheld how hard would it be? Tack on the Origins Collection trophies (for Vita), give it a glossy finish & release it on 1 card like u just did for GoW Collection. If it’s too big then release COO & GOS separately & charge 20$ each, i’d pay full price (40$) for each but that’s me. ORIGINS COLLECTION ON VITA WITH TROPHIES! PLEASE.
Awesome, we can play Sly Cooper games anywhere with our Vita. Thanks :)
I purchased this game, and then promptly returned it. I do not approve of ‘digital vouchers’ to use up more space on my already limited vita. I was very excited about this release too. Maybe if there will be a release with two game cartridges instead of a voucher code, I will buy it. I do not like this trend in “physical” releases.
Who cares if its not cross-buy ? They didnt even have to release it jn north america and you people complain ! I bought my copy and it was well worth the money even though I have the PS3 version. And the vita version is perfect.
Good job to the Sanzaru developers, your doing great !
I think it’s absurd that EU gets this as a cross-buy, and not us. I care, because I own a PS3 and a Vita and use them both. Why should someone else get to pay one price for both and not me? If no one was getting cross-buy functionality, I wouldn’t care at all, but unless the European price is significantly higher or something, it seems entirely unreasonable to shortchange North Americans. Just another reason that region-based pricing must die.
Sly collection! God of War collection! Nice!! On my list to buy!
Now just waiting for a Crash Bandicoot Collection….. Or any of them on the NA psn for Vita. Please Sony. You know your fans want it.
The port is amazing so far.
Only thing I’d like to know is that do the have the original Finnish Bentley Voice actor in this? Now that Bentley refers to touchpad and all that? Nothing against the new actor, but these games aren’t the same I played when I was a kid if they have the new actor.
(Don’t worry, I don’t believe any of you can answer this, just cannot find this info elsewhere.)
#48, I don’t think there’s cross-save.
I’m with you, #63. Seems awfully suspect.
I would very much like someone to address that issue.
That sounds good, did not even know this was coming to for the Vita lol.
Does this PS VITA version of the Sly Collection have trophy support at all? I’m think of planning on buying it.