With Spring on the horizon, we figured it might be time to test a new format of delivering your PS Plus updates. This month, we’re providing an outlook of the major stuff hitting the Instant Game Collection in March with this update, but you’ll still want to check the weekly posts to see the discounts and any other freebies available to you as a PS Plus member.
To kick things off, the following games, displayed in no particular order, will be added to the Instant Game Collection throughout March!
March Preview

Spec Ops: The Line
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3)
PSN Price: $14.99, Free for PS Plus members

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

The Cave (PS3)
PSN Price: $14.99, Free for PS Plus members

Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3), Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita), Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita), and The Cave (PS3) which will be arriving throughout the month of March!
Leaving PS Plus In March
- March 5th – Guardians of Middle Earth
- March 12th – Quantum Conundrum
- March 19th – Dungeon Defenders
- March 19th – Foosball 2012 PS Vita
- March 26th – Plants Vs Zombies
Entering PS Plus in March (in no particular order)
- Spec Ops: The Line (PS3)
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
- Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3)
- Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita)
- The Cave (PS3)
March 5th Plus Update
For the week at hand, please welcome the critically acclaimed Spec Ops: The Line to the Instant Game Collection; meaning it’s free for PS Plus members to download starting with the March 5th PS Store update. We’ve also got week 2 of the PS Vita Anniversary Sale with a bevy of discounts on fantastic PS Vita games, with even deeper discounts if you’re a PS Plus member.
Spec Ops: The Line
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

PS Vita Anniversary Sale Week 2
Various Discounts

Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | Plus Price |
Army Corps Of Hell | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Big Sky: Infinity (Cross Buy) | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend | $24.99 | $17.49 | $12.24 |
Dokuro | $19.99 | $9.99 | $6.99 |
Dynasty Warriors Next | $34.99 | $24.49 | $17.14 |
Knytt Underground (Cross Buy) | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Lego Lord Of The Rings | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Orgarhythm | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Pure Chess | $7.99 | $5.49 | $3.84 |
Retro City Rampage (Cross Buy) | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Sine Mora | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Spy Hunter | $34.99 | $24.99 | $17.49 |
Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Sumioni: Demon Arts | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
BIT.TRIP Presents Runner2 Future Legend Of Rhythm Alien
20% Discount for PS Plus Members – PSN Price: $14.99, PS Plus Price: $11.99

Remember, check back every Monday to learn when Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3), Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita), Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita), and The Cave (PS3) are arriving to PS Plus members. You’ll also find more discounts and other exclusives that we weren’t able to detail here just yet. Remember the month preview is subject to change.
Leave us some comments on the new format, and of course, chime in with your thoughts on Spec Ops: The Line, the PS Vita Anniversary Sale, and any other PS Plus feedback you’ve got. If you’re looking to engage with more of the PS Plus community, we’ve also got the PS Plus section in the PlayStation Community Forums where you can continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
@292 I got tired of Xbox Live after 4 years.
@293 If you wish to continue playing them when you leave Plus as they expire. Best to renew Plus.
Well for 1 having PS Plus is awesome, & I just picked up the deal for PS plus.I like the game selection for PS Plus members personally!!!!!!!!!
Do I see
Spec Ops: The Line
Joe Danger 2
The Cave
Disgaea 3
& Tekken 6!?
Do I see
3 full games
& 2 awesomely talked PSN Titles
This Morgan is what you call MARCH MADNESS!!
The new format is awesome, it’s nice to have something to look forward too, although I must say, my eyes LIT UP, and i got a BIG GRIN when i saw Disgaea 3, then i noticed… it’s the Vita version.. :( Still, awesome for you vita owners.
i was this close to purchase Spec Ops the line and now here it is, free for Plus, amazing thanks a lot guys!!!!
Love this new format Morgan, also I’m pleased with the games that are being given free this month. Only wish the Disgaea 3, was the PS3 version, other than that, no real complaints.
Beautiful psn update . as always .
Morgan does it mean that after I spend 50 bucks on a title I get $10 or i can spend 50 bucks on a range of various products and still receive $10 back too? also my wallet wanted to know if next week there will be another vita sales after this one?
I just bought a PS+ subscription, but how do I use it while there is maintenance?
first I was like : damn i want SLEEPING DOGS!!!!!, but then i saw “Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PSVITA)”…. praise the Lord!!!!! thank you very much!!
the awesomeness of this post is over 8000 because i still want sleeping dogs :3, but srly guys thanks for the best update in this year.
Yes, something good to play on my vita. Thanks PLUS!!
As long as you hit a total of 50$, those 10$ are sure to come back at the end of the month. So, don’t hold back on the sales.
Omg, amazing update guys, this format is better to be honest.
Spec ops the line was one of the most underrated games of 2012 and it was an amazing game even a good contender for game of the year, and well as my avatar suggests i love Disgaea too :)
Great update guys.
It only took two years to finally start getting some great games into Plus this is the best update I have seen since April 2011. Hopefully we will always get these kind of games added each month. Also I really like the new format of showing a monthly update it makes it more interesting in seeing what is coming for the whole month. Its nice also to see what is leaving in the month like how it used to be.
Last I think we have some confusion of using a plus card that it would give you 10 bucks back in April when I talked to someone last week about this they said no I will not get 10 bucks back since funds never left my wallet. So which is true? since I bought a plus card by accident and added on to my current sub so now I will receive 10 next month? The person I talked to on the phone was wrong than ?
I want to express my pleasure at knowing this month’s road map. It really helps to know what we’re getting ahead of time.
WOW! This is AMAZING! LOVE the monthy updates! LOVE Spec Ops! The other games look great as well. There should be ZERO complaints this time! Great job Morgan and Plus team, thank you for all the hard work! We greatly appreciate it!
Spec Ops doesn’t really look like my cup of tea, but that’s fine cause i’m looking forward to playing the Cave and picking up a few Vita games with all these discounts!
@307 Once the subscription is active, you just relogin for changes as it might not be instant.
Are those the correct sale prices for Dokuro? All of the other games are 30/50% off, but Dokuro is 50/65%.
This is fantastic!
I was about to write but were missing the fighting game you teased….
then I see its Tekken 6 PSP >.< oh well everything else is awesome though, thanks morgan for finally bringing the Monthly updates back :) lets keep it this way :)
Gonna play the #(*&% out of Spec Ops the Line :)
As we are downloading stuff, our hard drives are sooner or later getting full. Is there any tool to manage the games from the console to a storage backup hard?
Thanks a bunch^^
@312 Note reply to #65.
Morgan, I’d like to express my appreciation for your effort. I’ve been a PS+ member for quite some time now and I did notice that the last couple of updates may have been a little low profile but some vocal members really vented their strong (negative) opinion on the update’s “quality”. I never commented as I was fully expecting the service to deliver the goods I am interested in sometime later. Now the time has come, as I believe Spec Ops is an awesome choice for the IGC.
I prefer the new update format as it shows more clearly what kind of content to be looking forward to and when it’s gonna arrive. Thanks for listening to criticism and for improving the service.
I would also like to thank the whole PSN-team for that nice little surprise I’ve discovered today after logging into the store after having been absent for the last 6 months due to an exchange semester in Tokyo. Thanks for the voucher, I greatly appreciate it =)
Please keep up the good work. I have no intention to ever let my sub expire and I’m looking forward to continuing the Journey (sic) on PS4. Thanks PS, you make my favorite hobby so much more enjoyable.
GREAT update! Keep ’em coming like this! :3
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend LOW PRICE! YAY! Must have as Digital Then…
Too Bad that Both Tekken 6 and UMvsCapcom 3 are only for PSP and Vita… If those were for PS3 also i so get em’ Arrgg!
How about a Markdown On PS3 Digital titles of Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition! and Also Tekken Tag 2 on PS3… If they are Marked down i so get a Digital Copy here. So please mark those down!
wow, nice! Disgaea 3 for Vita is amazing! There are a ton of awesome PSPlus free games!
And SFxTekken also a Vita only Download? Why not a Digital Version for PS3? I so want one… Please add it… ASAP!
And its nice to see Joe Danger 2 being free for PS+ …. its been a while since as soon as something came out it was immediately free lol
DCS Tekken ….cuz the PS3 version isnt on the store? LOL
Wow about time for me to get a Vita Soon. I already have most all past Plus Vita games saved as free purchased. Right off the bat including my cross buy games I would have over 10 games to play. Amazing!!! :)
Oh and the PS3 Update is amazing Morgan, love how you showed us the entire month of March, makes the updates look more attractive.
Kind of disappointed that Disgaea 3 and Tekken weren’t cross-play. Imagine it weren’t for the PS3 players… But this is the best update for a while… Spec Ops is a great emotional game, and The Cave looks interesting. Joe danger isn’t my cup of tea, so no. Looks like 4 free games for me that will last me a while. Love the monthly update, thanks!
@328 I see you missed Jetpack Joyride being free for PS3 & Vita awhile back.
Awesome update
Ps+ just keeps on giving
Morgan, man, can we expect more PS VITA anniversary discounts after this one? I was really hoping to see NFS Most Wanted and other titles with a discount but it seems that is not happening this week.
Monthly updates?
Many thanks.
Am I the only one here who thought (and was very excited) that we were getting Mass Effect 3? I guess I should have noticed that it was EU only. I feel so stupid! =P
I really hope these monthly updates stay on Plus! Great update! Looking forward to Spec Ops, The Cave and Joe Danger 2, along with additional weekly discounts. Keep up the great work Morgan! It’s great not to see all the negative feedback for a change, but then again, there will always be those select few who feel entitled.
Anyone else unable to exit the Store maintenance notification by pressing CIRCLE like it says? Nothing happens on mine and I have had no choice but to hold down the PS button and turn off the console.
This has to be one of the best updates I’ve seen since I’ve had PSN. So glad I have PS+ (and got a fresh year just in time for the extra three months the other day!).
Can’t wait to get my hands on some of this – and those free games as well. It’s a great week for the Vita!
This definitely makes up for Plants Vs. Zombies.
The PSN is under maintenance during this time, it’s best not to go on the store as you’ll most likely get errors.
That’ll do pig. That’ll do.
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention J_j Love you guys ^)
@339 I had to restart my ps3 since it caused it to lock up.
@338 This is just the beginning.
yo spec ops the line blew ma mind cuz i was about to buy it when i saw the price dropped
Uncharted fan must try Spec Ops Nolan North is the beast :^) have it already bought it at full price on PSN its about 12 GB file great game!
Great update guys! I have two questions. One old and one new:
1) I really miss the PSOne Classics, Themes and avatars that used to be including in PS+ before the IGC was implemented. Will we ever see those again?
2) Will be PS+ still see the same on the PS3 when the PS4 comes out. I, unfortunately, won’t be able to get the PS4 when it first comes out and my PS+ is good till 12/2014 after just purchasing the special on right now.
Any answers would be great!
Think I’m gonna need a bigger HDD. 500 gigs just isn’t cutting it anymore.
And this is what I have been talking about, Morgan.
344 Comments, only 8 of them are negatives, and out of those, only 1 dislikes Monthly Updates. Yes, I read and counted all the Comments.
This brings us back to the kind of quality/community feedback reminisce of February and March 2012 when a huge majority of the PS+ subscribers are happy about the month’s content.
Personally, I still think this list doesn’t hold a candle to the EU’s PS+ March Update, not because of the ‘big titles’ but because of the range of genre those titles covered, and those genre were the most requested based on a community poll asking just what kind of content subscribers would like to see on Plus. That said, I do agree with most of everyone here that this is an incredible update.