Sly Cooper Collection on PS Vita
Hungry for more of another PlayStation franchise you know and love? Wish you could experience the thrill of thieving with your best pals on the go? Have you always questioned the concept of pants? You’re in luck — Sly Cooper Collection is coming to PS Vita on May 27th!
The Sly Collection features all three original PlayStation 2 action-packed classic hits; Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racconus, Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves fully remastered in high definition and optimized for PS Vita.
The Sly Collection for PS Vita sees the mischievous raccoon and his gang of eccentric friends pull off daring heists in this entertaining platformer adventure. Packed full with mini-games and thrilling missions from across the globe, The Sly Collection masterfully blends stealth, thievery, combat, strategy and exploration into one huge world.
– Caley Roberts, Producer
Wait, what? God of War 1 and 2 are coming to Vita? Are you frakking kidding me? YEAAAAHH!!!
All of the work in my career is an important part of making me who I am but the first two ‘God of War’ games were truly the catalysts for a creative A-Bomb… and no small amount of F-Bomb’s too. ‘God of War’ 1 and 2 changed the course of my career forever and nothing could please me more than to see them getting released on the Vita. We did some amazing work with the controls, seamless integration of an epic story into a load-free experience, and now that can be taken with you ANYWHERE!!
While I did not have a direct involvement in the actual process of bringing the epic-ness to the Vita I still feel an amazing connection to the release of these games, and a huge amount of respect for the wizards who made it possible. I would not be writing this if it weren’t for those two blood-soaked PS2 discs. Well, that’s not true, I would be writing this but it would be with a well-worn crayon on the padded walls of a comfy cell in one of California fine institutions for the creatively insane, and the only person who would read it would be my doctor – strangely, played by that condescending psychiatrist from ‘Terminator 2’. (I would probably be insistent that robots are going to take over the world too – because they are.)
Where were we? Oh yeah, how the GOW collection on Vita is going to be awesome. I actually just finished an inflight session of Persona 4 Golden on my super sweet import Vita 2000 – I freaking love my new Vita. To be able to replay those two games on the go is awesome, a little Perseus fight at 33,000 feet? Yes please. Sure, Sony pays me to make games but they don’t make me say that. Actually, I imagine that most of the time they are standing by with black markers, like those stone faced twins in ‘Good Morning Vietnam’, (who are also in the aforementioned Terminator 2) waiting to redact any accidental slip…like me ‘allegedly’ accidentally announcing God of War on the PS3 way back when– oops.
If you haven’t played the games, never been a better time to check out portable version of the originals that started it all. How much would you pay for this on-the-go awesomeness? A million dollars, right? I would, but that is only because I truly have no concept of money, that’s why no one lets me handle it. I would own the original boulder prop from ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ right now if they did. It would be great but I would be broke. I am sure you can all handle your own money so grab the sweet Vita double pack when it releases with an MSRP of $29.99 on May 6th.
Here are some of the awesome Vita screens the marketing robots asked me to share with you…or was it the voices?
Sidebar… I recently had an incredibly magical moment with my new Vita and PS4. Yes, I know, I work with this stuff all day so how in the world can I have a magic moment with it, right? My wife and her sister were watching a movie in the living room where the PS4 was located, something I was none too interested in watching, so I hung out in the other room intent on playing some Assassin’s Creed IV via Remote Play. Just as I settled into a comfy chair and tapped the PS4 icon on the Vita I realized I forgot to turn on the ps4 – DOH! Being the lazy bastard I am I sat internally debating if I wanted to get up and risk burning my eyes from seeing even a small amount of the Hunger Games in order to turn on the PS4 or just play some OlliOlli instead. Well, in my moments of hesitation the Remote Play selection came up, so I just tapped the button out of pure sense memory and what did I see? The readout telling me it was turning the PS4 on. WHAT??? After a few seconds the PS4 menu popped up on my Vita, I started AC IV and proceeded to plunder booty, lag free – like a Swede.
Yeah, it’s a small thing, I know…but, to me, it was a magical moment. Perhaps this is something everyone knows, but I felt that childlike sense of discovery and wonder. Even if it was just for a fleeting moment, it was great.
Visit GodofWar.com and sms.playstation.com or follow @SonySantaMonica on Twitter for the latest God of War news.
It’s nice to see some high-profile games coming out! It would be even more awesome if there were similar games coming that were unique to the system.
But what would really make my day would be an announcement telling us that that annoying 100 icon limit was going to evaporate with the next system update. That would make me VERY happy.
You’ll need more PS4, more PS3 and more Vita games to be developped.
You’ll need more studios in general, but a better quality control over them than in the past.
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit! LAST YEAR/YESTERDAYNOW!
the vita is a stunted mess of possibility due to this joke of an app/save limit.
when you have faults, dont fear to abandon them.
Nice portable titles. I’ll be sure to look out for them.
This is old news no?
Well for the sly collection cool beans & the Gow collection not interested in paying for it again. I’m noe desperate for trophies, but sly cooper haven’t played that at all that I can buy for sure.
Finally WOW sorry i’m late heheh,yeah thank you sony :D
ports of ports. just what the vita needs.
Isn’t this already playable from the PS3 version on the Vita by using REMOTE PLAY?
I like Vita games, but please no more rehashes.. Give us awesome originals like TxK.
I’m hoping that at least both collections will be full native res on the Vita with solid AA (like in Ninja Gaiden Sigma+ and Sly 4) and both to run at least at a locked 30fps with no dips, no excuses!
But what I am really hoping more than anything is for both collections to run at a steady 60fps!!!
In fact I would much rather prefer them to run at 60fps at sub native res with good AA then vice versa because when u play on a portable screen you can barely notice a drop in res from native to sub especially when you don’t hold the system glued to your eyes.
But if these collections can be pulled off with full native res and solid AA (like Ninja Gaiden Sigma+ and Sly 4) at a steady 60fps then I will go NUTS!
Let’s not forget that Ninja Gaiden Sigma+ (more hardware demanding than any ps2 game including GoW 1&2) is a direct port of the first Xbox version and we all know how amazing that game looks on the vita with no jaggies!! if Tecmo Koei pulled it off then I don’t see why the GoW and Sly collections can’t be made at least with the same level of AA even if they both have to be locked at 30fps.
That’s nice. Now announce a game that I didn’t play on another system seven years ago. Seriously. God of War II was 2007. The original was 2005. I didn’t spend $250 to play games I’ve had sitting on the shelf next to me for nearly a decade. If I want to play old games I have a functional PS1, PS2, backwards compatible PS3 and a PSP. Seriously.
We need new Vita games that cannot be played anywhere else. We don’t need old games, ports of indie games that are on every other platform and we definitely don’t need digital games that are invisible at retail. You know – where people buy the machines. People go to stores to buy the hardware, they see the same stale games that have been sitting there for over a year and go “yeah… pass.”
good, Thanks.
Seriously, here’s how to fix the Vita:
1) Bundle in PSN cards with the memory cards. 32GB memory +$30 PSN for $80. You probably can’t cut the cost of the memory card, but you can effectively lower it by bundling points.
2) Game specific download cards at retail. Double or triple the game selection by putting out download cards for Escape Plan, Machinarium, Terrarium and others. Box art on the front, graphics on the back. Change the conversation from “Vita doesn’t have any games.” To “Wow, look at all these Vita games!” They have to be VISIBLE AT RETAIL for that to happen. Get the games out of the digitl space and where people can see them.
3) More exclusive Vita games. Ports of old games don’t count. Ports of indie games already on iOS/Android/PC don’t count. You have to give people a reason to hand you $200. If they see your games and go “Oh, I already have that” then they won’t buy your system.
@GlobalPhreak If you want an exclusive Vita game, why don’t you make one yourself? Oh wait, that’s right, you can’t because you’re the customer! You don’t have the power the command a company to make games for you. If they want to make old games, ports, indie games, or whatever, that’s their decision. That’s something you don’t get to decide on. Go back to college and take BUS 100. Learn how business works before commenting. I’m sorry, but reading you comment proves how much of a dumb customer you are.
@GlobalPhreak Also, your comment tells me that you think remakes and HD collections are pointless. So you’re telling me that games like Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMix on PS3 is a waste because I can just play them on PS2 or remakes like Persona 4 Golden is unnecessary because I can play the original on PS2? If that’s the case, what would happen if I didn’t have the original system? How stupid are you? I’ll “pass” your garbage feedback and I hope Sony does the same thing.
At the “more than one” person who is asking why CoO and GoS aren’t in this collection, it’s because they weren’t part of the PS3 version either. There are two HD collections. The original one (this one) with the first two games, and the Origins collection with the two PSP games remastered. If this HD collection sells well, we may also get the Origins HD Collection, but it was never advertised as coming to the Vita to my knowledge, just this one collection with these two games.
That being said, nice to see it finally dated. I’ll probably end up picking it up. The other bit of news, Sly Collection on Vita?! Awesome! Totally gonna pick that up as well. Hopefully it’s also gonna retail at $30, that’d be awesome. May is shaping up to be a busy month. Now I’m actually hoping Ubi waits until the end of Q2 to release Watch_Dogs, haha. I won’t have time to play it earlier.
great we get to play these games for the 78th time.
PS: Expect SONY to announce the Vita Version of Ratchet and Clank:Into the Nexus soon.
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
eliminate/extend the 100 app/save limit!
when will gta v will be on ps vita
@Gamerzlimited Naturally, how silly of me, some people don’t own a PS2. Fortunately for those folks there are 125 million of them floating around out there.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that you have a burning desire to play PS2 games that are a decade old.
You can buy a Vita for $250 or… You can buy a used PS2 for $35 and spend the remaining $215 on games.
Customers are telling Sony what they want, which is why the Vita sales are so low Sony won’t even report them. It’s why, globally, the Jak and Daxter collection sold terribly (that and it was nasty on the Vita). It’s why cross platform games like Sly Cooper and Playstation All Stars tank on the Vita – because it doesn’t give people a reason to buy the system.
Sony has admitted that virtually all Vita owners also own a PS3. So when the Vita gets a PS3 title it fails to sell. Why? Because anyone who wants to play it bought the PS3 version.
Sony needs to give people a reason to buy the Vita. So far, they’re doing a terrible job. It may, in fact, already be too late to save it.
Yes! More Vita games! I have so much to play at the moment that I can afford to wait until those games appear on PS+ someday :D
@GlobalPhreak Exactly, not every person in the world owns a PS2. And a majority of the 125 million could be broken or just scavenged parts. You’ll be lucky if you can find one working in this day that cheap.
If it was me, I would take the Vita because it’s portable. People have lives so not everyone has time to turn on their home console and sit on the couch to play their favorite games. That’s why these ports exist. To play them when their out of the house.
The only reason why Jak and Daxter Collection sold terribly on the Vita is because of the cruddy framerate, not because it’s a port of a PS2 game. If that wasn’t an issue, then it would have sold decently and I sure hope these two HD collection will not have these sort of problems.
Some of them may have cross buy. There wouldn’t be a point to buy just the Vita version if you can buy the PS3 version and get both.
If Sony was doing a terrible job, then we would notice it right away. But to me, I don’t see that whatsoever. We would never see these HD collections in the first place. Also, I’ll take back what I said. It’s not you being stupid, you are just saying stupid things that ain’t true.
I want to play an exclusive God of War vita title.
If You Are One Of The 100 That Hasn´t Played GOW In PS2 Or PS3 HD This Would Be Nice, Otherwise Is Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden Black, Ninja Gaiden Sigma And Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Over And Over Again
Nice Article, But Cory You Sound So So So Overreacting
yo gabba gabba
I really expect that these games run locked at 30 fps without drops, jak was almost unplayable and i saw a gameplay from gow 2 on vita and… i saw drops when kratos hits someone, this is ridiculous… at least gow 1 runs really well!
yes my fav game sly collection is coming for ps vita im been waiting for it so loong thanks sony #4theplayer i will always play sly cooper games so please sony make sanzaru do games for all the playstation there will come (: #slycooperfans
Pretty great news! Now wee need CRASH Bandicoot!!! In HD!
So that means is the first game of God of war for ps2 and the second game of God of war for the ps2 also? cause the first game of God of war (by order) is Chain of the Olympus and then it comes God of war for ps2. Can anyone explain it to please and thanks. :)
I was launched a proposale for a forced update to the Jak collection on Vita on the PS share blog, please support if you dont want anymore crappy ports
Ill buy these both, but im waiting for Crash and Ratchet & Clank collections on Vita as well, PLEASE Sony?
I hope they don’t make a bad port of the Sly Cooper Collection.
HOW did they screw up with the EXCELLENT Jak and Daxter Collection on PS3 when porting it on to Vita? And still no patches for the framerate problems.
I love these games and will buy them both… BUT please make sure they run at an acceptable frame rate or don’t release them. It really insults the Vita, and those killer franchises. Watering down your appeal is a horrible idea. Delay them until it’s done right… please, please, please.