One week ago, PlayStation 4 was announced in New York City in a presentation watched by more than 15 million people. We met the new DualShock 4 controller, soaked up some impressive hardware specs and services, and saw a barrage of upcoming PS4 games — from inFAMOUS: Second Son to Bungie’s new title Destiny.
During the presentation, Lead System Architect Mark Cerny remarked that PS4 was made “by game creators, for game creators.” To test that theory, we met with two of PlayStation’s top game creators, SCE Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida and SCE Worldwide Studios Senior Vice President Scott Rohde, to see which of PS4’s new features has them most inspired.
Ready to preoder… Once Sony stops pussyfooting around the Used games issue.
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida confirmed that used games will function on PlayStation 4, but did not clarify whether players would have ‘original owner rights’ to second hand games, or need to pay for online passes to access the content.
For pete’s sake, yoshida had to ask someone else for clarification and Michael Denny, Sony’s VP of Worldwide Studios still pussyfooting around the used game market issue.
Get your act together. You got a great machine with great specs and the opportunity to recapture your market share/throne back don’t screw it up again!
My .02
Awaiting moderation eh?
Ready to preoder… Once Sony stops dancing around the Used games issue.
Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida confirmed that used games will function on PlayStation 4, but did not clarify whether players would have ‘original owner rights’ to second hand games, or need to pay for online passes to access the content.
For pete’s sake, yoshida had to ask someone else for clarification and Michael Denny, Sony’s VP of Worldwide Studios still doing the tango around the used game market issue.
Get your act together Sony. You got a great machine with great specs and the opportunity to recapture your market share/throne back don’t mess it up again!
My .02
Sid, hello, I just want to clarify some points that were obscure:
One – There will be a PS3 retrocompatibility with Digital content?
I understand that the disc is out of question, I want to buy the PS4 in the day one, but loose my dowloaded games will be a pain and will made me purchase the new console only 2 or 3 years after it’s launch (I have over a thousand dollars in PS Store purchases)
Two – The remote play to vita will be really for 100% PS4 titles?
And Last one – When it launchs =D
We hope the PS4 support our PSN account, I spend a lot of money and time on have my digital collection I really wish have it on my PS4
The biggest things (personally), and why I went from sceptical to excited about were; The “PC-like” hardware, and the developer feedback. I think that the Playstation brand is very much apart of gamings history at this point, and it’s hard for even devs not to get excited when Sony finally bucks their own trends and keeps things simple.
I love the PS3, but it really was too complicated of an architecture for developers to use effectively. The change to the AMD APU, and the unified RAM are going to be huge. Just think about what more simple architecture means;
1. No more sub-par 3rd party ports.
2. Less work converting from native dev environments (PC) to the PS4 DKs
3. More freedom for creativity, as overall development “should” take less time and effort (because of point 2)
Regarding some of the comments;
SSD will hopefully not be in PS4. The cost vs size doesn’t make it worth it.
The single APU, and the unified RAM both help to eliminate many of the bottle necks that occur in processing a lot of tasks. The RAM is big, but the APU is just as important.
Vita Remote Play might be the most exciting feature here, but it really stinks that it isn’t available NOW on PS3.
I’m dying to play more Ni No Kuni, but I just can’t get as much screen time with my PS3 as I can my Vita. Is there some technical limitation that the PS3 can’t handle? I can’t imagine that’s the case, since I can stream PS1 games and I think every title from the PixelJunk guys.
Maybe a future firmware update can enable it for all games? With options to bind L2/L3/R2/R3 to the back touch pad or front touch screens? Surely that’s possible?
Lets hope everything we brought in the PSN Store and our disc games work with PS Cloud on PS4. Having to re-buy all our games again would be waste of money. Normally having Backward Compatibility is awesome thing but making it work perfectly cost to much.
This is what i think Playstation Cloud will do to make up for Backward Compatibility not be on the PS4: Every PSN game you brought and disc games as well will be able to download their games onto the PS4 system like icon onto the console but all the games will steam from Playstation Cloud. Like Steam does for their games if i’m not wrong. Games are not Storage on PS4 but the Playstation Cloud and the icon will be on console so when you click it; it will steam the game.
I’m guessing only and 50% sure its something close to what i say maybe.
i just wanna see a pic of the dang thing lol
my look at the ps4:
new gaming experience ,better graphics ,greater games ,better handling skills ,works better with the psp,ps vita basicly 10000000000000000 times better than a ps3.
al we what to know is the ps4 backwards posible
i saw en read a playstation blog
all around we read
thet the ps4 will be backwards
en ps4 cen play ps3 games
i hear alot infomation but not the info we whant to hear
is the ps4 backwards
i whant to hear it from the creator from the ps4
plz respawn
i hear a stream service to play ps3 but do we need go buy it agian
wy do we need to rebuy it if we already have?
i whant thet ps4 is backwards
i what to play ps3 games on ps4
i whant only news about ps4 cen play ps3 games the only then i buy it
were is the look of the console? with no console photos is incomplete the news!!!!!!
The PS4 needs to be at least compatible with the PS1 and PS2.
Eventually, Sony should release a PS4 with PS3 retro-compatible.
And nobody would be re-buying PS3 games to play them on PS4.
However, I do believe Sony should include PS3 AAA games included for the PS4.
In fact, I think all PS4s should have games included with the console.
Because it’s the best promotion of any game franchises.
Don’t belive me? Mario, Wii Sports, Halo, name them.
Virtually all high success games got their success from being included with the console and since the people get to play the game (and love the game) they buy the sequel, and that’s the best way to make your franchises extremely successfull.
Another thing is that thoses games has to be included with the PS4 At No Additional Cost.
You’ve made successfull franchises on the PS3, now you want to make them grow from the 2.5-5 million to the 7-10 million mark, and that’s the best way to acheive that.
So, Since you’ve already made a ton of money from the PS3 games, I would redo a few of them and get them included in the PS4, along with Demo of PS4 games,
Get Uncharted 2, Killzone 3 and (either Uncharted 3 or Infamous 2 or God of War 3) as a bundle and Include the first 2 chapters of Killzone Shadow Fall and a demo of Infamous Second Son.
What makes a great game is not just a matter of graphics, but rather the story, the gameplay, the action, the characters, and everything else.
So, by having thoses older games, it would definatly intiate everyone who hasn’t experienced how great thoses games were, and if you are able to get 40% to 75% of thoses gamers to buy the sequel, well then you’re in business.
As far as to making “other bundles” It’ll come sometime in 2014.
Well, for kids, you could Knack, Jak & Daxter Trilogy (With X Combat Racing and Lost Frontiers)
You can always include The Ps3 Ratchet and Clanks (or PS2) and the PS2 Sly Coopers.
But it would be much preferable to only include the Jaks and focus on new IPs insted.
And you’ll need a bundle for PS Move, preferably something new, and a sports champion.
That’s all I got to say for the game bundles.
Gaikai backwards compatibility… provided it doesn’t cost me any extra (as a PS network subscriber) and I get the functionality of using all my PS games DLC and disks purchased. Then we’re good… Otherwise
I’ve owned nothing but PS game systems, Sony Bravia TV’s coupled with ES series receivers for more than two decades, Tons of games, 3D glasses, and even brought my kids into the fold with their own gaming setup. I can just as easily go to another company if backwards compatibility is NOT fully supported. (let’s do the math for you, just in the last year alone I’ve spent over $10,000 on Sony equipment, and that’s a pretty standard year as it turns out… Games, 3D TV, 6 pair of 3D glasses, a second PS3, Sony Vaio laptop etc.) Think about backwards compatibility (oh yeah, and I have the capital ready and available at the drop of a hat to buy a PS4 on opening day… I’m not one of these kids)
Otherwise… well you’ve seen the last dollar you’ll ever see from me. If you don’t believe me ask EBGames how that feels, I now use Amazon exclusively for preorders, because they couldn’t hold a preorder for me (oh they got bought by Gamestop didn’t they? Power of the consumer…
I really just want backwards compatibility. I really couldn’t care less about all this extra unnecessary social features, of course the extra horsepower sounds awesome.