Update: Here’s the debut trailer following hot on the heels of yesterday’s official reveal.
Well, it’s no secret that we have been working night and day at the studio to bring The Last of Us to PS4.
We’re calling it The Last of Us Remastered.
Moving our efforts to the PS4 has allowed us to remaster an already phenomenal looking The Last of Us in 1080p with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements. We love setting challenging technical hurdles for us when working on each game – and this is no different. We’ve been working hard on The Last of Us Remastered to release a next-gen evolution worthy of the 200+ Game of the Year awards, not to mention the acclaim and expectations of our fans. We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.
In addition to all the technical updates, we’re also including an exclusive director’s commentary for all in-game cinematics featuring Creative Director and Writer, Neil Druckmann; Voice Actor, Troy Baker, who plays Joel; and BAFTA Award winning Voice Actress, Ashley Johnson, who plays Ellie.
We’ve released a ton of additional content since The Last of Us launched in June 2013, including our first ever single player expansion, Left Behind. We’re happy to say that the major content releases will be included with The Last of Us Remastered:
- Left Behind single player expansion
- Abandoned Territories multiplayer map pack
- Reclaimed Territories pack – details will be coming soon on exactly what is included
Whether you are new to The Last of Us or have played it already on the PS3, we hope you are all looking forward to this release. We are!
You can preorder The Last of Us Remastered for PS4 right now from many of your favorite retailers and receive these preorder bonuses:
- 100 Supply Points (XP) for use in Factions mode
- Two special bonus skins for Joel and Ellie which will be unlocked after your complete the single player campaign
- Increased Crafting Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
- Increased Healing Speed for use in the Single Player Campaign
- 9mm Reload Speed Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
- Rifle Clip Capacity Increase Upgrade for use in the Single Player Campaign
If you preorder on the PlayStation Store, you will receive three extra preorder bonuses to unlocks in Factions multiplayer:
- Early Access to the Brawler Survival Skill in Factions Mode
- Early Access to additional Loadout Points for use in Factions mode
- Early Access to the Jeep Cap and Surgical Mask for use in Factions mode
Now that we’ve finally gotten the official announcement out of the way, we’ll be keeping you updated regularly about The Last of Us Remastered until it releases Summer 2014.
Does it include the ‘Grounded’ documentary?
Thank you, Day One purchase from me as missed out on ps3 version (sold my ps3 before it was announced)
First real game i’m excited to get after beating second son.
Is the 12/31/14 release date on the Playstation store a place holder?
$60 for the same game with improved graphics, this is serious Sony?!
This is a bit upsetting to me. I remember the Devs saying they were not looking into porting it over to the PS4 so I got it for PS3 with the Season Pass. It is an amazing game, no denying that, but I would have waited if I knew this.
Unless this game comes with an option to upgrade from my PS3 version, I would not be purchasing it.
3D Mode, I still like 3D :(
Will the PS3 version of TLoU & PS4 version of TLoU share the same trophy list?
Naughty Dog, this game NEEDs to support Cross Play with the PS3. Seriously, this would highly benefit the online community of both games, and ensure that the PS4 had access to a densely populated online game. A lot of people still play this on PS3, and separating the online communities would be a huge mistake.
i have been waiting for this news for long time !! and 60fps and better graphic will be amazing. I also imagine that MP will also run 60fps. If the game can run 60fps, then it would be really cool if can give us splitscreen co op game and plus offline bot match. If this happen my day is made !
Without a reasonable PS3 to PS4 upgrade program I will not be purchasing this game. Playstation 3 Version looks great as it is.
I can see why this was remastered (its a system selling cash cow), but it would be awesome if Sony started making remakes of games “That Actually Need” HD Remakes (e.g. Resident Evil 1). As much as I enjoyed Remember Me or even the o.k. Beyond Two Souls, NO HD Remastering is needed for games such as these!
What about anti aliasing?
Better it will be 4xMSAA!
However, I already know how silly hardware you have to handle, radeon 7850 combined with amd! 1.6GHz processor is not a demon of speed, it is not helping you at all (see Watch Dogs) :/
Hope we will not see the biggest ps4 issue so far, pop-up of objects and textures like in Killzone Shadow Fall or Second Son, not to mention frame drops :(
Still waiting for any “next gen” graphic and feeling.
Hope you deliver.
Will you let us pre-order on the EU (UK, for me :p) PlayStation Store soon?
No matter the graphic, I am not going to buy it for 60$, maybe 20, but for sure not 60…
Eric Monacelli answered most questions EXCEPT for PS3-to-PS4 upgrade (discount)…
So will there be an upgrade price (ala COD, BF3, Madden, etc) for owners of the PS3 versions?
You say ” We will be revealing more detailed information about the upgrades for the PS4 version in the coming months.”
Does this mean an upgrade program? I have poured over $100 into this game, and I will be bummed if it is still full price. I pre-ordered and bought the survival edition, pre-ordered and bought the season pass, and bought both soundtrack volumes. I love this game so much, it has had such an impact on me, I have an awesome Ellie shirt from it, and am enthused about it coming to PS4 from Naughty Dog (rather than a porting studio). I will just be a little sad if I would have to pay full-price for it again.
Can you clarify?
I was holding out to get myself a copy. I’ve played through it last summer.
I absolutely loved it.
Now with the addition of the Left Behind DLC and enhanced visuals.
What better way to play this.
I need to get finals out of the way before I finally buy a PS4.
I do hope there’s a comparison video down the road.
If the answer to the Ps3 to Ps4 upgrade was No, I wouldn’t be so eager to answer any questions regarding it…
Only gonna get this if the improvements are significant. With that said, I really hope you guys get this done quickly so you guys can put more resources into making NEW games.
Will we be able to choose survival from the get-go this time around? Some people want the ultimate challenge right off the bat, especially with a game like this.
Also, will this version come with access to some form of the American Dreams comics? Because that would be awesome, and would truly make it the full Last of Us experience (maybe you could even get Ashley and Yaani to do voice acting for it !!! (not like there was that much dialogue; they could probably knock that out in a single day…maybe two). And you KNOW that would increase the selling potential for this thing. Who wouldn’t want that?
I will not re buy the game again so you need to have some sort of upgrade option especially for those of us the brought a digital version of the game
I originally thought I wouldn’t re-buy this game, but the fact that you guys are seriously remastering the game you can have my money.
what? no Uncharted? fail…. I kid… this is awesome!
I’m ready to sink numerous playthroughs into it all over again. :
This is great news! However, as an owner of the PS3 version, I am wondering if there are any talks of a Digital Upgrade program similar to what AC4, BF4, and Ghosts did. Due to the nature of new content involved, it would be fine to make the upgrade cost more than the others, just as long as we would still get some sort of discount.
I will buy buying this either way, but if there were an upgrade program it would be very much appreciated by us long term Naughty Dog fans :)
I see a PS4 in my near future!
borderlands 2 can drop in ps vita so plz make the last of us ps vita version :((
Sony, please consider a discount for people that bought the digital version. I would love to play TLOU on PS4 but $60 really hurts my wallet. ='(
Are trophys seperate from ps3?
this will be epic
just me or did they slightly edit Ellies face for the PS4 game cover she looks more like Ellen Page now. what you trying to say ND Ellen page is going to play Ellie in the movie
As many have already asked, will there by any discounts for those who have purchased the digital version or the ps3 season pass? I went ahead and double dipped for the Tomb Raider Definitive edition because I had not purchased the DLC, but I am a season pass holder for this game and don’t know if I’m getting a lot of value added just for the improved graphics/visuals and frame rate bump. I love the game and would love to relive it on the ps4, but only if the price is right, transferring game progress would also be a big perk if you can build it in.
I know I’m one that has played The Last of Us on PS3. But ever since enjoying the PS4, I’ll definitely purchase The Last of Us again. I’m not much into online multiplayer and having the DLC for it is very nice. Hopefully get a friend of mine to play it with me. The game has a very unique multiplayer, team-based at its finest and a lot of fun. Just like with Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, was a bit skeptical at first. Why buy a game you’ve already played, enjoyed and completed? But Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition was well worth a second purchase for the improvements and features it brought.
Looking forward to playing The Last of Us again on the PlayStation 4, dat 1080p and 60fps! :)
Ok this game was awesome and yes im glad that its coming to ps4 but this is getting ridiculous. When can we expect to see more than 1 new game a moth totally new not something we already paid 60 bucks for and anothe 30 for dlc this is bull im tired of indie games and i want what sony and playstation promised i play my ps3 more than ps4 infamous was good but thats it knack killzone where are the badass games. This console was released without games and theyre trying to pull the wool over our eyes and its working they are laughing at us like this we will just keep rereleasing the stuff from last year and give them crappy indie games until we get new stuff and charge them twice for the same games hahahaha its bs im tired of it and i just want to play a totally new game when i get finished with one wheres the games wheres the games guys
Definitely a Day 1 for me. Really excited about hearing more news, especially towards the 30/60 FPS -solution.
Very exciting news. I only wish The Last of Us was released with the PS4 at launch. Not only can I not wait to replay the game again, I can not wait to play what I believe to be one of the best online shooters since Socom II.
I just don’t know if I want a physical copy or a digital.
The Naughty Gods are always hard at work.
Thank you
@ mus1ckfps:
“This needs to be 1080p/60FPS and that’ll justify the $59.99 price tag”
i’m interested to see if they can do it, or if it will turn out like tomb raider’s pseudo 60 FPS (more like an average of 45 and 60 in certain spots, although frame rate is unlocked in that game). they said they’re aiming for 60, and there’s no xbox one version to hold it back, so let’s see what happens. it would mean lots of positive attention if they could pull it off.
by the way, remastered also includes $30 worth of DLC, and even the ps3 version is still $60! also, even gamestop has the release date as 12/31/2014. i hope that’s wrong.
Any chance of 3D support ? Please make 3D mode a standard feature of your new PS4 game engine, now that ther is enough horse power to support it.
Not double dipping this one. Good for PS4 owners who never owned or played the game but for us who did. No way, no never!
please tell me you will be able to carry over your ps3 saves?!!!
Looking forward to it ! Thank you !
Will Pre-load be available when this get’s released?
I want to get every bonus, but my internet speed is just 5MB.. :/ I would be pleased if there would be a pre-load a week before it get’s release so it can keep downloading for the whole week for me & just get started the week/day that is available to be played.
Awe yeah PS4 is definitely going to hit the ten milliion mark sold now and then some. Even though i bought this already I will be picking this up again for my PS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If its 60fps , then it is a must have!
a day 1 buy here , i never played the orginal one on the ps3. Super excited!
It’s not full price, right? Naughty Dog wouldn’t do that, r-right?
ADD A SWAP STICKS OPTION!!!!! (movment on right stick, aiming on left)
I was furious when I got it on PS3 and found out you guys left the option out. Uncharted 2, 3 and pretty much 99% of all games have this option. Hell, even Resogun, and Dead Nation have this option.
It is incredibly frustrating when you developers neglect things like this. Don’t you realize how many people play this way? Pretty much anybody who played Turok, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark on N64 HAD to play this way. That’s how I learned, and since 99% of all games support this option, I’ve never needed to relearn, except for games like this.
The only way I’ll buy this again is if you add a swap sticks option, otherwise, I’ll by it used when it’s $10.
I want to enjoy the multiplayer but I can’t because it’s too hard to aim with the right stick for me. I learned to aim on the left. How would you like to relearn how to aim huh? Why don’t you try switching the sticks on CoD or something to see what you’re putting us through by forgetting to add that option in
Excuse me guys, what about those who own it already on PS3? Will the trophy list carry on? Or will the trophy list be a completely different version of it, but with the same list (sound stupid, but it’s pretty likely it will be like this)? It would be awful to have to play the entire game again just to get trophies I’ve already gotten, or to not get the Platinum because the DLC trophies’ are stacked there.
Please guys, bring the original list as it is, and I will probably buy the game. Otherwise, I’ll return to the PS3 version (which I don’t even care to play either anyway).