Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since we’ve checked in and given an update, so buckle up. We’ve been working with Iron Galaxy Studios, Gearbox Software, and 2K for a while now to bring Borderlands 2 to PS Vita, and we’re excited to announce that the award-winning, fan-favorite, role-playing-shooter will be available via the Borderlands 2 Limited Edition PlayStation Vita Bundle on May 6th, and digitally on PlayStation Store and at retailers nationwide on May 13th.

The Borderlands 2 Limited Edition PlayStation Vita Bundle features the new slimmer, lighter PS Vita Wi-Fi model. The new model features 1GB of internal memory built into the system, a new high-definition liquid crystal display, increased battery life, and an enhanced design that makes the system even more comfortable to hold. The bundle will include the new PS Vita system in black, Borderlands 2, and an 8GB PS Vita memory card — all for $199.99.
We’ve been working hard to jam pack the endless looting and mayhem of Borderlands 2 into the palm of your hands, and we’re committed to porting over the heart and soul of the console original without compromising the gameplay you know and love. Soon, PS Vita owners can chase down Handsome Jack on the go.
Now if you’re like me, some of you would have already poured hours into Borderlands 2 on PS3. Because cross save is supported, you can easily continue your existing adventure on PS Vita. Just got done with a long PS Vita session out on the road? Pick up right where you left off on PS3 when you get home. Easily transfer your saved game from PS Vita to PS3 and vice-versa so you don’t miss one second of the shooting and looting mayhem.
When you pick up Borderlands 2 on PS Vita, you’ll also get six add-on packs. Extend your experience with Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty, Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage, the Psycho and Mechromancer Character Classes, as well as the Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade Pack and the Collector’s Edition pack. As if the core game wasn’t already packing hundreds of hours of entertainment, this bonus content seals the deal, helping Borderlands 2 on PS Vita rank exceptionally high on the handheld-bang-for-your-buck-o-meter.
We can’t wait for you to get your hands on this epic and action-packed PS Vita version of Borderlands 2. The look, the feel, the style, the characters, the weapons, and the co-op gameplay with its countless hours of shooting and looting — it’s all here! Prep your gear, Vault Hunters, we’ll see you back on Pandora.
So what about Hammerlock, Dragon Keep and Upgrade Pack 2? Can we get those day one or are they a later release or are we never getting those? Will we have to buy them separately or can we just get a ‘rest of the DLC not included’ bundle?
I’d have preferred the content over the two character classes personally but it is what it is.
If there was one thing I wish that this version also included, would be cross-play support with PS3/VITA, but I understand there are probably technical issues. But hell, I’d even settle for local cross play not over the internet.
Instant buy, just sucks I have to wait another week cause I’ve already bought a VITA. Day 1 user and happy as ever!
Can we do Co-Op Play between PlayStation Vita 2000 and PlayStation 3 Players? Or only within the same Systems? It would be pretty awesome if you would incorporate that Cross-Play Feature! Can’t wait for this game, I preordered it and fully paid it off to be delivered to my house early morning on Saturday, May 31st, from GameStop! I knew about it, from online, at least a week or two in advance than anyone in my local GameStop, they didn’t believe me about it.
P.S. Anyone know why it’s coming out on a Saturday, I thought systems come out usually Fridays? Or was that just specific for the PlayStation 4 and XBox One?
P.P.S. This Bundle comes out exactly 2 weeks after my 28th Birthday! (Which is on May 10th!)
P.P.P.S. So sorry if anyone possibly miss-took this for a possible rant, it’s a long thought that I just, um… typed out loud.
Why are North America and Europe not getting the cool colors? such a missed opportunity Sony. :/
I really want one, and would rather not import. I’ve been patiently waiting in hopes that we’d get new colorways or the same as japan at the very least. very, very sad playstation panda for this. (u___u) yes, you guys, us ignorant westerners also enjoy colors!
What’s the price for the game for those of us that already have a Vita?
I hope longtime Vita owners aren’t getting screwed here :/
1st off, let me start by saying I love my Vita, and look forward to this title as well as a few others coming in May.
However, some qualms.
1. The new Version while coming with a few perks, sacrices one of the qualities I like best about the Vita. The screen quality..
2. While slowly making more enjoyable titles available, many Great PS Classics are being ignored. Simply, make more HD, and more PSP games available through the Vita.
3.The Plus program though very economical , is still confusing when prices change drastically or offered for free shortly after a sale or purchase for those that buy.
4.Better online support for downloads (purchases). Also, making games available for purchase once included in IGC.
Would I still buy a Vita, probably, but would it be my first choice? Well, that still remains on you.
Quick question. Does the cross save feature mean that the dlc will activate on the PS3 also? Might change my mind about the bundle if that is the case. I still need the to pick up the dlc for my PS3 version and I do want a PS Vita…
2 questions 1. will the Vita bundle come to EU? and 2. When will the New slim Vita come to EU?
So the vita version is technically the GotY edition?
Nice my birthday is on the 14th so getting it.
Nice. Cant wait to play Borderlands 2 on the Vita
I’ll wait til there is a different color bundle. Also when PS VITA and 64 GB card coming to US?!
If we are getting ports, try hitting up Capcom for a Resident Evil 4/Okami Double Pack. Both games would be welcome.
Not bad looking, but No Lights ??? No Shadows at all ??? It looks like the studio in charge of the port wasn’t experienced enough.
Seriously, after finishing Killzone, i expected Borderlands to pay honour to the Vita hardware. Even the horrible COD has shadows, and Resistance as well….
What happened here.
Can the studio in charge work some more for one month to have at list some shadows….it looks so flat…
Awesome! I’m not really into Borderlands, but I like the newest models of systems, this will be a great upgrade from my day 1 Vita….any word on the 64 gig card coming to the states though?
i’ll take a pass on bromance lands 2, but i do hope it does well for the sake of the system.
it makes very little sense for the god of war games to release the same day, if that is in fact true. Ports are better than nothing, at least they are of really popular games.
I hope E3 sheds some light as to what is coming for Vita. It would be really great to get a grand rpg, I would even be mildly happy with a port (gasp) of Ni No Kuni, but that is a large game so i’m not sure how that would go. It would be perfect for vita though if you think about it.
Sports games have become very sad on the vita, and there is very little in the way of rpg genre.
that leaves action adventure for my 3 favourite genres. While Tearaway and Killzone Merc are good efforts and I did buy them (on sale at 9 and 18 respectively) they are not exactly what I am hoping for. Dragon’s Crown I bought full price, like a chump and it’s a neat golden axe riff, but I think i was suckered in by the late art book availability.
I know PS4 has games coming, but the vita has ports and indies… i need a bit more from E3.
Before I get character assassinated over the rpg, comment i should point out there is rpg / action rpg games for vita and psp, but by and large they do not interest me.
with the exception of ffx. Which has the misfortune of being bundled with that abomination (imo) x2, which is a download on the retail release. what a slap in the face. I only want ffx and if you made it available for 19.99 i would consider it, but in true fact i would just wait for it to go on sale. I really cannot support the retail with dlc x2 for 44.99 in Canada that is taking the pi ss as the brits would say. Or alternatively I am not willing to pay over the odds, for ffx which they know full well is the primary draw.
I would like new rpg content more than anything else, but that is a tall order these days. I wish we got something in the veign of bravely default etc. It appears the 3ds has no trouble garnering the genre, and not just the dumptruck backing up with the years old ports either.
at least i have final fantasy ix waiting to play should i feel the itch, and they had the decency to make ffv compatible with vita as well. it’s nice to have new things to look forward to though.
file size in digital? digital include all the dlc also?
Still debating if I want to pick this up. I have never been a hand held gamer and scared to drop 200 cash on the system than another 80 for a memory only for the both of them to just sit on my shelf and collect dust. I have always wanted to play the uncharted and gravity rush game for vita but don’t know if it’s sorry it for just those games. Myself I’m not in love with borderlands and would most likely try to sell that game if I got this bundle. It’s a difficult decision in which I don’t know if I will able to decide,
I saw this video yesterday on YT…the bundle looks sweet…if I didn’t had a Vita already,this bundle would be mine…now the game looks pretty good on Vita…soon enough I’ll grab the GOTY version for PS3 and I might just as well pick the Vita version too.All I can say is thanks for bringing it to the Vita.
@20 Everything on the newer Vita is superior to the old-no more proprietary charging cord, it’s smaller and more comfortable to hold, and it has internal memory for those who don’t want to buy a memory card yet. The only thing that’s worse is the screen and even there, the OLED screen on the current Vita has issues with burn-in. The newer screen won’t.
Cross save question, if I am doing dlc on the vita which I don’t have on the ps3, will cross save still work? Will I be able to use that save on ps3? What if I get a new weapon in a vita dlc level, will I be able to use it on ps3? How is this handled in general?
The ps4 is awesome so the ps vita coming out after the ps4 = omg this will be better then ever
Finally, can’t wait until it comes out may 6, 2014. I just hope you don’t have to pay for the 6 dlc for Borderlands 2.
I hope Borderlands 2 online multiplayer co op is really good^_^ The cross save is a huge advantage for high level players.
dont forget that ni no kuni debuted on the ds. yes… a vita version would be grand.
in general side point: i always felt SONY wouldnt release the 6 multicolored slims. thats why i imported. did we get the sapphire or the red vita? nope.
my USD ends up in japans sales coffers. chalk it up to 2 more sales the US market could have attained and another bolster to the vita in japan sales numbers then in the west.
im still at a loss for why the 64gb hasnt been brought over. how many US consumers have already imported? alas, more sales the US could have maintained.
my only problem with bl2 is that its infrastructure only and no adhoc. forcing out multi vita households to be able to play with each other or share. while the ps3 allowed couch co-op and multiple users the vita doesnt allow multiple users.
buying digi and sharing is pointless when the other user account would need to deactivate the vita system and change user accounts. i.e. no more sharing digi vers. the characters are locked to the user psn account. if there is a workaround to going adhoc and being allowed to use another user account save file, im all ears. but as it stands im at a loss.
this could all be solved if the vita had a multiple user system like the ps3. the deactivate/format memory card workaround is grotesque when compared to the alternative of allowing multiple psn accounts.
Is there gonna be character skins n omfgerd need this game in library so bad
Pre-Ordered this bundle!!! Played this game on console and now my dream has come true, Borderlands 2 PORTABLE!!!!!!! Thank you Sony!!!
Can’t wait!
If this doesn’t have cross-play with PS3 I’ll sadly have no interest in it. I can count on one finger how many people I know with a Vita, while a lot that have a PS3. Also it would be sooooo nice having my friends over and not having to split the screen, one of us could play on the Vita and the other the PS3. Losing this capability is very very very sad. :-(
Buying one!!!!
I also already bought the Persona 4, can’t wait to play it!!
I’m a little worried about the 8GB Memory card, will it be enough for the Persona 4 Golden and borderlands?