Hi Everyone. Amongst all the excitement for the launch of PS4 and, of course, Killzone Shadow Fall, here at Guerrilla Cambridge we’ve still been busily working away on Killzone Mercenary. We’re now very pleased to announce that there will be a number of updates coming over the next few months.
First up is Update 3. In terms of functionality there will only be minimal changes, but this is the patch that reduces the size of the other patches! After installing this patch it will free up around 800MB of space for those who have already installed Updates 1 & 2. Update 3 should be ready in the next few weeks.
Update 4 is due in January and is being designed to improve Matching and to help reduce join-game connectivity problems, as well as adding an auto team-rebalancing feature.
Following that is the big one: Update 5. Two new multiplayer maps for FREE, and the release of offline Botzone for Mercenary and Guerrilla Warfare modes.
Also in the first few months of 2014 will be Update 6, in which we’re working towards continued refinements and adding support for playing Killzone Mercenary on Vita TV (only applicable to territories where Vita TV is available).
We hope you enjoy the additions to Mercenary. Happy gaming.
@ Fardeenah: The only problem with doing that is they would then need to create two different updates every time they released one. One for the digital buyers, which would be much larger in size (the entire game and the updates would have to download EVERY TIME), plus one for people who bought retail (already have the main game, just need the incremental updates). When we can see that they already have 4 updates planned, trying to do what apps do, which are significantly smaller in size, is not realistic.
Then you have games like Skyrim, where patches to fix some things introduced problems with others. If that had been available digitally and they rewrote the download code every time, you’d be forcing people to deal with the newer bugs, rather than having the option to play an offline game offline, and deal with sometimes less intrusive bugs.
Basically, it’s not going to happen. Incremental updates for real gaming content is the way to go.
Get wait for the next update especially if its going to save us 800MB. Very glad to hear that, nowadays it’s not the cost of money of game it’s the cost of the memory of the game.
that’s Great keep this kind of thing and Gamers Around the World will Love it
Microtransaction is a Bad think for Gaming
Impressed with all the support you guys are giving this game! Tearaway was my 1st retail Vita game, this will be my 2nd :).
Free maps, botzone, et cetera…yes!!!
Thanks Guerrilla Cambridge for a great game!
i’m really glad you guys keeps supporting your game post-release!
I was hoping to see an early Store Update, I sure hope we see some juicy Black Friday Deals!
Here is what am hoping for:
A great discount on PS One classic Titles since it would be nice to add a few games to my PS Vita
A great discount on exclusive Sony Game of the Year titles…
A even greater discounts for PS Plus Members.
I hope I like what I see later on in the afternoon…
Am ready with my wallet on hand so make me want to spend big bucks boys! =P
I would also like some recommendations on what games to try on PS Vita. Thanks!
I feel bad for not picking this game up yet..soon i will..along with modnation racers and another discounted game..
It’s good to know that offline Botzone is coming. Nothing personal but I don’t really like to play the contract or replay the singleplay campaign….
and 4 out 5 game of multiplayer are laggy for me ( Maybe cause the regoin )
^ what 57 said. I saved $80 hoping for some sales (had to spend $20 on last of us season pack so I wouldn’t go crazy wanting to spend it all) :)
Dear Mark Green
I love Playstation, but believe it or I’ve never owned a vita or a KillZone game. Although I am tempted to buy one.
With that said, my real name is also Mark Green and because this game looks awesome along with its DLC I am therefore ‘cooler’ by association. No? Either way, great name and the game looks awesome too.
I simply have nothing of value to add.
Other Mark Green
Best portable fps game EVER!!!!!! great job Guerrilla Cambridge, i hope you guys keep supporting the vita with another stellar title, btw Tearaway is great as well.
Great News Everyone!
I still can’t connect to an online game. It always kicks me. I play my Vita and PS3 online without any issues but this game doesn’t work. I have given up on the multiplayer. Too bad because its such a good game. And I have downloaded both of the patches.
Thanks so much! Your continued support means so much to us gamers! Mercenary is my favorite Killzone game in the series. =)
Awesome news! Love this game, the multiplayer is a lot of fun. Glad you guys are continuing to support it like you are. And thank you so much for the smaller patches! 800mb is an extra game :D
Can you guys add Ad-Hoc multiplayer for the times when we don’t have an internet connection? Me and my brothers have Vitas and i feel like Local wireless multiplayer is a must for handheld games. I kind of get why the console Killzone games don’t have split screen multiplayer because of performance issues, but since each person has their own system it shouldn’t be a problem. Incorporating ad-hoc into the botzone mode would be AMAZING! That’s my feedback. Otherwise great game!
In one of these updates can you guys release the preorder exclusive LMG gun? We never got it in Canada even though I did preorder at EBgames/Gamestop.
yeah just like giroml said when are they going to have in-game chat that would be better than using the party app on the vita just to talk to people
OMG THANK GOODNESS botzone is coming back, and bring back more KZ2 maps!!! like radec and salamun market please, i don’t care if they’re too big LOL :)
maybe i will play this game to the day end of ps vita :D
Excited for Botzone. Takes me back to playing splitscreen with my brother in the original Killzone on PS2!
please SKIP UPDATE 3 and 5… just JUMP INTO UPDATE 5!!!! i really need offline botzone!
Thanks for the extra 800 mb of space on my memory card. We appreciate your efforts in regard to our concerns in limited space.
freaking cool
I still have to get this game for my PS Vita, hope fully eventually. The best FPS on the system!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks can’t wait. :D
If you’re making the game available on PS Vita TV, then does that mean the core game will allow us a choice to ditch touch melee?
Please be a yes.
Offline Botzone, YES! :D
Is the botzone gonna be free as well?
Nice one!
Wow this is great for the auto team balance system is it possible for you guys to let people who are in the same party as you can be on your team 4 party members against random public players that would make the ps vita experience alot better just as the ps3 and Ps4.
it’s really amazing news. but I have a little question:is the bot mode free?
and is the botzone an update or a DLC?
Glad to see this game will get long term support. The Vita hasn’t been doing very well in sales so it could be easy for Sony to leave the game to fade away and focus only on the PS4. Kudos to them.
Thats fantastic….love the support you guys are giving to Mercenary….I still need to play online….but I’m sure its great…..Botzone is a great addition,something that I think all online games should have…and 800mb free…ha that will be sweet.Good job guys.
@ 72 DanTheManIAm – Ha me too…me and my brother we used to play a lot of KZ MP split-screen….nowadays we still play sometimes.Its a lot of fun.
Where’s the 64 g vita card? I understand the vita is unable to display itself onto a tv. So was the psp, until they made one that could project to the tv with a adaptor. Instead I see this vita tv? C’mon man. That’s a shifty money grab as I see it.
maybe the most underrated game of the generation
crazy that you guys delivered a full-featured sp and mp fps
the controls are SO slick, please pay no attention to the reviews, the circle combo to run and crouch kicks ass
there’s never been anything remotely close on a handheld, plus it really holds it’s own regardless of platform.
great work. probably the best game on the vita.
regarding team re-balancing, will that patch also include a better way to team up with friends?
any party match i’ve tried to get into consistently splits up my friends and I.. so i think it would be great if you could be on a team with your friends when in party match… as long as it doesn’t unbalance the match too much.
Hello, Guerrilla, I am from Colombia and i bought an imported PS4 including Killzone Shadow Fall and other games.. but the game didnt come in spanish, even having the PS4 system set in spanish, i bought killzone mercenary for the vita imported aswell, and the game is in spanish, i dont have any problem with the game being in english, but you should add an update or even sell on the store the spanish voices etc for those who have imported the game. thanks and great game
This is AWESOME. All I wanted was bot mode but 2 free maps and a smaller patch size? Oh man, this is great. I’ll be playing Mercenary for awhile.
I’ve been waiting for Botzone and Adhoc features!!! THANK YOU!!!
Thank you! the offline botzone will be brilliant, keep up the good work!
Yessssss botzone is awesome. Especially when I want the feeling of MP when I don’t have a Wifi connection.
i would love story dlc maybe something about danners and ivunovs past
This is truly awesome guys.. Way to support an amazing game! By far my favorite fps on ANY platform!
What about the coop maps for Killzone Shadow Fall? I have the season pass, now I’m looking forward to using it : )
Any update?
Can I just say as a consumer the next patch should be multiplayer connectivity problems patches. I don’t care about how much space it takes up on my memory card. I just hate being kicked out 1 minute before the match is over and not getting to show for it.This games online is so much fun only if i could play it without getting kicked out all the time.
Truly awesome indeed!