Update: Here’s the debut trailer following hot on the heels of yesterday’s official reveal.
Well, it’s no secret that we have been working night and day at the studio to bring The Last of Us to PS4.
We’re calling it The Last of Us Remastered.
Moving our efforts to the PS4 has allowed us to remaster an already phenomenal looking The Last of Us in 1080p with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements. We love setting challenging technical hurdles for us when working on each game – and this is no different. We’ve been working hard on The Last of Us Remastered to release a next-gen evolution worthy of the 200+ Game of the Year awards, not to mention the acclaim and expectations of our fans. We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.
In addition to all the technical updates, we’re also including an exclusive director’s commentary for all in-game cinematics featuring Creative Director and Writer, Neil Druckmann; Voice Actor, Troy Baker, who plays Joel; and BAFTA Award winning Voice Actress, Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie.
We’ve released a ton of additional content since The Last of Us launched in June 2013, including our first ever single player expansion, Left Behind. We’re happy to say that the major content releases will be included with The Last of Us Remastered:
- Left Behind single player expansion
- Abandoned Territories multiplayer map pack
- Reclaimed Territories pack – details will be coming soon on exactly what is included
Whether you are new to The Last of Us or have played it already on the PS3, we hope you are all looking forward to this release. We are!
You can preorder The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 right now from many of your favorite retailers and receive these preorder bonuses:
- 100 Supply Points (XP) for use in Factions mode
- Two special bonus skins for Joel and Ellie which will be unlocked after your complete the single player campaign
- Increased Crafting Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
- Increased Healing Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
- 9mm Reload Speed Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
- Rifle Clip Capacity Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
If you preorder on the PlayStation Store, you will receive three extra preorder bonuses to unlocks in Factions multiplayer:
- Early Access to the Brawler Survival Skill in Factions Mode
- Early Access to additional Loadout Points for use in Factions mode
- Early Access to the Jeep Cap and Surgical Mask for use in Factions mode
Now that we’ve finally gotten the official announcement out of the way, we’ll be keeping you updated regularly about The Last of Us Remastered until it releases Summer 2014.
Dont care what it costs, no-brainer pre-order. This is a console seller even after finishing the PS3 version.
Id buy it again even if I decided never to play it again. I just want to support Naughty Dog. I remember when NEO-GEO cartridges cost 200$
Now we get pixel art like TLoU for 60$, We’re spoiled. Keep living the dream Naughty Dog,
Double Dip here i comeeee
There better be some kind of discount for people who already bought it at least. and im not asking for a $10 crossbuy or anything just a little appreciation for purchasing the game before…
If this is a 60 FPS release I will buy it 100%. If it remains at 30 fps my Ps3 version will suffice.
I do not own a PS4 and I have not play The Last Of Us yet. A PS4 bundle with the game = instant buy for me! Make it happen please. :)
Will there be a special edition or should I go ahead and place my pre-order now?
can you get this free if you own a ps3 disc? or if not max 5 euro’s to unlock to the ps4 please
Is there any discount for those who have bought the game and season pass on PS3?
what are the changes between the ps3 version and the ps4 version, and when is the specific date
There is no way I’m dropping $60 on this game again, I already felt cheated on the hour and a half I got for $15 on the DLC.
Are trophies being unlocked if you already have them unlocked at the PS3???
Left Behind ruined the entire mood and focus of the main game’s world to me. Turned into the latest episode of Degrassi the Next Gen. Sold it and moved on, won’t be back. Sorry but you went too far. Cya
Thank you Sony/ND for doing this. I can’t wait to get my paws(hehe) on it. Now all I’m waiting for is a Crash Bandicoot resurrection. Make it happen please!
Will the cinematics be real-time or full motion video? That will be the deal breaker for me.
What the hell. I have it for the PS3. I’m not going to fork out another 70 bucks so i can have it on the PS4. It should be discounted, and offered as a cross buy like they did it for COD Ghosts and BF 4 when the PS4 first launched. I’m not saying to charge 10 bucks, although it would be nice. Maybe 30-40 bucks for the people that already have it on PS3.
Never played the first one.. been playing Xbox pretty much since 09′ but I am getting my PS4 in a few weeks, picking up Second Son and already pre-ordered this. Can’t wait. (=
Unlike tomb raider i never did finished this game on the ps3. I think ive gone about half way so i might be okay with the $60 price tag. At least naughty dog is avoiding the same mistake square enix and thats there will be new content.
that good news will not hesitate to buy it again and it’s best to bring all the dlc¡¡
Japanese edition please. I’m waiting for it not buying ps3 edition. thanks.
Since when did people start liking terrible games with terrible gameplay and terrible stories?
Just why is this crappy “game” praised so much? I played it and it sucks. The Last of Us is one of the worst games I have had the misfortune of playing.
I haven’t bought the Last of Us to this day cuz I’ve been saving to get a PS4 so I guess lucky me!
Sometimes not hyping and let time go for a while pays off in surprising ways!
Also, since the Vita is now my main indie machine (I have tons of proper vita games but I learned to love lots of indie games I never tried before or enjoy it better on it for the controls and practicality of portability) I can’t wait for GunBlade and I’d love to see Shank 1 and 2 find their way in it one day. Same for Mark of the Ninja on PSN and hopefully the vita too, whenever microsoft’s publisher rights bust…
Super House of Dead Ninjas is a game I love on PC but would enjoy it better on my vita so I have my fingers crossed for that one too.
Will there be a $10 upgrade for people that own the ps3 version?
FINALLY! A reason to get the PS4! I pray Naughty Dog pushes the PS4 as far as they did with the PS3 version. Show us what this new generation is really capable of!
While this is extremely exciting and certainly something I have been waiting to play on PS4. I hope that you guys are considering some sort of upgrade program for those of us who already bought TLOU on PS3 and the Season Pass.
You hear that? It’s the sound of money falling out of my pocket. Haha. I was honestly hoping you guys would do a remake of this for PS4. Now… let’s see how you incorporate the controller into the game. The Tomb Raider remake is rock solid on this front.
My PS3 (60GB) literally broke while I was in the middle of playing this game. I was leaving the flooded subway about a year ago and the disc drive died on me. I still haven’t had my PS3 fixed but this makes me all warm and fuzzy knowing that I’ll be able to finish this epic on my PS4.
There won’t be any form of cross-save between the PS3 & PS4 versions will there?
Casual AAA gamers are ruining the video game industry.
Maybe if you guys had actually played some good games in your life, you would realize that the last of us is a turd. (oh and Ellie is invisible to enemies, so that must make this a superhero game). The game is super glitched with Ellie and you think it’s still good? Enemies can’t see her (yes, I understand the developers purposefully made this glitch, but don’t understand why they’d do such a thing, it’s so stupid).
The story sucks and is like every other garbage zombie story ever made, and seems as though tlou mostly ripped off the road. Characters were cliche. The game was very ugly since all westerners care about is graphics, and they’re too stupid to realize that art style is far more important than great graphics with ugly bad aesthetically unappealing art style.
Would it be too much to ask for video games that are, you know, ACTUALLY LIKE VIDEO GAMES???!!!
(this linear western pewpew QTE interactive movie POS crap has really got to go)
will you guy use SMAA t2x to smooth the edges? Please make a video with the features according to visuales.
DAY 1.
I hated the zombie-like soldiers in Uncharted… hated the ghost rider dudes in Uncharted 3… avoided buying this once you revealed it was basically a zombie game…
Caved in and bought it during Black Friday because enough people said it was “more about fighting other survivors than fighting infected”. Played 4-5 hours of it about a month ago and spent more time fighting/avoiding those f***ing clickers than dealing with other survivors. I really, really can’t stand horror games, so it pains me that ND has decided to double down on this style of game. I doubt I’ll ever finish TLOU, and there’s no way I’m double dipping just to get a prettier version of a game that I can barely stand.
That being said, good luck with your remastered release, and come get me when you have news on Uncharted PS4.
another good waste of $60. Since release I’ve gotten as far to crack the cellophane. That was just recently to make sure there wasn’t a DLC code w/ an expiration date on it. Can’t tell you how many times I got burned by either forgetting to put in the DLC Code in right away because I was too excited to play the game or taking forever to crack the game open finding an unusable code inside.
Being off work w/ a sprained ankle I had finally convinced myself to start The Last of Us tonight only to now see this. Two nights trying to figure out what to play next and now I’m back to square one. Maybe it’s time to wrap up that Platinum trophy in inFamous 2 since that’s the only game in the series I never went back to played back to back for the Plat. this sucks back to square one. The question of what to tackle next.
I guess ill be pre-ordering on the platstation store with double bonus!
Are you fixing the poor AI?
I mean the fact, ellie is walking direct in front of enemies and they they didn’t notice her.
This would be more important for me than 1080p oder a little bit better graphics.
This is going to be awesome :)
*HAHAHA I Really dont hope u guys plan any discount or crossbuy option to this game since Tombraider didnt do the same thing.
I complained in the ps4 community and ppl who didnt play tombraider was just nah its better bla bla,
Even though im highly against remakes on playstation systems, this time i just hope you guys dont make crossbuy or discount just so ppl can see how anoying it is.
And while youre at this remaking how about you guys made a remake of soul reaver? That would be awesome ty.
Sony why on earth you guys still trying to rip people of by taking away back compatibility? Dont say because machine wont handle it cause in the start ps3 was able to play ps2 games which you guys took away with a patch actually its very criminal thing to do!!!
And linúx support since you guys sold it with the promise it could do this things and after ppl buy it you guys take it away…. Actually if we the ppl took you on the courtyard we would win big time. Stop being a jerk company and stop taking our possibility to play the games we already bhougt on the new system. And if you guys or ppl wants better graphic, sound what ever then still make u
damn remake and see how many will buy the improved version. Im so sick of seing ppl with greed and SONY has the biggest greed in my opponion…. And another thing you guys promised us that we still would get good free games on plus…. Here is what i say to that ARE YOU COMPLETLY THINKING PPL IS DUMB OR WHAT…. WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS LOUSY GAME NOT WORTH PUTING IN MY PS4 “MERCENARY KINGS” THIS IS MAKING FOOL OUT OF PPL And where on EARTH IS OUR PLUS DISCOUNTS ON GAMES????
STOP BEING GREEDY or else i say i just upgrade my pc and give my ps4 to a freak who needs glasses to see which greedy company you guys became
Day 1, again
One of the Greatest Games i’ve ever played on Playstation 3.
And, it’ll be one of the Greatest Games i’ll play on Playstation 4.
The Last Of Us is “one of” the Greatest Games in my Gaming History and one of the very rare Games that deserve a 10/10 imo.
You’ve just hit Legendary status in my books Naughty Dog and Sony.
*relaxes in chair*
It’s good times with Playstation :)
no Apr 16??? I’ve heard about this date (
Will it still have glitchy AI (invisible Ellie) and poor gameplay? Zombie post apocalyptic story that has been done a billion times? Casual gamers these days sure like mediocre crap.
Take my money! lol
索尼大法好!! 买买买!!
Please Please Please can it have cross save
I’ve been waiting the release of this game on PS4 to buy it. Now I will finally have the chance to play one of the best game ever made on the best next gen console. It worth waiting for it. Now, I am waiting for GTA 5 on PS4 hehe!
Is there any plan to support asian languages(subtiles)?
What language will be in the game or just english, I need russian as well :)
Please don’t forget those faithfull customers who bought the full game for the PS3.
Make it a digital upgrade or give special limited time discounts to those who invested their money in the PS3 version, so they don’t feel cheated into buying the same game twice.
Don’t mistreat your loyal customers, or they won’t show you the same loyalty in the future.
Keep the trust you regained.
Thank you.