If you’re reading this, Payday 2 is almost out — and the Overkill team is off on well-deserved vacations planning our next heist. It’s hard to express just how excited we are about the game finally being available for everyone to play. But soon, everyone will be able to mask up and get their heists started for real!
If you’re new to Payday, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. Payday 2 is an intense and dynamic first-person four player co-operative robbery game unlike any other. It’s equal parts RPG and action game now, allowing players to rob banks, jewelry stores, art galleries, and a hell of a lot more. Even, uh, unusual jobs. Our angle, even on the first Payday, has been “make a game where you feel like you are the bank robber” and we’ve referenced everything from Breaking Bad to Heat to make that happen. We want to make players feel like they’re really experiencing all the tension and high-stakes action of a life of crime.
Veteran Payday: The Heist players are going to remember the intense four-player heisting with the old Payday gang of Hoxton, Wolf, Dallas, and Chains back together again with Bain, their trusted planner. But they’re going to be blown away from all the new additions. Now a player can really pull off the perfect heist, without even firing a shot, with the addition of real stealth and deep team play-based skills. There are 144 skills and four archetypes (Ghost, Mastermind, Enforcer, and Technician) that allow players to make the kind of robber they want to be. There is a working money-based economy, so you’re actually robbing places to get money for things you want, whether its masks, mask mods, money for training or that rare optic.
Payday 2 has five times as many missions as Payday: The Heist. We have vastly improved gunplay and combat and immensely dynamic and replayable missions, some of which stretch over multiple stages. Even a Payday where players can get masks and weapons mods that they can customize. Last, but certainly not least, there is a huge visual and audio leap from the first game and a safe house to test out your gadgets and see the fruits of your labor in your own personal vault. I also need to mention the game’s incredible soundtrack from Payday: The Heist audio director Simon Viklund.
As for DLC, we have a full year of it planned. We can’t talk about it much…but everyone likes an armored car hit, right?
Mask up. The Payday 2 world is your bank. Get robbing.
I’m thrown a hissy fit because Sony didn’t release the game on time when it was suppose to come out on midnight. Its called over hype. They hyped the hell of this game and got everyone excited and they cant even deliver on their promise?
Agreed, casing the place and doing it like the real deal sounds more fun then the rinse, wash & repeat of COD styled BS
Will do!
im going to hybrid enforcer with tech all the way up both trees with a few points in master and ghost to be a good all around idk if that fits what you want but it will be more effective then single classing iv marked it all out on the skill calculator so i know it can be done.
I have been a Playstation customer for around fifteen years–since the original Playstation. I have spent thousands of dollars on Sony hardware, game titles, and accessories. I typically do not purchase digital games via the Playstation store as I was very skeptical of the quality from the Playstation Store after hearing several accounts of frustrated customers on public internet forums. I decided to disregard these experiences and give Sony the benefit of the doubt. I pre-ordered the game, which was advertised as a 12:01 AM (PST) release, and was severely disappointed when I discovered that I had been lied to. If I would have known that Sony was not capable of providing the product at the time they advertised, I would have purchased it through Steam on my PC which is already available to play.(cont)
I’m leaning towards the enforcer/tech skills I think. I like the ability to intimidate and cuff up anyone who trys to step up
I spoke with a Sony Playstation representative about receiving a refund for the pre-order since Sony was unable to uphold their promised release date and I was told I needed to wait 7-10 business days for that to be accomplished. This is just unacceptable. I have been a loyal customer for fifteen years and this his how I was treated. No apologies or even an attempt to correct the problem. This is going to make me seriously consider cancelling my pre-order of the Playstation 4 and just become an exclusively PC gamer. Sony really needs to really get their act together with their digital downloading service, unfortunately for Sony, they may have already lost me as a customer as it seems they just really do not care about “my” problem.
@ 155 thats mastermind :p
yo payday 2 pre order player with mic add me @Dman509 rollin ghost skilltree
@ 155 if you want to team up that would be cool, I’ve got my heart set in the ghost class, just need 3 more people! Though I might play as an enforcer in single player, but in more the stealth player. I’m disappointed that the single player is broken as far the A.I. The A.I have no brains,they dont interact with the objective which makes it impossible to play alone. They pretty much force you to play online to get the full experience, which is no problem.
I’ve been waiting all day yesterday, playing some Payday, then I find out I still can’t download Payday 2 yet. The reason I’m sighing is because its still not avalible…
am i the only one who saw the aug 13 12:01 pm pst release date? it should release in an hour.
…oh… well then … idk… I’ll just execute them lol jk.
Sounds like a plan, got your psn name writing down, at work until 7pm alberta time xD
Seriously hope my gf will be able to start the download when shes home before me!
Does anyone know about the weapons? Are they all assault rifles? Or will there be heavy/long range artillery??
when I purchased my day one digital preorder, it was stated in text that the game would be made available at 12:01a.m. so once again sony in America has dropped the ball. don’t waste your time posting something you are not able or willing to abide by. this is just lazy behavior, do the job you are paid for. and don’t make promises you cant keep. in the state I live in a verbal and written contract is law and sony you are in violation of breaking our agreement
check the wiki a lot of people (including me) have been posting all kinds of weapons. its mostly assault weapons but there is the sniper rifle from the first payday and a few shotties. and a ton of pistols.
Yeah lol thanks. As soon as I posted that I googled it xD
I can’t wait to see the pre order bonuses in game!
@ muzfakil if you run enforcer like i will the best weapon combo so far seams to be the AK 7.62 paired with the Locomotive 12G do to the shotgun and suppression skills in the enforcer tree or if your brave the Mosconi with the road warrior mod and the bernetti 9 for a large ammo side
Is there gonna be any sight upgrades for the AK I hate the way the iron sights look… tho could change my mind once I get my hands on it
What are the pre-order bonuses… I just thought it was the theme xD
yes there are quite a few sight mods for all the guns. like but not limited to laser pointers holo and red dot and a few small scopes.
Red dot sights for all rifles. money, skull helmet and colors for the helmet.
I’m curious to know what class you guys you play as. As I stated before I’m play as the ghost because it seems to most interesting. This description pretty much fits why I’m choosing it. ” The ghost is a very interesting archetype, insofar that you’ll need to stealthily go about stages to find ways to circumvent alarm systems, security guards or potential motion detectors and trip wires. The ghost is probably the most vital character on the team if you want a successful heist without all the “going south” syndrome. At the same time, this is probably one of the trickier classes to play as well, given that there’s such a high requirement to detail and patterns, and one mess up from the ghost and the whole thing will be going south. ” ( written by William Usher ) (http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Payday-2-Skills-Classes-Trailer-Released-57924.html)
Anyone want to team make a team with me. Or are there any openings to join one like Ilove_lacross do u still have a opening
Look guys if you want to stick it to sony, give their podcast 1 star. write a review for it. call them out publicly and make sure its a PR nightmare. call the podcast line. write them an email. make sony be accountable for what they have done.
Just refunded my money on the PSN. Off to play on my PC via Steam! Valve knows how to do digital download correctly. Have fun waiting some more console peasants.
Still a no-go as of 2:30 EST. Looking for a heist member?, I’m gun savvy and intelligent. My run and gun lifestyle honed by many days in COD has been changed by the Zen Co-op of the Last of US. Yes, I have a mic
where is this game
@173 I play with a team I got a mic and was really good and Payday The Heist
i cant wait to team up and make some cash.
Everyone that is upset about the pre-order issue: Please contact customer support and speak with a “supervisor”. They offered me two options: 1.) Refund of money processed that day. 2.) $10.00 PSN added to my account.
I have decided to have them refund my money. They do not deserve to make any money after misleading their customers to believe the game would be released at 12:01AM (PST). Steam was able to uphold their promise of the release date. I would highly suggest people look into PC gaming instead of Playstation.
Also, on Steam, you are not required to pay for a monthly subscription fee to access online functionality. This is unlike the PS4 which is going to require it. Closed systems by corporations are not truly owned by the consumer, they are owned by they corporation. Live free and get a PC!
@ 180 you got your cash back i no longer see a reason for you to be on this post. take your pc elitism and shove it mate.
Well so far it sounds like I wanna team up with dr pepper an carliop an velvet. All seem to have their heads in the right place
Payday 2 web series.. this should kill some time before store updates.
Agreed, plus id rather not have to spend a couple thousand and have to sit at a desk to play my games.
I just find it unacceptable for Sony to accept your money then not provide you with the product the day that was advertised for its release. Sony needs to get their act together in the digital download service–it is 2013 after all.
@ muzfakil im down with that. im a little rusty in fps but i know the entire skill set and every weapon in the game plus most of the quests that have been shown so ill add you to my psn if thats cool with you and see you guys in game. (ps. if its cool i call hoxton LOL )
At least you guys can play the game today. My girlfriend pre ordered this for my birthday expecting to pick it up today (she was even told that in the store) Well when she gets there they told her they won’t have my copy until friday. It’s ridiculous.
Sony does not even have a regular schedule when they even update the store. They must have many amateurs running this operation. Especially after the entire network was compromised in 2011. This is just the final nail in their coffin for me anyways.
All the in-game footage for this game was provided by a PC. No console footage has been shown to my knowledge. That shows you that 7 year old hardware looks like ****.
dude this is takeing forever to update psn!!!!!
Does anyone know if the characters are wired to there class? Say I wanted to play as Hoxton, they showed him as the ghost class in the video. Does that mean I can’t play as Hoxton as a enforcer or any other class? Or is it like pick your class, then your character kind of deal?
@ 190 you can be any class as any one. no limits
It’s not available for disc users until friday. At least you will be able to play today.
disc version is available since 5 days but nevermind!!!
Sweet, I was worried about that. So what character / class are you guys looking at combining? I’m looking forward to either Hoxton or Wolf as the Ghost, but I must admit enforcers look like a force to reckon with.
also @ muzfakil / Dr pepper cherry if we meet up in game Mullen412 would like to team with u. says hes got a mic and is a solid hardcore gamer hes watching the comments on his ps3 but says it wont let him post. sounds like theres a full team her we should take the opportunity
Consoles are destroying gaming.
2:57 EST
I’d love to plan this Ultimate Heist. Just waiting for the game to come out, it’s only 14 hours late.