Wishing you all a very happy holiday from everyone at Naughty Dog! Aside from launch day, this is the most wonderful time of the year!
2013 marked the launch of The Last of Us and the two-year anniversary of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. We also were honored to take home the Studio of the Year award at the Spike VGX and hope it’s the first of many to come. The Last of Us won many awards already and is up for even more so please show your support where you can and wish us luck on the ones you can’t vote for!
Currently The Last of Us team is hard at work on our first ever single player DLC, The Last of Us: Left Behind. It’s shaping up to be awesome and we’ll have more news on it soon. We released a glimpse into its world recently:

As for our Uncharted team, they’re really busy too. If you haven’t seen the teaser trailer yet, you should definitely watch it now.
Once 2014 hits, we’ll start frequently rolling out fresh news and information about all our upcoming projects on PlayStation.Blog and the Naughty Dog blog, so make sure to visit frequently.
Thank you for your comments, critiques, feedback, love and for showing up whenever we dropped games, DLC or news in 2013. Your support keeps our studio going and our aim true. We’re grateful to have some of the best and most passionate fans in gaming and it’s just tremendously cool to have backing from all of you. 2014 marks a very special time in Naughty Dog’s history — we’ll have more information about what that means early next year.
Have a joyful, wonderful holiday season!
cant wait ima post a lot of videos on utube about this
hope you guys get your hands going on something for the vita next year :)
Any chance in bringing the ‘The Last of Us: Left Behind’ DLC to the PS4 to? :P It don’t have to have next-gen PS4 graphics to :D I just want to play it on my PS4(Sorry my PS3) :D
That Joel-Banderas.gif made my DAY LOL
Sony, please change the default control scheme back to L1 & R1 on the PS4! I really don’t want to play Uncharted 4 with Xbox controls.
FireFlight, you can use the default L1/R1 scheme on CoD Ghosts. It depends on the game, not the PS4 itself.
This game was gorgeous on ps3, I can only imagine The Last Of Us 2 on PS4! My mind can’t handle it
Most overrated studio in the world. Not even one of their games can hold a candle to Nin…..’s first party development.
That is the best image. Thank you, Naughty Dog. After working retail (and continuing to work retail…), I needed something like this to give me some Christmas spirit.
PS. gonna keep buying your stuff.
#1 @Wario64 you made my day with the Joel Banderas gif!
And thanks to Naughty dog!
Yay ND thanks and Happy Holidays to all of you guys at ND….I swear to God that I didn’t saw the clicker in the gift card ha awesome gift card….ha would love to see a cut-scene with all Uncharted and TLoU characters involved.BTW we all know that the true GOTY is TLoU….VGX is full of bulls*** and thats it.Thank you ND for all the awesome games you guys bring to us,you guys sure are the most talented dev team out there along with St.Monica.
PS:Can’t wait for Left Behind…my season pass is eagerly waiting.