Back at Bungie, we’re all hard at work gearing up for the big show in June, but we didn’t want to leave you empty-handed heading into E3. To whet your appetite for Destiny’s gameplay reveal on June 10th, we’re releasing a CG/live action trailer that features three Guardians in action. The spot, titled “Law of the Jungle,” was created in collaboration with director Jon Favreau, actor Giancarlo Esposito, and visual effects house Digital Domain.
See you at E3!
I’m not into shooters but just wanted to say I love your use of the narrator here. He is an excellent, versatile actor who steals every scene he’s in.
Oh, the trailer looked awesome. Best wishes to a new IP.
Bungie, as a PlayStation fan but most importantly as a avid gamer, thanks for embracing the gaming culture. Very happy to see the strong support for the PS4. Looking forward to Destiny, not only for the game play and Bungie experience but also because Astronomy is a topic that I spend a lot of time engaged in, so naturally I am drawn to the game.
Can’t wait to see the live gameplay, and you guys better give Naughty Dog a run for their money. ;-D
This has been a great first date with the PlayStation community. You people rock. Thanks to all of you for the enthusiasm, the insightful feedback, and the lofty standards. Bungie loves to listen to the people who want to play our games, so we’ll do this again. We’ll wait a few days to call you so that you don’t think we’re desperate, but we’ll be around again soon.