It won’t be long now! PS4 is is just hours from making its grand debut and lines are filling up at retailers nationwide. Meanwhile, the PlayStation team is holed up at The Standard, High Line, a luxury hotel in downtown New York City in preparation for one of the most dynamic launch events in gaming history (and psst: You’re invited!). Take a behind-the-scenes look at the week’s buildup, including a dazzling interactive light show and live PS4 gameplay projected on surrounding buildings. If you’re in the NYC area, this is one console launch you won’t want to miss. And yep, we’ve even got a special order of PS4s on sale just for you.
In other launch-related news, I had a chance to speak with Sony Computer Entertainment President and CEO Jack Tretton about PS4’s unique place in PlayStation history.
I also checked in with Andrew House, Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment to get his take on PS4’s successful launch and his goals for 2014 — watch it below.
Hmmm.so on the phone now with Sony to see why we can’t sign in
Too bad we can’t game under our own account because we can’t sign in. Sony knew how many preorders were sold and this just shouldn’t have happened.
ps4 online not working for me. thanks a lot sony.
Got my PS4 but PSN seems to be down. Keep getting error messages. What’s the deal?
Did someone put Obama in charge of this roll out? WTF
Same here as everyone else, will not sign into PSN. just says please wait…. when I’m not getting error codes or lost connection. Not what I was looking forward to after sitting in line for 5 hours Sony!! Fix it!!
Ya, whats the point of a midnight release if you network isn’t going to work. I can understand if people were having problems downloading the update, which is why I downloaded mine ahead of time on a thumbdrive, but not being able to sign into PSN!? That should be the simplest part of setting the thing up.
Same here as well =( My PS4 will not sign into PSN, but my PS3 will. Such a bummer.
Not letting me sign in which sucks cuz I really wanted to play before I go to work at 4am
PSN is down!!! I am hearing from friends as well as myself cannot connect to PSN on our PS4s and I hear PS3s can’t either!!! @_@
yeah its bull that we cant sign in, if i put wrong password or wrong email, its say, wrong shiit but when i us my real shiit it will not work or just stay there trying ti sign in!!!!!
I’m playing Ghost online on my PS3 right now? PSN is fine.
PS4 problem not a PS3 issue.
same here…update went great, no problem, but when trying to login to PSN I get the “Please wait” prompt.
i cant log in too i even updated please fix
NDGO, yeah I understand bro. I was telling Inuyasha986 that PS3 are connecting to PSN. My PS4 won’t connect either.
Terrible. Wait all day, work a midnight release, pop in Shadow fall and NOPE! Not surprised either.
i think its because its not midnight in Cali yet, it will be midnight there in one hour, so if it still doesnt work after that i will assume there is an issue, till then ill play assassins creed
I thought I was the only one… I was able to install the update but when I try to log in it just says “Please wait…” and after a while I will get a message “Cannot connect to the server (WV-33910-6)”??? Tried resetting my internet router and restarting the PS4 but nothing seems to help… Anyone got around this?
I just got told by an online agent that the issue is they haven’t completely rolled out PSN and they will not do so until 12AM PST time, which is 4AM for us east coasters. He said and I quote, “The stores may have sold the console to you at 12 AM your timezone however, the PS4 does not officially launch until 12 AM PST. I do apologize and appreciate your patience… I do apologize for the frustration, however the console has not been officially launched yet. We apprecieate your patience.” Basically what he is saying is that even though we bought the PS4, it doesn’t launch until it hits 12AM on the west coast cause the system doesn’t officially launch until then, WHICH is completely against anything that was publicly advertised.
Continuous please wait damn this needs fixed ASAP I have work in 3 hours I stayed up for this?? Lol
10 tries later and I finally connected to my PSN account on my PS4
Maybe that agent has no idea what he is talking about and is making a complete bs story I still have to download my ghost and can’t do that without psn
UPDATE: I connected and it asked me to update some privacy settings. After I finished doing that it is now in a continuous “Please wait” loop. Will try again in the morning.
Finally getting it
Yep same thing happened here
Oh good, I thought I was the only one with a completely useless PS4. Can’t even sign in to the PS4 so I can’t do a damn thing about it either. Hopefully there’s a fix after a couple of DAY 1 PATCHES?!?!?11111 I mean, seriously? I’m willing to bet that it was one of these patches that messed it up, because I managed to connect online without TOO MUCH trouble…after the patches, next thing I knew, I couldn’t even connect to my wifi even with the WPS and such. Just horrible…
I tried logging in from different areas of the ps4, the closest i got was going to the internet browser, it logged me in, asked a few questions, then….”error occurred while communicating with the server”….why sony? why?
Don’t be gutless Sony. Get on here and talk to your people. You took our money now gives us 5 seconds. Having issues is one thing but ducking and running is an entirely different matter. Straigten your spine, step into the light and tell us what is going on and what you are doing to fix it. Man up.
It’s kinda working now. Probably traffic is clogging it up. I got signed-in to my PSN but now it’s stuck again so it’s in and out.
Finally getting connected.
I’m in!!!!!
so glad I bought a hard copy game to play, yeah no psn for me ether. if the crap about us having to wait till the west coast gets there ps4’s then we should wait till the UK gets theirs as well… what thats like on the 29th?
Its somewhat working… I get to log in after waiting a couple of minutes the I respond to a few profile set up questions. Then after waiting a couple of more minutes I get a “Lost connection to server” message which kicks me all the way back to the beginning….
Got my Ps4 woot!!!!! Now installing version 1.50!!
i cant even play on the system and plus they said the pulse headsets was gonna work and they dont
i cant even play or do anything
it says the network is down already this is crap very disappointed
won’t be up until 3 am pst from what sony support is saying
i just want to play ghost
I love the controller it’s crazy comfortable and the ps4 console looks awesome and the design is wicked cool! love the light on top of it too! The lights on the controller are sick. The xbox is really ugly too big and goofy with a huge power cord still lol omg
well i know i have a friend that lives in nc thats on and doesnt have any problems
75 what happens after the please wait loop? Mine is still going for 8 minutes
it took 30 mins just to install ghost
Great job guys. You made the cheaper console. Let’s keep it up and get some exclusive missions and exclusive underpants in game since it’s really impressive….not. Actually I’d like to submit my resume and I’ll do you a favor….I’ll work the first year for free. Maybe if you had someone who actually knows how to impress American customers you could win here again. You already have my contact info. I guarantee I could help since you guys keep droppin the ball like new inmates drop the soap. BTW Where was Epic games?
i just dont understand why they does understand that this was gonna happen
i’m about ready to take it back
If they charge for online gaming I wont be buying a PS4..
Rather purchase the Microsoft equipment if Im gonna have to shell up dollars for online gaming..its just bad business..
I signed on after about 10 times…. just keep trying guys I already downloaded RESOGUN and CONTRAST… gona play all day tomorrow Feel free to add me online :)