Hello Persona fans and fighting game fans!
We’re excited to announce that Persona 4 Arena, which earned the honor of “Best Fighting Game” at the Spike Video Game Awards, is going to be available for digital purchase and download on the PlayStation Network tomorrow.
Some of you may not be familiar with Persona 4 Arena, or the Persona series. You may, however, be aware that ATLUS launched Persona 4 Golden for PS Vita last November to critical acclaim, and this title helped generate a great deal of interest for the Persona series. Yes, Persona 4 Arena is a fighting game — but who says fighting games can’t have a story? Fans that got a taste of the series through Persona 4 Golden can enjoy a whole new story arc in Persona 4 Arena.
The game takes place two months after the protagonist of Persona 4 Golden — given the name Yu Narukami — leaves the rural town of Inaba. Rumor of a fighting tournament TV show called “P-1 Grand Prix” spreads, raising concerns among the former Investigation Team members. Interested to know more about what happens to Yu, Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko? And how do the characters from Persona 3 get involved in all this? We could say more but, well, we’d rather have you to jump in to Persona 4 Arena to find out for yourself.
We hope you enjoy Persona 4 Arena on PSN!
C’mon!!! Why is this still not out in Europe, I’m actually desperate to play it. I mean I’m no expert on the localisation process but surely it doesn’t warrant months of delay after the US release. I don’t know why but UK and Europe almost always have a longer localisation process than elsewhere – an update on this game coming to Europe would be good though and explanation as to why its processing through so slowly.
I guess it’s not going to be in ps vita is it?
Whats it gonna cost???
Aw I was hoping this would come out on the PS Vita.
as zidéia
Bah. I knew it was too good to be true… I thought I went on the EU site…
Will be interesting to see whether this will be region locked too? I’m guessing it pretty much has to be though…
Oh well, back to EU PS store waiting for GGXX Accent Core Plus.
Wonder what the betting odds are now, for which one of these PS3 games will finally make it out here first?
Would be awesome if they released P4A for the vita.
I’d totally buy it. And also I love Persona 4 Golden. <3 They should also come out with avatars. (:
badass!!! :D
Atlus forum says the psn version is region locked.
Sorry for the doublepost but here is the source:
It is still region locked. PS Store has absolutely NO warning or confirmation so people with European console can buy this game on accident and end up with non-working game.
Any chance for a region free patch? Because 6 months delay for a niche release on a region free console is “a bit” too much, I think.
buenisimaa me gusta mucho este juego estero que este barato eso si jasjasjasjas