Hello everyone! Owen from Mojang, here. As at least 1.5 million of you already know, Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition has been available to download from PlayStation Store since the end of last year. Welcome to the Minecraft family, friends of PlayStation!
Following on the successful launch, we’re pleased to confirm that Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition will be available on retail disc starting May 16th. That means you can go into a real-life store, buy it, and then take it home in a little bag.
It comes with all the features you’d expect from the console versions of Minecraft, along with everything that came with update 14, including Emeralds, Ender Chests, potatoes, and more.
In other PlayStation-related news, the team at 4J is working on bringing Minecraft to PS4 and PS Vita. Sorry for the delay, but making Minecraft happen is serious business.
I’ll do my best to answer any other questions you have below. Thanks for playing, everyone!
How is the ps vita edition going ?
Thanks for the ps3 edition
Is minecraft realms and command blocks going to be added,Owen Hill?
I want to play more 8 player in my server. Do you while a that?
When’s the next update and what will it have in it?
When is minecraft psvita version going to be out
You guys should make a Dragon Age II skin pack and/or texture pack. It would be awsome if you would!!!!
Please add so the world is bigger
is minecraft in retial will be available in other country like Philippines in may 16th???
If this was CrossBuy I would have bought it already.
Buying multiple copies of the same game is just too absurd, for the rich, or kids that do not care how much it costs.
I will be patiently waiting instead of being Day 1.
anyone want to send me a game invite, on this account or at inFAMOUSwasser
play with me mc dont have mic but am a good builder,miner etc.
love creative good at survival PSN:eddie_209_
What country is it going to release philippines US or both