Don’t be alarmed — no, it’s not Monday. Although PlayStation Plus updates typically kick off the week, we’re trying something new by pulling back the curtain on our Instant Game Collection updates a little early.
For September, Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection is leading the charge, so you can break out your PlayStation Move Controllers (yes, regular controllers work too) and start destroying zombies. Later this month you’ll get the HD-remastered version of iconic PS2 classic ICO, one of Rockstar’s awesome portable versions of Grand Theft Auto (in this case, GTA: Liberty City Stories), Ubisoft’s loveable platformer Rayman Origins for PS Vita and the classic arcade shooter Galaga Legions DX.
Remember, these games will hit the Instant Game Collection at various times throughout the month, so check back with us every Monday morning to see all the benefits of your membership.
September PlayStation Plus Preview

Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $26.99
Gear up for the ultimate Resident Evil shooting experience with Resident Evil: Chronicles HD Collection. Use the PlayStation Move Motion Controller or traditional wireless controller to take down hordes of zombies across two full titles, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. Relive the events from the original series with classic characters in HD.
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $19.99
A young boy is locked away deep in a castle after horns started growing out of his head. After breaking free from his confines, he rescues a mysterious girl from her cage. Together they must escape the dangers of the castle and fend off the shadow creatures haunting their every move.
GTA: Liberty City Stories (PSP, PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $19.99
There are a million stories in Liberty City. This one changes everything. Once a trusted wise guy in the Leone crime family, Toni Cipriani was forced into hiding after killing a made man. Now he’s back and it’s time for things to be put right.
Rayman Origins (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $26.99
Explore a massive world with over 100 characters & 12 unique worlds designed for all ages and playing styles. Take on a giant pink monster with hundreds of eyes… a possessed mountainous golem… and more! Rayman Origins is a platformer at its core but also features many elements of action, adventure, shooter and beat-’em-up gameplay.
Galaga Legions DX (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $9.99
The legendary hit arcade shooter returns with Galaga Legions DX! Featuring a new twist on the classic gameplay, slick new graphics and devastating weapon power-ups, the fate of the galaxy lies in your hands! Board your fighter and prepare to defend Earth from wave after wave of relentless aliens. Target your enemies’ critical weak spots to earn bonuses and rack-up an astronomical score! Blast your way through unique levels and epic boss battles on your mission to defend the galaxy and prevent an intergalactic catastrophe!
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure you leave a comment below. If you want to engage with some like-minded people, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums to discuss all things PlayStation, including this update. You’ll also find other topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
The PS3 instant collection is far from good in comparison with EU, seriously, why give ico and don’t give SOTC too like they did some months ago? And ALL updates the IGC gets, on past months was a SHOOTER, and barely an AAA game, got happy with Vita updates but the PS3 IGC games just sucks.
Is it so dificult to give a game that’s not a shooter? it’s been 5 or 6 months of shooters, and another one now…
Just reading the comments. Incredible. FREE games and huge discounts month after month and it still amazes me how some people are just never content. I was considering buying some of the titles offered on the PSN throughout the year and held off for various reasons mostly surrounded around money and time. Thanks to Sony I can breathe easy knowing I can get these games at no cost beyond my inexpensive yearly membership fee. I was wanting Battlefield 3 and Saints Row 3 but held off because I wanted to get The Last Of Us on day one. I didn’t have the money to justify buying all 3 at retail so it was a blessing when Battlefield and Saints Row 3 became free for members.
I don’t think North American PS Plus members are getting shafted in favor of European PS Plus members but perhaps if someone like Morgan could break it down for people and explain the differences and the reasons for the differences in games offered in these regions then maybe people would have a better understanding on how that works. So if you’re reading Morgan, please consider clarifying for everyone. I think that would be very helpful.
Wow, great set of games for Sept! I am not so sure about the Resident Evil Move games… but GTA and Rayman Origins for PS Vita? Much better than Pinball and another fighting game. I own few of these games, but it is still great to see some really high quality games in here.
Sony is blowing microshaft away in the free game department for PlayStation Plus members ,over Xbox Gold with it’s two games a month for free !
These 5 FREE games are for the PS Vita only and PS3 ! Hands down the best gaming deal in the world for only $49.99 a year for PlayStation Plus. — feeling amused.
Excellent month of Playstation Plus! Definitely one of the stronger months I’ve seen! I’m particularly excited for the Vita offerings though as I already own the PS3 games :p but GTA and Rayman Origins? NICE!!
Well I’m not impressed with this month, I’ll give ICO a whirl because I hear people saying how great it was all the time. But all I ask is you give us Assassin’s Creed 3 at some point BY December! I’m planning on getting it and AC4 for Christmas and would love to cross it off my list through PS+ and buy something else instead.
This is the best PS+ Update in a very long time!! RESI EVIL!!!
Nice update, I own everything except the Resident Evil: Chronicles HD collection, but nice update. September+ Dragon Fantasy: Book 2 day one PS+ discount= Epic.
I purchased Galaga Legions DX when it launched. It wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be, but it will definitely pass the time. Also, the full screen explosions were pretty cool. It just gets a bit repetitive after awhile. It’s also a shockingly easy game, except the last couple of time trials.
Either way, it’s quite obvious Rayman Origins and ICO are the bread and butter of this update.
OMG awesome, can’t wait to play ICO in HD! One of my all time favorite PS2 games.
Oh, and can we get a search function for the Download List or maybe categories? Even if just on the web store.
Re-downloading has become a nightmare with 1100+ items… lol.
I only played(and got platinum) Ico, but I’m very happy (always been) about this month’s update.
@oooaznkid “If you depend on the IGC for your total gaming fix, that’s not the way to go.” This so true.
I’m sorry to say this but Assassin’s Creed 3 for Europe… it’s a game that most people have bought and played. If you depend too much on Playstation Plus, you would be every month disappointed. I don’t always agree with the line up but I know I’m getting my money’s worth with Plus. I may not like the game given but I know somebody will.
I was a die hard Microsoft fangirl and I never really got anything for paying $60 a year. This is the first time I know I’m getting my money’s worth. Also, you guys are lucky, try to go to major nelson’s page and see if he answers everybody’s comments. At least Playstation cares and there’s people answering our questions. I’ve seen Europe’s line up and some games are pretty impressive but I’m appreciative of this line up. Even though I would have liked the complete collection of Ico and shadow. I’ll still be playing Ico and trying the other games at least. Thank you for the announcing the games early.
I’m sorry for the people that bought Rayman on sale and now it’s free. I do see the complaints there.
Well, no AC3, but ICO and Rayman for my Vita that will be delivered in a week =^_^=
Really Great looking Month, Thanks guys.
why did I buy Rayman Origins for Vita… You guys need to stop having a game on sale then giving it on PS+, I haven’t even played the rayman since I downloaded it cause I already Platnumed but really that is not kool. I liked the sale and this is a cool month but you guys did it all at the wrong time
Best month for Vita! This is the month I was waiting for, thanks PS+ team!
I love PS + I didn’t have the cash back then to get Rayman Origins lol however what I am really looking forward to Galaga Legions DX. I can’t wait for PS4, I really hope getting all the wonderful psn games they will be available for PS4 as well
So, EU players get AC3, and we get a re-hash of Resident Evil games? This is lame. Seriously starting to regret buying PS+ for another year.
Very nice. Rayman Origins, Ico, and Resident Evil HD for me!
Sounds like September is going to be awesome, well I guess every month is kinda awesome when your a PlayStation Plus member.
ICO and Rayman Origins (Vita). Two instant downloads. Well done Sony! Best month in a long time!
I was actually going to buy Rayman for the Vita this week, but after reading this I’ll hold off. Love being a Plus member, I tell you. :)
Ico will be another instant download. I remember hearing that the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus collection was coming to Plus, but I think that was EU only because I haven’t seen anything.
Once again US playstation plus crapped on while EU gets the best of the best
For those who feel exploited by the last minute Rayman Origins (Vita) “sale” recently, be sure to file a complaint and possibly request a refund: https://support.us.playstation.com/app/contact_options
PS Plus is a paid service in which we’re supposed to be offered deals and free games. It’s really not a deal if it’s offered free so soon after. And it’s not really free if you’re deceived into paying for itwith shameful attempt at a moneygrab ahead of the offer. I could understand if months went by, but the turnover was way too soon… Ubisoft/Sony knew what they were doing. We shouldn’t have to worry about getting taken advantage of like this when we’re paying for the membership.
For those who feel exploited by the last minute Rayman Origins (Vita) “sale” recently, be sure to file a complaint and possibly request a refund with support.
PS Plus is a paid service in which we’re supposed to be offered deals and free games. It’s really not a deal if it’s offered free so soon after. And it’s not really free if you’re deceived into paying for itwith shameful attempt at a moneygrab ahead of the offer. I could understand if months went by, but the turnover was way too soon… Ubisoft/Sony knew what they were doing. We shouldn’t have to worry about getting taken advantage of like this when we’re paying for the membership.
Rayman Origins Vita for free! ….. and yet i do not regret buying this on sale 2 weeks ago.
This is great but I was really hoping for the Jak & Daxter HD Trilogy or AC III (even though I have AC III). But AC III everywhere to 1 up Microsoft.
I’d really like to God of War 1 or 2 or Uncharted 2 or some PAL IGC games like:
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Mafia II
Crysis 2
Red Dead Redemption
Dead Space 2
Batman: Arkham City
Wouldn’t mind Far Cry 2 (again). :)
I already have ICO and GTA, but I’m happy to be receiving Rayman. I’m a little bit cautious of the Resident Evil, since most of them are not my thing, but it’s worth a try. The wife will probably enjoy watching me play it, so I may have to even if I don’t particularly like it. :P Anyway, please add some RPGs (either PS3- or Vita-native) as they’re my favorite genre.
On a side note, can we please get the ability to search by text on the Vita browser, and a text/PDF reader app for Vita also. I recall the promise of one quite a while back, but that obviously never came to fruition.
Okami, Dead or Alive 5…
Rayman Origins feels like a sucker punch, really.
Ugh, this is seriously going to make me spend my money only on a PSN+ sub, rather than any proper games on the consoles. And I’m usually the person that spends 40$ on a game if its good, but it’s a direct stab to have this happen after 2 weeks of claiming it’s “massive savings”.
Why didn’t you unveil that it’s free on PSN+ next month and THEN put it on display for 6.25$, see how many people would buy it then or would rather wait 2 week when faced with the choice?
that’s just disappointing!!
Nothing of interest again for me. Third straight month the IGC doesn’t interest me. Kind of wish I hadn’t wasted $50 to renew at the end of June. I don’t depend on IGC for my gaming fix, but I would like to get something for my money. Hopefully the remaining months on my subscription will be worth it.
That’s a nice PS+ update! This next few months will be epic! I have a question though… I know PS+ games are outs to keep as long as we are subscribed but if for some reason I don’t renew my subscription right away and I get to renew the subscription months later… Will I then get back all the content again?
To those fellow gamers who are not happy about having games added to IGC that were previously on sale:
Take into account some had to pass on the offers for monetary constrains and they also deserve the chance to have a go at the game. Also, please remember that games added to the IGC are with us as long as we remain PS+ subscribers while for those who actually grab their games on sale those games are entirely theirs; they really own the game.
Just adding some perspective without wanting to upset anyone in the community. PS+ is great, I’m happy to be a subscriber and although I already own ICO and GTA: LCS I’m happy for those who will get to experience these great titles.
I echo the sentiment that this is one of the best PS+ updates so far. Thank you so much for your generous program and for getting us AAA games and not just settling for minis for “disposable” titles.
My jaw dropped.. this is one of the best instant game collections so far. Good job Sony!!!
Thanks Sony!
Sugestion: On September 13 will make 13 years since Dino Crisis 2 was released for the best console until now: PS1. Please, in september second week make a sale for this amazing game, I really want play it on my PsVita.
Good month! But I sure wish Rayman was available as a PS3 freebie instead of Vita.
The excitement level does seem bazaar for these old games that are inexpensive. Why anyone would be pumped for these boggles my mind… Definitely disappointed by the Lack of Triple A games this month.
You would think SONY would be making a huge build up for the PS4 launch across the board and showing the power of PLUS. I’m confused by this months IGC
I just bought Rayman Origins in a sale 2 weeks ago! Why put it in the IGC now? I also got Galaga Legions DX (fun game) during a earlier Namco Sale. I would’ve waited had I known.
As for the other games, I’ll play GTA because it’s free (never got into the series so who knows?). I bought ICO a while ago with the collection and didn’t really like it – but again, it’s free. Resident Evil – meh….I’d rather have Assassin’s Creed 3 (something not a shooter).
Look, I don’t want to see a sale on a game for $5 – only to have the same game in the IGC. Why have a sale at all then? Granted I’d rather own the game than rent it, but the IGC is no good to me if I already own the games you give me. How is it then a PS+ benefit?
Nothing for me this month, as always launching the euro games that were already long ago, too lag
I have got to come back soon! I missed out on ICO (my PS2 was stolen) I want to play it!
I’m a Plus subscriber since 3 months ago. No one put me a gun to the head to buy the discounted Rayman Origins when it was on sale this month. But it’s really low of Sony to play their customers for fools and go for a quick and dirty cash grab knowing full well they were going to offer it for free the next month.
Remember when the iPhone came out in 2007? They dropped $200 in price within 2 months. After the outrage, they admitted they unfairly took advantage of their customers and offered apologies and a refund.
Not cool, Sony. I at least expect an apology.
Like a few others here in the comments section, I picked up Rayman Origins when it was on sale. At first I was a little miffed to see that it was coming to PS+, but then I thought about how much I’ve been having playing it the last couple of weeks and it was definitely worth the $6 or so I spent on it. I can’t put this game down. It makes me excited for Rayman Legends now. I’ll be buying that day one.
Wait. That was your plan all along, wasn’t it?! You sneaky snakes. Oh well. Tricked again, but totally happy with that.
Unfckingbelievable! An HD remake of the On-Rail Shooter from Wii ?! An HD remake of an 2001 game and a remake of one the oldest arcade game from Namco ?! C’mon gimme a break =\ .
Why PS+ Content team can’t deliver more fresh games. For me just Ico is a good game, but I finished like 10 ago and replayed it later like 10 times. Why de hell are u offering this one!? At least you could give us both Team ICO games; at least I would replay SotC a couple of times, because I like it more. Thx, but no thanks.
Bad lineup to ps3 users…. Galaga Legions is horrible, resident evil is a remake and ICO is very OLD.
Another good month. Now to address all the PSP complainers, not all of us have a Vita some of us still have a PSP only. So we should get stuff too. I love fighting games and hope to see more on both PS3 and PSP. But my real love (like alot of others here) is RPG’s! There are plenty of PS1 and PS2 RPG’s you could give for free, as well as PS3 RPG’s. But that doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon. I hope to see Dead Or Alive (any part), and Catherine (UK got it why can’t we) on IGC soon, and more PS2 and PS1 classics on IGC. Also love the pinball games, two great Sega Genesis pinball games would be awesome in IGC (if you can do that) Crue Ball (Motley Crue Pinball) and Dragon’s Fury.
Are there trophies in GTA?
I’m not sure how many millions of times this has been asked but; Can we expect some of our digital content to cross over with us to the PS4? I already know there’s a slew of content coming with the PS4 as soon as I turn it on but, it would be cool to have some of the digital content we purchased or received as current Plus members. That being said, I’m looking forward to the Resident Evil HD collection and GTA!
Thanks for the early heads up!!
Meh…not that good imo
EU gets the good stuff