So what’s new? I mean, what have you been up to? Cool. Us? Not much. Just a new character, new city, new powers, and all designed especially for the new PlayStation 4. I hope you’re excited – because we really are! Actually, for us it’s probably one part excitement and one part pure terror, but that’s just the way of things I guess… But here we are at last to break the months of silence: All of us at Sucker Punch are very pleased to introduce you to Delsin Rowe, and our new title Second Son! Let’s cut to the chase!

Delsin Rowe is the star of Second Son, and you probably know someone like him: A 24 year-old who is absolutely convinced he’s destined for greatness; though so far that greatness has managed to elude him. He grew up just outside Seattle, where his great – if accidental – calling comes crashing into his life. After rescuing occupants from a fiery bus wreck, he discovers that he suddenly has the ability to direct, manipulate and even transform into… Smoke. Could he have absorbed this power from one of the passengers he pulled from the wreckage?
Setting the scene: It’s been seven years since the Cole McGrath episodes and the world has clearly changed. Anyone showing signs of being a so-called “bio-terrorist” is immediately handed over to the Department of Unified Protection (DUP) — a government agency created to ensure there is never a repeat of the catastrophic events of Empire City and New Marais. So Delsin, who has never been particularly respectful of authority, finds himself caught in the DUP dragnet – And decides he’s not going to go quietly.
Along the way, Delsin is going to ask questions that are not just relevant to the world of Second Son – but to the world we all live in today. A world where we are often instructed to surrender our freedoms to help improve our security. Ben Franklin once wrote “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Is he right?
As you play Second Son, you’ll explore lots of Seattle’s familiar landmarks. As with all games in this series, the path the gameplay and story take will depend on the decisions you make along the way. Of course, we are creating all these characters and locations at a remarkable level of detail – made possible by PS4. In fact, this trailer was produced in-house using our game engine – can you tell we’re having fun with the new GPU, tools, and our new VFX system?
We’ll be back in the coming weeks with more details, but until then you’ll find us at @suckerpunchprod, #SecondSon, and www.facebook.com/infamous.
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Wow, I am massively disappointed if this is single player only like the other 2. Especially after all these network/online/social aspects of PS4 discussed last night.
This game is so clearly capable of a mmo type experience, where we make OUR OWN heroes, choosing from a selection of powers. We have already seen electric, fire, ice, darkness, it wouldnt even be that much work!
What SuckerPunch do is amazing, but another single player experience where we use their character and not our own sounds a bit sucky.
I hope they have sorted the enemies death animations out too, because they always feel very old and poorly animated
I wasn’t really planning on being an early adopter for PS4…until I saw this. This game is a system seller for me…inFamous was the second game I got for my PS3 (purchased it on the release date for GT5, and inFamous was the next game I got)…and I got I2 on release date. If you have this out on launch, I’ll be buying at launch!
And I’m loving the look of the new guy…yeah, he’s not Cole, but he’s making me think about how things went in the last 7 years of Cole’s world…and which ending this follows (I’m guessing the evil side, since Conduits clearly still exist). My only question is…where is Cole McGrath, and will he appear at some point in the story? Plus, why does he remind me an awful lot of Nix…not just his powers, but his attitude.
It should be for ps3 and ps4 .
I don’t know how I feel about this… I really thought and was hoping Sucker Punch was doing a new IP.
Love inFamous though! But I’m gonna miss some of the old characters.
i love the infamous games so this one has got me excited and i like the new character and power type.
Hope it’s a launch title. I would to buy this on teh same day as the PS4.
Can’t wait to see more of this game.
Loved inFamous 1 and 2, one of the best gaming experiences this gen and I’m sure Secons Son would be the same for the PS4.
That video BLEW MY MIND!! WOW!! It makes my PS3 look crap
This looks really awesome, and I loved the previous Infamous games. I hope we get to learn what actually happened to Cole at the end of the 2nd game.
I was disappointed in not seeing Cole BUT I have to admit that I loved everything else! This trailer has awakened the rebel in me and killing all those “security enforcers” looks super cool! I REALLY hope Delsin is Cole’s brother… Delsin looks astonishing, BTW! BADASS PUNK! I want a punk vest like that. The chain is kind of weird but it looks dope to use as well. PLEASE GIVE US MORE DETAILS!
Sucker Punch, I love you guys! One of my favorite franchises ever! Thank you so much, day one buy!!
The Infamous series are some of my favorite games ever. Am I sold? Do you have to ask?
Please improve the morality system and city audio for this game. The first two infamous games’s morality system lacked depth and the cities were WAAAAAAYYYY too quite when you weren’t in a mission
yall are really bitter about Cole…..OMG…can the series EVOLVE ALREADY..im excited, i love you suckerpunch and thanks for all the free games you’ve given us via ps+ very grateful
Sucker Punch + inFamous = EPIC WIN…
Count me in.
Sounds awesome! I saw the trailer, and when the logo came on “Second Son” I was like NOOOOO! Then the Infamous part popped up.
And like others before me have asked, does this make the evil ending canon? Or is this a different universe?
Was going to wait a while to get ps4. This makes it a day one purchase.
Looked really really good. Those particle effects are impressive. Too bad there wasn’t any gameplay. I guess this won’t be a Launch title, but rather 2014 release.
When i was watching the Playstation meeting and this game was announced i was super excited. I love the Infamous series and i’m currently playing Infamous 2. The storytelling is on point and i like how the people interact with you. I cannot wait for this game!
Okay… MIND BLOWN. Great graphics, good story.Loved Infamous 1 and 2. But maybe possibly also make this game for the PS3? I got a ps3 not even 2 months ago… i cant afford a Playstation 4. PLEASE make this for the Playstation 3.
(p.s. WHERE IS COLE?!)
Wow i love inFAMOUS campaign so much. I would love to see more:)
I’m having mixed feelings about this…
It is great to hear that sucker punch is adding to an amazing series (My favorite one actually). saying that, I think it is a very gutsy move to just get a new character when a different one has already established a great reputation for the name inFAMOUS in gaming.
I am excited to see what will happen with this, but must say that I am feeling a bit skeptical – it will have to be truly great to earn its title
I’m so excited about this its not even funny. As idiotic as this may sound, I usually wait about a year before buying a new console but depending on when this came come out I’d bee willing to wait as little as six to eight months just to play this.
Hopefully this will mean Delsin will be bigger and badder than what Cole was. I am sure this will be a good game cant wait until this comes out.
So psyched for this! Bought the Infamous collection Dualshock 3 pack last week even though I have Infamous 1 and 2 just cause I needed a new controller and wanted to be able to hook a friend on infamous by giving him the collection… Now please tell me this is a launch title!
I like it and I am glad that there is a new inFAMOUS… But, I have a couple of questions. #1 Is inFAMOUS: Second Son actually inFAMOUS 3 or is Sucker Punch going the Assassin’s Creed route? #2 If the AC route is not the case & even though I like the new character, are we going to see Cole make an appearance or is he actually dead?
Nice trailer cant wait to play. need to get a job and save up for the ps4 and this like the new character and powers. look like the melee weapon is is a chain cool
it would be nice to see Cole again, but this new character looks a lot like him. Hopefully Cole’s still in this game somehow…
The post here has made me wonder, if something other than Conduits is going to come into effect. No raysphere or anything gave Delsin his powers–He got them helping someone off a bus (He might’ve absorbed them). If SP plays it smartly, then they could just not answer which way Cole ended…
Oh, and please differ Delsin from Cole as much as possible. Instead of being focussed on climbing, maybe he could use his new smoke powers to fly, turn intangible, and do other utility-based things, instead of just copying Cole’s mechanics (Though I do love them, I don’t want to refer to Delsin as “Cole 2.”
And, I feel inclined to believe that this is more of a spin-off, and this may become common, with new super-powered people constantly being introduced, and one major story (inFamous, inFamous 2–inFamous: Second Son). Heck, Cole could come back anytime SP wanted (Think about how many superheroes die in comics).
One such idea could be that Evil Cole has grown so powerful in his dimension, that he has gained Kessler’s ability of time/dimension hopping, and goes Good Cole’s dimension. Good Cole is revived by the lightning bolt, and tada, you get a blank slate, and an ultimate enemy.
If you tell me Cole had kids!!! I just wet my pants, looks like Fire must be a kid with Nix i liked her a lot.
sucker punch never dissappoints they always deliver and i am exited to see more of this game perhaps maybe on E3? i can only hope :D
Of all the franchises you could’ve used to reveal the PS4, you guys came up with the one title that’s gonna make me want to get the console on day one! Good choice Sony! :D
This game’s gonna be bad-ass i love infamous :D
OH MY GOD YES!!!Hey Sucker Punch i live in Tacoma and go to Seattle a lot.Time to see how accurate you are.Hehehe.
This was easily the highlight of the show for me yesterday. If I can get a reserve in early enough, I’ll be picking up the system Day One, and the only game shown that I don’t have any interest in is Drive Club. Everything else looked amazing. Holiday season 2013 is going to be awesome.
Thank you, SPP, for sticking with inFAMOUS. I love the look of the new character, and that you’re going with a real world city this time, rather than a fictional equivalent. Please, please tell us this will be available at system launch!
Finally!! loved InFamous 1 and 2… will be sure to pick this one up as well :)
OMFG!!! this is a great new, infamous saga is wonderful and this new game looks amazing.
To any wondering (like #45) the song playing at the end of the trailer is Weatherman by Dead Sara
Indeed, inFamous 1 and 2 were definitely the highlight of this generation for me. When I realized (confirmed) that this was indeed an inFamous game, I literally cheered.
I like this idea of having anothe inFamous guy. And Cole can still appear in the story because I really want to know what happened with him 7 years later. Only if DUP caught him too, but, I don’t think so, maybe he is hiding somewhere. Just hope he appears at some point in the game.
Unless the main character is gay/trans (or the player has the option of choosing that) and/or there’s a true branching storyline with multiple endings and/or there’s amazingly intuitive use of Move and 1080p native 3D, I’m not interested.
Graphics alone aren’t enough innovation to make me get into this franchise or buy a PS4.
if this is a launch title for the PS4 count me in
i cant wait for this game it looks awesome. but please sucker punch make it more unique from the first 2 infamous games. i dont wanna play recycled gameplay. thanks.
Ok this question is off topic but how in the world are some people getting 10 free bucks into their account? The other some ( like me) are wondering Y this didn’t happen to them yet and when are we going to get 10 free bucks.
Insane, certainly i’ll buy it !!!
This game has made me so excited for PS4, now I’m definitely buying it day one.