Here at PlayStation, we listen closely to your comments and requests, which are weighted heavily when looking at the future of our platforms. Since PlayStation 4 launched, we’ve heard a lot of great feedback from you about what you like with the platform and what you’d like to see us work on. I’m happy to report that, as a direct result of your feedback, we’ll soon be bringing some of your most-requested features to PS4 with a system software update in the upcoming weeks. These features and additions will help make your PS4 even more socially connected by further enabling you to customize your most epic gaming moments and granting even more options to show them to your friends.
This upcoming update will add a rich video editor with a simple tool to personalize your video clips, and you’ll also be able to export to and save the videos and screenshots you create by pressing the SHARE button to a USB drive. In addition, this update will add an HDCP off option for capturing gameplay via HDMI, a feature we’ve previously said would come after launch. We recognize that some gamers want to record and share longer clips of their gameplay sessions, and we’re excited to deliver this option with PS4. There’s a lot more coming in this update as well, so stay tuned for more—there will be plenty in the update to excite everyone.
As part of a separate system software update in the future, we have been working with our partners at Twitch and Ustream, and will also be adding the ability for Twitch broadcasts to be archived – another highly requested feature among PS4 fans who are taking advantage of the SHARE button features. These broadcasts will be also provided with a higher resolution of 720p, so PS4 fans can enjoy live broadcasts with clearer images. We’ll have more to come on these updates and more in the coming weeks.
Give us Dynamic themes or the ability to create our own themes and i promise to eat my veggies…Only on Tuesdays. Thank you.
<3 Sony :D
Loving my PS4, still very impressed at how fast the UI is, and how well the Store is integrated in the experience now, awesome stuff. Like others have said I think folders would be great, since I have a ton of games and it's getting pretty cluttered lol. That's about the only improvement I can think of though, the UI in general is amazing!
good to hear, i been waiting for news on a update =)
Some of my requests are:
– Friend Notifications
– Section for twitch followers
– Comment on News feed
– Sorting
– Write small status updates
– Customise notifications on where you want them to appear on the screen
– Notify when friends start broadcasting
– be able to Delete tiles from library or some sorting their
– Have a tile dedicated to Seeing globally what games are being played and how many people are on them (live) like on Xbox 1
– On PSN store the Add to cart screen for a game, be able to see which of my friends already bought the game before i buy it. (ill be more willing to buy a game if i knew if friends already have it)
– more avatars
– Cartoon network App (for kids)
– Fios tv app
– Have Breaking News on the news feed for important things that happen like Game annoucements, Sony news, Pre order news ect… (be able to turn it on/off for ppl that dont want it)
– Make it easier to join friends in Mutiplayer games
many others but thats all i can think of right now
YUSSSSS! Thank you, Sony.
I hope you also add some of these features that probably most people want!
– Pausing/stopping downloads
– more voice commands
– MP3, VIDEO, and PHOTOS support through USB
Looking forward to the update. :)
Definitely looking for:
– MP3/AAC playback.
– Video playback of MP4, MKV video files.
– 3D Blu-ray support.
– Better organization for main menu
– Official PS4 remote control
General improvement of the blu-ray player option…I still have my PS3 (and am using it), but I’d like to be able to make the PS4 my main multimedia hub…but can’t with the current options.
the ability to see when a friend comes online/offline would be great. i have had countless fifa nights where i have waited for my friend to come on only to see 5 mins later that he has been there waiting for me haha
@Scott McCarthy and @SCEA , Hello their are some important things to the Playstation 4 you have not added yet that need added like MP3 , CD and DLNA support and Media Server Support. Apps like MLB.TV , TWiT.TV , Revision3 , HBO Go , Disney Movie Anywhere , Watch ABC , Watch ABC Family , CW TV Now , CBS etc. Also we need Bitstream Direct Decoding for DTS HD Master Audio and Dolby True HD Audio Track. Those are just a few things I would like to see in the future PS4 updates. Thank You and keep up the good work.
Also @Scott McCarthy and @SCEA I would like to have Blu-Ray 3D Support on the PS4
How about stopping all the pervs and smut showing nudity on playstation live!!!
-controller battery indicator should show up by pressing ps button, not only holding it. (Like on ps3)
-The ability to see how long ago a friend last logged in (like on ps3)
I would like the ability to pause/resume downloads, 3D bluray support, a YouTube app/video sharing to YouTube, an auto sign in option for my profileafter I’ve already logged in that includes headsets and a controller. MP3/FLAC/M4A and video playback would be great! It would be cool to see a store update that includes PS3 and Vita sections so we can browse them without having to use the PS3. Also, since the 1.60 patch my wifi drops due to interference with my Pulse (PS3) headset so I have to hardwire it via LAN. Thanks!
And to be able to continue a dvd from where I left off like the ps3 did. I know blurays do this, but not dvds
Yea I second everything @263 said lol
One thing I never understood. Why is sony so bad at sending news feeds to their ps4/ps4 systems? There should be a news section for big announcements, Network maintenance, new game releases……. Not everyone checks the blog or game sites. Ps4 needs this.
OMG good work
Oops. I forgot…. the Facebook trophy integration doesn’t show my PS4 trophies. I have to go into Facebook and manually edit every single trophy so it shows up in my feed (and they’re not grouped together like PS3 and VITA). Not the most important issue but it sticks out nonetheless.
Awsome cannot wait to be able to upload to my YouTube channel :)
Which is https://www.youtube.com/user/MrGamingJake
Just incase you wanted to know :)
But fantastic news!
Share to FTP, please!
Will we be seeing an update where viewers can “follow” on twitch? There isn’t much use if streaming on ps4 otherwise.
1. MP3
2. MP4
AND THIS IS WHY I LOVE PLAYSTATION. You guys are awesome <3 Keep up the amazing work and I can't wait for the update :)
Seriously? Nothing about something as simple as friends online/offline feature nor a hide online status feature? No one requested this? I mean thank for what you ARE doing but is this really that hard to implement?
I see a lot of requests: 3D / DLNA / Music player (mp3/etc) / Video player (avi/mp4/divx/mkv/etc) / USB-external play / 3D, so multimedia is a part also of game world! Please Sony, take this into consideration and do some updates in this area also!
What about SKYPE?
why oesnt ps4 support Blu ray 3D movie discs
When will the sub account farce get fixed. It’s hugely annoying my son is 23 now, I can see no reason why this can’t be put right.
streaming media from my PC please
Thank you,
Great work! Keep the updates coming. I would like to see bluetooth headset support for my Turtle Beach PX4’s and the ability to find facebook friends on PSN.
I would love to have youtube and have my friends notifications back so I can now when my friends are online and offline
Thank-you Sony !!! ive been waiting to use my elgato capture for awhile now
also not to be that guy, but id love to see friends online notifications like ps3 had!! being on not seeing new friends pop on is abit disapointing
I’d love to see more games use stereoscopic 3D now that the tech is more advanced. I think most developers don’t bother with this because they feel it’s too much of hassle to implement. Maybe you could provide some sort of middleware solution for the most popular game-engines so developers don’t have to code this themselves? A bit similar to the middleware that you’re providing for project Morpheus, or even integrate it into the same software package?
Also you could encourage developers to use the 3D technology more, or maybe even have it mandatory for some titles ( although this restricts developers more, so not always a good idea…)
I’m just a huge fan of 3D gaming and I’m sad not a lot of games use this technology. You marketed it a lot a few years ago but sadly you seem to have given up on it…
I’ve been waiting for that update to have hdcp off and I’m glad it’s coming soon. Thank you very much and keep up the good work!
Again no help here. How about truly listening and adding sub account upgrades to PSN.
How bout the ablility to have your status as Online,Offline,Away, and Busy etc and notifications pop up to alert you when your freinds get on and offline.
Woo Hoo! I can’t wait for this update.
Please work with your partners to provide us with a full Twitch and Ustream experience. I would like the ability to watch all games, not just the Playstation variety. SN:Xbox One has this feature.
this is a big step forward niceeee
im exited to hear this. one reason i didn’t get a ps4 was because of hdcp instead i got a ps3 super slim ill be getting one june 1st right away now thank you SONY
also will you be raising ps4 price in USA as well i know yall are CANADA but What about USA i hope not because ill love to spend just 399.00 on a ps4 than that awfull price ?
Hey playstation, you answered my Q on twitter.
Only other idea on sharing I have is…
Integrate twitch into an app (and/or) ustream. Have the ability to quickly find the people you follow on those services.
Right now it’s kinda hard to find your favorite streams.
Also maybe an option for a pop up notification when they begin streaming?
Thanks for listening
JAKAL- Brad Pearce
I would pay for some Google integration. Sharing to G+
Please think about supporting your Non-Facebook using gamers!!
Any chance at PSOne and PS2 classics being available for the system? Finished Black Flag and now it’s a Netflix box until Second Son and The Show come out for me. Would be nice to put that power to good use upscaling graphics. :D
Thank you for stating that you’re working on DLNA, which is a big deal to me. However, just as big of a deal would be support for external media. One of my fiancee’s favourite things to do would be to put her videos on a USB, plug them into our PS3 and enjoy. However, we can’t do that with our PS4 right now, and we’d really like to be able to.
Please consider re-enabling this feature.
Thank you,
I’m really glad that you guys have been listening to us. The new update sounds great! Once YouTube support rolls out, I’m sure we’ll see direct uploads, but the export to USB option really makes up for that. The next major focus shouldn’t be on the share button though, it should be about the PS4’s home menu UI and the PS4’s PS Store UI. Both are tedious to navigate and could easily be fixed with a few changes.
First off, the PS Store should list content in easy to navigate categories and allow the user to sort through content. Looking for all the PS+ content this month? Discounts? “*click* *click* Oh, there it is!” I don’t need to know about Day 1 Digital games anymore. Maybe there should be a category dedicated to PS4 indie titles? You get the idea. Reorganizing the content should be a very easy thing to do.
As for the system menu’s UI, it needs better organization as well. Sortable content with the ability to create folders would make navigation a WHOLE lot easier! This should have been an obvious feature and I’m kind of surprised that it hasn’t been added yet. In addition to that, there should be an option to sort what you want to see in the “What’s New” section. Most of it I don’t want to see, so I never bother checking it. I know you guys wanted some ads to be popped in there, and I’m not expecting you to give us an option to remove those (it would be a VERY nice gesture if you did and I would totally respect the hell out of Sony for doing it, but, again, not expecting that), but the ability to sort through other content would be very useful. The last thing I think should be changed is the video folder should be renamed or removed. If we will be able to get the option to create our own folders, the video folder won’t be needed. That, and the name implies that only video related apps will get released on the PS4. It might be worthwhile to change the name of the folder to “Apps” so that future releases may have a place to go.
I’ll throw something I’d love to see on PS4 since everyone else is. Allow us remove games from the main menu and just use the library if we want. I for one would much rather have everything grouped somewhat like you could on the XMB in PS3. I hate having to scroll across the menu to find what I’m looking for, because I have too much on there already.
That’s awesome. Now can we get the ability to play media files off HDD? Haw haw haw