Six months have passed since Kratos stood over the bodies of his wife and daughter, his hands stained with their blood – tricked by Ares into murdering the only people he ever loved. Swearing to avenge them, Kratos broke the blood oath that bound him to Ares… but oaths to Olympus are not so easily broken. This is where your journey in God of War: Ascension begins.
It’s been more than six long months since your first look at God of War: Ascension’s single-player campaign at E3. You’ve waited patiently, and asked about it an ungodly (but unsurprising) number of times. So, as we get ready to close our multiplayer beta early next week, the time has come to focus on where Ascension and its story will take you this March.
The trailer above is only a quick taste. You didn’t think Ascension was only 30 seconds long, did you?! We have more single-player details to unravel and showcase as we rage towards our launch on March 12th. Most importantly, in late February, we’ll be bringing you a full-fledged single player demo! We’ll be announcing details in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.
The Ascension Collector’s Edition
Many of you have already pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition for Ascension, but today we’re happy to show you the final “cube” you’ll be receiving, and of course placing atop your shrine to God of War:
Be on the lookout for more single-player details, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you again to all of our Multiplayer Beta Warriors. Don’t forget: your Gifts from the Gods will be ready for you at launch!
My collector’s edition is already Paid for! No Mancave would be complete without that cool Kratos statue! Looking forward to the single player story mode (hopefully not as disappointly short as GoW 3’s 5 hr campaign) and i welcome the Multiplayer mode since it adds to the replay value of the game.
@42 KidCommando
I had thought of that, but then I realized the scene does not share any of the motifs that almost every single god of war game up to this point has had when doing a dream sequence. So either they screwed up the motif or they forgot their own history for the character as to WHY he is called the Ghost of Sparta. If he is actually experiencing those events via time travel due to his experience with the Fates in the second game then there needs to be some explanation as to why his family doesn’t react to the pale white color of his skin, not to mention the paradoxical implications of such events unfolding.
Also in all of the games Kratos has not experienced memories of his past with him baring his curse unless it was during a time in which said curse occurred. This is likely done for two reasons, to help place the event in relation to that one key event and two because it would just be damned confusing to the viewer/player.
I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it! This is such a big year in gaming!!!
February will have MG Rising and new characters for Battle Royale and finally a God of War demo!
March I’ll finally get my hands on the God of War: Ascension CE!!!
One thing that worries me though, that Kratos statue looks really good, I hope it doesn’t look like crap when I get it. I remember that Sackboy from the LBP 2 CE looked cool but the actual Sackboy we got was horrid.
Playstation’s gonna have its best year probably since launch! Pre-ordering this baby next month! I’m so interested to see how Santa Monica is portraying a different side of Kratos.
Mr. Kaufman, you’ve said the CE from Gamestop includes a Pass for Future DLC Content, but what about other retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, etc. Is there also a DLC pass included from this sellers? Thanks!
please tell me the demo with have stereoscopic 3D. I’m playing Vol2 collection now and the 3D is AMAZING in Chains of Olympus! so freaking good.. so I’m really eager to see how better it’ll be in Ascension.
From that 30 min single player gameplay trailer that was recently released which let me say it was EPIC, I noticed some aerial battles when it showed Kratos fighting that Manticore (dragon body and lion head). I remember similar aerial battles to what GoW 2 offered when Kratos was riding his Pegasus and jumping from griffin to griffin slashing their wings off. I’m not sure if Kratos will actually fight the Manticore in the air in real-time but are we going to experience some real-time aerial battles this time around?
My final question that has been burning me deep inside since the E3 Ascension demo is will the graphics get better in the final product than what you see in the E3 demo just like how the finished product of GoW 3 looked noticeably better than the GoW 3 E3 demo (better AA, textures, smoother framerate, etc)? This is not to say that the Ascension e3 demo looks bad it looks awesome, but I felt that Kratos’s model didn’t quite deliver that live action photorealistic animations that the Kratos model from GoW 3 delivered. Hopefully the finished product will look at least as good as GoW 3
Aaron, it was at EB Games in Canada.
Can someone tell me if the Kratos statue will fit on top of the God of War III collector’s edition Pandora’s box?
will this game have shallow gameplay, super linear hallway corridors, crummy QTEs, simplistic puzzles made for kindergarteners and a terribad story and awful characters, just like the rest of the God of War series?
Magic ball says ‘YES’.
So you’re commenting because…what?
Will the CE come with the standard edition case as well?
Thank you for the response Aaron. It’s nice that someone actually takes the time to respond. I will keep my CE pre-order. Thanks again!
Great question by Skip_2011!!!! Will the CE come with the standard edition case as well? I like to save the steelbooks and not throw them in the drawer with my other games.
My body is ready
10 replies in the US blog.. Why do yas not reply to us EU? Can you not open the EU blog in a new tab and reply to us at same time?
If im not mistaken im pretty sure that when the CE was announced they said the statue was going to be 8″ tall.So why down the size?
Now whe are talking! I really disliked the multiplayer beta.
Please, put on North American Version Spanish Language, Please…! My english isn’t too good, and i cant buy the version Latin American. All my buy is from Amazon, because Playstation Store isnt on my country. (U.U’)
@proud2be I’d like to know this as well. Why the change from 8″ to 6″ on the Kratos statue?
Never been a fan of the GoW series. I’ve been playing the MP Beta and I’ve found it to be a little boring honestly. Most likely won’t be picking up the game, but I’ll download the SP demo.
@Aaron Kaufman…I would like to know how the 48 hour multiplayer double xp will work….is it like 48 hours of online play or just 48 hours after the code is entered?……much appreciated and keep up the great job :)
Did you just said SP demo?…Jesus Christ I gonna have an heart attack….can’t wait…anyway all that sick and boring news about MP got me really disinterested on Ascension and I’m a die-hard fan of GoW but damn this new SP trailer got me beyond anxious…hear Kratos saying “only on Playstation” was priceless pure epicness.I would love so much to get the CE but its impossible for me as always.
@ 48 neuropunk – Haha trolls trolls….always making me laugh.
I hope the collectors edition will be available in Poland.
So this future dlc that’s planned for the game, is any of it planned to be single player?
i very happy i cant wait for the demo to test out and i cant wait for they games to come out =)