PlayStation Plus April Update: Demon’s Souls Free for Members
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
21Author Replies
It’s the first of April, and with the new month comes a new look at content coming to PlayStation Plus — there’s much to take in, with Plus members getting the venerable Demon’s Souls free. In addition to the monthly overview, this week brings more goodies, such as a sale on the award-winning The Walking Dead series, and more discounts on fan-favorites like Rainbow Moon and the Soldner-X series.
April Preview
The following games are slated to be free to PS Plus members through the Instant Game Collection in the month of April.
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
PSN Price: $19.99, Free for PS Plus members
Beautiful, compelling, and unforgiving, Demon’s Souls is the ultimate hardcore RPG experience. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. It’s an in-depth action RPG that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you can tackle the learning curve, you’ll find one of the most ridiculously rewarding games of the generation.
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP, Supported on PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members
Battle as one of many returning Soulcalibur favorites, each enhanced with tuned balancing, new moves and animations. Play the dedicated single player game mode: Trials, developed exclusively for this Soul Calibur outing and evolved versions of classic game modes like The Gauntlet and Versus. Blow away your competition using finely tuned and enhanced battle mechanics including critical finishes, Soul Crushes and equipment destruction and unleash devastating combos.
Malicious (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members
Take control of the Spirit Vessel and battle waves of brutal fighters and colossal enemies to rid the world of the evil force of Malicious. Gain new weapons, build your powers and perform devastating combo attacks as the final showdown between good and evil draws near. With a beautiful art style, Malicious is a treat to look at and will be coming to PS Plus later this month.
Labyrinth Legends (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members
Are you daring enough, crafty enough, powerful enough to become a legend? Brave the mysterious tunnels, mystical crypts and maniacal creatures of Labyrinth Legends. Explore hidden catacombs and ancient tombs of lost civilizations while evading concealed traps and solving an array of intuitive puzzles. A unique combination of crisp graphics and dazzling visuals, inviting exploration, tricky puzzles, and exciting monster-slashing arcade action makes Labyrinth Legends quite the thrilling game.
Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross-Buy and Cross-Play)
PSN Price: $9.99 Free for PS Plus members
Pick your side in the epic war between two evil masterminds: apprentice-gone-rogue Orville Tycoon and his army of heavy-duty zombies, or his vengeance-thirsty mentor Professor Brainhov and his frantic masses of agile undead! Post Z-day, Tycoon’s mad machination to extinguish all life in Finkleville has almost reached its apogee. During the final siege on the human fortress, his former mentor makes a sudden comeback, seeking retribution for his apprentice’s betrayal and eager to reclaim his rightful place as alpha mad scientist. Only one question remains: who shall win? Slow zombies, or fast zombies? Find out as undead armies clash in both the immersive single player campaign and the competitive multiplayer mode!
Leaving PS Plus In April
April 2nd – Spec Ops: the Line
April 9th – Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
April 16th – Anomaly: Warzone Earth
April 23rd – Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
April 30th – Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention
Entering PS Plus in April (in no particular order)
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
Malicious (PS3)
Labyrinth Legends (PS3)
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP, Supported on PS Vita)
Zombie Tycoon 2 (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross-Buy)
April 2nd PlayStation Plus Update
Demon’s Souls
PSN Price: $19.99, Free for PS Plus members
Beautiful, compelling, and unforgiving, Demon’s Souls is the ultimate hardcore RPG experience. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. It’s an in-depth action RPG that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you can tackle the learning curve, you’ll find one of the most ridiculously rewarding games of the generation.
The Walking Dead Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
Telltale’s The Walking Dead redefined how we think about video games. Recipient of several Game of the Year 2013 awards, if for some reason you haven’t had a chance to experience this unique story within The Walking Dead universe, now is a fine time to check it out. You can get the entire first season, episodes 1 through 5, through the Season Pass, or fill in what you have left by picking up each of the episodes individually.
The Walking Dead Season Pass (Regular Price: $19.99; PSN Sale Price: $14.99; PS Plus Price: $10.49
The Walking Dead Individual Episodes 2 – 5 (Regular Price: $4.99; PSN Sale Price: $3.99; PS Plus Price: $2.99
Rainbow Moon Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
Rainbow Moon, the indie-developed Strategy RPG filled with exploration, tactical turn-based battles, six memorable characters, is now on sale with extra discounts for PS Plus members. Find the core game, a premium bundle, as well as the soundtrack, all on sale.
Rainbow Moon (Regular Price: $14.99; PSN Sale Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99)
Rainbow Moon Premium Bundle (Regular Price: $18.99; PSN Sale Price: $10.99; PS Plus Price: $8.79)
Rainbow Moon Melodies (Regular Price: $4.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Söldner-X Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
The Söldner-X series combines 2D gameplay with white-knuckled action, fantastic level design, and beautiful HD environments to bring a truly unique shmup (short for shoot em’ up for the uninitiated). Both Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer and Söldner-X2: Final Prototype are on sale, as well as bundled editions with extra content, and individual add-ons.
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype and Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer Bundle (Regular Price: $14.99; PSN Sale Price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $6.39
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype (Regular Price: $9.99; PSN Sale Price: $4.99; PS Plus Price: $3.99)
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype Complete Bundle (Regular Price: $12.99; PSN Sale Price: $6.99; PS Plus Price: $5.59)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer (Regular Price: $7.99; PSN Sale Price: $3.99; PS Plus Price: $3.19)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer Soundtrack (Regular Price: $3.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype Soundtrack (Regular Price: 4.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Remember, check back every Monday to learn when Malicious (PS3), Zombie Tycoon 2 (PS Vita and PS3), Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny (PS Vita and PSP), and Labyrinth Legends (PS3) are arriving to PS Plus members. You’ll also find more discounts and other exclusives that we weren’t able to detail here just yet. Remember the month preview is subject to change.
Thanks for reading this week’s update. You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when PlayStation Store updates on April 2nd. Got more questions about Plus? Leave your comments below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums to discuss this week’s news more, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments! (oh, and no there are not any April Fool’s jokes in this post; I tried!)
I haven”t read the comments yet, but wanted to immediately say that Demon’s Souls is the best game ever to be part of Plus, that I can remember right now, and one of the greatest games I’ve ever played and it is not dated at all. I played this in early 2010 and again last year when it became digital and I love it. Woo hoo, the servers going to be jamming’ with noobs!
This game deserves to keep living, keep reaching new gamers. Big thanks to the Plus team and Atlus!
Seriously though, I honestly don’t understand how people can whine so much about “wasting” $4 per month. For me Disgaea 3 from last month and the 50% Sleeping Dogs discount was worth 3 months of plus by itself easily.
Looking forward to Demon’s Soul & SoulCal on the PSP
@Morgan can you put in a request to continue with the trend of PS+ supporting the PSP. I’m finally able to put that dinosaur to use and would like to see more titles on it.
Demon’s Souls is an awesome game, despite being old. I already have it’s platinum, but I recognize it as a great addittion to the instant game collection.
I don’t know about the other games, but it seems we are, again, far behind the europeans, specially on Vita’s side of this update. I was hoping for a retail game, like Virtue’s Last Reward, not that crappy Soul Calibur for the PSP, whick doesn’t even feature trophies.
Seriously? Another god damn JRPG! How about manning the hell up Sony, and give us Sleeping Dogs already. You guys are really making me regret buying the year of PS+. Not to mention that I spent over $100 in Feb only for you guys to announce the “get $10 for every $50 you spend” deal. As a consumer I know that it isn’t a big deal for Sony to care about consumers like me. Ones that have been LOYAL since the drop of the first ever Playstaion. I think instead of getting the PS4 I’ll just go buy myself a great gaming PC. Ball is in your court Sony.
I wonder if any of these numbskulls complaining realize how stupid they look. Also, something worth noting, to those of you who think EU pays the same for Plus, they don’t, Plus for Europe is a lot more due to currency conversions, 50 bucks to us is like 70 to them, since euros and British pounds have more monetary worth than the US dollar.
Demon’s souls, some people haven’t gotten to pay it, and it’s something you cannot beat in a short amount of time, unlike a lot of games they could add to the IGC, plus we get 5 games this month, one being Cross buy, so suck it up, shut up with your complaining, and enjoy, I’m sick of reading these comments whining about EU getting better games, SCEA has no control over what we get free, the developers do, a developer may not want to release the same game over here that’s released in EU, so stop blaming Sony, blame the developers if anyone.
Demon’s Souls is a great pick, BUT IT’S CRAZY OLD. Everyone must have it, and if they don’t, they can pick it up for like 5 bucks on any retail store.
Soul Calibur for PSP is one of the worst Soul Caliburs out there, let alone the fact that it’s crazy old too!
Malicious is a title that is not even worth the $10 it costs, for $5 it would be a decent title
Labyrinth Legends suffers the same as Malicious, overpriced and doesn’t look very interesting.
Zombie Tycoon was a mini and a pretty awful one at that.
As for titles I’d like to get?
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Agarest War
Atelier Series
Catherine (Even though I already have it)
Zone Of The Enders (Even though I already have it)
Hopefully the discounts will make up for it this month, because on the free side of Plus I’ll probably pass on every single one.
Nice. Demon Souls. Older title, but excellent quality, that’s what I appreciate. Great variety this month and thank you for a title that’s cross-buy so that PS3 owners get it as well. All the games look fun to try.
I’ve never played Demon’s Souls. I’m perfectly happy with this update. I already have more free PS + games I want than I could ever hope to play. I wish all of the “PS Plus freebies should be picked just for me and Sony is screwing us over just to be jerks!” people would shut up already
thiss is not related but sony can you please do some sort of update so that you can check your messages while in game , maybe do something like when you hold down the psn button then the little menu comes up , then you can add like the little bubble up there (notification) list because i get tired of playing a game online and getting a notification sayin i got new messages. just make it like the ps3 . because alot of people complain about this on the vita. thanks, please reply i want to know some feedback.
Another month where I own absolutely everything that’s being given away or on sale (except Zombie Tycoon, for obvious reasons). It’s becoming more and more clear that PlayStation Plus is not worth the money whatsoever to people who have faithfully invested in the PlayStation platform over the past several years as “true gamers,” thanks to the overwhelming majority of the content being both old and likely to be in the library of an avid gamer already. It’s ironic that Sony doesn’t bother to cater to their most dedicated fans with paltry updates such as this, appealing only to those casual weekend gamers who likely haven’t even heard of most of these games, much less bought them like many of us dedicated customers already have.
Finally something other than shooters and figthing gamea for ps3 owners, though other than demon souls nothing else picks ups my interest, i never enven heard of one of those other than SC, but i do hppe the change in genres for the retail game becomes a trend.
If you DON’T already own Demons Souls, you’re in for a treat– in many ways, it’s better than its successor Dark Souls. I’ll be happy to get my hands on it once again, after my original launch PS3 got the YLOD with the disc inside of it. Labyrinth Legends is also a lively, fun game, if not rather short (you could beat it in one long sitting, if I recall correctly).
I finally see why these posts were offered on a weekly basis rather than a monthly one, as this is: the month’s total content is so abhorrent, it’s got to be unabashedly shameful for all those involved.
I like this update. Never played Demon Soul’s before so i will try it out and zombie tycoon 2 for vita seems fun..It could’ve been worse people..Like Two World’s 2 worse..
Sadly, after last month’s fantastic Vita title, someone with little care to their valuable subscribers thought it would be good to throw another lackluster PSP game at us in some sorry attempt to satiate their portable subscribers– and it’s yet another fighting game, to boot. The only thing more pitiful than that disgusting Vita snub is how goddamned embarrassing it is to look across the pond and see what Europe is getting as a whole this month. Defend its value as a service all you’d like, but it’s a laughably horrendous update compared to our neighboring region– and it’s been like that for months upon months. Months like this, where the content on offer is the dredged husk of one week’s worth of Europe’s revelries, makes me wish I could refund my subscription (and I’ve been around since day one).
I can’t imagine the embarrassment Morgan must feel, having to defend the North American branch of the service while North American people are literally purchasing EU PS+ accounts in droves just so they can feel like they’re getting their money’s worth, which hasn’t happened over here in who knows how long.
I’ll continue to support Sony and the PlayStation brand, as I always have, but the whole concept of PlayStation Plus has been continually spiraling towards worthlessness since last E3– and from the looks of it, it won’t be getting better anytime soon.
I just bought Dark Souls, i didn`t even open the case yet! I was going to jump directly to it without playing Demon`s Souls before … guess i will wait a little longer to open it and finish the first title before now!
Awesome Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge is free day 1 for PS+ subscribers thanks, I just bought the first Zombie Tycoon earlier today I should have plenty of time to finish it before Zombie Tycoon 2 comes out.
Oh, and one final note— Rainbow Moon is certainly worth your time and money if you’re a fan of classic RPGs, though if you own a Vita, you might be better off waiting for the port that’s due out this summer. It’s just suited for mobile play, in my opinion.
Malicious is an interesting game, though incredibly brief– only lengthened by the absolutely horrid control issues that plague it. If you can tolerate what are likely the worst controls of any game on the PS3 (I’m not being hyperbolic whatsoever), you can glean a few hours of mindless fun from it.
A mediocre month to me. Which Is probably a good thing because I still have lots of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to play.
I’m not really exited for any of the games.
I’m a bit disappointed to see Soul Caliber just because we got Tekken last month and that couldn’t justify taking up precious space on my Vita next to SFxT and i doubt it will either.
I wish Rainbow Moon was a free game instead of a discount.
Nothing too exciting for me this month, at least nothing that will be a priority in the upcoming months. It’s a bit of a relief though, considering how much Plus backlog I have to get through already.
PS+ US is always so underwhelming. But I will keep my subscription because I get to play some games I never intended to buy. I liked the Malicious update. Not interested on the rest (already own demon’s souls). For those whining about EU PS+, why not subscribe to it? I am subscribed to both EU and NA PS+, so I can get the best of both worlds.
detictiveconan: I actualy purchased a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate myself, but haven’t cracked the plastic on it yet. I might give it a go while waiting for the people behind this service to pull their heads out of their behinds, thanks for the reminder.
I’ve been playing Dark Souls after being inspired by the 8-4 stream. I no longer possess a copy of Demon Souls, but get the chance to play it again. Nice. Let the nightmare begin again.
Awesome update. A proper update after a long time. I hear good things about Demon’s Souls and its punishing difficulty. Let’s try it out. So much to cope with these days (Bioshock Infinite I am looking at you )
As for the update i’m looking forward to Labyrinth Legends and Zombie Tycoon 2. Also, please stop giving us fighting games as there have been more fighting games given free with plus than mostly any other genre.
TitleOne: He’s a troll because he’s an acting on his right as a consumer? Sounds like you need to grow up a little bit, kid. Not everyone is happy with the paltry husk of the North American PS+ service, and they have just as much right to voice their discontent as the people who (somehow) are happy with the offerings.
He may be spamming his message, which is a bit annoying, but there’s nothing wrong with what he’s saying on a fundamental level. Grow up.
I’m not too fond of this month’s update, I am not sure I will like Demons Souls, as I have never heard of it, but I will give it a shot(why not its free and I hear it got great reviews).
Thanks, and keep up the great additions to the store.
ok update, I would rather have gotten an actual full retail release vita game like unit 13 or resistance burning skies instead of zombie tycoon 2 and instead of giving us psp games could we get something like super stardust delta or sound shapes?
I haven”t read the comments yet, but wanted to immediately say that Demon’s Souls is the best game ever to be part of Plus, that I can remember right now, and one of the greatest games I’ve ever played and it is not dated at all. I played this in early 2010 and again last year when it became digital and I love it. Woo hoo, the servers going to be jamming’ with noobs!
This game deserves to keep living, keep reaching new gamers. Big thanks to the Plus team and Atlus!
Pacific time zone.
Maybe they didn’t do anything spectacular for vita because they want us to buy what’s releasing on vita this month
Guacemelee 04/09
Soul sacrifice 04/30
Seriously though, I honestly don’t understand how people can whine so much about “wasting” $4 per month. For me Disgaea 3 from last month and the 50% Sleeping Dogs discount was worth 3 months of plus by itself easily.
Really feeling this month’s PS+ freebies :)
Looking forward to Demon’s Soul & SoulCal on the PSP
@Morgan can you put in a request to continue with the trend of PS+ supporting the PSP. I’m finally able to put that dinosaur to use and would like to see more titles on it.
Demon’s Souls is an awesome game, despite being old. I already have it’s platinum, but I recognize it as a great addittion to the instant game collection.
I don’t know about the other games, but it seems we are, again, far behind the europeans, specially on Vita’s side of this update. I was hoping for a retail game, like Virtue’s Last Reward, not that crappy Soul Calibur for the PSP, whick doesn’t even feature trophies.
Would be better if this was an april fools joke…
Bring Rainbow Moon to Vita – SOON!
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny? Man I haven’t played that in such a long time. I remember just buying that game for Kratos haha. Thank you for the PSN+
Seriously? Another god damn JRPG! How about manning the hell up Sony, and give us Sleeping Dogs already. You guys are really making me regret buying the year of PS+. Not to mention that I spent over $100 in Feb only for you guys to announce the “get $10 for every $50 you spend” deal. As a consumer I know that it isn’t a big deal for Sony to care about consumers like me. Ones that have been LOYAL since the drop of the first ever Playstaion. I think instead of getting the PS4 I’ll just go buy myself a great gaming PC. Ball is in your court Sony.
I wonder if any of these numbskulls complaining realize how stupid they look. Also, something worth noting, to those of you who think EU pays the same for Plus, they don’t, Plus for Europe is a lot more due to currency conversions, 50 bucks to us is like 70 to them, since euros and British pounds have more monetary worth than the US dollar.
Demon’s souls, some people haven’t gotten to pay it, and it’s something you cannot beat in a short amount of time, unlike a lot of games they could add to the IGC, plus we get 5 games this month, one being Cross buy, so suck it up, shut up with your complaining, and enjoy, I’m sick of reading these comments whining about EU getting better games, SCEA has no control over what we get free, the developers do, a developer may not want to release the same game over here that’s released in EU, so stop blaming Sony, blame the developers if anyone.
Woot Demons Souls. Wanted to play through that again, also thanks for giving a month heads up as apposed to the weekly model.
I’ll tell you why this is horrendous.
Demon’s Souls is a great pick, BUT IT’S CRAZY OLD. Everyone must have it, and if they don’t, they can pick it up for like 5 bucks on any retail store.
Soul Calibur for PSP is one of the worst Soul Caliburs out there, let alone the fact that it’s crazy old too!
Malicious is a title that is not even worth the $10 it costs, for $5 it would be a decent title
Labyrinth Legends suffers the same as Malicious, overpriced and doesn’t look very interesting.
Zombie Tycoon was a mini and a pretty awful one at that.
As for titles I’d like to get?
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Agarest War
Atelier Series
Catherine (Even though I already have it)
Zone Of The Enders (Even though I already have it)
Hopefully the discounts will make up for it this month, because on the free side of Plus I’ll probably pass on every single one.
*Thank you for the PSN+ update Sony!
Accidentally hit submit there lol.
I’ll bring the Cheese,……..There seems to be enough Whine here already……………As always, Keep on Gaming.
Excited for Demon’s Souls, but mostly indifferent to the others. I may pick up Rainbow Moon.
It looks like the EU PS Plus is better, though. Any chance of Thomas Was Alone or Zero Escape for the US PS Plus at some point?
Like the playstation stuff its definitely not as good as what EU is getting. The Vita stuff is really boring though.
Nice. Demon Souls. Older title, but excellent quality, that’s what I appreciate. Great variety this month and thank you for a title that’s cross-buy so that PS3 owners get it as well. All the games look fun to try.
very, very sad for vita users. :(
Brilliant move making Demon’s Souls the free game! I’m surprised I didn’t think of that myself.
I already own all the Demon’s Souls/Dark Souls games, but this will get so many new players ho never played it pumped for Soul Sacrifice!
I’ve never played Demon’s Souls. I’m perfectly happy with this update. I already have more free PS + games I want than I could ever hope to play. I wish all of the “PS Plus freebies should be picked just for me and Sony is screwing us over just to be jerks!” people would shut up already
thiss is not related but sony can you please do some sort of update so that you can check your messages while in game , maybe do something like when you hold down the psn button then the little menu comes up , then you can add like the little bubble up there (notification) list because i get tired of playing a game online and getting a notification sayin i got new messages. just make it like the ps3 . because alot of people complain about this on the vita. thanks, please reply i want to know some feedback.
GOD DAMMIT!! Just when I decided to save my money for other things instead of re-subscribing! TOOO MANY GAMES and hardware to buy!
Hey Sony,
I’m waiting for a discount on LBP Karting…get on that please!
Thank you,
Nice Update, I hope dont get mad with Demons souls.
I was w8ting for okami :(
Another month where I own absolutely everything that’s being given away or on sale (except Zombie Tycoon, for obvious reasons). It’s becoming more and more clear that PlayStation Plus is not worth the money whatsoever to people who have faithfully invested in the PlayStation platform over the past several years as “true gamers,” thanks to the overwhelming majority of the content being both old and likely to be in the library of an avid gamer already. It’s ironic that Sony doesn’t bother to cater to their most dedicated fans with paltry updates such as this, appealing only to those casual weekend gamers who likely haven’t even heard of most of these games, much less bought them like many of us dedicated customers already have.
Finally something other than shooters and figthing gamea for ps3 owners, though other than demon souls nothing else picks ups my interest, i never enven heard of one of those other than SC, but i do hppe the change in genres for the retail game becomes a trend.
If you DON’T already own Demons Souls, you’re in for a treat– in many ways, it’s better than its successor Dark Souls. I’ll be happy to get my hands on it once again, after my original launch PS3 got the YLOD with the disc inside of it. Labyrinth Legends is also a lively, fun game, if not rather short (you could beat it in one long sitting, if I recall correctly).
I finally see why these posts were offered on a weekly basis rather than a monthly one, as this is: the month’s total content is so abhorrent, it’s got to be unabashedly shameful for all those involved.
I like this update. Never played Demon Soul’s before so i will try it out and zombie tycoon 2 for vita seems fun..It could’ve been worse people..Like Two World’s 2 worse..
…Will we be able to download Defiance tonight?
Sadly, after last month’s fantastic Vita title, someone with little care to their valuable subscribers thought it would be good to throw another lackluster PSP game at us in some sorry attempt to satiate their portable subscribers– and it’s yet another fighting game, to boot. The only thing more pitiful than that disgusting Vita snub is how goddamned embarrassing it is to look across the pond and see what Europe is getting as a whole this month. Defend its value as a service all you’d like, but it’s a laughably horrendous update compared to our neighboring region– and it’s been like that for months upon months. Months like this, where the content on offer is the dredged husk of one week’s worth of Europe’s revelries, makes me wish I could refund my subscription (and I’ve been around since day one).
I can’t imagine the embarrassment Morgan must feel, having to defend the North American branch of the service while North American people are literally purchasing EU PS+ accounts in droves just so they can feel like they’re getting their money’s worth, which hasn’t happened over here in who knows how long.
I’ll continue to support Sony and the PlayStation brand, as I always have, but the whole concept of PlayStation Plus has been continually spiraling towards worthlessness since last E3– and from the looks of it, it won’t be getting better anytime soon.
Really? Demons Souls? Hell yeah!
I just bought Dark Souls, i didn`t even open the case yet! I was going to jump directly to it without playing Demon`s Souls before … guess i will wait a little longer to open it and finish the first title before now!
Just hope this is not an April`s fools joke =P
Awesome Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge is free day 1 for PS+ subscribers thanks, I just bought the first Zombie Tycoon earlier today I should have plenty of time to finish it before Zombie Tycoon 2 comes out.
wonderful upgrade… NICE! !
Can’t wait to play nearly all those games. Zombie Tycoon II, Malicious, Demon Souls and Labyrinth Legends.
I love PS+ so very much.
Oh, and one final note— Rainbow Moon is certainly worth your time and money if you’re a fan of classic RPGs, though if you own a Vita, you might be better off waiting for the port that’s due out this summer. It’s just suited for mobile play, in my opinion.
Malicious is an interesting game, though incredibly brief– only lengthened by the absolutely horrid control issues that plague it. If you can tolerate what are likely the worst controls of any game on the PS3 (I’m not being hyperbolic whatsoever), you can glean a few hours of mindless fun from it.
A mediocre month to me. Which Is probably a good thing because I still have lots of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to play.
I’m not really exited for any of the games.
I’m a bit disappointed to see Soul Caliber just because we got Tekken last month and that couldn’t justify taking up precious space on my Vita next to SFxT and i doubt it will either.
I wish Rainbow Moon was a free game instead of a discount.
Nothing too exciting for me this month, at least nothing that will be a priority in the upcoming months. It’s a bit of a relief though, considering how much Plus backlog I have to get through already.
PS+ US is always so underwhelming. But I will keep my subscription because I get to play some games I never intended to buy. I liked the Malicious update. Not interested on the rest (already own demon’s souls). For those whining about EU PS+, why not subscribe to it? I am subscribed to both EU and NA PS+, so I can get the best of both worlds.
detictiveconan: I actualy purchased a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate myself, but haven’t cracked the plastic on it yet. I might give it a go while waiting for the people behind this service to pull their heads out of their behinds, thanks for the reminder.
I’ve been playing Dark Souls after being inspired by the 8-4 stream. I no longer possess a copy of Demon Souls, but get the chance to play it again. Nice. Let the nightmare begin again.
Really nice update this month. I never played Demon Souls but always had a slight urge to play it.
>.< just bought demon's souls a week back T_T
Awesome update. A proper update after a long time. I hear good things about Demon’s Souls and its punishing difficulty. Let’s try it out. So much to cope with these days (Bioshock Infinite I am looking at you )
Another great update. Demon’s Souls in particular is an awesome Plus game. i always wanted to try it. thanks!
lol i wish people luck with Demon’s Souls…if you played Dark Soul’s then you know whats ahead but to me Demon’s Souls is harder
I was going to buy Zombie Tycoon 2 but very excited to see it on plus! :)
As for the update i’m looking forward to Labyrinth Legends and Zombie Tycoon 2. Also, please stop giving us fighting games as there have been more fighting games given free with plus than mostly any other genre.
TitleOne: He’s a troll because he’s an acting on his right as a consumer? Sounds like you need to grow up a little bit, kid. Not everyone is happy with the paltry husk of the North American PS+ service, and they have just as much right to voice their discontent as the people who (somehow) are happy with the offerings.
He may be spamming his message, which is a bit annoying, but there’s nothing wrong with what he’s saying on a fundamental level. Grow up.
I’m not too fond of this month’s update, I am not sure I will like Demons Souls, as I have never heard of it, but I will give it a shot(why not its free and I hear it got great reviews).
Thanks, and keep up the great additions to the store.
ok update, I would rather have gotten an actual full retail release vita game like unit 13 or resistance burning skies instead of zombie tycoon 2 and instead of giving us psp games could we get something like super stardust delta or sound shapes?