Call of Duty: Ghosts ($59.99)
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Bundle ($119.99)
- Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass: Get four epic DLC Map Packs*, each delivering a collection of fresh Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer content. Plus, you’ll receive the Team Leader digital content pack, a Season Pass-bonus that includes a unique MP character head, weapon camo, reticle, player patch, player card and player background, playable in-game upon purchase.
- Free Fall Dynamic Bonus Map: This brand-new dynamic downloadable multiplayer map drops you into a shattered skyscraper on the brink of collapse. Frantic action is thrown into overdrive as the skyscraper continues to fall throughout the match, evolving gameplay in real-time.
Call of Duty: Ghosts – Season Pass ($49.99)
*Save vs buying map packs ala carte.
PS3 Games
Puppeteer ($39.99)
NHL 14 ($59.99)
Street Fighter X Tekken ($29.99)
PSN Game
Dragon Fantasy Book II ($14.99, or $11.99 for PS Plus)
Sanctum 2 ($14.99)
Hunter’s Trophy 2 – Australia ($9.99)
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD ($12.99)
PS Vita
Killzone: Mercenary ($35.99)
Dragon Fantasy Book II ($14.99, or $11.99 for PS Plus)
PS2 Classics
Mystic Heroes PS2 Classic ($9.99)
Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultimate Bundle ($29.99, or $17.99 for PS Plus)
Call of Duty: Black Ops & Black Ops II Game Bundle ($81.99, or $73.79 for PS Plus)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Bundle ($76.49, or $68.84 for PS Plus)
PlayStation Store Highlights
PS Vita Summer Select wraps up this week with Dragon Fantasy Book II, and brings the heat with Killzone: Mercenary. Puppeteer is out on PS3, along with new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty Black Ops bundles. For PS Plus members, Galaga Legions DX is free this week, along with some new discounts!
Head over to check out the web storefront to peruse this week’s new games. And as always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly. To learn more about this week’s Plus offerings, check out this week’s PS Plus post.
Instant Game Collection
Galaga Legions DX
Dragon Fantasy Book II – Plus Price: $11.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II with Revolution Map Pack – PS Plus Price: $44.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II & Season Pass – PS Plus Price: $84.59
Call Of Duty: Black Ops with First Strike – PS Plus Price: $29.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Ultimate Edition – PS Plus Price: $74.69
Call Of Duty: Black Ops & Black Ops II Game Bundle – PS Plus Price: $73.79
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with DLC Collection 1 – PS Plus Price: $28.39
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Ultimate Edition – PS Plus Price: $69.74
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with Stimulus Package – PS Plus Price: $19.99
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Bundle – PS Plus Price: $19.99
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Bundle – PS Plus Price: $68.84
Doodle God – PS Plus Price: $4.49
Aliens: Colonial Marines – PS Plus Price: $8.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultimate Bundle – PS Plus Price: $17.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC Bundle Pack – PS Plus Price: $8.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines Big Hunt DLC – PS Plus Price: $3.75
Aliens: Colonial Marines – Stasis Interrupted – PS Plus Price: $3.75
Aliens: Colonial Marines Reconnaissance Pack – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Aliens: Colonial Marines Movie Map Pack – PS Plus Price: $2.50
PS3 Demos
- Hunter’s Trophy 2 – Australia ($9.99)
- Sanctum 2 ($14.99)
- Diablo 3 ($59.99)
- EA SPORTS FIFA 14 ($59.99)
Price Change
- Rocksmith – Bass Expansion (Now: $9.99 Original Price: $29.99)
- Assassin’s Creed III (Now: $29.99 Original Price: $39.99)
Other Sales
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Reconnaissance Pack (Now: $4.49 Original Price: $9.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – DLC Bundle Pack (Now: $14.99
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Bug Hunt DLC (Now: $7.49 Original Price: $14.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Movie Map Pack (Now: $4.99 Original Price: $9.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Stasis Interrupted (Now: $4.99 Original Price: $9.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (PS3 Full Game) (Now: $14.99 Original Price: $39.99)
- Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Bundle (Now: $24.99 Original Price: $29.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops Ultimate Edition (Now: $82.99 Original Price: $94.49)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops With First Strike (Now: $39.99 Original Price: $49.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops II With Revolution Map Pack (Now: $49.99)
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 With Stimulus Package (Now: $24.99 Original Price: $29.99)
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: The Doggie Bag (Now: $2.99 Original Price: $5.99)
- Rocksmith – Born On The Bayou By Creedence Clearwater Revival (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – Drift Away By Dobie Gray (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida By Iron Butterfly (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – Mississippi Queen By Mountain (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – The Man Who Sold The World By David Bowie (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – Whipping Post By The Allman Brothers Band (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Sleeping Dogs The Year of the Snake (Now: $3.49 Original Price: $6.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
- Pro Table Pack 15 (Cross-Buy) ($7.99)
- Table Pack 15 Pro Upgrade (Cross-Buy) ($3.99)
- Table Pack 15: Champion Pub And Whirlwind (Cross-Buy) ($4.99)
- Additional Quest: The Iron Lady’s Tears Of Red (FREE)
- Cossack Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Mayan Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Saracen Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Viking Warrior Costume ($0.99)
PS3 Add-ons
Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters
- Ultimate Sexy Ayane – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Christie – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Helena – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Hitomi – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Kasumi – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Kokoro – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Leifang – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Lisa – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Mila – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Momiji – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Pai – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Rachel – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Sarah – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Tina – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Costumes (Bundle) – $14.99
- Weapon System Pack 1 – $3.99
- New Stage & Bgm Pack 3 – $2.99
- Original Costume Pack 1 – $5.99
- Original Costume Pack 2 – $5.99
- Uniform Pack 2 – $0.99
- Uniform Pack 2 (Season Ticket) – $0.79
- Uniform Pack 3 – $0.99
- Uniform Pack 3 (Season Ticket)- $0.79
- Prequel Costume: Nami – FREE
- Costume: Robin – FREE
- Prequel Costume: Ace – FREE
- Prequel Costume: Nami – FREE
- GAS MASK – $0.99
- 50000 BUCKS – $0.99
- 145000 BUCKS – $2.49
- 300000 BUCKS – $4.99
- 650000 BUCKS – $9.99
- 1700000 BUCKS – $24.99
- 3750000 BUCKS – $49.99
PS3 Avatars
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Avatar Don – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Gen Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Guy Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Rose Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Sagat Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Seth Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Avatar Bundle – $0.99
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Dudley Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Gouken Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Sakura Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition T.Hawk Avatar – $0.49
PS3 Themes
- Amazing Earth: Deep Sea Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Amazing Earth: Dynamic Palm Trees Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Aquatic Bundle Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Digital Blasphemy Bundle I – $3.99
- Digital Blasphemy Circumpolar Clock Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Digital Blasphemy Extra Solar Clock Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Jin – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Other – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Shu – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Wei – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Wu – $0.49
- Kingdom Hearts Hd 1.5 Remix Dymanic Theme – $1.99
- Rage Comics: Mother Of God Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Research Facility Dynamic Theme – $2.99
PSP Themes
- Amazing Earth: Arctic Iceberg – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Australia’s Coast – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Grand Canyon – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Hawaiian Sunset – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Indian Ocean Overlook – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Rainbow Falls – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Volcano – $1.49
- Destination: Brooklyn Bridge – $1.49
- Destination: Golden Gate Bridge – $1.49
- Destination: Greek Sunset – $1.49
- Destination: Hong Kong – $1.49
- Destination: La Rush Hour – $1.49
- Destination: Long Beach – $1.49
- Military: Desert Heat – $1.49
- Military: Night Vision Recon – $1.49
- Phil Wohr: Saint Kaylin – $1.49
- Utherworlds: Death Dealer – $1.49
PS3 Videos
- Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 1 Trailer
- Bioshock Infinite Clash In The Clouds Trailer
- Borderlands 2 Season Pass Trailer
- Defiance: Castithan Charge Pack
- Nba 2k14 The Reign Begins Trailer
- Puppeteer Launch Trailer
- WWE 2k14 Become Immortal Trailer
- WWE 2k14 Ultimate Warrior Trailer
I need more fighting games on PSN! Keep’ em coming!
Puppeteer and Kingdom Hearts 1.5!! And Killer is Dead and Dragon’s Crown just before! And GTAV next week! Damn!
Any chance of getting a Tomb Raider styled fire sale for The Last of Us?
Still waiting on ICO……
Awesome update. I’m still waiting on my Puppeteer pre-order to arrive from Amazon, but in the meantime I’ll grab Dragon Fantasy Book II, and the Demolition Derby pack for GRID 2.
Should be ICO and GTA next week is my guess
@ SpooNManX
It’s alright, it’s not like Pinball Arcade doesn’t have enough trophies already. I don’t mind the lack of trophies on future packs, I’ll still buy them. Bragging rights in pinball comes from the leaderboards anyway, and those are still intact. But of course, mostly play for fun. :)
How can you offer us Hitman Absolution, a game with technical issues that has left hundreds of people (at least) without the posibility of coming to an end, because the saved data gets lost randomly (the same for the Contracts Mode). At the same time, you are supporting the bad behavior of the company in charge of HA, because promissed on their official forum (forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?s=563c38ee688739184931ffe696d27f03&t=131742) to give us a solution but they have done nothing from the released date until now.
I consider this disrespectful, specially coming from Sony…How is this possible?
I’m STILL waiting for an official answer…
puppeteer <3 and thank you for the kingdom heart dynamic theme!!
hoping for KH avatars next week pretty please!
Although I just thought of something cool… if anyone from FarSight sees this, I hope they mull over this idea I have…
Right now Pinball Arcade has 96 trophies. Obviously, if the limit is 100, then trophies can’t be added for Pack 16 otherwise the limit would be exceeded (102), but how about adding trophies for the next single-table pack – Terminator 2 – to bring the trophy count up to 99, and then add a final 100th trophy… a gold (or a platinum, if possible) for unlocking all the other trophies? I think that would be pretty sweet.
Hey PlayStation Store team,
I’ve noticed that if I download a Plus item from my PS3/Vita, it won’t show up as purchased on the web Store. For example, I have Retro City Rampage and Pinball Arcade both in my download list, and they both show up as purchased on my PS3/Vita, but on the the web store I’m given the option to purchase both.
Not sure if this issue has been brought up, just thought I should share it. Seems the only two titles affected are cross buy.
@PrimeroIncognito That sounds like an awesome idea. Can’t believe there is a limit on how many trophies a game can have.
Until this idiot stops posting, I’ll stop posting:
@maxideaccion I’m an Hitman owner, I find this comment disrespectful and it offends me.
Is Grand Theft Auto 5 getting a theme next week?
Morgan, can you tell me why when Sony offers discount bundles they don’t offer discounts for the DLC on its own for people who already own the game?
Hey Grace,
Is there an error here or am I going crazy? That Soul Sacrifice DLC, “The Iron Lady’s Tears of Red”, its not new. In fact, I have already downloaded and looked it up on my download list to verify the date, which is, September 4th.
Should there be a new DLC or just nothing new at all for Soul Sacrifice this week?
Also, I double hecked the previous PlayStation Store Update Blogpost. It is definitely postd there as a new DLC. So perhaps, there really is nothing new for Soul Sacrifice this week?
so wait, Primero posted a comment that wasn’t trolling? interesting.
also, I just did a bit of searching on Amazon, and a bit of math. The Modern Warfare collection is $68 here, you can get the GOTY for CoD4 and MW2, and MW3 with DLC collection 1, for 72.28….so, 4 bucks more plus a little bit of shipping (around 8 bucks, since MW2 has free shipping) , and…you get a lot of the DLC free, vs. this which you only have the vanilla games, rip-off anyone? I imagine Black Ops is the same deal, I’d try to lower the prices a bit more if I were you, Sony.
I fear that Killzone vita’s patch is causing a burn-in on my screen :(
how is that ? a very large patch while I transfer it from PS3
How come, I can’t connect ‘n transfer games to or from PS3/PC with out been online ? look at me been forced to watch screen dying slowly of burns while waiting for the patch to get done.
Can we never be able to transfer games at least first ? then patch them later from their live area ? there, I could at least let my vita go to sleep ‘n keep downloading the patch on a safer way.
btw – thank you, It did ‘n the digital PSN came with extra EXP DLC :).
I hope I can earn exps while doing missions away from home at off-life game :<
ENOUGH with the Street Fighter avatars! Who is in charge of making them? They need to be informed that there are other games on the PS3 they can choose from, there is way too much focus on the same few titles! All these great game launches come and go, and nothing. Avatars may be a petty thing to get angry about, but after years of this I am fed up. Is it too much to ask for a better variety? The composition is often horrible too, with the character a tiny speck surrounded by a blank space. Would have loved aliens/xenomorphs, Skyrim, and Diablo 3 avatars to name a few.
nice update.
SCEA I hate you! Where is my Theatrical Pack ?! Pre-Ordered last week the Puppeteer Digitally and you are just screwing us around ! Fck you, I hate such an awful behavior; especially from a big Corp. like you.
You guys working on ironing out the licensing issues to get more PS1 games on the store for both ps3 and vita? and PSP games as well? I own alot of ps1 titles that I unfortunately can’t play on my Vita and honestly it seems like you guys tend to announce features then just drop support so quickly..
Indeed, we need more PS1 support ‘n PSP as well on vita
Sony must weekly provide us with at least 2 new psone titles ‘n 2 psp working on vita
Gika is not a solution for anything outside USA – digital buy-able games is the perfect one.
It seems to me, and I don’t think I’m alone on this, that since PS+ will be mandatory in a few months (for PS4), Sony it’s not even trying anymore. The sales are getting worse, no real, interesting PS3 games as used to be, no real discounts except for a few among many ripoffs… well, maybe the PS+ good days have already ended but I still had hope.
And all of you people who will buy the ‘sales’ of CoD. You support this greedy, disrespectful behaviour.
Puppeteer looks promising. Other than that, nothing for me this week.
Cod ghost.day1digital Harden edition DIGITAL. Seriously lol
There are many developers and publishers or who do the same as well
Why would anyone buy nore than 1 cod is out of my mind. If anytging buy the last one in retail.
i agree
i can not find any legit reason why a digital game cost way more then a retail disc game.
i know for a fact that pc games from steam and windows live get huge discounts on super cool games.
all i can say is people need to shop around before paying full price on all these old games.
the psp games are way over priced on the psn store
+ Gamerzlimited
no one will miss you
@ thelookey6 ,
I think you miss-understood Gamerz. He’s going to spam the “I’m offended message” until the other person stops spamming the “we gamers are insulted” spam.
I never played Diablo but demo was very good might have to investigate it further. any way thank for early update sorry for late post :)
Oh and I never had any issues with Hitman on PS3 was a very good game!!!
Got Killzone Mercenary last night and just loving it !
3 GB download and 1 GB update, but well worth it.
Graphics and game are incredible.
Had no problems getting the extras via the download from PSN.
@116 – Tesal2005.
Not sure why the Killzone patch would cause a burn in on your screen…worked great on mine and very quick.
Will we see any more PSone Classics become available to the VIta without resorting to transferring from the PS3, because it’s ridiculous how long it’s been since the last good update almost a year ago. So far there has been no sign of games like Metal Gear Solid, Crash, or Spyro appearing on the Vita store. Did you guys give up or is it just incompetence?
Soul Sacrifice DLC Tears of Red was released last week. Nothing new this week.
Hey Sony…I’m having an annoying problem…every time I try to download something on Vita…it gets stuck in the screen “preparing please wait”….and if I cancel the Vita freezes and I’m forced to power off….I dunno if its just me but please fix this.
Also I gotta say this….
PS3 needs an update ASAP to players who are online on Vita be shown online on PS3 as well and the game they’re playing…I mean how is it possible that you guys didn’t include this feature on PS3 yet?….whats the point of seeing your friends who are online on Vita shown offline on PS3.Come on Sony thats something really needed…please please release an update for that.I beg you.
On another talk….Puppeteer and Mercenary made this a great update but I’m getting both on retail…more of those SD SF avatars…..OMG I can’t resist them.
hey playstation guys, you forgot to mention that PES 2014 demo is out this week. At last we can try the FOX engine.
@ 110 PrimeroIncognito – I really dont know if a limit of 100 trophies is applied only on PSN games but if not…UC3 has 105 trophies with its DLCs.With that Pinball Arcade is good to go beyond 100.
lol ma bad…didn’t read SpooNManX comment on #95.
I know it’s not related to the US Store, but please get the folks at SCEE to do something about the missing Rocksmith content which i’ve asked of them (and Rocksmith on Twitter & Facebook) without any form of reply.
Missing from PAL regions:
Brian Adam McCune – God Rest We Merry Gentlemen
Seth Chapla – Carol Of The Bells
The Black Keys – Tighten Up
Verses Them – We Three Kings
also not available individually (only as part of the expensive Metal Pack)
Three Days Grace – I Hate Everything About You
and, not available as a pack (at a discounted price)
Blink 182 Song Pack
Megadeth Song Pack
We don’t even get any form of discount either. Paying as much as $4.35 per song in Australia!
Why does de CoD Ghosts Bundle ($120) costs more than buying the Game ($60) and the Season Pass ($50)?
I’m not sure about this, but I’m thinking the reason Uncharted 3 has more than 100 trophies might be because it’s a first-party title, or considered a major retail release. Different rules may apply to third parties and/or downloadable games, just like most downloadable games don’t have platinum trophies due to some rule.
@TwinDad That’s correct. A real shame that thelookey6 doesn’t comprehend with me at all whatsoever.
And to tell by maxideaccion’s avatar (Which he doesn’t have one), he isn’t a PS+ subscriber. He wouldn’t be able to get Hitman: Absolution unless he has the physical disc and that PS+ has cloud storage for saving data. So if the save data does get lost, he could just back it up beforehand. So I consider his post disrespectful and offending because he is trying to scam Sony. He’ll never get an “official” answer and I hope he never will.
And don’t worry about the me spamming the “I’m offended message.” I will only be posted once after maxideaccion’s “we gamers are insulted” comment. It would get annoying if I put it on every comment I type.
Desculpe me lamentar aqui, mas em meu país fomos esquecidos. Duas semanas que não há atualizações no Blog.
i just get a kick out of seeing you rant all over the blog lol and now that i know you get offended if someone talks bad about a game that you did not make i will never waste another post on you because 9 x out of 10 you live with your parents and are in your early teens . my guess is 13 or 15 years of age
@Gamerzlimited /145 you are pretty childish and pretty much a brown tongue . you reply to anyone who disses sony but why? just because you do not see a plus symbol by peoples name on this blog does not mean they are not a plus member. gosh dude give it a rest
@thelookey6 How long are you going to keep this up? All I’m trying to do is to put out the fire and your trying to add fuel to it. And nope, your completely wrong. All my friends and myself are college students. Someone in his/her 13s or 15s would never talk my way. I bet that’s how old you and your friends are. Good, I hope you stop talking to me, period.
everyone calls u out did you not read anyone post that directed at you? all you do is cry cry cry in every post you make and if you are in college that means someone wasted there money. i am going to set you straight once again. you saying that you will post spam after a member post what he or she has to say is called stalking . you jumping to sonys rescue every time someone has something negative to say is called you being dumb and a suck up and if you are in college you should understand my point. or maybe denial helps you sleep at night. long story short i own you with every post i make to and every thing i just typed is a pure 1 fact while all you type is random garbage to support you being in denial
i rest my case(the crowd cheers)