You might have noticed that we revamped the Trophies page on PlayStation.com, adding new social features to help you compare and compete with your PlayStation Network buddies.
Let’s take a quick tour.
Here’s an image to show you where to find the new PlayStation Trophies page. You can find the page by using the top navigation bar at PlayStation.com, and looking under the Community section.
If you’re logged in to your PSN account on PlayStation.com, you’ll find a smorgasbord of content – Recently Played Games, Quick Links, Favorite Friends, PlayStation News, Friends, and more. All of this dynamically serves you fresh and relevant content.
Once you’re acclimated, check out the Quick Links module where you’ll find several useful tools. Among the many new features, my favorite is the Compare Trophies. Now, you might be thinking, “We can already do that!” True, but now you can compare up to 4 of your friends at once. From the Quick Links module, click “Friends”. Hover over a friend’s PSN ID, and then click Compare Trophies.
Also, if you want to flex your bad ass gaming muscle, check out the Portable ID page. While this page isn’t new, there are new features there including the Your Latest Trophies module where you can select a trophy you’re proud of and post it to Facebook.
My final favorite addition is displayed in the module called “What your friends are playing.” In it, six recently online friends are displayed and the game they most recently played.
This is all live now, so go explore! Trophy hunters, get those bookmarks ready.
That’s a horrible idea zingakun.
When will you support Facebook’s timeline? Tired of it spamming the newsfeed, and my timeline.
When you click ‘manage favourites’ on favourite friends, it just brings up your friends list, with no way to manage the favourites.
with the number of cheaters and hackers getting trophies in a matter of minutes. this trophies thing is even more useless than it already is. shouldn’t you guys work on getting that sort out?
At least you can see your page! Every time I try to sign in, I get bounced back to the Log in page. It doesn’t say “invalid ID or Password” or anything like that. It just completely ignores that I am signing in. Which I clearly can, since I am posting a comment here!
This sounds very cool, so please let me see it!
I always find that the sorting options to be limited … anyways you guys could add cascading sort options? I always like to weed out games that did not get platinum status yet and the progress option only considers the total progress regardless of the games platinum status.
Just saying …
Nice one, keep bringing in the improvements, Sony!
PlayStation.com really needs detailed info on trophies, as many trophy leaderboard sites offer more info than here, so people often resort to those unofficial sites for their trophy cards and statistics.
Can’t wait to see what the PlayStation 4 OS will bring in terms of trophies… hopefully lots of details! :)
You know I never looked and PSNProfiles.com before. That site is amazing! Wonder is Sony ever does First Party for websites. Something to look into for sure.
The new functionalities are still far behind those from PSNProfiles.com or PS3Trophies.com.
And what’s up with the crappy Android app?
will there be trophies for ps1,psp and minis
Yes that’s what I want give me the ability to delete trophy data with input of password first of course on my ps3 or vita
Nice but Atelies Ayesha (NA version) trophies are still in japanese. When it will be fixed? KOEI support didn’t respond yet.
Please add a PASSWORD request so that if you look at your Trophy’s you will have to enter your password for each game like they did with The PS store. I just love entering my password over and over and over. yes please add so it can take longer to download and to look at your stuff I got nothing better to do.
Please fix this for tablets and phones, especially tablets. The site forces mobile versio and when you scroll down to desktop version and continue it reloads mobile site. With the mobile version you can’t login and use any of these features.
I just tested it out. It’s the most user friendly it’s ever been! I love it!
This is cool but it would also be cool if there was a worldwid trophy leaderboard to see where you rank among the world
Like #4 said: Please allow us to remove/hide trophies or games from our trophy list!
There are some game DEMOS that will install their trophies to your PS3, even though you don’t own the game! This pollutes your already-taking-forever-to-load Trophy List. Monopoly Streets Demo is one game that installed its trophies despite just being a demo.
Also, there was a lot of really cruddy games released on PS+ that I downloaded for free and now those games are all 0% for the rest of eternity on my Trophy List.
Please allow us to remove or hide these things! :)
This is pretty easy to navigate. I really need to step up my game now to improve my totals!
Cade there’s something that me and other people been wanting to know for the longest, a’lot of us like to complete the game but some of us can’t complete the game like the rest. by any chance will you ever make an update about deleting the trophy’s/game’s that we can’t complete, it’s just suck when you see the lock trophy siting there waiting for you to unlock.
I’m gonna revealing something that will blow your minds.
You can, go on the internet with an iOS device!
Just a few notes for interested persons. If you go login on the eu.playstation.com website, they have a much nicer Trophy Card with a ton of different backgrounds, and it auto-updates whenever your trophies sync from your PS3 or Vita. No need to visit the site and manually tell it to refresh. And it works whether your account is EU or NA. I’m assuming it would work for all regions.
Also, if you’re on android (screw iOS), there’s an app called PS3 Trophies that pulls directly from SCEE which updates their trophy info a lot more consistently than SCEA, so they had all my trophy data from the Vita long before sites pulling from SCEA did. It’s free, with an optional purchase for a dollar or two. Very nicely done, with integrated forums.
Yes, iOs does. But when I try to log onto the trophy site, I am not logged on. Just bounced back to the log on page. I can get on here, but not there. It makes no sense.
FTR, I am not on the “mobile” site, either.
So, blog.us is okay.
http://us.playstation.com/community/mytrophies/ I am not acknowledged.
Nice to see so many comments echoing the same thing as me — PS3 users want the ability to hide or delete trophy sets!
Make it happen, Sony!
I went over there to check it out and I must say, I welcome the new look and how fast it is. Thanks for the revamp!!!
For people saying they should be getting money for getting trophies… really? You want to get paid now to play video games? Why is everyone so cheap? PS Plus gives enough deals and things of that nature but now people want to get paid to play video games? Go be a beta bug tester.
my trophy sync isn’t working right it’s syncing slooooow like the time dungeon defenders did at one point
They should make an app for android so you can check your trophies and show off to your friends and stuff.
As others have said, Portable ID is still terrible.
I still can’t go to the Portable ID page in Chrome (Uncaught URIError: URI malformed, s_code.js line 135 … come on, this is 2013!). When I get there in Firefox, it still requires manu refresh … as a thought, maybe update them automatically for PS+ users, if you can’t do it for everyone? And yes, more information and customization would be nice, also nicer fonts (again, this is 2013!).
I definitely like the Android/iOS app idea. This really needs to be done — X-Box is running ahead with the ball!
A tablet is a perfect companion for the gamer in recline. :)
Cool Gr8t
I love the update to the page, but I wish the trophy cards would be updated. They are the worst ones on the net anywhere. The EU version is a thousand times better.
Awesome. Keep the updates for trophies coming please. I’d like trophy patches for older games. I seen the patent. Hurry it up. :)
I love these new features, but when will we have the option to change our PSN ID?
I’m not the first person to say this, and I won’t be the last. It would be great if you could delete games from your trophy profile.
This is a neat feature, but it doesn’t seem to display DLC trophies.
Also, it would be nice if the option to remove certain games was added in. As a PS+ subscriber, I always try out the new games. Majority of the time, I don’t like it, and I end up not getting any trophies. It’s super annoying having games with zero trophies. It just takes up space, and takes it longer to load when I want to check trophies on my PS3.
YOU guys need a IOS app ASAP , playstation gamers need this
only able to share to Facebook, damn it i don’t want use Facebook plz also add a share to other Social sites button
I don’t get it – for GT5
On-line Trophy viewer doesn’t represent anything similar to mostly Gold on the console.
The viewer here only shows a few Bronze. GT5 is the Only Game on mine.