I’m Pascal Bestebroer, the indie developer known as Orangepixel. I’ve been developing games since 2004, which have appeared on older mobile platforms like J2ME, as well as newer ones like Android and iOS. That said, it’s likely you don’t know Orangepixel… yet!
With the help of the guys at Abstraction games, I hope to change that and make my games more known to new audiences, starting with PlayStation gamers. So, Gunslugs will be the first of the Orangepixel titles to hopefully land a spot on your PS Vita this month!
As I mentioned above, I’ve been creating games since 2004, and all the Orangepixel games have a few key elements in common:
First, they feel, look and sound “retro.” This is a very commonly used term these days, but don’t judge the games because they looks retro — I also try to imbue my games with newer tricks, gameplay concepts and even some triple-A ideas, bringing old-school style games to a more modern audience.
The final element that all Orangepixel games share, is that they are hard. Not brutal, and always fair… but they are really hard. Lucky for all you PS Vita players, you’ll get to experience them with actual sticks and buttons! It will be interesting to see if people actually manage to reach the Hell world and survive in Gunslugs.
But what IS Gunslugs? Well, it’s a chaotic run-n-gun style game — some might yell “Metal Slug” when they first see it, but that’s not it. Gunslugs is more chaotic, with a huge collection of weird and wonderful upgrades, bonus stages, unlockables, and an extremely satisfying soundtrack.
Originally, Gunslugs started as a single sentence that I had in my mind: “Extremely chaotic shooting action.” So, the first version of the game looked like this:
Just you and a bunch of enemies running around on a single screen, shooting each other. Not much to look at, but it did have a very pleasing core gameplay element that eventually became the basis for Gunslugs as it exists now.
The single screen got replaced with bigger, randomly generated levels. This means every game will be different (adding to the chaotic gameplay I wanted to achieve). It also makes a game much more fun for the developer if the levels are generated in this way — I get to play my own game without getting bored of the same levels over and over! It’s a win-win.
Creating Gunslugs, from this first prototype to the final product, took about 7 or 8 months with me doing all the programming, graphics and sound effects by myself. But you can’t have an action game like this without a good soundtrack! And since my musical talents are non-existing, I had to find a partner in crime.
So I contacted the talented Gavin Harrison, who did music for most of my other games, and together we decided to get some “80’s hero movie” music going. Make sure you play Gunslugs with headphones on… it’s really worth it!
Gunslugs is comprised of six worlds, not counting the various bonus worlds spread all over the place, and six unlockable characters. Each world has two levels — and an old-school end boss to deal with. On top of that, there are over 50 mission objectives to try and complete.
Let’s meet on the leaderboards… show me what you’ve got!
If they would stop banning or blocking comments from complainers maybe sony for once could actually get good feedback to improve psn, to bring games we want to vita or ps3 and even ps4. To get the features we complain about and release them or improve the, instead of ignoring the complainers or banning them just to shut them up. Its rude and unprofessional and immature as a blog team to do that. I lost count how many times they have blocked me or banned me off here. Its ridiculous how they treat people on here. Don’t mention anything on ps plus sales ripping people off when the games go free shortly after the sales cause they ban ya for venting about that after a while. They are cons man. They know it but won’t admit it. Its why I ignore plus sales on my main plus psn account thats blocked of commenting on here… Go FIGURE!
Vanwinkle understand these people are people quit tripp’n!!!
Genius my main account is SLICK _ T … I had to make this bogus account to post on here to say what I needed to say. Add me on there if you want man. I’ll be glad to have ya as a new friend on there. I’m actually a nice guy away from this blog lol. I love sony don’t get me wrong. I game all the time and spend lots of money on psn and on consoles. I have a ps4, white ps vita, 4 ps3’s, 2 ps2’s an a ps one. So you can say Im no troll. I just am a opened minded guy that doesn’t think twice about venting a complaint on here about something that gets me mad lol. Just got done getting platinum on the game Truck racer today, took me 3 days to platinum it. My 12th platinum. Love my racing games lol. I hated paying 40 bucks for it but I needed my racing fix lol. Working on GT6 and asphalt injection platinum as well. Almost there on both already.
Hey!!! SLICK-T what you do’n
Im chillin on vudu right now watching pitch black.
@genius527, I’m just legitimately confused about what in the world is going on in here. Has nothing to do with Gunslugs, though, lol.
Cool, I’ll have to check it out.
Have fun for who ever likes these games. I on the hand don’t enjoy these games and want triple A titles only. Nit 2 bit games, not my cup of tea. I have tons of vita plus games and games. I’ve bought to play on my vita but Im wishing games like GT and a vita version GTA would hit vita soon. Its been 2 years vita has been out and we still don’t have a GT game made for vita. Thats ridiculous actually. Heck just port over GT6 on vita and I’ll be busy forever on the go lol. Can’t wait for the vita version of borderlands 2 on vita. That will be a god send for vita when it finally releases. It needs to hurry up. Anyways its a good thing more games are getting released like this for vita but I wish it was more triple A titles instead not indie 2 bit stuff. Thats just my opinion. No need to attack me for it lol.
Looks like a cool game. Are you really making all these games by yourself? If so that’s really cool. I hope it’s priced at $3.99 or less though. I checked out a couple other of Orangepixel’s games too, and I would like to see Heroes of Loot and Neoteria come to vita as well.
Let me finish this thread,Mobile Games are for Smartphones not for gaming consoles and we dont like to buy them with higher price on VITA,i prefer to buy and support them by my iPhone and play those titles with my MOGA Ace Power iOS7 Game Controller,PS VITA is a console not another smartphone device and we deserve to get more AAA titles close to PS3 games and yes i don’t want to say we have a PS3 but VITA with its powerful hardware and great 2013 games could have a light future,THATS ALL!!
italodancemp3 on February 8th, 2014 at 3:52 am said: “Mobile Games are for Smartphones”
Actually, mobile games are for mobile devices and, uh… I’ll let you figure out the rest.
What you do’n primeroincognito tell me man!!!
Seriously?? You think we all purchased our Vita in order to play smartphone games? Are we !!!!? Maybe you think we don’t own any smartphone nowadays!??
@ italodancemp3: You think we all purchased smartphones to play games? Are we!!!!? (not sure why you asked that question like that…)
I purchased a smartphone for its ability to help assist me as a computer while I’m away from home, not to play games. My phone is not for games. It has no buttons or controls appropriate for gaming.
PrimeroIncognito was implying that the Vita is a mobile device, just as a smartphone is a mobile device, so “mobile” games have every right to be on the Vita, just as much as anything else. Your argument to the contrary is illogical and exclusionary. No need to be a game racist. :P
You may prefer to support these games on your iPhone, others may choose to support them on Android, and some of us prefer to support these games when they come to a real gaming device, the Vita. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Damn… I really thought he was going to be able to figure that out on his own. How sad.
Also, I know this is going to sound strange, but, I actually use my phone for MAKING PHONE CALLS. I know, I’m weird like that.
Wasn’t talk’n about that italodancemp3 you need think before you say something man!!!
He ain’t kiddin about the music. Its pretty awsome
Who you BOB_1080p you like this music you serious!!!
What do you mean vanwinkle i’m not being rude or anything but kinda like this page and i kinda don’t care for this page at the same time i still like p.s. blog it’s just that the people can be rude on hear smetimes believe me vanwinkle!!! You can speak back to me if you can!!!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with releasing mobile games on the Vita. Last time I checked, my Vita was still mobile!
The PS Vita could use more of these, especially the top rated iOS/Android games such as The Simpsons Tapped Out.
What they really need to do is try and keep the price similar to what they are on the aforementioned competing platforms. I.E. Gunslugs is $1.97 on iOS. If they try to sell it for $9.99 it won’t look good and probably not sell well either. They’ve done this in the past with Angry Birds for $39.99 and that sort of thing can really make people steer clear of the Vita!
@70: Oh, my god. People stop referencing Angry Birds. It was overpriced on EVERY SINGLE CONSOLE it was ever released on. It was $50 on PS4. Has nothing to do with Vita.
And, there’s nothing wrong with charging more on Vita if the Vita version is altered. ie; Physical controls, removing in-app purchases (like Nun Attack did), etc. Plus we get trophies. I don’t mind when it’s the same price, (Jacob Jones), but it’s not a big deal if it’s a few dollars more on Vita with additions that make the game better.
Fruit Ninja was (and still is) overpriced though.
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Awesome game btw, I tend to purchase all indies day one. Hence the little bit above this.
Sony, get to it.