Soccer and giant robots — a deadly combination. This week will see the launch of some hotly anticipated titles.
FIFA 14 brings a host of new features to the pitch, including realistic ball physics, enhanced teammate intelligence for better decision making, and precision movement. Of course, the Ultimate Team mode returns to give gamers superb control of their customized soccer experience.
But FIFA 14 isn’t the only soccer game in town. The long-running Pro Evolution Soccer series continues with Pro Evolution Soccer 14. PES 14 brings along tremendous improvements and new features to the world of soccer, with TrueBall Tech, upgraded core play, the new Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.), and even an emotional hook — in-game players will now react mentally to the flow of the game and affect their performance.
If you aren’t much of a soccer fan, fear not — you can always take a giant battle mech out for a spin. Armored Core: Verdict Day ushers in tons of new content for Armored Core fans, including 90 new missions, more than 150 customizable unit parts, and improved online matchmaking. Those of you that need just a taste of dystopian sci-fi action, look no further.
Check below for a full list of games coming to the world of PlayStation — including a few classic PS2 games — and enjoy the Drop.
New PlayStation Releases This Week
Learn more about this week’s new releases on our official, weekly show: PlayStation Blogcast.
Editor’s Note: the information above is subject to change without notice.
Wait a second, Ryan Clements?
Good to see you taking over The Drop. The format is much more coherent, brief and eye-pleasing. I’m not a frequent visitor in the PS Blog as well, so it’s nice seeing you here with your new gig, though I miss your honest, well-written reviews…
More PS2 Classics please! I welcomethese as our PS2 broke down pretty early and we got no second-take.
The layout looks ok. Much better than last time. I liked the old one better. I liked the ps3 and vita games being seperate. However this layout will be just fine. The way I’d like it to be is kind of like ign does it, when they used to type it out. It was good how they said no demos this week and such. That way we knew if you guys just forgot to post or if there aren’t any.
It would be awesome if it had prices too! That was missing from the old one and kind of annoying. You know how bad the ps store is so less time having to boot up that clunky thing the better.
wheres fifa 14 on the psn, its past 12am eastern time and i cant download it?
When can i download fifa 14 ? I already pre ordered it but i can’t download /; paid the full thing thru the playstation store
The Drop never has, never will, and never should have prices or file sizes. Those can always be found in the PS Store Update post 2 days later. Duh.
Will it be possible to play PS2 classics on Vita one day? It seems powerful enough…
Welp, my wallet will survive this week. Back to Los Santos, driver!
I like this format, but can we get prices added in the future?
When will Lone Survivor show up on the psVita stores?
To be honest, the only thing worth a crap is the replies to comments. And even that lasted just over an hour.
Sony, you can do better.
Want to make LOTS and LOTS of MONEY?
Bring Awesomenauts to PS Vita!
A Perfect MOBA for it..
I’m running out of space in my 500gb harddrive, will we ever see external harddrive support that reads and plays games from it? Every week its always more and more good stuff..great job btw
@112 That means it’s time to stop buying PS3 games and move onto the next Gen. But even on Next Gen ur gonna be limited to 500GB HDD so ya might have to think twice as to what games u buy at that point. LOL,
U must have a ton of games to fill 500GB on PS3 then, WOW!!!