Ever feel like you don’t have enough time? Well, that’s by design in Sine Mora, where classic shoot-em-up mechanics (or shmup, if you like saying funny words) are blended with a new twist: you’re racing against the clock. Instead of scoring points, you’ll hunt down enemies to gain precious seconds and hopefully avoid the Game Over screen. PlayStation Plus members get the PS Vita version of this title for free starting tomorrow.
It’s week 2 of our Sale of the Dead promotion, and that means you can save money on awesome titles like the recently released Puppeteer, the classic BioShock and the adorable Costume Quest. There’s a great variety of content available — check it all out below.
You can take advantage of all these PS Plus benefits after the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, October 29th.
Sine Mora (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $9.99
Horror Week: 10/29 through 11/4
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Regular Price |
BioShock | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
BioShock 2 | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Bloodrayne Betrayal | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair | $8.39 | $10.49 | $14.99 |
Costume Quest | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Darkstalkers Resurrection | $5.24 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Dead Space | $5.99 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Dead Space 2 | $7.99 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Dead Space 3 | $19.59 | $27.99 | $39.99 |
DmC: Devil May Cry | $13.99 | $19.99 | $39.99 |
Doom 3 BFG Edition | $7.99 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Fatal Frame | $2.00 | $3.99 | $9.99 |
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly | $2.00 | $3.99 | $9.99 |
I Am Alive | $3.00 | $5.99 | $14.99 |
Infamous: Festival of Blood | $3.99 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Lone Survivor | $8.99 | $9.99 | $12.99 |
Lone Survivor Vita | $8.99 | $9.99 | $12.99 |
Metro: Last Light | $29.99 | $39.99 | $59.99 |
Puppeteer | $19.59 | $27.99 | $39.99 |
Siren: Blood Curse Episodes 1-12 | $9.99 | $19.99 | $39.99 |
The Darkness II | $15.99 | $19.99 | $39.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 11/5)
Instant Game Collection
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PS3)
The Darkness II
BioShock 2
Doom 3 BFG Edition
DmC: Devil May Cry
Darkstalkers Resurrection
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut Ps Vita
Metro: Last Light
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair
Bloodrayne Betrayal
Costume Quest
Infamous: Festival of Blood
Siren: Blood Curse Episodes 1-12
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
I Am Alive
Alien Breed 2: Assault
Alien Breed 3: Descent
Alien Breed Trilogy
Alien Breed: Impact
Pure Chess Halloween Chess Set
Pure Chess Halloween Chess Set Ps Vita
Draw Slasher
We’ll be back next week to add another title to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits, like super sweet discounts.
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
Awesome sale!! I will get Castlevania, Doom and DMC!!!
I think if Siren: Blood Curse had ever gotten a trophy update, it would’ve been a much bigger game. It was really fun, but I think lack of trophies really killed it for some people.
I’m really glad to be getting this on the IGC….always wanted to try but never wanted to pay for it….looks like a good and fun game….and I’m getting Darkstalkers,both Fatal Frame games and I am Alive in the sweet Horror Week sale.Thanks Sony for all this goodness.
Will we be seeing an update to the Vita’s long term IGC next month?
I wish Sine Mora was for PS3 as well.
In any case, nothing for me this week, I spent all my money on horror and mystery books right before the sale, haha.
If I could make ONE request it would be that the Next Month Plus Preview was posted earlier, it’s no fun having to wait until a few days before the beginning of the month (sometimes ONE day before) to know what we’ll be getting. I assume we’ll start to get fewer stuff since PS4 launches on November (I’m speaking for the people that can’t afford or will not be getting the new system for a while), so at the same time I expect an increase in the quality of PS3 titles given for free. No, this is not a complaint, but rather a request/doubt.
No discount on Fatal Fame III: The Tormented? Dang I was planning on picking up all 3 on the cheap.
Can someone tell me if the WWE 2K14 Season Pass will be up today at all or if it will be tomorrow. The game releases at midnight tonight and I’d like to have the Season Pass when I start playing it.
Haven’t played Sine Mora, but I look forward to trying it.
tdlypsdoff brings up a good point. Why is it that Europe usually gets their PS Plus update information weeks in advance and the US usually doesn’t know until the last minute? I understand we receive different games because of regional differences but how does that effect the sharing of information about upcoming titles? Please let me make clear, I LOVE PS Plus and it I think it is hands down one the best entertainment services available. Still, foreknowledge of upcoming titles would only serve to improve an already terrific service.
Great! I really enjoyed Sine Mora’s demo!
Feedback on this? Give us proper games for PS+ like the EU gives. Remember Me wouldn’t hurt, but having seen the game comparisons over the past few months it’s unlikely huh?
Someone please, can say it to me, when it’s gonna be anounced the games for psn plus of november?
I can’t wait to get my hands on sine mora tomorrow! I’ll probably be picking up Lone Survivor sometime this week too. At that process how could I pass it up.
Any word on when November games get posted? I know EU got Assassin’s Creed III in September, and it looks like they are slated to get Metal Gear and Remember Me (three games I’d love to have in the US collection) in November.
I wouldn’t recommend picking up Costume Quest as the game is broken and unable to be finished. There is a glitch in the game when you get French Fry costume where you can’t go any further in the game. I’ve looked it up online and every site says that it won’t get fixed. Disappointed as it was a fun game until that happened.
Sorry had a question I meant to ask as well. My Plus expires on Jan 3/14, if I renew tomorrow for the 50$ for 10$ back sale, does it change the renewal date to one year from today, or would be Jan 3/15 now?? Thanks
I couldn’t possibly care less when the November Plus post shows up. I know it will be a few days from now at most, and I also know I can wait. Cue 500 more people asking just to get a reply like “Soon!” (See above.) Gotta say I like Kristine’s style. :)
Remember Me was offered to Plus members for $14…2 FRIGGIN WEEKS AGO. If you didn’t buy it then, that’s really too bad. Offering it for free now would obviously reinforce the notion that they will give us games right after they go on sale. Which will only cause people to overreact (again) and stop buying games on sale in hopes of getting them for free.
Highly recommend Costume Quest and the DLC (not on sale). I got Costume Quest through the IGC and enjoyed it so much I paid full price for the DLC and loved it, too. A little short for what you pay, but I knew that going in.
Heya Kristine, hope you can answer a few questions
1- How much will Proteus be?
2- Can you provide the price and/or size in GB of Pacman The Ghostly Adventures that’s releasing tomorrow on PSN?
3- What other titles or franchises can we expect to go on sale tomorrow?
@hartbrek310: Not sure what your point is but apparently “every site” is wrong: I played and beat everything there is to beat in Costume Quest in May of this year. Costume Quest is not broken as you say.
Sine Mora reminds me of the great Treasure and Cave shooter days, I loved those bullet hell shooters! I’d kill for a Ikaruga\ Radiant SIlvergun compilation on PS4 or PS3. Sale price on the new Devil May Cry is great too! It makes it so that you can afford the old Dante DLC skin when checking out of SEN. Lol.
Does Dead Space 2 includes “Extraction”?
easy to achieve 50 usd with this sale, does anyone knows when we should get our 10 usd back?
You get it in November.
kristine when will we see the ign app come to the vita.
You really should have more DLC go on sale for these things.
@64: Um, I beat Costume Quest with no problems. Beat the DLC no problem…
@ThumbsofSteel74 not sure how you pulled that off then, as it is broken. They even posted that on this site at http://community.us.playstation.com/t5/PSN-Games-General/Game-Breaking-bug-in-Costume-Quest/td-p/30937295
Google Costume Quest French Fry Bug and you’ll see lots of people talking about the bug. It’s a major glitch in the game.
Poker Night 2 if you let the game save after each hand you wont have the problem of it freezing on ya.
Will the three longer term Vita games in the IGC (Uncharted Golden Abyss, Wipeout 2048, and Gravity Rush) be switched out next month? It will have been a whole year. I think it’s time we saw LBP, Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, and Resistance Burning Skies added in their place. :D
I want Bioshock!!!!
Awesome, getting Siren and both Fatal Frame games this week :)
Dead Island promotion is already out? :/
OMG!!! its about time Siren Blood Curse went on sale, that game has been 40 buck since it came out in the store, will not pass up this deal. Thank you PS+ Gods :’)
I had a little moment of happiness reading “Sine Mora Free” as I loved all the previews for this game, only to be completely disappointed yet again with a Vita Only free game. Isn’t this game on PSN for PS3 as well? I’m not a PS VIta owner and I don’t intend to be one and a signed up for PS Plus expecting free games for the PS3 every week. To have certain weeks with vita only games makes me feel like I shouldn’t be subscribed to this service. :( sad.
Seeing no love for puppeteer but I’m certainly picking that up for twenty bucks. Sorry PlayStation but I’m going to spoil your plus news next Monday, two games that will be free resogun and contrast. Ps4 excitement !!!!!
@Benford_83: Please go away. Plus is not, and was never intended to be, a service that provides free games every week that they somehow know you will like AND not already own. Grow up.
Sine Mora its probably the first game in vita igc that i dislike (i joined in june)
But the discounts saved this update for sure
DMC for me, I own the retail version.. but I’m gonna get the digital version. Game is pretty awesome, especially at the $14 price.
@86 Agreed.
Already own Sine More and I don’t enjoy it. I despise games with time limit mechanics in them. Time limits ruin the experience for me. Maybe others will like it though.
I think I’ll pick up DMC for 14 bucks. Sounds like a great deal
This such a great sale. I’m obviously going to pick DmC for that low of a price. But I’m curious as to why the first two Fatal Frames are on sale and not the Third one with it. plus it would have been incredible to pick up the classic Siren for a discounted price. Any chance that it will go on sale in the coming months or more of the PS2 classics since the PS4 is going to be rolling out soon?
Fatal Frame :3
cool, wanted to buy sine mora when it came out, but I never did.
I’ll definitely enjoy this.
Hi, I’m looking for some info but can’t find it anywhere.
I bought two games: one for 9.99 and another for 39.99.
Total: 49.98
Will I get 10 dollars back? Or do I need to spend 2 more cents?
Hey Kristine….
…BEYOND!!!! ^_^
Is their a system error in the October 10$ deal for each 50$ worth of purchases? Because I’ve ordered over 50$ and still haven’t received my 10$.
You get the 10 dollars in november 8th.
@Zeluiz_Araujo I wouldn’t take the chance. I’d say spend the 2 cents to be on the safe side.
@Redvail normally when Playstation does promotions like these, you don’t get your $10 back until around the first or second week after it ends (1st-2nd week of November)
I can’t understand why people are constantly complaining about the games your are getting? You have to be kidding, it’s only 50$ a year so like 4$ a month, and this one alone we got the poker game, kingdoms of Amalur and shadow of the colossus, you are paying a little over a buck for any of these games !!! That is the cost of a can of soda!!! Hhahah seriously people think about it. I can not be any happier about my PS+ subscription.
people you need to start to read :)