Post-holiday slump got you down? Perk up — Sony Electronics will be showing off the latest gadgets and tech tonight from the International Consumer Electronics Show starting at 5:00pm Pacific Time/8:00pm Eastern Time. Better yet, you can peer into this wonderful world in real time with the convenient livestream embedded above. Once the presentation wraps up, you can mosey on over to Sony’s official CES site to get full details on new product announcements, videos, links, pictures and more. Ain’t technology grand?
Though CES is adored for many reasons, it isn’t typically known for making waves with videogaming content. That said, if you keep your peepers peeled you’re sure to spot an array of slick new gadgets and consumer electronics. You can also follow along with the fun on @Sony Electronics on Twitter.
Stick around after the show, too: You’ll catch a live Q&A session with Sony President and CEO Kaz Hirai and Sony Electronics President and COO Phil Molyneux. Feel free to Tweet your questions to @Sony Electronics (mark it with #SonyCES).
Okay, you’ve heard enough outta me. The livestream awaits!
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