PlayStation believes in the power of our gaming community to do good in the world. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the video game based charity Extra Life to generate a call to arms to the PlayStation community to help raise money for children’s hospitals across the country.
Extra Life is a gaming event benefiting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a nonprofit organization that raises funds for children’s hospitals and the medical treatment, programs and charitable care that is provided to kids in their communities. For years, Extra Life has motivated gamers across the U.S. and Canada to drive donations to their local member children’s hospital, and this year, PlayStation is joining their efforts.
PlayStation Prizes for Extra Life Activities
You can get involved in raising donations for children’s hospitals in need and get great prizes in the process. Here’s how:
- Click here to go to the Extra Life registration page
- Select Extra Life ‘Classic’
- Decide whether you want to join as an individual, create a team, or join an existing one. If you’re not sure, just join as an individual. If you decide to join a team, feel free to join any team you wish.
- Select ‘PlayStation’ under the ‘What movement are you joining?’ question.
- Complete the rest of the fields, it should only take a few more seconds.
Now you’ll be all set to have your own profile to share with the world and raise donations. Don’t be shy about telling your friends and family about the cause you’re supporting to raise donations!
Registering for Extra Life and being a part of the PlayStation Movement enables you to get great prizes as you raise donations. Check out the breakdown below:
Registration is open right now so sign up and start hitting these goals today to get these great prizes. Just register, select the PlayStation option under “Join a Movement”, and start sharing your goals with your friends, families, social networks, you get the idea. Prizes are open to U.S. and Canada residents only. Please allow up to 24 hours after crossing one of the levels to receive your prize. They will be sent to the email you register with Extra Life.
Join as an individual, or jump into an existing team and contribute towards a group goal. There are a ton of great teams to join, but here’s a few we recommend:
So sign up, get your exclusive PS3 theme, and start raising donations for an amazing cause. Chime in in the comments and let us know if you’re going to register, and if so, which team you’re supporting! Oh, and don’t be shy about spreading this news; it’ll be helping a great cause. ^__^
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