Your votes have been tallied; below lies the full list of the second annual PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year Awards winners as voted by you, plus Editors’ Choice picks from the PlayStation.Blog staff. Also, be sure to listen to our new episode of PlayStation Blogcast for more discussion and insight into our picks.
Read on to see the very best in PlayStation gaming for 2013 as chosen by PlayStation gamers worldwide. And please provide your feedback in the comments –- it’s always valuable.
PS4 Game of the Year 2013
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
Ubisoft Montreal’s seafaring epic Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag scored the Platinum award despite fierce competition from Killzone Shadow Fall. Battlefield 4 and PlayStation Store shoot ‘em up Resogun also secured award positions, with Call of Duty: Ghosts and Knack seeing plenty of votes despite not making the winner’s circle.
Resogun – Battlefield 4’s majestic multiplayer modes nearly stole the show for me, but ultimately I had to choose Housemarque’s brilliant shmup based solely on the number of hours I pumped into it. The game is almost impossible to put down.
— Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
Resogun – Housemarque’s deliriously exciting retro-fabulous shoot ‘em up scorched my eyeballs and seduced my senses, taking up permanent residence on my PS4. Call me an old codger if you like, but this is gaming at its purest. Love it.
— Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag — Black Flag has an almost overwhelming amount of content sewn into a breathtaking slice of the Caribbean. It satisfies every craving, from swordplay to stealth, from customization to crafting. And perhaps most importantly, your crew sings shanties as you sail. The coolness of this cannot be overstated.
— Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
Resogun — The true genius of Resogun lies in its deceptive scoring systems. Just when you think you know the best route to the top of the leaderboards, you discover a new trick that forces you to completely rework your now-obsolete strategies. In Housemarque we trust.
— Justin Massongill, US PlayStation.Blog
PS3 Game of the Year 2013
The Last of Us
Naughty Dog’s blockbuster The Last of Us dominated this year’s PS3 category, with Grand Theft Auto V also finishing strong. Ni No Kuni and BioShock Infinite rounded out the list of winners, though it’s worth noting that Beyond: Two Souls and Tomb Raider both saw robust support.
The Last of Us – A highwater mark for PS3, and a welcome shot in the arm for all of us after a little more sophistication and nuance from our AAA gaming. Along with Beyond: Two Souls and GT6 it might have heralded the end of a console era, but it also felt like the start of something — and if this is the direction our blockbusters take henceforth, count me happy.
— Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance — Who knew that a cyborg samurai, action-RPG hybrid with stealth elements would rock so hard? Everyone. Everyone knew that, because it sounds awesome. In execution, developer Platinum Games crafted a blisteringly fast, endlessly satisfying combat engine with a fine, kung fu gloss.
— Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons — In only a few hours, Brothers explores the resilient human element that ties together the very best works of fiction in such a beautiful, fundamental way — and even more impressively, in a manner that only video games can accomplish.
— Nick Suttner, PlayStation Blogcast
The Last of Us – Naughty Dog did it again, surpassing everything we have seen in the industry thus far. Brutal and beautiful at the same time, with a soundtrack by Santaolalla soundtrack that’s almost too perfect. Joelbanderas.gif
— Lorenzo Grajales, Latin America PlayStation.Blog
PS Vita Game of the Year 2013
In a tight race for the PS Vita Platinum award, Media Molecule’s highly reviewed Tearaway ultimately prevailed. Killzone Mercenary’s strong showing earned it a Gold, while Rayman Legends and Soul Sacrifice filled out the PS Vita winner’s circle. Dragon’s Crown and Guacamelee! also scored plenty of votes, but not quite enough to place.
Velocity Ultra – Tough category! For my money, Futurlab’s classy, clever blaster just pips the delightful Tearaway, Spelunky and Hotline Miami. No other game I played this year so brilliantly layered mechanic-upon-mechanic, slowly transforming you from slow-witted cannon fodder to master thumb ninja. Bring on Velocity 2X.
— Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Tearaway – One of the most creative games in the universe, with a lovable character, awesome level design, and the best use of the PS Vita features we’ve seen yet. Tearaway should be standard curriculum at videogame universities.
— Lorenzo Grajales, Latin America PlayStation.Blog
Dragon’s Crown — Garbed in eye-popping fantasy art, Dragon’s Crown boasts a staggering degree of replayability. It invites return play, tempting us with glittering treasures and stage-searing spells. With six heroes to master and secret paths to traverse, Dragon’s Crown is as rewarding as it is beautiful.
— Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
Spelunky — A game about dying in the jungle in a way you can’t imagine. A thrilling economy of risk, Spelunky trades in chutzpah as much as it does in skill and knowledge. Every one of Spelunky’s pieces fits together like it couldn’t have happened any other way; it’s a Perfect Video Game, as such things go, and beyond perfect on Vita. — Nick Suttner, PlayStation Blogcast
Best Digital Release 2013
A tight race between Resogun and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon ultimately went in favor of Housemarque’s addictive shmup for the Platinum prize. The newly released Minecraft: PS3 Edition and Guacamelee! also scored highly, just outpacing critical hits Hotline Miami and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3) – At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Starbreeze’s daring new PlayStation Store title. Controlling two characters simultaneously, one with each analog stick, is novel. But Brothers backs it up with a story worth telling and characters worth caring about.
— Sid Shuman, US PlayStation.Blog
Guacamelee! (PS3/PS Vita) – Drinkbox threw a bunch of my favourite things into a blender – classic Metroidvania mechanics, primary colours, Mexican food, chicken punching – and came up with a predictably heady confection. In a year of cracking 2D platformers, this was el pijama del gato (thank you, Google Translate).
— Fred Dutton, EU PlayStation.Blog
Super Motherload (PS4) — There’s a special sort of fun in tunneling deep beneath the surface of Mars, collecting precious ores, and unlocking game-changing upgrades. Super Motherload encourages smart plays with ore combinations, special items, and puzzles. Highly recommended.
— Ryan Clements, US PlayStation.Blog
Spelunky (PS3/PS Vita) — Yep, more Spelunky. With the inspired Daily Challenge feature, I think I might slot it into my routine right after brushing my teeth before bed, until I’m stinky bones in the ground.
— Nick Suttner, PlayStation Blogcast
Most Anticipated 2014 Game
inFAMOUS Second Son
Sucker Punch’s eagerly awaited inFAMOUS Second Son, out March 21st, handily scored the most votes, with Watch_Dogs, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and Destiny duking it out for the remaining spots. Competition was fierce in this category, with strong showings from The Order: 1886, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Dark Souls II. One thing’s clear: the 2014 game lineup is looking bright indeed.
Destiny (PS3/PS4) – “Well, duh. It’s Bungie. If the epic story and seamless co-op play don’t get me, the competitive play surely will. Also: Bungie.”
— Sid Shuman, Manager, US PlayStation Blog
Transistor (PS4) – “Everything about Transistor appeals directly to my interests: a surreal, futuristic painted art style, an ominous soundtrack backed by butterfly-inducing, melancholy vocals, a clever new battle system that mixes real-time action with turn-based strategy, and the coolest use of DualShock 4’s light bar we’ve seen yet (it pulses when the sword talks!). We don’t know a ton about Transistor yet, but I’ve got my gaze fixed squarely on it heading into 2014.”
— Justin Massongill, US PlayStation Blog
Dark Souls II (PS3) – “Just hook it to my veins.”
— Fred Dutton, Manager, EU PlayStation.Blog
The Witness (PS4) – “I’ve been bestowed with more of a sneak peek than most, so I can’t say too much, but you also don’t need to play very far into The Witness to see the brilliance behind its puzzle design and world-building (and stunning aesthetic, of course). It’s something truly special, and even in an indie paradise of Transistor, N++, Sportsfriends and Octodad (wow!), it’s still my most-anticipated game.”
— Nick Suttner, PlayStation Blogcast
inFAMOUS Second Son (PS4) – Sucker Punch. That is all.
— Lorenzo Grajales, Latin America PlayStation.Blog
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