Star Wars Pinball and Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower are both coming to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection with tomorrow’s PS Store update! You’ll also want to be one of the first to get your hands on the astounding Killzone: Mercenary via the beta. You’ll also find a timed trial of the acclaimed PAYDAY 2.
You’ll also find great sales including the final week of the PS Vita Japanese Games Sale, the Fan Expo sale celebrating our developer friends and neighbors in Canada, and did I mention… Divekick? The fighting game that took the fighting game community by storm is coming this week as well. All of those sales come equipped with a lovely PS Plus discount as well!
Take it all in, then let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
August 20th PlayStation Plus Update
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball (PS3 and PS Vita)
Regular Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members

Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP, Compatible on PS Vita)
Regular Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members

Divekick (PS Vita, PS3) (Part of the PS Vita Summer Select event) (Cross-Buy)
Regular Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99

Killzone: Mercenary Public Beta Access (PS Vita)

Ms. Germinator (PS3 and PS Vita) (Cross-Buy)
Regular Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99

PS Vita Japanese Games Sale – Week 2
Various Discounts

PS Vita Japanese Game Sale
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Price |
Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Dead or Alive 5 Plus | $39.99 | $19.99 | $10.00 |
Ragnarok Odyssey | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS Vita | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Dynasty Warriors Next | $34.99 | $17.49 | $8.75 |
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 PS Vita | $39.99 | $19.99 | $10.00 |
New Little Kings Story | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Muramasa Rebirth | $34.99 | $27.99 | $20.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 8/27)
Instant Game Collection
Street Fighter X Tekken Ps Vita
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus
Ragnarok Odyssey
Metal Gear Solid Hd Collection Ps Vita
Dynasty Warriors Next
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Ps Vita
New Little Kings Story
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Guacamelee! Ps Vita
Lights, Camera, Party!
Might & Magic Clash Of Heroes
Critter Crunch
Tales From Space: About A Blob Premium Bundle
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Tales From Space: About A Blob
Nun Attack
Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3 Ultimate Edition
Exclusive Beta Access
Killzone: Mercenary Public Beta
Fan Expo Sale (PS3 and PS Vita)
Various Discounts

Fan Expo Sale (PS3 and PS Vita)
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Price |
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Guacamelee! | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Guacamelee! PS Vita | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Nun Attack | $2.99 | $2.09 | $1.46 |
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | $14.99 | $7.49 | $3.75 |
Critter Crunch | $6.99 | $3.49 | $1.75 |
Tales from Space: About A Blob Premium Bundle | $7.99 | $4.99 | $2.50 |
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack | $9.99 | $3.99 | $2.00 |
Tales from Space: About A Blob | $7.99 | $3.99 | $2.00 |
Lights, Camera, Party! | $29.99 | $14.99 | $7.50 |
You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when the PlayStation Store updates on 8/20. We’ll be back next week with more details on the game arriving to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits we can share.
If you’ve got feedback or thoughts on today’s Plus update, leave them below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, make sure you head over to the PlayStation Community to discuss this week’s news, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
Morgan, enough with the fighting games. Seriously, we don’t want them anymore.
Star Wars Pinball Free. Awesome. Muramasa Rebirth, PS Plus Discount: Awesome. New Little King’s Story, PS Plus Discount: Awesome. The only complaint I have is that I don’t have enough time to play all these games. Thanks PS Plus Team!
Each another update is just a bigger joke.
DEMO !?!?!?
Escape Plan DLC sales
I’m exited to play Star Wars Pinball.
I’d probably buy Guacamelee and DiveKick if I didn’t already have too many games to play.
play Divekick!