If you recognize the name Castle of Illusion from back in the day, you should know that this remake doesn’t just offer upgraded graphics, but also periodic restructuring of the classic 2D side-scrolling platforming gameplay into a 3D space. Although the graphics and gameplay are different, the storyline here is the same – dear old Minnie has been kidnapped by an evil witch and its up to you to save her. As an added bonus, if you download this during the first two weeks it’s available in PS Plus you’ll receive the Castle of Illusion Sega Genesis Bundle, which adds the original Sega Genesis version of Castle of Illusion (1990) and a Mizrabel (that’s the evil witch that kidnapped Minnie btw) dynamic theme for free. This bundle will only be available until 4/28 so be sure to download it before then!
In addition to Castle of Illusion, Plus members can purchase a number of titles at a discount including LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and Ethan: Meteor Hunter, and as a nice bonus you can download the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OOTS avatar pack for free.
You can download Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse after PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, 4/15.
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members
If you download this game before 4/28 you’ll receive the original Sega Genesis version of Castle of Illusion (1990) and a Mizrabel dynamic theme for free.
Title | Plus Price | Regular Price |
Draw Slasher (Vita) | $1.50 | $2.99 |
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (PS3) | $7.99 | $9.99 |
Ethan: Meteor Hunter (Vita) | $7.99 | $9.99 |
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (PS3) | $12.59 | $29.99 |
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Vita) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (PS3) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Legends Of Chima: Laval’s Journey (Vita) | $12.59 | $29.99 |
LEGO Lord Of The Rings (PS3) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Lord Of The Rings (Vita) | $12.59 | $19.99 |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PS4) | $31.49 | $59.99 |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Vita) | $18.89 | $29.99 |
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (PS3) | $25.19 | $49.99 |
Pure Chess Battalion Chess Set (PS4) | $0.89 | $0.99 |
Pure Chess Complete Bundle (PS4) | $11.99 | $14.99 |
Pure Chess Easter Island Chess Set (PS4) | $0.89 | $0.99 |
Pure Chess Forest Game Pack (PS4) | $2.24 | $2.49 |
Pure Chess Halloween Chess Set (PS4) | $0.89 | $0.99 |
Pure Chess Park Game Pack (PS4) | $2.24 | $2.49 |
Pure Chess Temple Game Pack (PS4) | $2.24 | $2.49 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Oots – Character Avatar Pack | Free | $1.49 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 4/22)
Instant Game Collection
Street Fighter x Tekken (PS Vita)
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
Ethan: Meteor Hunter
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
LEGO Legends Of Chima: Laval’s Journey
LEGO Lord Of The Rings
LEGO Lord Of The Rings
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Oots – Character Avatar Pack
Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
Just posting to say it’s really nice to see the platforms listed next to all the games. Thanks so much, guys.
wait wait wait…so there’s a TMNT: OOTS avatar pack…but no game yet??!! the game has been on delay for ps3 for more than half a year. -_- Their facebook page promised the game will get released april 15.
Now that I read the post and see that Plus members also get the Genesis version and the dynamic theme, I’m a little bothered. I pre-ordered the Mickey game because the original post made it seem like it would not be available otherwise.
A little bit shady, that. I certainly feel deceived.
Cool hope those who don’t have Mickey enjoy it cuz its a fun lil game…bought some time ago when it was on sale…didn’t had time to play it yet but I did played the demo and game’s really cool.
Ninja Turtles avatars for free?…now thats how you do it.
Wow wow wow…I just read the post…how do I do to grab the Sega Genesis version of the game?…..damn I bet that if I go there to download it….it’ll say “purchased”…come on guys you gotta do something about that.
Two excellent games, a theme, and a pack of avatars, honestly, who really needs the sales this week, eh? Look at all the free stuff! LEGO games rarely ever get decent sales so I don’t know why that’s disappointing anybody, for any reason. These are not all the sales they’re going to have either, they don’t post every sale in Plus updates anymore, for some reason.
These are great deals despite what those that say nothing for me this week.
Yay… Lego Sale……
So quick (weird) question. I missed the Pre-Order window for Castle of Illusion…so I didn’t get the Genesis download when I ordered/paid for it. Now it appears that the Genesis download is showing up with the free PS Plus download. Since I bought it in-between pre-order and the PS+ release and did not get the Genesis download…is it somehow possible to get it by re-downloading it? Thanks in advance for any guidance…
“We promise, this is not an April Fool’s Joke. And definitely look out for PlayStation Plus perks!”
Hopefully the TMNT Out of the Shadows Playstation Plus perks aren’t just the TMNT ugly turtle pack.
Also, please tell me that there are TMNT character skins, so that we don’t have to play as these fugly versions of the turtles.
I’m also hoping the TMNT: OOTS GAME will be released this Tuesday. Any confirmation in that regard?
Free avatar pack!!! Sweet!
Castle of Illusion is a nice bonus for those of us that bought Epic Mickey 2 for Vita.
Definately going to wait on those Lego games though, when its not a physical copy.
Where are our Easter sales?
Ninja turtles avatars hope there good.
I think I will try the Mickey Mouse game hopefully it’s fun
Dang, I was hoping for an Easter Sale this week like what they had in EU….
@ Mikraphne
I wouldn’t be surprise if they have a Easter sale for the weekend only. Whether or not plus will give an additional discounts, for the sale, remains to be seen. Of course, any sale remains to be seen.
I don’t care for the Lego games, sorry, please don’t hate. So no good discounts for me this week!
@poolmav45 I hope you’re right. That wouldn’t be the first time that they did something like that. The EU sale has a ton of stuff to add to my ever expanding backlog. haha
Man I love the time in gaming right now. A lot thanks to Sony with PS Plus and all the Indie support as well as Steam with greenlight.
To be clear, will the Genesis version of CoI be treated as a PS+ item (lasts for duration of subscription), or as a purchase (that is still available after our subs end)?
I’ll take those free TMNT avatars. Thank you.
where is the good titles for psvita? im playing stealth inc with a little hope….i dont have more games here,and no money,finished all others….
“+ saab01 on April 14th, 2014 at 12:26 pm said:
Ninja turtles avatars hope there good.”
Sadly they’re not good, and you can see for yourself on the store. They are the fugliest version of the turtles ever made, except for the new terrible Michael Bay turtles.
Seriously though, can’t we get some kind of confirmation about TMNT Out of the Shadows from a PSN staff member?
PSN staff, simple yes or no: TMNT OotS, can we expect it for Tuesday?
I don’t mind when games I already bought show up as free Plus games , but to give away the special PRE-ORDER bonus to everyone as an afterthought feels a bit wrong.
We felt we were getting something special and one of a kind by giving up Sega our money in advance. We had to take a chance in order to get the Gen game and avatar and give up our right to try the demo before committing to the purchase.
Pre-order bonuses really lose their intent when they are just given to anyone for no reason. What other reason is there to pre-order a digital downloadable game?? It’s not like they are going to run out of stock. ;)
I agree with @SpooNManX. I pre-ordered this game to get the bonus, and now not only is the game free, but the bonus is a giveaway, too. Feeling miffed about that, guys.
Haven’t I seen lots of those items on sale before and I can still get them cheaper on Amazon or at other retailers. Also what is up with no Easter sale for plus members specifically didn’t the EU get an Easter sale.
+ samv33 on April 14th, 2014 at 10:35 am said:
Now that I read the post and see that Plus members also get the Genesis version and the dynamic theme, I’m a little bothered. I pre-ordered the Mickey game because the original post made it seem like it would not be available otherwise.
A little bit shady, that. I certainly feel deceived.
+ UnknownJones on April 14th, 2014 at 2:50 pm said:
I agree with @SpooNManX. I pre-ordered this game to get the bonus, and now not only is the game free, but the bonus is a giveaway, too. Feeling miffed about that, guys.
@76 you per-ordered the game because you wanted it and you enjoyed it hopefully you can’t complain because it is given to paying plus members months and years later. I brought Borderlands 2 on day 1 and you don’t see me complaining about plus members getting it for free.
Now what they should do is offer us plus members who buy games asap a discount on new releases or some redeemable points for buying a game (digitally) up to 21 days after release. Make our purchases that will be free for all inevitably worthwhile for us.
+ purse317 on April 14th, 2014 at 2:55 pm said:
“@76 you per-ordered the game because you wanted it and you enjoyed it hopefully you can’t complain because it is given to paying plus members months and years later. I brought Borderlands 2 on day 1 and you don’t see me complaining about plus members getting it for free.
Now what they should do is offer us plus members who buy games asap a discount on new releases or some redeemable points for buying a game (digitally) up to 21 days after release. Make our purchases that will be free for all inevitably worthwhile for us.”
You’re missing the point.
I preordered CASLE OF ILLUSION REMASTERED because (according to them) the bonus items would ONLY BE AVAILABLE BY PRE-ORDERING.
I would have rather have waited for a sale or at the very least to play the demo and then decide.
It wasn’t even that long ago.
There is really no other reason to pre-order a DLC game which offers no discount. Think about it.
Knowing they give away pre-order DLC bonuses like they are nothing special I will be less likely to pre-order DLC games with such bonuses going on.
EU users get a massive Easter sale that spans for weeks, and we get some fairly poor discounts. Come on Sony, I want to spend my money, but I don’t want to spend it on just anything.
Nice i’m finally gonna pick up Lego Marvel tomorrow.. been looking for something to tide me over this month until The Show comes out.. can’t pass up that discount.. gotta love PS+
@ 53 – I agree, I bought this game day one for the same reason, all the extras, and now they are being given free to those who didnt shell out a penny. Seriously reconsidering my buying habits for the psn store.
we ever going to get a last of us discount? im dying to play this game. be super awesome if it went IGC.
84 – You can’t consider that when buying games. If that’s the case, you may as well never buy any games, because the risk of it becoming free in 6 months, one year, or longer is too great. If anything, it gives you the reason to buy physical, then when PS+ comes, you can get a digital copy for nothing. Or you can chalk it up as a hype train loss, and just forget about it. Just remember the amount of savings you’re getting with other games. Eventually misfortune is going to hit you.
I, for one, am happy to get this game for free. Though since I’m new to Playstation, I have many things to play before it.
@ 86 – Im not complaining this game is being given for free for the ps+ since its a great game and think everyone should play it. What im upset about is that the exclusives that were given with the game for those who pre-ordered it are now also being given for free for those who didnt pay nothing for it. It just makes me think twice next time they offer a game with some “exclusive” content for pre-order.
Yes, that is fully understandable. I was a bit surprised that they were giving those up. Not all of the IGC games do that though.
In regards to pre-order items, here is what it said on the original post that made me, and it looks like others, pull the trigger on pre-ordering rather than waiting for reviews/sales:
“The dynamic theme and original Genesis version of the game will be available only during this pre-order period. The bonus items will not be available after September 2nd and won’t be available for purchase on the store. Don’t miss the opportunity to pre-order Castle of Illusion and grab these rare bonus items!”
I’m sorry, but you can’t do this. Give the game away for free to ps plus members all you want, but to give away the pre-order bonuses after you specifically said they wouldn’t be available after September 2nd? Nope, that’s just not right. It’s a straight up lie in order to get people to pre-order. This is the only game I have ever pre-ordered in my life and it will be the last.
Off-topic observation/question:
Has maintenance on the blog’s WordPress template been abandoned? The footer is in desperate need of updates – Black text, the version for the PS Vita is wrong, and the corresponding info for the PS4 is AWOL…
Is there an option to not save Minnie? I don’t like rodents.
Count me among those who’re hoping prior Castle of Illusion buyers can still get the pre-4/28 bonuses.
Otherwise, just the avatar pack for me. Still debating nabbed Child of Light for PS3, what with the widely dispersed pre-order bonuses among platforms, lack of Cross-Buy for North American regions, and the absence of the physical Deluxe Edition on these shores. That, and thanks to the Game Atelier sales (for a system I don’t even own), I have $14.56 in my SEN wallet D,:
What is the point of giving us Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows avatars, themes, and trailers when the game has been out for a good long time last year? The PC and Xbox had it for a long time. (Steam has it and my little brother has it on his Xbox 360)
@pre-order bonuses being given for free later – Hell, felt that way about inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood and its dynamic theme, which became free with PS Plus (and unlike game content, themes and avatars are for keepsies). Considering how little of all of inFAMOUS I’ve played, I coulda ducked outta that one without love lost.
(Though, I am guilty of hoping for “rain” bonuses to become available again.)
giving up the preorder bonuses/ or selling them for a price is now standard practice. Your reward for preordering is that you got those items that interested you FOR SURE. You didn’t have to guess and hope, they told you what they offered and you received them right?
I frankly don’t have a problem with it, if your going to spread around all of these dlc / preorder bonuses across retailers and regions at least if there is that one odd thing I am interested in I can go and buy it for .99 cents or whatever.
The case of the Mickey game, who cares about the theme? The neat thing here is they want to show off what the inspiration for the remake is and that is nice that they will get some recognition for their work whether it has been a good or bad remake. I will check out the genesis version which i never played and then play the remake, if it grabs me i might try to finish it. Either way I am sure i will at the least appreciate what they have tried to do. See the simililarities /changes.
castle of illusion is a great game i might subscribe to PS+ to get for free
I preordered Lords os Shadow 2 here in canada, bought the art book, bought the Revelation dlc and received nothing extra. Other than things I wanted anyways. I am happy if i want to download one of the preorder bonuses down the road I can pay a buck. Or like in Red Dead buy the best horse for a buck.
The preorder bonues / dlc and all the other practices that we dislike, we have only one option to rememdy the situation. That is to send a message with our dollars, because the financials seem to be what companies act on not much else.
You don’t like the preorder situation. Don’t preorder, You don’t like paying X dollars for a game, wait for it to drop / go on sale or boycott. You don’t like a mode or type of game, don’t buy it.
That is what is going to send a message. It is the same with the ps+ and the PSN store sales. They follow patterns, If you want something now, and think you will get your value, do so. Otherwise wait.
Preordering hardware is about all that makes sense these days and even then. PS4 / Wii is about the only thing that has punished anyone for waiting. What was the punishment even then though? more reliable hardware / better game library.
It’s always funny to come to the BLOG and always see “neuropunk” living up to his punk name…crying about The Last of Us not being a “game” and crying about PS+ 24/7. Funny, but funny in a VERY sad way. Get a grip dude, the world doesn’t revolve around you and the free avatars ARE the free “perks” you get. Cry some more, it won’t change.
@neuropunk GASP! You’re actually going to play a new game? I thought every game out today is a crappy linear western pew pew game? Of all people you know that video game opinions are entirely objective. Obviously… The Last of Us is linear right? Therefore it is a horrible game that nobody likes. It’s just common sense and everyone else is wrong. /sarcasm