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All of us at Sucker Punch are super excited about the launch of Second Son today! We spent almost three years bringing Delsin and his powers to life, now it’s time for you all to ENJOY those powers! Have a great time, and let us know what you think about it all @SuckerPunchProd.
Don’t forget to download the patch! It comes with a nice little surprise called inFAMOUS Paper Trail. What’s that? It’s a FREE bonus extension for inFAMOUS Second Son that expands the universe and gameplay by weaving seamlessly on and beyond your PS4. You will pursue missions to unravel the mysteries behind the D.U.P. and the cover-up of a violent suicide through this time-released story. New content will be released every week for the first six weeks after launch of the game, offering almost five hours of additional content available to everyone who has a copy of inFAMOUS Second Son and a PSN account. To learn more about inFAMOUS Paper Trail go to inFAMOUSPaperTrail.com/about or check out the FAQ.
Combine that with the extra content available in the Cole’s Legacy pre-order DLC and we think you’ll have plenty to enjoy with your new copy of inFAMOUS Second Son!
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