Hey, doods! David from NIS America here to talk about our upcoming RPG title Time and Eternity, published in Japan by Namco Bandai and developed by Imageepoch. Time and Eternity is available today, July 16th for retail and as a first day digital download, so I wanted to dive in and show off some of the game’s cool features and mechanics! After, we can talk about some of the game announcements we made recently at Anime Expo in LA. Let’s get to it, dood!
In Time and Eternity, you take control of a knight set to marry the red-headed and demure Princess Toki. At your wedding you’re about to seal the deal with a kiss when ninja assassins burst in and ruin everything by stabbing you! In your dying moments, your beloved Toki suddenly becomes a brash blonde named Towa who takes down all the assassins. She uses her secret time magic to return to the past to right what has been wronged and save your marriage, and you come along trapped in the body of her pet dragon, Drake. Through your time travels, you’ll cultivate your relationship with both Toki and her mysterious counterpart, Towa, get to know all of her friends, and experience the colorful citizens of the kingdom, all while dealing with the perils of trying to marry a time-traveling fiancée!
The game features a unique aesthetic that uses high definition hand-drawn 2D characters designed by the well-known artist VOFAN (Bakemonogatari). You can unlock more of his sumptuous illustrations throughout the game by making certain dialogue choices and unlocking new gallery images. One of the coolest parts of the game is that it flips the visual script with a straight-up unorthodox blending of 2D characters set in completely 3D environments! All these dimensions combine seamlessly throughout the entire game, from traveling tropical islands and haunted forests to fighting those who stand in your way – you’ll have 2D characters all up on your 3D worlds! It’s kind of like a JRPG version of the seminal classic Space Jam, if you think about it – with less rabbit and more talking dragon.
During battle, you’ll fight enemies one-on-one as either Toki or Towa, dodging and attacking in real-time to keep your enemies down. This isn’t the kind of game where you can just sit back and let your attacks happen – you’ll have to stay on your toes if you want to stay alive! Build up your SP gauge by blasting away with your rifle or getting in close with knife attacks, then unleash the fury of your special skills. Each girl possesses her own unique skill tree, allowing for crazy character customization with active and passive skills that can be equipped. You can build each character any way you want. Maybe one can specialize in in-your-face physical combat and buffs while the other is a master of magic – the choice is yours! On top of all the customization, your magic skills can combine in different orders to create “Chemistry”, allowing you to cause continuous damage, immobilize the enemy, and more! If that wasn’t enough, you’ll learn different forms of time magic that will allow you to turn the tides of time in your favor!
We’re really excited about this title, and we hope you will be too! It’s an exhilarating JRPG that incorporates a fast-paced combat system and gorgeous 2D character illustrations in a 3D environment for a truly unique gaming experience. It also features an amazing soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro, the man behind the music of Streets of Rage and, more recently, Etrian Odyssey. We’ve also got some exciting DLC for the game featuring more areas to explore, more items, and more of VOFAN’s incredible artwork. Please check out Time and Eternity today, dood!
Finally, I’d like to talk about some of the announcements we made at Anime Expo 2013. We’re pretty pumped to announce that we’ll be bringing Demon Gaze exclusively for PS Vita to both North America and Europe in early 2014. We’ll also be releasing DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, exclusively for PS Vita, in early 2014 to both North America and Europe! Keep your eyes open for both those titles! You can also check out trailers for Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness on the PlayStation Network today!
That’s about it for the announcement train today. Thanks for your time and support (and eternity?!). I’ll catch you soon, doods!
@50 (TomHoang)
Don’t spoil it…!! I’m still awaiting my LE, as I just got my shipping confirmation this morning (which I find odd, unlike Neptunia Victory) so I won’t be getting mine in the mail for a few more days.
Hopefully not many people will post unboxings before me :)
Also, Neptunia titles on Vita. Make it happen NISA! (After they come out in Japan, of course)
I just want to ask if Hyperdimension Neptunia Re birth 1 will be localized.
Hey Mr. David Alonzo guy sir,
Any chance or plans for us getting the 2 new Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 and Chou Megami Shinkou Noire Gekishin Black Heart games on the vita here in the states? I love the 3 ps3 games and i’m sure many would love to play them on the vita :D Thanks
also…YES!!!! Dangan Ronpa!!!!!! Can’t wait to buy it as soon as it comes out!!
This game isn’t bad but isn’t all that great. The only thing that grabs me is the combat system, so I’m really having a thrill with this game. The best thing about this game is that it comes with a FULL MANUEL. A FULL MANUEL i haven’t seen a game with a Manuel in ages. Other companies should take note that we gamer appreciated manuels in our games not digital manuel bs that makes us quit games in order to view them. Keep it up NISA other companies should take notes.
only the first danganronpa? why not bring both 1+2?
Any chance this game will get a time trial version? I know JRPGs are usually not good games to ‘get’ in 1 hour, but I’d like to get a feel for it before deciding whether to buy it.
Really excited for DanganRonpa!!! upupupu~
Oh by the way, knowing that you guys will read this: PLEASE, stop with the bad translations at the Neptunia games, it’s just awful to see!!! and again, PLEASE do it. Just translate what they say!
And one more thing: Don’t change the jokes/references! EVERYONE will know them! Trust me! They are games for people whose hobbie will keep them in track with every joke that’s from Japan, games in general, anime in general, and stuff!
Oh yeah, I want the other Neptunia games localized too, like the Idol one. Those mad people at Bamco won’t bring Im@s here, just because they think IDOL is a culture only from Japan, but everyone in the world watches idol videos on internet, listen to their music, buy posters and merchandise, etc. !
It makes you think that they hate money. Hell, I would do every it takes to buy it translated…
ANYWAY, my point is, that with that Idol game I would have a taste of the feeling of playing a game like that.
And of course I want (I’m pretty sure that a lot of other people too) that Noire action game.
Noire~ <3
Is there a demo version of Time and Eternity on PSN?! :x I haven’t been on but with my Vita and when I get back to my beloved PS3 I thought that this game looked like great fun but I have no idea! Watching someone play on youtube wouldn’t help either. A teency bit help?
I was ready to import Demon Gaze! Haha, thank gosh I can get in in English now in this case. And not have to offer up my arm and leg to get it.
Thank you NIS America for bringing this awesome game to the west.
It would be great if you considering to localise Criminal Girls.