On May 20th — that’s exactly two weeks from today — Transistor will be available on PlayStation 4! We have a bunch of new details to share, starting with the fact that you can preorder the game starting today, as soon as PlayStation Store updates.
Now that the game is almost ready, I wanted to get into some more nitty-gritty details about some of its features.
For starters, Transistor features lots and lots of hand-painted 2D artwork, and thanks to PlayStation 4’s raw power, you’ll get to experience it just as we intended in full HD 1080p resolution. That’s a first for us on console.
Some months ago I also told you a little about how we’re using DualShock 4’s light bar in sync with the voiceover in the game. At the end I hinted we were also looking into using the controller’s built-in speaker. Turns out it works great, so we’re pleased to offer a Controller Speaker option for a more personal feel. With the light bar and controller speaker working in unison, DualShock 4 becomes a direct analog for Red’s mysterious, talkative weapon. We think this is a unique way of playing through the game, and we hope players will enjoy it.
Lastly (for now), let’s talk about Trophies. Transistor has more than 30 Trophies, including a Platinum Trophy if you manage to unlock all the others. Our philosophy around Trophy design is we want players to discover the breadth, depth, and content of the game, and feel rewarded for it. Some of our Trophies concern hidden aspects of the game that we’ve purposely said nothing about, so we encourage you to discover these for yourself as you play! Though if you want look them all up and aren’t worried about spoiling bits of it for yourself, that’s cool too.
As May 20th fast approaches, we’ll have more to share about the game right here. For now, be sure to catch my recent interview with PlayStation’s Justin Massongill on the PlayStation Blogcast! Until next week!
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