If you recognize the name Castle of Illusion from back in the day, you should know that this remake doesn’t just offer upgraded graphics, but also periodic restructuring of the classic 2D side-scrolling platforming gameplay into a 3D space. Although the graphics and gameplay are different, the storyline here is the same – dear old Minnie has been kidnapped by an evil witch and its up to you to save her. As an added bonus, if you download this during the first two weeks it’s available in PS Plus you’ll receive the Castle of Illusion Sega Genesis Bundle, which adds the original Sega Genesis version of Castle of Illusion (1990) and a Mizrabel (that’s the evil witch that kidnapped Minnie btw) dynamic theme for free. This bundle will only be available until 4/28 so be sure to download it before then!
In addition to Castle of Illusion, Plus members can purchase a number of titles at a discount including LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and Ethan: Meteor Hunter, and as a nice bonus you can download the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OOTS avatar pack for free.
You can download Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse after PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, 4/15.
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members
If you download this game before 4/28 you’ll receive the original Sega Genesis version of Castle of Illusion (1990) and a Mizrabel dynamic theme for free.
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Draw Slasher (Vita) | $1.50 | $2.99 |
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (PS3) | $7.99 | $9.99 |
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (Vita) | $7.99 | $9.99 |
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (PS3) | $12.59 | $29.99 |
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Vita) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PS3) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Legends Of Chima: Laval’s Journey (Vita) | $12.59 | $29.99 |
LEGO Lord Of The Rings (PS3) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Lord Of The Rings (Vita) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PS4) | $31.49 | $59.99 |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Vita) | $18.89 | $29.99 |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PS3) | $25.19 | $49.99 |
Pure Chess Battalion Chess Set (PS4) | $0.89 | $0.99 |
Pure Chess Complete Bundle (PS4) | $11.99 | $14.99 |
Pure Chess Easter Island Chess Set (PS4) | $0.89 | $0.99 |
Pure Chess Forest Game Pack (PS4) | $2.24 | $2.49 |
Pure Chess Halloween Chess Set (PS4) | $0.89 | $0.99 |
Pure Chess Park Game Pack (PS4) | $2.24 | $2.49 |
Pure Chess Temple Game Pack (PS4) | $2.24 | $2.49 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Oots – Character Avatar Pack | Free | $1.49 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 4/22)
Instant Game Collection
Street Fighter x Tekken (PS Vita)
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
LEGO Legends Of Chima: Laval’s Journey
LEGO Lord Of The Rings
LEGO Lord Of The Rings
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Oots – Character Avatar Pack
Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
@smoothboarder540 – most people in the world are morons, so it wouldn’t be a stretch that everyone else is wrong. Besides plenty of people agree with me that your shallow game sucks. Also, you should get yourself educated since I never said that every modern game sucks, just the far majority of them, and that modern video games are nowhere near as good as the classics.
@oo7PorscheMGS – Wait, WHAT was I crying about PS+?????? Huh, what are you referring to?
I was stating that Playstation Network employees need to tell their customers what is going on with the game. The developers say one thing, and the PSN employees just ignore everyone about TMNT’s release date. That is piss poor customer service right there.
So, shut your fat Cheetos dust covered hole, troll.
Any chance of Arkham City DLC going on sale? I have the disc version and now DD thanks to Plus but don’t want to pay full price for them and don’t want to restart from scratch by buying the disc GOTY edition.
Any chance we’ll ever see Castle of Illusion ported to the PS4?
I loved playing this game on the Genesis, and would love to be able to play it again in HD on the PS4 (either free on PS+ or on a disc to purchase).
Why season pass for Assassin’s Creed 3 cost 10$ more than the actual game? When can I expect discount for it?
Can’t wait to download this game!
So i see we’re continuing with the kiddie game theme… Cool.
And still neglecting PS4 early adopting adults.
I hope OlliOlli will be on sale soon.
“+ TxTechAirRaid on April 14th, 2014 at 10:35 pm said:
So i see we’re continuing with the kiddie game theme… Cool.
And still neglecting PS4 early adopting adults.”
I see that you have a kiddie game as your avatar.
Seems as though you have forgotten what video games are all about. All you casual “adults” care about are graphics, pewpews, and linear interactive movies. They’re actually far more “kiddie” than real video games.
ok soooo some confusion.
i bought castle of illusion when it was on sale a few weeks/months ago. i didnt receive any original sega vers. or avatar. will i be receiving anything since i actually bought the game. seems like a burn if not. im a ps+ member but im not taking part in the igc for this game since i bought it already.
games once carted through the igc are unavailable for actual purchase later on and vice versa for games bought that receive the igc treatment.
sooo in essence, i shouldnt have bought a thing since my ps+ membership wouldve overlapped and rewarded me with more content?
this needs some explanation. what about the people who bought the game prior, not the preorder? will we be receiving the sega vers and avatar? we, who actually supported/bought this game…?
edit: forgot to mention the theme. soo sega vers/theme/avatars. there…
#109, see reply to #15. Basically “don’t know”.
thanks gummy!
side note: duuude the EU easter sale is making me sick. i think im getting dizzy.
batman blackgate/injustice/eufloriaHD/metal gear HD/ virtua tennis 4 being the only ones i want and thats not even half of the list on sale.
it runs 4/9-4/30
US psn last week: nothing. literally 9 run of the mill mini games that were on sale for weeks in a row prior. they werent new. just stale. this week: a bunch of poorly ported 3ds lego games. come on…
EU PS+ crushes US PS+ for april and that sale started a week ago.
meanwhile someone at the US psn offices is asleep at the wheel.
*5 bucks the US gets a 2 day flash sale for the whole of easter while EU got 3 weeks solid.
happy easter fellow US psn members.
as for the US psn sales staff, remind me why you still have your jobs.
EU psn sales staff: keep up the good work and godspeed.
oh my god… add these to the list.
killzone: mercenary
soul sacrifice
atelier ayesha
castlevania los2
tales of graces f… to name a few
in total:
6 cross-buy
35 vita games
73 ps3 games
with about 75% retail titles and the 25% quality indie titles. (hahaha olliolli is on sale already.)
EU psn: you honor the psn with such a wonderful sale.
US psn: oh, were out to lunch/walking to the bank. here, have a buncha ps4 chess games and poor lego ports.
everyone, say it aloud with me.
73 ps3 games. 73!!!!!
35 vita games. 35!!!!!
I really think it´s a shame that there are only two free games for ps4.
I don´t understand why outlast, for example, only lasted a month in the instant colecction. Really a shame and disrespectful.
I hope this change in the future because it´s really annoying.
I want Beyond Two Souls!
As for my earlier post, I forgot we were talking about Lego games, and yes they are kiddie. I’d rather play with real Legos than a Lego video game any day of the week. Well, with Lego games, 5 year olds need games too. Sorry, there’s no edit or delete button.
Still no word on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows so it seems as though PSN staff love to leave us in the darkness of the shadows.
Little disappointed in those Lego sales. I’ve been waiting on Lego Marvel to drop in price, and thought that $30 bucks ish would be good enough for it on the PS4. Then I saw today’s Steam sale.
They have Lego Marvel for $4.99. I’ll give you 3 guesses which one I’m buying between my PS4 and my (still very good) PC., and the first two guesses don’t even count…
is it live yet?
TMNT Out of the Shadows is actually up!
No discount listed. PS+ “perks” lololololol free fugly turtle avatars. I guess there are 4 turtles, so that is perks, plural. Full price for an old game some people say isn’t good. I’ll go for a sale or just wait until it’s free for PS+ mayhaps.
@ neuropunk – Funny how you think that you have the right to call anyone troll…when you yourself is the biggest in the blog.
@ Welmosca
LOL. Go take a stroll, troll.
I am fighting for video games to become good again, so I am an anti-troll, so that means I am also against you. Millions of people, including myself are sick to death of linear pewpew shooter clones, interactive movies and casual games in general.
Go play your angry birds, casual troll. Keep your cell phone games away from real video games. kthxbie
I co-sign with neuropunk and everyone else who is sick to death of casual games glutting the market, and having terrible ports of Android/iOS games being touted as fantabulous gaming experiences. We do not purchase $199 portable consoles to play Android games on. We purchase them to play AAA titles from well-known, respected developers.
Compare it to musical tastes. If someone really digs Tool or Breaking Benjamin, that should be okay. That person should not be insulted for not being into terrible indie music.
No one really gets offended if someone has a different taste in music, but video games? Oh, no; video games are SUPER DUPER CEREAL BUSINESS.
Casual games suck. Indie games suck. I have an Android smartphone and tablet. If I want Machinarium or Terraria or Angry Birds, I’ll get them for a dollar on the platform they were designed for.
Buying a powerful system just to play casual/indie games on it is like buying a PS3 just to be able to watch BluRay movies.
Anyone know why Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite hit all of the ‘Free on PS+’ pages today, but still costs $20? Seems really weird to me. I know it’s not Mickey, but I’m super curious as to what’s going on there.
wait a minute a female captured a female?This most be the very first , I can’t think of anything other games like it ! That doesn’t mean I like this game at all .
@ Cradda
Actually, neuropunk would disagree with almost everything you say on here… guess you haven’t been paying attention…
omg saga trasform racing only $10 on uk store cheap still 30 here uk gets better sales
So is anyone from Sony going to give us a better explanation on the Castle of Illusion bundle for those of us who actually bought and purchased the game to see how or if we can get the sega genesis version. I don’t wanna click on download the free bundle if i risk the chance of my license being converted from never expiring to having a expiration date.
I noticed BEYOND: TWO SOULS on PSN doesn’t show a file size. I imagine this is a big game…20-40GB would be my guess.
I really wish Sony would be consistent with this.
Seek therapy to help you deal with your obsession with me.
I got my son Mickey when it was on sale a few months ago. Still let me download the Genesis version yesterday. It is a seperate download file, so should be ok.
I can confirm that you can still download the Sega Genesis version and the theme even if you had bought the HD version before.
How come Castle of Illusion doesn’t show as FREE??? Yes I do have PS+.
Haven’t blocked me yet, huh? ;)
CP: “sick to death of casual games glutting the market”
AAA games take more time to develop now. Indies are the necessary bridges between releases. Casuals have an audience that feeds revenue into the machine. It’s the nature of the modern industry. Insiders know this, yet, you don’t? Hmm…
CP: “terrible ports”
The ports are usually better than the original games, as the insiders know.
CP: “Compare it to musical tastes … should not be insulted for not being into terrible indie music.”
It’s erroneous and ignorant to automatically equate indie with terrible. I know of lots of indie musicians that are really damn good, in fact, BETTER than watered-down, afraid to be honest mainstream music. Same thing applies to games.
CP: “No one really gets offended if someone has a different taste in music, but video games?”
Making things up again. People would take offense if you said it the same way. Just try it. Go to an indie band’s website and leave all kinds of wretched remarks like you for indie game devs and see how people react.
CP: “Indie games suck.”
Opinion… that you’ve already shared with us 586,738,959 times. We got it. Thanks for stopping by.
CP: “Buying a powerful system just to play casual/indie games on it is like buying a PS3 just to be able to watch BluRay movies.”
Actually many people did buy a PS3 to watch Blu-Rays because they were cheaper than stand-alone players for quite some time. You must be out of touch with society. A PS3 is perfect for movie buffs who only game part-time. They can watch Blu-Rays, stream over Netflix, etc. and pop in a game whenever they have the urge.
You don’t necessarily have to use the power just because it’s there. More power simply offers a higher ceiling for data transfers. What is done with that extra space depends on the creativity of the person using it. And do you know where creativity is found? It comes from within the individual, not some short-sighted cookie-cutter ideology distributed to the masses. There are just as many talented people working for large studios are there are working in their own private labs. Many great bands started in garages. Many successful companies started in their own homes. Many nationwide chain stores started with a single outlet. Guess you haven’t been paying attention.
If you own the PS3 without PS+ may I ask WTF are you thinking!?! I have had it for 2 years now and it was ok but over the past 8-10 months it’s insane the games they give you and the games you get discounts on. I mean Tomb Raider, Hitman, dark Souls, LBP 2, LBP karting, SF IV ARCADE, the list goes on and on I love it personally and the game I own that they give me. I sell on eBay. Win win
PSUS ID. DEL_i2i. Add me if your a mature player and would like online companionship or competition.
JPRG on instant game collection… when?
So, no one knows the size of Beyond: Two Souls?
Sony?? Anyone??
The web store is trying to charge me. Second week in a row this has happened with new Plus discounts… I’m logged in, I add it to my cart, I get the Plus disclaimer that says this is only available as long as I maintain my Plus status, I click Ok. I go to check out, it’s in my cart for $14.99. Please contact the store folks and have them fix this.
will only the playstation plus members get the bundle? i don’t understand :/
The Castle of Illusion bundle? Yes.
The extras for this game were only ever to meant to be available to people who pre-ordered Sega’s Castle of Illusion game.
It’s the reason most people preordered a PSN only game.
@smthng: As obnoxious as it may be, the fact remains that self-service is often the only service available around here.
A possible workaround for your issue that has worked in the past: Add a few items (anything will do) to your cart before the free item. Go to your cart. Remove the unwanted items. Your item should now show as free to Plus.
Hope that works for you.
@Castle of Illusion bundle: It’s apparently been verified that current Plus users who bought the game at any point (but who may not have received the extras) can now download the extras for a limited time. What’s still unclear is whether doing so will modify your license for the main game to a temporary (Plus) status. This should not be the case since buying a game supposedly entitles you to keep it forever, but stranger things have happened and I understand the concern. For the record, I never bought the game. So by downloading it (extras included), I had no expectation any of it would stay with me once my subscription ends (in 2017).
PS+ hasn’t been good for me lately. All the discounts were on games I ALREADY have bought at full price, or bought WAY cheaper that ps+ discount online. Marvel Lego: paid less for WiiU version last year, TRDE: bought on last gen still think $30 was too high, Thief: bought already, ACIV: cheaper online retail… etc. Or else PS+ games suck. Since Don’t Starve, which I love, nothing working out. I wanted to pay for TRDE at $30 but flash sale ended too early in the day. :(
Any news on when Resogun might switch out for something different? I want to get more games on my PS4.
+ carter12008 on April 17th, 2014 at 8:27 pm said:
“For those of you like me who want to grab the Castle of Illusion Genesis PSN promo. Here’s what i did i went to the playstation plus section in the store even tho i purchased the game on christmas eve the castle of illusion bundle came up as Download. I clicked on it and it started the castle of illusion download as well as the theme. I sent the castle of illusion download to DL into the backround then exited out of the store and went to DL management and canceled the DL of castle of illusion and only let the genesis version of castle of illusion finish DL. I went to my games folder and i still retain the original permenant license to the new Castle of illusion which doesn’t expire for me.”
^ – from the Store Update post. :)
Seek therapy to help you cope with and get over your obsession with me.
Is there an echo in here?
Why can I not find Castle of Illusion in the store, I am only finding the Sega Genesis version for free. I did a search on both the Ps3 and on the web site and does not bring up anything but the Genesis bundle?
The Genesis bundle is just that: a bundle. It includes the new version and the Genesis version along with a theme for a limited time. At the end of the month (pretty sure about the timing), the bundle will go away. If you don’t want the bundle for whatever reason, just wait till it’s gone and you can get the game by itself again.
Add me guys and we can play whatever also add me if you have a mic :)
I am currently downloading the Castle of Illusion, but I cannot get past downloading the (Mizrabel?) dynamic theme. It downloads up to 99% but it hangs there and does not install, the download time increases up to 490minutes+ and does not proceed downloading the next part. I wanted only the game itself but I cannot bypass it. Is there anyone here with the same problem?