The legends are true! We’ll once again be livestreaming E3 worldwide over four gut-busting days during the videogame-iest time of the year. The live E3 broadcast (available in nine languages!) begins this Monday, June 10th at 5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern with the PlayStation E3 2013 Press Conference, the most exciting (and most Tweeted-about) event on the PlayStation calendar.
Then, starting Tuesday, June 11th at noon Pacific Time, we’ll kick off three days of our PlayStation LiveCast show featuring gameplay demos and developer interviews for zillions of upcoming PS4, PS3 and PS Vita games. Expect to see Beyond: Two Souls from Quantic Dream, Destiny from Bungie, DriveClub from Evolution Studios, The Evil Within from Tango GameWorks, Gran Turismo 6 from Polyphony Digital, inFAMOUS: Second Son from Sucker Punch Productions, Killzone: Shadow Fall and Killzone Mercenary from Guerrilla Games, The Last of Us from Naughty Dog, Tearaway from Media Molecule, Wolfenstein: The New Order from MachineGames and many, many more. All told, we’re planning to showcase more than 40 games across PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.
You’ll find the livestream right here on PlayStation.Blog, PlayStation.com, Ustream, a full-fledged virtual E3 booth complete with livestream in PlayStation Home, Facebook, and Google Plus. You’ll be able to watch E3 live directly on your PS3, too — look for the icon under your XMB’s What’s New section. PS Vita’s Nico Nico video app is in on the action too, supporting a feed of our E3 livestream. And if you’ can’t make the livestream, fret not: We’ll be heaping the live segments into PlayStation’s YouTube page as quickly as possible for later viewing.
Here’s the full live schedule; set those alarms and bookmarks!
Tuesday, June 11th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 12:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Time
Wednesday, June 12th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 10:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Time
Thursday, June 13th | PlayStation LiveCast show | 10:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Time
We could use a little help from you, too. Leave your questions for the games listed above in the comments below — we’ll post the best to the developers live (and yep, you’ll get full credit). We’ll be snagging questions from Twitter too, so it will pay to follow along live.
Oh. One. More. Thing.
Update: Thanks everyone, we are now at capacity!
See you June 10th.
sony conference shows only an hour in other websites but hour and a half for microsoft. which i think probably a mistake cos sony has to cover three platforms. i dont think its doable in 1.30 hrs. we want a 2 hr conference. i like sonys presentation a lot more than microsofts or any others.
When streaming PS1/2/3 Classic games using Gaikai, will we be able to import our original save files for those games? Being able to stream classic games on PS4 wouldn’t be as useful if hundreds of play-hours worth of save files are inaccessible. I hope Sony has a solution for this.
If I watch it on PS3 will it be in HD?
The first E3 I saw was when the PS3 was first announced, can’t wait for this one. Never had a chance to buy a home system on day one, but now with the PS4 it’s going to be a day one buy for me. I have the PS, PS2, PSP, PS3, PSVITA, and look at that it will look awesome adding the PS4 to the list when it comes out!
Why is there no post about Planetside 2 and DC Universe Online coming to PS4? It just got officially announced today and is pretty big news…..
Alright alright! Let’s KILL THE WAN!
ALL PSN games up to and including PS3 playable via cloud on VITA!!!
I have a question to Bungie about the new game Destiny.
You are known for the excellent story of Halo, so how do you plan to have every player involved in the dedicated story of Destiny, when they are logging in and making their own decisions at different times?
Got some friends coming over. Going to watch ALL the E3 conferences from my laptop on my 65″ TV. Gonna be awesome.
Can’t wait to see more info on inFamous and Killzone.
Man this cant happen fast enough.
Question to MachineGames about Wolfenstein: The New Order
For a new generation of gamers that have little to no experience with the Wolfenstein series. How do you plan to bring then up to speed, or is this a completely new story line?
Only 40 people being let in? It’s gonna get pretty messy out there, I’m guessing people are already camping out.
Question for Evolution Studios creators of DriveClub
As you know, there are many racing titles releasing in the same window as DriveClub. What differentiates DriveClub from the rest?
PlayStation used Twitch to stream the PlayStation Meeting, now they’re using UStream to stream the E3 Press Conference. What gives?
So will i be able to watch these conferences on my PS3/Vita?
Also has their been any word on E3 being shown on a television channel? I am asking because i always watched all E3 coverage on G4 before they went belly up. So any word would be greatly appreciated
Sony dont pull a microsoft! Be straight forward and quickly bash any rumors saying u will charge fees for used games. ether to block them or whatever.
Say that the ps eye its not required for the regular controller just an option.
Show TONS of Vita and PS4 Games!!!!!!!
Get exclusives from third parties that will make the users of other consoles go to ps! Example just like MGS4 did for the ps3 U should of get MGS5 exclusive for ps4! FF15? FFvs13? keep deep down as exclusive? Dark Souls 2?
Focus on the hardcore gamer this conference its for us not the casuals. Keep ur casual showdown to the floor so the press can know of them after e3 not during the E3.
Say Backwards compatibility will come down the road as a firmware update. bu there will be always the option of gaikai backwards compatibility for streaming games of all gens of PS. Dont pull a ps3 downside where hackers could make the ps3 backwards comp. and u patched the system so they could not have it when the solution was there! dont be greedy with BC!!!
U do this u will eat the competition…. there will be no competition.
question for evolution studios: WIll you be have steering wheel support in drive club? and if so, will it support the existing ps3 wheels?
you’re the best! can’t wait to try out drive club!
Ok my questions these are for the ps vita.
– will playstation home be on ps vita?
-MINECRAFT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!? on ps vita??!?!?!??!
-More information on assasins creed liberation, If theres plan for dlc, updates or anything else.
-Free music for ps vita?
-Possible way to watch tv on ps vita without WIFI. (That’s more of a request than question……)
-More info on how much the ps vita will work with PS4
-Could a ps vita possible connect to a friends ps4? (that would be helpful)
will the E3 live feed be smooth or will it be broken and laggy like the ps4 announcement? I don’t want to get into the stream only for it to constantly crap out on me. It’s a shame Sony didn’t work out a deal with a TV channel like Spike to air the conference live
DAMMIT! Only 40 people? I’m contemplating even showing up to the event, and finding that there are already 300 people in line.
hey so will we get badges for e3 this year to i plan to be the first one there so im hoping i get into e3 this year since last year i wasn’t allowed in to the press conference on the account of me not being 21 -_- i was 20 at the time n my bday was the following week -_-
Please tell me it’s a typo and it’s supposed to say the first 400 people, and not the first 40? Please!
@40 – It’s on the PlayStation Youtube channel. I’d provide a link but I’m afraid it’ll get moderated and you won’t be able to see my reply for a week. :p
On the PlayStation 4 website it says it starts at 6 PM PDT, but here it says 5:30. Do the interviews and pre-show, or just allowing people inside start at 5:30, with the actual conference starting at 6:00? Please clarify ^.^
Really looking forward to this! Can’t wait to tune-in live.
Good luck being one of those 40… The line should start around Saturday.
The bad thing is, we’ll have to wait for the Store update on Tuesday for those 3 AAA games in the IGC…as well as any new Plus perks announced at E3…
Final Fantasy versus XIII please!
Like #1 said
Plus: most likely, a 50$ price drop for the PS Vita (you could create an LED screen as opposed to a OLED for that Vita)
And keeping a deluxe Vita with:
-Same OLED Screen
-7MP camera or higher, 60fps at least (as opposed to 120fps) Keep AR.
-HDMI Support
Bundle it with a 4Gb card (Maybe a game) for 250$
The Vita needs more sales.
Other fonctions:
Ability to transfer files from PS4/PS3 to a Vita WITHOUT the need to be connected online.
The Vita is very limited because of this. And no, it does not restrict any form of hacking, the Vita was being hacked even b4 it’s US release, so… I can understand for games and movies only, but pictures/music/video? No need for such a restriction. You would sell a lot more of Vita if there wouldn’t be an online restriction.
And Obviously, More Cross Controller/Remote Play functions. For Warrior’s Lair and stuff.
But, we know it’ll come.
As for the PS3. I would release a 12Gb/16Gb model, with the ability to add your own HDD, PS3 for 200$.
On VGchartz, PS3 has equaled the box, and bound to beat it shortly if the trend continue.
All PS4s would play PS1 and PS2 disc games.
For the PS4, I would create 3 different models, but I know there be 2 models.
So the basic for 400$ and deluxe 500$. (My idea is to have a slimer 3rd version without HDD for 350$)
The deluxe version would play PS3 games. But I’ll wait and see. I know Sony won’t make the same mistake twice with the overpriced 500$/600$ PS3, so 400$ would be appropriate.
What a deluxe (500$) PS4 would do? Priority:
1-Play PS3 Games (From the discs not just Gaikai)
2-A Higher HDD
3-DVR (Meaning having composite/component/HDMI in to record live tv, you already have a second CPU just to stream video, well, it could be used for this as well) And NO, it would NOT be a TV Box One, just a DVR. For now.
4-SSD, they are more faster than HDD, meaning faster loading, but this falls to 4th place after I’ve watched the reveal where you can store a game in the background and a much faster loading.
Can’t wait! So excited for Monday.
You’re probably right. People will be lined up the night before. Looks like I’ll be going to the XBOX Event at the MS Store instead. Too bad.
My question is for SUCKER PUNCH about infamous second son,
lately we have seen many games that were focused on the single player mode thanks to its magnificent history take a step forward and incorporate online modes like co-op or versus to increase the gaming experience for the fans and the interest in new players, so my question is if this will be the case of the second son or it will continue focused on single player mode like in infamous 1, 2 and festival of blood
I’m guessing just crappy generic shooters and crappy interactive movies.
Hoping for PROPER turn based JRPGs.
I just cannot wait!!!! I agree with #1 100%
#45: Are you serious? Have fun with your tin foil hat if you think the PS4 is going to do all of that stuff.
So out of curiosity… who is starting the line on Saturday? someone always does.
also when do you think the bulk of the line will start last year wasn’t to bad… but in the pass it gets pretty crazy.
I’ll be watching in PS Home, come chat with me there!
can’t wait for this years E3! Hyped
Also, will PS3 and PSV owners be able to turn in via the PSB? Nico Nico’s quality leaves MUCH to be desired…
Will Sony Bend announce a new Syphon Filter game for Vita? The cliffhanger at the end of Logan’s Shadow must be resolved or else I might go mad ;)
Yea i cant wait till e3.I cant wait to see what there gonna show at the press conference
All I wanna see is PS3 and Vita games please dont disappoint me Sony.Cant wait for Sony conference.Will be watching Ubi and EA conference as well.Please make a good marketing campaign for Puppeteer that game need support.
@ 84 shin-goki_D12 – I hope they keep focusing on SP instead of waste time and space on the game to build a stupid crappy and totally unnecessary online.
Plus Sony I dont want to stream sh** and I bet the majority of people dont want too let us use our expensive blu-ray games on PS4 and play normally like if it was a PS3 and I might consider to buy a PS4.
I’m so excited for E3, but mot of all, I’m excited to see the awesome line up of games. SONY FTW!!.
Hopefully I can be one of the lucky 40 for to get to experience the event in person.
Ps4 price and date of release
Absolutely love the beat in this video! lol
wow, only 40 people this year? Last year it was 200. I was going to try to get in on that again this year too. If it’s only 40 it won’t even be worth the hour and a half drive to try to get in this time. Such a shame.