Upcoming PS4 Update to Add SHARE Enhancements and HDCP Off

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Upcoming PS4 Update to Add SHARE Enhancements and HDCP Off

Here at PlayStation, we listen closely to your comments and requests, which are weighted heavily when looking at the future of our platforms. Since PlayStation 4 launched, we’ve heard a lot of great feedback from you about what you like with the platform and what you’d like to see us work on. I’m happy to report that, as a direct result of your feedback, we’ll soon be bringing some of your most-requested features to PS4 with a system software update in the upcoming weeks. These features and additions will help make your PS4 even more socially connected by further enabling you to customize your most epic gaming moments and granting even more options to show them to your friends.

This upcoming update will add a rich video editor with a simple tool to personalize your video clips, and you’ll also be able to export to and save the videos and screenshots you create by pressing the SHARE button to a USB drive. In addition, this update will add an HDCP off option for capturing gameplay via HDMI, a feature we’ve previously said would come after launch. We recognize that some gamers want to record and share longer clips of their gameplay sessions, and we’re excited to deliver this option with PS4. There’s a lot more coming in this update as well, so stay tuned for more—there will be plenty in the update to excite everyone.

As part of a separate system software update in the future, we have been working with our partners at Twitch and Ustream, and will also be adding the ability for Twitch broadcasts to be archived – another highly requested feature among PS4 fans who are taking advantage of the SHARE button features. These broadcasts will be also provided with a higher resolution of 720p, so PS4 fans can enjoy live broadcasts with clearer images. We’ll have more to come on these updates and more in the coming weeks.

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9 Author Replies

  • Okay so, you actually can keep your friends if you manually add everyone on your old account to your new one. As for the rest, there’s nothing you can do. It’s become very inconvenient for my brother, who grew up with playstation from a bratty preteen to having his own job and is recently engaged, to still be stuck underneath me when it comes to his gaming entertainment. Factor in that I’m in the Navy stationed in Japan while he is in America and that I go on deployments where several months a year he can’t contact me.

    Is it impossible, or just unreasonable to implement this feature? Something unreasonable could be, if implementation would require migration of all accounts. Could we at least just give master-accounts more freedom to give their sub-accounts more freedom? For example, perhaps a master-account could allow a sub-account to hold their own billing information? It seems every time I read-up on this issue people report that Sony representatives have told them it can’t be done. But, why? What exactly is the reason a sub-account, or at least all the relevant information stored within, cannot be converted to a master-account?

  • Alright, wall of text summary:
    1. Requesting ability to upgrade sub-account to master-account.
    2. If above is not possible, explore other options like allowing sub-accounts to hold billing information.
    3. If none of the above is possible or is simply unreasonable, an explanation of why it couldn’t happen or what unreasonable circumstance prevents it would be appreciated.

  • This is Ridiculous, Now I can not Record my videos on youtube with Elgato! I want my money back!

  • This is gonna be part 1 of this comment.

    here’s my list of features that are not only requested by me, but by MANY people I know and talk to in person and online.
    – organize games on the main horizontal bar
    – ability to pause/resume downloads
    – ability to hide items available to download from library
    – ability to hide unused apps (the playroom, music unlimited, etc)
    – DLNA support
    – ability to turn off controller WITHOUT being forced to log off
    – talk with spotify to get it brought over to ps4. I get you have music unlimited and it is a service you’re trying to push, but you guys still get money out of spotify as they do have many albums that are published by sony and giving that choice would really be a show of good faith.

  • Part 2

    – ability to appear offline
    – ability to change your psn name. This feature has been around in Japan since launch on ps3 (almost 8 years ago).
    – ability to upload our videos to youtube directly. This is probably something that will take some time given youtube’s crazy copyright/fair use rules.
    – streamline the trophy syncing. Have trophies sync in the background without needing to go to trophies. i’m pretty surprised the system can’t do this.
    – ability to sort through the downloads list (seriously, this has been requested for YEARS on multiple different outlets.) Just add the ability to filter through things (vita, ps3, ps4, cross-game, ps1 classic, ps2 classic, psn game, full game, etc).

  • How about a Google+ and/or the ability to share content with Google+

    Believe it or not, not everyone uses Facebook and Google+ actually has more active users than Twitter (though Twitter has more overall users)…

  • Hey Sony Playstation, a feature i would love to see implemented in the PS4 camera is a “eject game” voice command.

  • 3D Bluray support. Please,

  • Thru my life time i have bought a total of 13 sony consoles. I feel that sony make superior machines. But i do feel fairly irritated at the fact that instead of moving forward we are taking steps back, in that the mp3, mp4 usb, and dlan, have not been updated yet. i truly hope that this does not turn out to be like the ps3 music xmb in game play. Which was very frustrating and never happened. I believe that the ps4 is the best so as faithful buyers we deserve the best features. Thank you sony.

  • Next update should add online and offline notifications like on ps3

  • looking through the majorities of these comments more people are worried about capturing their gameplay footage, I personally could care less if I record my game footage. My main concern about the PS4 mainly because it is more than capable (obviously) to play PS3-PS1 games. I just ordered a PS4 but I just might keep it in the box until the feature is released because, sony is just ripping people off by having you pay just to play online (which is dumb) plus pay for an extra subscription to stream PS3 games that you have physical discs for and to play the games that you have already purchased from PSN (meaning they expect you to pretty much rebut the game just to stream it on next gen console).

  • All these new features are awesome but what about support for 3D Blu-Ray?

  • Hey gues ps4 have an option ,,play audio on all outpots ? Im think about capsure gameplay with chat audio ? it is possible ?

  • Did people also request ads for Taco Bell in their news feed?

  • Does Sony realize that people want Bluetooth headsets?

  • While I know that the PS 4 is still in the beginning phases, I really want to see these features brought online quickly
    These are features that I would like to see within the next 3 months, and honestly thought they would have already been added by now.

    MP3 / JPG / MPEG support / 3D Bluray / DLNA support/ bluetooth headsets (namely the ones that i use on my ps3)

    on a lower priority

    I would like to be able to build my own themes again, that was a feature i loved immensely on the ps3, and while i dont expect it to happen soon, sometime in the next year or two would make me very happy.

  • When is the MLB TV app coming on the P4? Season starts in a week

  • I am sorry I sold my PS3 when I bought my PS4. Now I can’t stream video from my media server. I also can’t play mp3’s. When am I getting those abilities back?

  • Will we see any new feature, that were on the ps3 that will be revamped such as if friends are online, post a comment on our statues bar, wallpapers for our systems so it does not become dull.

  • I really can’t wait! I wish it comes out next month.

  • What I hope is that they can really turn the Dualshock 4 lightbar off… it is really annoying, and games are not really using it for anything useful (need for speed most wanted and infamous so far), but their use is not with the camera.

  • Dear Sony, when are you going to send an update for 3D bluray movie support ? I have an extensive collection of movies which I can no longer watch !!! Beginning to wish I stuck with the PS3. Thanks

  • Actually, it wasn’t until i ordered the PS4 that I was told there was no support for 3D Bluray ! A backwards step for next-gen, let alone the serious lack of next-gen titles available !

  • I am loving the way the ps4 is moving forward started good getting better would like to be able to customise the U.I folders would be good but Sony I’m sure you can do much better something i cant even imagine

  • I know this is beating a dead horse but us gamers CANNOT stress these features enough until they become a reality. Want to win the console war and stay ahead of Xbox One? Listen to us, we know what we want. Remember, the customer is ALWAYS right.

    1. MP3 / MP4 / CD playback
    2. MP3 playback for all games
    3. Organize the friends list, add a feature to add certain friends to a list/group you make.
    4. Friend online notification
    5. Friends list search – to search for a friend, since friends list can hold 2,000 friends.
    6. Save gaming videos to YouTube
    7. YouTube app

    I could go on but this is a good start.

  • Oh good. An update for a feature that I can’t use because I have a sub-account that I can’t upgrade to a master account even though I’ve been over the age of 18 for almost 3 years now.


  • Please Theme support, MP3/ACC playback, Youtube uploading, Dim DS4 led lights, DLNA/SAMBA support


  • DNLA support? Mp3? Cd’s? Youtube? when’s that coming, had mine since launch and i have to use my ps3 for youtube, music and pictures? this ain’t right at all and is a pain going back and forth.

  • What about the HDCP on the ps3? Will that be removed too?

  • I’m just curious as to when these changes will take place.

  • I just wanna say that my PlayStation 4 was one of my favourite Christmas gifts yet and the amount of effort and work that goes into the sony industries is amazing just to keep there customers satisfied and so far they are doing a fantastic job and im looking forward to some of the amazing updates features and devices sony will be making and to get back to the point. GOOD JOB SONY KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK (:

  • so far my playstation4 has been my best gift i have ever gotten i remember when i was a kid i got my first game system it was a PlayStation2 ever since i had a great compassion for sony industries and of all these years the technology has just advanced so much before we couldn’t have wireless internet and now we have 4000p resolution TVs and some people dont know home much effort and hard work is put into creating these amazing products just to make there customers happy adn to get to the point i just wanna say. KEEP IT UP WITH YOUR FANTASTIC WORk (:

  • Anyone know when this update is coming out? I can’t wait to start to be able to record and stream with my capture card :)

  • Great!


  • Don’t understand why they have taken so long. They have been promising to do it for a long time now.

  • Good work guys! ;)

    Please let us a PS4 calendar app, like last update for PSVITA.

    Thanks for all ;)

  • Please make it to where games are in a specific section (example) just like the T.V and Video section. it would just make things a little more simple on the ps4, ease of use is the goal right? Thank you.

  • Still waiting for DLNA / MP3 / JPG / MPEG / ext HD This should have came out way before Turning off DRM that should not have been there any way. My BC PS3 can do more and play more games then the PS4. Until this changes I will not buy one.

  • Will we be able to upload a video to just PSN instead of having to share it through Facebook? That’s something that bothers me, but I still appreciate that you guys are listening. Thanks for any info.

  • awesome,
    but i have some issues too,
    1- the ability to pause downloads seems to be easy and a great option, so we expect that in the newest update ;)
    2- running at least 2 programs together, like sometimes you want to play a game and also update another game (i.e. warframe runs an in-game update)
    3- and the most important one is listening to music without being online via a usb device or something, and if that comes available i suggest something else too, the ability to change the background music in playstation home, and also a powerful music player
    4- and the last one is automatic “turn off” option after downloads are completed and also the schedule option to downloads be on a queue or somthing like that

    I think these would turn ps4 to something so many different with even every other devices :)
    we hope and wait for it

  • so whens this happening? been waiting since i got a ps4 yet you mention no date

  • I want to be able to boot up my PS4 and have the option to see my friends playing their games in REAL TIME. Sony has mentioned their desire to make gaming “more social” but in my opinion, sharing pre-recorded videos does not accomplish this goal. I want to be able to boot up my PS4, see Joe is playing Killzone, click on his name and see how he is doing. Perhaps, at that point I’ll call him on my headset, make fun of his terrible kdr, and jump into his game to help him out. THAT is social gaming!

  • Disregard my previous comment. Apparently there’s built-in Twitch.tv integration. Just need to set it up. Sweet!

  • SONY PLAESE ADD MP3 feature!!!!!!!!!!

  • PLEASE can you also add the feature to allow people to store music and movies/videos to the system!! its very useful to most people.

  • I hope there is possibly a timer in the either top or lower corners so you can see how much time you have left to record or how much time you’ve recorded. Sucks having to guess if your 15 minutes (or new time limit) has passed and you have to guess and hit the share again. (If this option is there now PLEASE let me know)

    Hope the notification of friends jumping online and offline is added like in PS3.

    A few more editing options would be nice as well.

    Youtube support please.

  • I can’t wait for this to be released! I wish they would tell us when. “In the coming weeks” must be getting close lol :P

  • Please add 3D playback, and mp3 support!!!

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