Star Wars Pinball and Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower are both coming to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection with tomorrow’s PS Store update! You’ll also want to be one of the first to get your hands on the astounding Killzone: Mercenary via the beta. You’ll also find a timed trial of the acclaimed PAYDAY 2.
You’ll also find great sales including the final week of the PS Vita Japanese Games Sale, the Fan Expo sale celebrating our developer friends and neighbors in Canada, and did I mention… Divekick? The fighting game that took the fighting game community by storm is coming this week as well. All of those sales come equipped with a lovely PS Plus discount as well!
Take it all in, then let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
August 20th PlayStation Plus Update
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball (PS3 and PS Vita)
Regular Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members

Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP, Compatible on PS Vita)
Regular Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members

Divekick (PS Vita, PS3) (Part of the PS Vita Summer Select event) (Cross-Buy)
Regular Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99

Killzone: Mercenary Public Beta Access (PS Vita)

Ms. Germinator (PS3 and PS Vita) (Cross-Buy)
Regular Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99

PS Vita Japanese Games Sale – Week 2
Various Discounts

PS Vita Japanese Game Sale
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Price |
Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Dead or Alive 5 Plus | $39.99 | $19.99 | $10.00 |
Ragnarok Odyssey | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS Vita | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Dynasty Warriors Next | $34.99 | $17.49 | $8.75 |
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 PS Vita | $39.99 | $19.99 | $10.00 |
New Little Kings Story | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Muramasa Rebirth | $34.99 | $27.99 | $20.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 8/27)
Instant Game Collection
Street Fighter X Tekken Ps Vita
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus
Ragnarok Odyssey
Metal Gear Solid Hd Collection Ps Vita
Dynasty Warriors Next
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Ps Vita
New Little Kings Story
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Guacamelee! Ps Vita
Lights, Camera, Party!
Might & Magic Clash Of Heroes
Critter Crunch
Tales From Space: About A Blob Premium Bundle
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Tales From Space: About A Blob
Nun Attack
Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3 Ultimate Edition
Exclusive Beta Access
Killzone: Mercenary Public Beta
Fan Expo Sale (PS3 and PS Vita)
Various Discounts

Fan Expo Sale (PS3 and PS Vita)
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Price |
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Guacamelee! | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Guacamelee! PS Vita | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Nun Attack | $2.99 | $2.09 | $1.46 |
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | $14.99 | $7.49 | $3.75 |
Critter Crunch | $6.99 | $3.49 | $1.75 |
Tales from Space: About A Blob Premium Bundle | $7.99 | $4.99 | $2.50 |
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack | $9.99 | $3.99 | $2.00 |
Tales from Space: About A Blob | $7.99 | $3.99 | $2.00 |
Lights, Camera, Party! | $29.99 | $14.99 | $7.50 |
You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when the PlayStation Store updates on 8/20. We’ll be back next week with more details on the game arriving to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits we can share.
If you’ve got feedback or thoughts on today’s Plus update, leave them below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, make sure you head over to the PlayStation Community to discuss this week’s news, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
At least there’s the KZM Beta for PS+ members to make up for the crap Pinball and PSP Fighter.
More fighting game for vita pls, thx for the darkstalker, getting guacamelee
After reading through the comments I would have to agree and disagree with some people. I don’t like the fact that you took up two game spots for the same game in different months. I do like the inclusion of Hitman: Absolution this month though. It’s about the only game I’ll be picking up this month.
Also, PS Plus seems to be getting boring and bland. Each month we get a set number of games as a discount or free, in addition to the cloud saves and auto updates (which I rarely use because I don’t like having to turn my system on/off when I don’t need to), free game trials (which we seem to be getting less and less of), and trial betas (also rarely receive). I pay $50 a year so that I can have more features and advantages that the general ps3 gamer. Although I enjoy the games I’m just getting bored with the service. There really hasn’t been anything NEW to the subscription in recent memory. As I will be getting a ps4 and be required to pay for a plus membership to play online I think I speak for everyone when I say PLEASE ADD MORE FEATURES.
Please let me know if you read this Morgan as I would like to see my message was read and relayed to the PS Plus team.
Thanks and keep up the good work!! (posted last week)
I was gonna grab Divekick anyways so a couple bucks off is cool.
pinball… pinball games everywhere!
I’m really looking forward for that Killzone beta! Plus those Star Wars pinball tables are going to be sweet!
Mr. Haro: since your adding Star Wars Pinball to the IGC I thought id ask if theres an update on Pinball Arcade I still cannot download the PS3 Version and its quite annoying
sweet discount on FC3 Blood Dragon
the metal gear vita discount is also cool
the discounts and the Killzone beta means the store update can not arrive soon enough.
It would have been nice if the Guacamelee DLC was on sale! :(
many here complain about the psp fighting games…..
man you know you are being spoiled when you complain about free games, take into account the PS+ IGC has been awesome all year long.
Pinball is not my taste, but i will take it can be really fun. just go with it and take it easy fellow gamers, enjoy the games you like and game on
Is the Star Wars Pinball a stand alone DL or is it tied with pin ball arcarde? Regardless look forward to playing it for Free..
I think the problem with offering pinball a free game is that people who are into it (myself included) most likely already own it since there are really only a few out there (Pinball Arcade, Zen, Pinballistic)
Not to mention you’ve offered the Marvel 5tables for Zen as well as Pinball Arcade already.
you know, I’ve had PS plus for a few months now, and I have run out of space on my PS3 for all these plus games and have about 30 I haven’t even started playing yet. I have enough games to last me another year I think, with games I want to play and others I wish to try out.
So I really can’t understand why people are so upset when there’s been no game they’re particularly into this week. there is a new game EVERY WEEK! I mean, how much free time do you have to be done with each game in a week? I mean, games like zen pinball will keep you entertained for maybe 5 hours, but there are a lot of games, combined with discounts, sales, new game purchases and non PSN games you probably pick up for cheap on Amazon. it’s crazy! go play the rayman games!
Guacamelee (vita version) is mine at that price! And really happy to see the free Zen Pinball tables as well, I love me some pinball on the Vita. Great update!
good thing I have a couple of bucks in my wallet, i’ll definitely snag the Mutant blobs bundle (since, you know, may as well, despite getting the first game free on Plus), and Star wars pinball, but I can take or leave Darkstalkers. I may play it, since it could be different, but I doubt I’ll keep it on my vita, if I had more cash I’d buy more things from the sales, but I cannot yet ^^; thanks for the mutant blob sale though, and for more pinball, Pinball arcade is getting old with the same 4 tables.
You can’t be serious. How can you offer us Hitman Absolution, a game with technical issues that has left hundreds of people (at least) without the posibility of coming to an end, because the saved data gets lost randomly (the same for the Contracts Mode). At the same time, you are supporting the bad behavior of the company in charge of HA, because promissed on their official forum (forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?s=563c38ee688739184931ffe696d27f03&t=131742) to give us a solution but they have done nothing from the released date until now.
I consider this disrespectfull, specially coming from Sony…How is this possible?
I’m still waiting for an official answer.
I lost count of how many games I want to get this week.
I don’t get it really:
EU PS+ got all games 1st week in august.
USA PS+ barely week ago + not all of them.
I seriously agree with #54, can we please get some sweet D3 extras!
@110 PSN+ isn’t free =(. And it doesn’t really matters if something is free or not. You always can tell your opinion about it, if you want.
I don’t see the discount for Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita in the psn store any clue Morgan?
I’d rather have a free Dynamic Theme than another PSP fighting game.
Also, I want to see more PS2 games on PSN.
Is a standalone.
Not DLC.
Thanks Knightedrik.. Star Wars Pinball Here I come.. :)
Can’t deny that I’m excited for the Killzone Mercenary Open Beta tomorrow for PS Plus members. I love PlayStation <3
@124 YW, enjoy.. it’s pretty sweet.
do i need a code to join the beta when the store updates tomorrow or will it be available on the ps vita store for download?
What is Dead or Alive 5 Plus? Is that a barebones edition?
Definitely not going to renew my subscription for this. I’ll wait til next month’s announcements as this one has been pretty horrible besides Hitman. I wish I lived in the UK. Their PS Plus is lightyears better. One of the most disappointing weeks so far. Not really leaving summer with a bang like this. I’d assume PS Plus would get incredible on PS3 now as next-gen is coming out soon and no one is really buying anymore current-gen games that are already out, so you might as well put on some masterpieces on IGC.
Oh lord DW next , ragnarok online, MGS HD collection, and DOA all on sale for the vita and at a great price and I just picked up a 32GB memory card today. You are killing me Sony. I will need to buy all 4 of those games.
As someone who has been around long enough to have seen the first Star Wars movies as originally released in the theater, I’m looking forward to Star Wars Pinball. Another reason why this is a perfect IGC game for me is I would never drop $10 on three pinball tables, as much as I enjoy the genre.
Might also have to grab FC3 Blood Dragon.
Nothing again,at least saints row 4 comes out.
EU has already gotten Need for Speed – Most Wanted and Unit 13.
If we in the US weren’t able to see what other regions had gotten, we wouldn’t be as salty as we are.
It’s like your stepbrother gets a brand-new bike for Christmas, and you get a pack of atrocious socks.
Not to fond of the pinball table would’ve preferred a full game tired of psn content. The Vita sale is nice but I have 2 Vita’s in my household so I go retail with my Vita titles. Plus if I go retail I can resell it later. The Canadian sale was a good thought but again plus members have seen some of these tiles on sale before and we were given one of them when plus came to Vita.
Hopefully there’ll be a EU or U.S. region sale with lots of titles in them or how about a 2013 title sale or sleeper hits sale or rpg sale since we never got the plus rpg’s we requested.
Muito bom!
@purse317 It’s not my fault mom and “new dad” like me better
Hey Morgan,
I know you’re not customer support. But in reply to your response to my comment on #48, I called customer support and they said they had no idea there was even an issue. They told me they don’t know what is wrong and suggested that I just keep trying to purchase it. I have been doing that all week! 4-5 times a day I try to purchase it…from the PS Store on the PS3, on my ipad, from a PC, even my phone….and I continue to get this purchase error. I am beyond frustrated now. Between multiple emails back and forth with customer support and now a phone call. A week has gone by, and I still am unable to purchase the bundle.
Er i mean CraddaPoosta
@133 Good Point
@136 LMAO
@137 Someone needs to listen to this dude, he has a serious problem.
Why the hell is September 3 so far away… (sigh)
Very hard poll this week for choosing my favorite! I’m very happy to be getting the Star Wars tables, and both of the sales are equally fantastic and I hope to see many more like them, but I ended up voting for the Killzone Beta because it’s what I’m looking forward to the most. But really this is a very good week.
I think it’s time to buy Muramasa
I really hope we get NFS Most Wanted and Mafia II or another game. I just really want a more fun racing game than Gran Turismo 5. It’s good and all but I want some NFS. Haven’t had one since Undercover and that wasn’t all that good but still pretty decent.
@136 – You’re not really my brother and I don’t have to share my cookies with you. Now, get out of my half of the room. You know where the line is.
Kind of a weird question, but about Guacamelee Vita (most interested in this) – how big does it display on the screen? I ask because playing through Knytt Underground at times has been a challenge because it seems like the sprites are insanely tiny on the Vita in places.
I know I am probably in the minority – but I love all the pinball games we have been getting. (I don’t want to think about the numbers of hours/quaters I will never get back). Also I like the PSP games – not in lieu of Vita games or PS3 games – but I like getting them, I wish that had started earlier though – had been wanting it since I joined plus almost 2 years ago. I am getting tired of PSP fighting games though. How about some of these PSP games – I have many of these but are great games.
3rd Birthday
Corpse Party 1 & 2
Jean”d Arc
Disgaea (any of them Dark Hero Days, Infinite, Afternoon of Darkness)
Persona 3 Portable
Half-Minute Hero
Mana Khemia
No Heroes Allowed
Phantom Brave
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?
The Warriors
Ys (any of them)
Black Rock Shooter
GTA Chinatown Wars
I read so much hate on the PSP games – wanted to let ya know some of us appreciate them
I don’t really have a problem with psp games but I wish they could be in the form of a JRPG. The PSP has so many good RPG’s as well as ps1 classics for the vita.
If you want to give away PSP games for Vita then it should be jRPGs since graphics don’t really matter for this genre and it’s acceptable to play PSP graphic quality on the Vita.
nice game sale japon more dont give games fight to ps vita :) i want games psp rpg :) now i get mgs hd dynast warrior next
i am with #146,147,jrpg of psp are a good choice igc.for example a ys game can be perfect for what a new ys game is headed to vita this year.
Any word when Flower will launch on the Vita and if it’ll be cross buy? I already bought it for PS3 and completed the whole game plus all trophies. Only thing I’m looking forward to playing on my Vita outside of Mercenary but even that’ll take a back seat to GTA V.
Also any word of a digital version of GTA V coming? I’d much rather buy digital so I can have it on both my PS3s.
All in all not very enthused with this update. The Mercenary beta coming to Plus would be ok if I didn’t already have two beta codes for it.