Chances are, if you picked up a PlayStation 4 last week you’re still enjoying our PS4 PlayStation Plus titles, RESOGUN and Contrast, and that’s totally cool. However, if you’re anxiously waiting for your PS4 to arrive later this holiday season, we’ve got you covered with a new PlayStation 3 and PS Vita game this week. Binary Domain, a futuristic third-person squad-based shooter, is hitting the PS3 Instant Game Collection tomorrow. Morality meets gunfire, Binary Domain’s Consequences System means you’ll need to be aware of your actions — how your squad views you can impact the game as well as how the storyline progresses.
On PS Vita there’s Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, an action-adventure where you step into the role of Stranger, a bounty hunter. Whether or not you head into your bounties guns blazing or prefer a more stealthy approach is up to you, as well as whether you apprehend your subjects alive or dead. Your main goal is to earn as much money as possible, so it’s kind of like real life.
You can take advantage of all these PS Plus benefits after the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow.
Binary Domain (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $19.99
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $14.99
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Regular Price |
Worms 2: Armageddon | $4.50 | $14.99 |
Leaving on November 26th
Instant Game Collection: Sine Mora (PS Vita)
We’ll be back next week to add another title to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits, like super sweet discounts.
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
The only PS+ Blog Post I want to see is one about the three Vita mainstays/evergreens being replaced! Come on, Sony, it’s been a full year! Don’t eff over Vita owners once again!
the mods commented a week or two ago, saying it’s not happening – at least not any time soon.
@98 If the Vita can get some more quality RPGs, that would be awesome! The PSP has plenty, and I would love to see either Duodecim or FFIV Complete on there. I wouldn’t care if it’s an IGC replacement or a month update though.
Binary Domain is an under-appreciated gem. It’s not just a good game, it’s a great game. I own the disc version but I may download it anyways for the convenience of having it already on the PS3!
Picking up my PS4 this week (My store ran short of the pre-orders) No worries. Congrats to Sony on a successful launch.
I’m gonna be looking forward to Strangers Wrath.
As for the fuss about the lack of replacements for the IGC, think about the genre of the titles and what could be swapped out for them.
It might be interesting to see if LBP Vita joins in, maybe Lumines.
Something slightly old that not everyone has played.
It might also helps the suggestions if they are a first party title or pub funded.
Are U Kidding Me? Just One discount? one?
Seriously guys, One single discounted game?! Come on SONY. What the hell?
Was the person in charge of finding discounts too busy with the PS4 this week? Worms 2 is awesome but most everyone interested bought it like 4 years ago. Hopefully that person decides to do some work next week.
hi i just wanted to ask how i can put the ps4 ps+ games and also the free-2-play games on my download list because it’s not shown on the ps3 store and i plan to wait a bit before i get a ps4
Does anyone know the correct time that the games will become available on the store? I’d like to get Soul Sacrifice once it becomes free before I have to leave for a trip next Tuesday.
No more PS2 Classiscs games?
@109 & 110
I thought we were gonna get soul sacrifice.. So excited for it instead we get oddworld strangers wrath -_-.
I’m practically broke buying so many games and saving for my PS4 but I am so glad to be a Plus member. Now I am broke in time, I dont have much time to play everything. Glad BD was added tot he list. I hear this game is really good.
i have a question, what happened to the store on the web? (https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com) its more confortable and easy buy games from there. it will available soon? Please gimme an answer….
“Previous AAA of the month was Kingdoms of Amalur and this month is Dragon’s Dogma. Can we get a game that is known by more than 20 people?!
Europe got Assassin’s Creed 3, Far Cry 3, NFS:Most Wanted and in December they will get Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance in the lasts consecutive months.
However say that US PS+ is as good as Europe is blind by fanatism”
Damn EU is getting shafted these days… those are the best ps3 titles they can pick for EU? Thank god I’m in NA… one of those four games is a sequel to a series that has gone too far, two are games I have zero interest in, and the fourth was a game that was a horrible disappointment.
I’m so glad that we’re getting better games than that. I had recently traded away my KoA, but was getting the urge to play it, so getting it free on PS+ was a huge relief, and Dragon’s Dogma is just awesome.
Personally I’d prefer PS+ stick to games that WEREN’T huge selling titles. Better to expose people to titles that didn’t get the exposure they deserved like Amalur and DD than to just throw more copies of Far Cry 3 considering EVERYONE who is interested in it already has it…
@115 thanks for the info :D, i just have another question, i used the site and the transaction was complete but does it only appear on a ps4 download list? because it doesn’t appear on my ps3 although it does appear on the website download list
@119 has a point…..
I’m really disappointed that more plus titles weren’t made compatible with PS4, there’s nothing to play on my brand new system and you guys could have at least added some stuff from the back catalog.
Indeed Vita needs more flexibility in it’s free titles. Please, give some rest to uncharted and Gravity rush :)
@ 49 alok893 – As good or better than Uncharted?….not even in hell.
And yes I agree 100%…Yakuza is way better than GTA…..any GTA.
@ 118 Seluhir
I agree 100% with you two.
I am FUMING. I bought Worms 2 for $15 yesterday and now it’s $5?? Plus, I find the game absolutely HORRID!! It is infuriatingly slow paced… is there any way to be credited back $10? The last several games I’ve bought for Vita have been very disappointing and I don’t know if I will continue to support Sony, on the Vita or buying a PS4.
1 million PS4 free 30 day vouchers in hand this week and only 1 (one) game on sale.. strange.
This should be the week where they show all the Plus newbs that its worth hanging onto.
At least that’s my opinion.
LMAO are you effing serious? you do know that its not a 100 app limit right? you can have 10 FOLDERS per page, on 10 pages and each folder holds 10 apps… thats 100 apps per page x 10 pages = 1000 app limit… you must be knew to gaming… lol.
Regarding free PS4 stuff without a PS4:
AFAIK you can’t actually download PS4 games to anything but a PS4, so they won’t show up in your PS3 download list. Once you activate your PS4 (whenever that may be), all the content you reserved should be there.
And there’s no need to reserve anything designated as free to play (since those games are free to everyone), only free to Plus. Though I suppose there’s no harm in it either. :)
@Kristine Steimer: Thanks for taking the time to reply on this blog, even if some of the questions have been answered many times or are asked in an unfriendly manner. Cheers.
when will this be updated?
@128 thanks for the answer although it would be nice if someone from sony can confirm this. and about the f2p thing i guess you’re right but i just wanted to reserve the warframe starter pack that’s free for ps+ members. it might not be there forever and i just wanted to make sure i had it.
I cant wait for binary domain is really good game
@Dapogi_PoGz: Well, the items do register as purchased on the web store but I do understand your preference for an official response. Nonetheless I’m confident we’ll be fine doing it this way. IIRC there’s a blog post or an official reply somewhere on this blog recently that addresses the issue, but I simply don’t have time to go looking for it right now.
And yeah I did the same thing with the Warframe bundle. I plan on doing so with anything exclusively free to Plus until I’m able to get a PS4. Thanks to Plus we can get all this stuff. :)
I already purchased Stranger’s wraith on my Vita. Its a good game. I may check out Binary Domain if I can pull myself from my PS4.
great stuffs.
binary domain, soul calibur 2
You guys keep me gaming too much lol I mean, I am still working on Dragon’s Dogma, now I need to finish it quickly to get to binary domain, thanks a bunch!
come on update store already :)
when i added BINARY DOMAIN it showed FREE….when i wanted to review and confirm it shows 19,99$ ?!!!!!!!
a glitch….OK NOW.
I signed for PS Plus with my Brazilian account some weeks ago, and the update has only added Binary Domain to the Instant Game Collection. What about Oddworld? I thought PS Plus Brazil would receive the same updates for PS Plus US :(
Hi Kristine!
I read that Soul Sacrifice would be available through PS+ this month as well, but haven’t heard any mention of it since. Is that still in the works or should I just take the dive and buy it?
Not a huge deal and maybe an error but thought for sure Soul Sacrifice for the vita was suppose to be one of the November games
cooool, Binary Domain looks like something i won’t be able to platinum but thank you anyways. will start downloading now
Greaaat, Binary Domain seems to be my game of the month, i CAN’T WAIT FOR SOUL SACRIFICE DAMN IT I LOVE THAT! This month you did a pretty well job, but hey Kristine, could you PLEASE answer some questions for me PLZ?
.Can you unveil next month’s games a little earlier like EU?
.Why are the games SO different from EU? Specially the “AAA” game of the month
I would love an aswer, and keep it up with the good games :3 !
Could anybody please say anything about the reason why Oddworld Strange’s Wrath was not launched for PS Plus Brazil users? The brazilian version of this blog at blog.br.playstation.com seems to be abandoned. Nobody has posted anything or answered any comments for the last two weeks. This is shameful.
Oh man.. I really wanted to play that Odd World game on my PS3 but its for Vita… :(
On the off chance anyone is still reading this thread…
That is all.
Hi! I saw that someone posted about not being able to see the Oddworld game as free on the PS Store website. I was having the same issue. However, when I went through the store on my Vita it showed the game as free and I was able to acquire it there. Hope this helps! Love the new additions. :)
Yes, I was complaining about this… I talked to the Sony Brazil guys by phone and some moments later they added Oddworld to the Instant Game Collection. I guess this solves everything then.