We know you’ve been waiting anxiously for PS4 to finally arrive and we have exciting news to share with you today. Starting Day One, a number of your favorite digital entertainment services like Netflix and Amazon Instant Video will be available with more coming soon.
PlayStation is dedicated to giving our fans the best entertainment options on our platforms and we’re proud to share the following services will be available on PS4 starting November 15:
Crackle — A part of Sony Pictures Television, Crackle is a freely accessible multi-platform television network delivering original series such as Emmy Award nominated Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, and hit movies and television programs in a variety of genres.
Crunchyroll — Watch the latest and best selection of Anime right from Japan such as Naruto Shippuden, Attack on Titan, Bleach and more up to one-hour after Japanese broadcast!
EPIX — Authenticated subscribers on the PS4 system can instantly access and stream more than 3,000 titles on-demand, including top blockbusters such as The Avengers and The Hunger Games in HD, classic Hollywood franchises, award-winning original documentaries plus music and comedy specials.
Hulu Plus — Hulu Plus offers unlimited instant streaming of current hit shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons, and South Park as well as original series including The Awesomes and The Wrong Mans.
NBA Game Time — Stay connected to Live out-of-market NBA game action on the PS4 system with NBA LEAGUE PASS Broadband on an authenticated basis for subscribers. Get access to real time stats, complete scores, stats and schedules for every game, and video highlights and recaps.
Netflix — Netflix members can instantly watch a wide variety of TV shows and movies, including exclusive series such as House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, on the PS4 system.
NHL GameCenter LIVE — Instantly stream live out-of-market games in HD quality with your NHL GameCenter LIVE subscription.
Redbox Instant by Verizon — Subscribers can stream from a library of hit movies on the PS4 system and receive 4 DVD or Blu-Ray rental nights every month for new releases at the Redbox kiosk. Everyone can purchase and rent the latest movies on-demand.
VUDU — Watch the world’s largest selection of HD movies and TV shows, including thousands of blockbusters, Hollywood classics and indies. Stream new releases before they¹re available on DVD, or build a collection of favorites without ever paying for a subscription.
YuppTV — YuppTV offers over 150 Indian TV channels Live and on demand, including a selection of over 600 Movies to watch anytime, anywhere.
Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited — Starting day one, there will be a ton of digital entertainment available, including Sony’s own Music Unlimited, which now has a global catalog of over 22 million songs, and Video Unlimited, an on demand entertainment service that gives you access to a huge selection of Hollywood blockbusters and TV episodes from all major networks, and more.
All entertainment apps can be found in the TV & Video section of PS4’s home screen or in the PlayStation Store. Keep checking the PlayStation Blog for more updates on other new and exciting apps that will be coming to PS4.
Please let us know which entertainment services you’re most excited for on PS4.
Will any of these work with Remote Play on the Vita?
Great, now my Netflix only PS3 friends will become my Netflix only PS4 friends. That is only if they consider getting another console to stream Netflix, lol.
That’s great! And when are we going to get these apps on Vita? *twiddles thumbs*
YouTube is a must guys! HBOGO, iGN, and machinama apps would be appreciated. I would like to humbly suggest a Spotify app. Thanks!
Netflix, Crackle, and Crunchyroll for me.
Any word on, once support is patched in, if the Pulse Elite manager app will be added as well?
Please get ESPN! That one is a must!
Why’s Bleach listed as a “latest selection of anime from Japan” when the show is over? :p
Please Please could you guys get PLEX on the PS4!
I am sorry, but I feel it’s outrageous you guys call the PS4 entertainment system when you take down key features like DLNA, MP3, audio CDs. Honestly, PS3 is my go to system for my living room entertainment and here I was expecting the PS4 to build on that. It is never too late, really hope you guys add these and more like formats like MKV, to the system.
Finally, hope more apps arrive like IGN (Heard they are coming soon), Gametrailers, GameSpot
I’d love to see social networking applications that would allow me to see notifications for tweets and facebook. I’d also like to utilize these applications from the XMB. Would just be a nice addition to the social aspect of the console.
the way back machine called 1990.
it would be great if we could get the Sirus/XM satellite radio app on the PS4! Sony and Playstation would win the internet!!!!
Hopefully the Live Events App makes it to the PS4 before the Royal Rumble! XD
…Until then, I guess watching WWE PPVs on the PS3 will do.
pretty decent app selection from launch day/window.i’m happy with crunchyroll,crackle and maybe hulu plus.still i would have loved to have youtube at launch but i guess this should came later?all in all,good job sony.now,get on to work on mp3 playblack,dlna and the other features that are missing for this potential great console
NeonAlley isn’t at launch… wtf. Glad Crunchyroll and Netflix are. I’m amazed Crackle will be at launch, yet PS Vita STILL doesn’t have the Crackle or Crunchyroll apps it was suppose to have from last year smh. I’m hoping YouTube is intergrated into the system which is why it doesn’t have a app.I doubt it though. Twitch and UStream I guess will only be able to stream from the PS4 and you can’t watch those streams?
@57 it says Latest and BEST, Bleach is one of the most popular Anime titles
If you’re not going to allow native local media streaming, at least bring in a 3rd-party app like Plex, Synology’s DS Video, or PlayOn.
I’m a very big sony fan and always have been, but how can you say “PlayStation is dedicated to giving our fans the best entertainment options on our platforms” when you don’t even support Mp3/Mp4 files? we can’t even put music on it unless we use pay for Music Unlimited subscriptions…
i have made more posts in one week against this “restriction” then i have ever made in my entire life on PlayStation Blog.
Please fix this. and it would also be nice if we could take the in game video we recorded and put it on a pc so we could edit it.
i see no point in using this game record feature if all we can do with it is crop it up and send it out on some face book page. Not very smart in my opinion. Keep your Face Book idea if you must, but at least let us put it on a Computer so we can edit it for real. really blowing my excitement away, for some really dumb reasons
Pleas take what i want into consideration, i really really want to like the PS4, but stuff like this is making it hard…
the apps that we blow Xbox one away 4 good & keep people more entertain..Xfinity, Neon Alley, UFC, HBO GO, SHOWTIME, STAR & YOUTUBE.. There won’t be any competition, if this happens
sounds like a great start, please consider Tunein, and/or Winamp…
Can I watch Hulu on PS4 if I’m in Canada?
amused that a few people are anti cds. kids these days.
pretty sure until i hear about mp3/mp4 support, and yes AND cds…im not getting a ps4. its a gaming console sure. but it is my entertainment hub to. riding the ps3 out till its no longer supported at this point.
I’m not sure if it’s consider as an app but it will be great to have PSHome on PS4.
That’s one of my main reason to get the new shiny system.
I’m extremely happy for Netflix, Amazon and Vudu! Where’s YouTube? Is the new browser going to work well enough to where we can use YouTube normally as if on a pc? Even, dare I say, watch my purchases *gasp*?
Crunchyroll & NBA Game Time for me.
only you would truly know where you’re money would be better invested.
Hulu, crunchyroll, and netflix I’m all set.
Cool got all my digital movies on VUDU
Damn, no Youtube? :/
Where are youtube and Twitch?? Gotta be kidding me.
No YouTube, No Care.
Still no Youtube, so who cares?! MP3s better work as well day 1. This is stupid. Will we still have an internet browser?! Can we at least look up youtube that way or did they take away that function as well? What about our OS feature Sony stole from us on PS3? Will we get that back? Will we FINALLY get to CHANGE OUR PSN ID?! Sony is so stupid not to include this! Ive been wanting to change it for years and they are loosing money on not at least offering a solution even if you had to pay $5 to do it! Will we get to add our on Avatars with animated gifs?! Why cant you do VO on your videos?! You have a mic and if you choose, a camera, but they are forcefully cut off when you do a vid? I thought we were moving forward, not bkwrd in time Sony… We can record videos without hassle now! Amazin…what?! Dev can dictate and play the overbearing parent and tell us fully grown adults what we can and cant do with our consoles and games?! We’re paying you hard earned cash to play your console and games from them and are supporting you financially, but both are making some questionable decisions before we throw our money at you. Dont make me regret my preorder.
Looks like a pretty good list. I would love to have an HBO go app too though.
Well, we continue asking, what happened with the Epix promotion for PS+ users?, you’re annoucing Epix for ps4 now and we (ps3+users) still on hold.
How come there is still no HBO GO? Xbox has it and I figured the PS4 would have it. I really don’t like the idea of paying twice to see something. Can we please get an answer from someone?
This is a nice start but you still need YouTube and Pandora apps. I never understood why a Pandora app isn’t available on the PS3 when there is one on Sony’s current generation of smart blu-ray players.
With no ability to play music in any form on the PS4 without paying $10/mo for Music Unlimited, you really need to give us some options, as you are doing with video-related apps.
Where is YouTube and IGN?
How about Twitch TV?
Y U no Pandora??
HBO would be nice, but so far so good.
I hope later down the line you can get an ESPN and HBO GO app. :)
8 more days!
Of all the people wanting specific apps, I have yet to see one mention MLB.tv. Where’s that app? It’s currently on the PS3.
Happy that I won’t have to turn on my PS3 for Crunchyroll or Netflix :)
This is awesome! I will use Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon the most. On a slightly related note, are there plans to bring Hulu to the Vita in the near future?
Please add Google+, Picasa, flickr,YouTube, Pandora, tunein, live event, Vidzone, also mp3/DLNA media server support.
Great job on ps4 its going to be awesome very let down by no CD/mp3/dlna support though.
Guys check out the PS4 Entertainment Apps page HBO IS COMING!!!, just not Launch!!
VidZone, Flixster, HBO Go and IGN apps coming soon us dot playstation dot com slash ps4 slash apps !!!!
I guess that means my Xbox 360 turns into an “ESPN/HBO” box. No sweat.
You guys have to have to have to add a time warner cable app Xbox has one and we need it too help us out Sony
WOW sony, did you give up the media crown to MS and giving them ammo on purpose? HBO is the best Channel on TV, HBO go is a must, ESPN, you tube, no DLNA no MP#.. What are you thinking??
A huge reason ps3 sold was media ability… This is as important as games in this day and age.. Sony conceding the livingroom to MS?? What’s going on?
Some of these things don’t matter to me but they do to many, hurting yourself here Sony.
Oh and my doesn’t canada get most of this??