PSN Games
Jetpack Joyride (Free)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 20.6 MB
PS Vita
AR Play 2012 Holiday Bundle ($6.25)
File Size: 1.1 GB
Chronovolt ($4.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone //File Size: 261.3 MB
Jetpack Joyride (Free)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 20.6 MB
PlayStation Store Highlights
It’s almost time for 2013! Ring in the New Year with even more Holiday Essential deals! PS Vita owners can pick up Chronovolt, Jetpack Joyride and an AR Holiday bundle packed with content. PS Plus members can enjoy deeper discounts and two new games for their PS3 & PS Vita.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition (PS3)
- Chronovolt (PS Vita)
- Batman: Arkham City (30%) – PS Plus Price: $14.70
- inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (30%) – PS Plus Price: $4.90
- Assassin’s Creed 2 Deluxe Edition (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Shadow of the Colossus (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Bulletstorm (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Sound Shapes (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Sound Shapes Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- TOKYO JUNGLE (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Skullgirls (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Touch My Katamari (30%) – PS Plus Price: $12.25
Price Change
- Amy – PS3 Game (now: $3.99 original price: $9.99)
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Assassin’s Creed II Deluxe Edition – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Batman Arkham City – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.70)
- Bulletstorm – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – PS3 Game (now: $14.99 original price: $29.99)
- inFamous 2 – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: FREE)
- inFamous: Festival of Blood – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Just Cause 2 – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $19.99)
- Quantum Conundrum – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $14.99)
- Shadow of the Colossus – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- SoundShapes – PS3 & PS Vita Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Skullgirls – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $5.14)
- Tokyo Jungle – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Touch My Katamari – PS Vita Game (now: $17.49 original price: $24.99 Plus price: $8.57)
PS Vita Add-ons
- Chronospheres Pack ($0.99) – NEW Chronospheres are available! Professor Chase has upgraded his original prototype and developed four new ones to try. Each has a different functionality: Electrosphere, Velovespa, Gravisphere and Chronosphere X.
Jetpack Joyride
- Coin Booster Pack ($1.49) – Add 20,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Mega Pack ($2.49) – Add 50,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultra Pack ($3.99) – Add 100,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Barry Pack ($3.99) – Add 250,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultimate Pack ($13.99) – Add 1,000,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Counterfeit Machine ($2.49) – Every coin you collect in the game is worth double! Does not apply to purchasable coin packs.
PS3 Add-ons
Jetpack Joyride
- Coin Booster Pack ($1.49) – Add 20,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Mega Pack ($2.49) – Add 50,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultra Pack ($3.99) – Add 100,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Barry Pack ($3.99) – Add 250,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultimate Pack ($13.99) – Add 1,000,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Counterfeit Machine ($2.49) – Every coin you collect in the game is worth double! Does not apply to purchasable coin packs.
PS3 Themes
- Apocalypse Dream – Good Dayz Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Hellcatz Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Love Life Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Mystery Wall Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Pursuit of Happyness Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Create PSP Theme — $1.49
- DNA Static Theme — $1.99
- Few Words Created Life Static Theme — $1.99
- Play PSP Theme — $1.49
Game Videos (Free)
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Halloween Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Launch Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Story Trailer
- The Last Of Us Story Trailer
Ok something is wrong here. the Store says that Skullgirls is $7.34 for plus members, but this blog says that it’s $5.14. COLDBLOODED OOOO
Chronovolt! Woooo! Just need to finish the other 50935023098230 games I bought over the holidays… Just need FFX HD and Zone of the Enders HD and I’m probably going to go missing with my Vita for a couple months.
@ silly wabbit
“I’m much better off than you”
Are you sure about that? Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself more than you’re trying to convince me. Good for you for having a family. That’s rare, since, you know, most of us were bred from test tubes, or assembled from scrap metal in a laboratory. You truly are fortunate for that, however, you also seem to harbor a seriously bitter soul. That’s not healthy for your precious family to be exposed to. You might poison them too. You should really try to do something about that before it’s too late.
As for me, nope, no parole officer. I’ve never been arrested. I also don’t do the whole facebook/twitter/myspace thing either… that stuff never appealed to me. So, you’re wrong… AGAIN. Same old story. But go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to keep pushing through your miserable existence. I won’t try to stop you, I’ll just keep shaking my head…
Anyway, I also wanted to say how cool it was that we got Jetpack Joyride for free. I know it’s been on mobile platforms for a while now, but I’ve never played it before so it’s brand new to me, and I’m really enjoying it. This game is a perfect example of what video games were always meant to be – FUN. It’s just plain fun. And we got it for free?!? Hell yeah.
“you also seem to harbor a seriously bitter soul.”
And you accuse me of being wrong? anyway, have a happy new year…just have it somewhere else
I’ve noticed that the store updates are getting a little thinner each week ! Could this mean that the PS4 is around the corner !
Your primary mistake is assuming that I’m one of the haters here. I don’t bother to complain about services like this, a big waste of time IMO. I’ve been a subscriber to both US & EU services for several months. Not sure if it’s worth it and may let them both expire. Still on the fence about it.
No, the whole thing between you & me started when I simply asked you to behave in a socially acceptable manner. I was tired of seeing you poison the topic every week which is just as much a waste of your time as it is for me to try to get you to play nice. You will never get anyone to change their attitude, especially the way that you are going about it *shrugs*. I have this delusion that if I can just put together the right combination of words that I can get anyone to see reason, dealing with someone like you frustrates me because it clearly contradicts that misconception. My bad.
Anyway, I know a lost cause when I see one. Have fun & try not to let that bitterness get to you
I Love PS+………I have,
Gravity Rush
Jet Set Radio
and that is on top of my PS3 content.
For $50 a year, I can say that this is right there at #2 of my most valued subscriptions.
$8 per month Netflix is still #1.
Keep up the good work Morgan and team. Happy Holidays.
Now it´s the right time to buy Shadow of Colossus HD, just like last week was the perfect moment to buy Metal Gear Solid 3 HD.
I hope Okami HD appears “around here” in 2013…
Thanks again Playstation Plus!
Could anyone help me with the following questions?
inFamous 2 was already free for Plus members, now that you put it as “Holiday Essentials sales” does it mean that now we can retain the game even if our Plus subscription expires?
No. It will disappear like every other game marked ‘free’.
There have only ever been a couple of PS+ games that have been ‘free for life’, and they have come with heavy hype to push for subscriptions.
so whats gonna be your first post in 2013 ps blog? Killzone Mercenary new info? Soul Sacrifice? Tearaway? Sly Cooper?
@256. Any game that you “PURCHASE” during your PS+ subscription is yours to keep forever.
If said game is free for PS+ and you download it, it is yours to play as long as you have PS+. When PS+ expires the game is no longer free to play. However, if you “PURCHASED” the game when you had PS+, when PS+ expires, you OWN the game, so it is yours to keep….Keep On Gaming.
Why does Sony removed the 007 games from PSN??? I add $60 to my account yesterday to buy the Goldeneye Reloaded and it´s not there anymore. WHY??? In the EU PSN the 007 games are still there.
hey playstation! HAPPY NEY YEAR!
Well, I’ll take advantage of the discounted stuff, but again, nothing on the freebie market interests me, so I’m skipping that (again).
I Love jetpack Joyride this Game Rocks !
Whatever happened to the Resistance Collection ?
It was supposed to be released in early December.
Would be nice if you could customize the input for Jetpack Joyride. Would like to use the buttons and have the front touchscreen as an option.
LOL they give us NBA Jam and EA is taking the servers offline in about 2 weeks..
It’s quite obvious that a lot of you people aren’t happy with ps+, I wouldn’t renew it if I were you. It’s saved me a ton of money. I enjoy the free games every single month and the discounts. It has paid for itself at least 2x over.
Thank you sony for offering ps+. I’m a happy customer who is also a realistic consumer. I think anyone who expects to shell out $50 dollars for an optional service and therefore get a ton of A+ titles for free is a little nutty.
Bring back the ps1 game each month for free, or at least discount a few for us. That would be nice. A lot of us are old school gamers. Man I’m 28 years old and I’m an old school gamer. I remember playing those ps1 games when I was in jr high. *tear*
HAHA I notice that a lot of titles cost 10.49 or 20.99. Its obviously a plot to force people who use the physical PSN codes to buy an extra card to pay that nominal $ 0 .XX. Lumines looks good I’ll get a $20 PSN card. S**T! i need to pay an extra .99 I need to get another card to pay that off. Sony is obviously short on cash.
@ death_by_wabbit
Wrong, liar.
We got into it because you were continually griping about the cost of Plus with the rest of the snobs, and you didn’t like how I accurately pointed out, with solid evidence/arguments, how petty you’d have to be to complain about a cost of $4.17 a month, and in your particular case, especially as a grown man in his 40s (at least, maybe even older).
So you took it upon yourself to shut me up and look like a hero to your fellow crybabies, but unfortunately, you didn’t realize that you were dealing with someone 10x smarter, stronger, and more resilient than you. Now you’re mad at yourself for failing… but still unable to let go, taking shots at me as you’re spiraling downward, hoping to pull me down with you. So embarrassing.
Just stop replying to me, so I don’t have to reply to you anymore. Your lies continue to disgrace this blog, and your rebuttals are boring me to death. That should be your username – death_by_boredom
@ sixtie
Probably not a plot… it’s just the way it works out. $10.49 is what you get when you take 30% off $14.99.
But I guess you’ll say they purposely chose a 30% discount as a strategy to achieve the end result of having the games cost a few cents over a nice round 10 or 20 dollars, even though there have been countless occurrences of the 30% discount applying to titles that cost $9.99, bringing them down to $6.99. No evidence of “plots” there.
And what about Plus members? Those games that cost $10.49 for us, are only $7.34 for them, which is actually a little MORE than 50% off. They can buy two games at that price with a single $20 card and still have some money leftover for some DLC, themes or avatars if they choose, or can save it for later.
You’ll almost never have a round number in your wallet, and you’re always going to buy more cards in the future anyway, so what’s the problem? :)
It’s difficult not to simply insult you, as that’s all you seem competent at. Every week, I can expect to see you here with the same inane defenses of a service you DON’T even utilize.
Again, as I have before, may I ask:
1) Why are you not a PS+ subscriber?
2) How you are qualified to understand a service you neither use or pay for?
3) Why make it your duty to shame the “infidels” who speak heresy against your sony god?
@ Breakfuss
I was about to log off, but then I saw your questions, which I have already answered before, but just for you, special person, I’ll go ahead and do so again.
1. I think Plus is a phenomenal value. Like I told wabbit, the only thing keeping me from subscribing is the inability to purchase a game that has been offered for free through the subscription, especially during a sale. I’d really like that option to be implemented. Then, instant subscription from me.
2. What a dumb question. To understand the program, I only need to research it, not purchase it. And I’ve had FOUR free trials of Plus in the past, so I actually do have first-hand experience with it too, if you think that’s really necessary for my “qualification” to speak about it.
3. Because they go out of their way to destroy the fun atmosphere here, and I don’t appreciate that. I’m simply giving back to them what they dish out. It’s all fair game. If they hate Sony so much, they should just leave, right?
Nice! I was about to buy Tokyo Jungle last week at full price, but my waiting got it for cheaper!
How many times do you need to be told, I don’t care enough about any of this to lie. You can make up all that fake **** you like, I don’t even care enough to dispute it with you. Looks like your photographic memory is failing you, better get that checked.
Anyway, you are only arguing with yourself at this point. I already told you, I give up. You win (but what did you win?) If it helps you to validate your self image to think that your are better than me, go for it.
If you want to discuss games or the service, fine. But if you are looking for a pissing match, go find someone else. There is just no point to it
have fun, later
I know that I’m in a minority but I liked the service better before they started this “Instant Game Collection” thing. Since the change I’ve gotten I think 3 games that I haven’t already played. I already subscribe to Gamefly which covers pretty much all of my retail gaming. I liked it before because it supplied me with PS1 classics & discounts and freebies on PSN games and it gave me something to look forward to every week. At this point one of the only reasons I still sub is to keep the auto-updates & the gamesave cloud. if they offered those as a separate subscription, I probably wouldn’t bother with plus
does anyone knows why my ticker news bar is not show anymore at the top right corner please help
@281 mine neither. Prefer it that way
@280 I am the same. From Nov 2011 to May 2012, I loved the program. Then the IGC happened, and with it 9 games of the 12 given I had already played/still own.
And we got stuck with them for what felt like forever, only to be replaced by more games I had aleeady played/owned.
Then it was bargain bin crap, recycled sales, or multiplayer only FPS’s. More stuff I had no interest in.
From June to Nov (when I let my sub DIE) I really only played 4 or 5 offerings. Bought 1 game at discount. I used to buy stuff every month.
To see what EU has been getting compared to NA just makes me shake my head, and i see through all the hype and BS talk that its “Bigger & Better”.
It’s a sucker tactic to lure in new subs.
Well, over time, new subs become just regular Plus users, and at this rate, will become ex-Plus users.
It will take some extraordinary changes to bring me back, and even then I’ll probably wait til the day before it comes down, and only then with 1 month trials.
Ya blew it Sony!
can we plzzzzzzz have a friend network for america or a ps home!!!!
Guys… Seriously… When are you going to put the rest of the PS1 Classics on the Vita? I oh so want to play Crash Bandicoot and Spyro. D:
@ death_by_boredom
Dude! You are ridiculous! You keep repeating over and over that you’re done with me, yet you keep replying! When are you actually going to match the action with the words? And every time you reply, you stick your foot in your mouth again, and give me more ammo to use against you!
Such as this nonsense you spouted: “If it helps you to validate your self image to think that your are better than me, go for it”
That’s hilarious coming from the guy who’s exact words were, “I’m much better off than you”, followed by all that crap about your family, me having a parole officer, etc…. remember? Oh, you don’t remember? You forgot ALREADY?!? You mean, it’s YOUR memory that’s failing, right after you said mine was failing without even explaining how? Dude, your brain must be going haywire over there! You contradicted yourself three times in a single post! Yikes! Just stop before you do any more damage to yourself! Ha ha…
what happened to the awesome freebies we were gonna receive by year end???
Just let it go. or can you? I think I see the problem here, you have no self control. Seems like you have no choice but to respond to anything that is posted to you. Sort of like a puppet that does a funny dance when it’s strings are pulled. That must really suck.
You keep playing to the crowd but you and & both know the truth and everybody else couldn’t care less. Total waste of effort
as for me being boring, I’m not here to entertain you
now, lets get back on topic, fool
I started my sub in Nov 2011 too, in that initial IGC release there was only one game that I had never played. I renewed last Nov with a 3 month sub because they announced PS+ for the Vita but I’d already played all those games as well.
I’m sure that IGC is a great deal for those who don’t rent or have the budget to buy many games, but for me it became an instant waste of my money, no matter how cheap it is
in its defense, I might have had fun playing around more with the Vita games if Persona 4 Golden hadn’t come out at the same time and my Vita became dedicated to that game :)
Why in the hell did we not get the 12 deals of christmas like the EU did? Come on yoo
@282 yea mines not showing neither,i dont know why though
im glad im not the only one that the ticker news is not working
Because they honestly have nothing good to show on that ticker right now.
Dear Halfbrick
Thank you so much for bringing jetpack joyride for free on the vita with trophy support. I’ve been hard press to put it down. I’m hoping that you can patch the game and allow us to use buttons since that would be so much better than the touchscreen (both front and back) hopefully soon because that would make this the best version yet
I’ve had PLUS from day one, over 2 years, before IGC, PS+ was great, now its seems like they don’t care what we get. A great majority of subscribers are new to the service, if you would’ve came onboard before the IGC you’d be furious too. I’m not comparing to what EU gets, frankly i could care less, but i am comparing what a great service it was before IGC.
20 days to go before my sub ends, i won’t be renewing, pay attention, for every person who post on here saying they’re not renewing, there is a hundred who are going to do the same who don’t post. sorry PLUS but your service is now obsolete. With the exception of cloud storage, but i can do without, all i need is my 4 gb flashdrive, i keep it old school. Never know when they’ll get hacked again.
Well, at least I got Soundshapes And Skull girls for $15 USD. great investment!
@ death_by_self_inflicted_wounds
Wow. You did it again. Another reflection.
See, the difference between me and you here is that I never said I would stop replying. But YOU did. Yet, you keep replying. It’s as if someone is pulling YOUR strings…
I guess that would be me. I’m pulling your strings. You’re my puppet. Dance, puppet, dance!
I’m sure you’ll respond by telling me that you’re not going to talk to me anymore… heh…
Oh, and, I did get back on topic. Did you not see how I brought up Jetpack Joyride after I finished with you? Then you came back for more after you said you wouldn’t. ‘Cause you’re a liar.
Your stupidity is hurting my brain!
See? I can keep you coming back here forever, like I said, no self control, no discipline.
I can’t wait to see what kind of nonsense you’re going to reply to this. Should be mildly amusing. Like a poor joke that keeps telling itself over & over. There even seems to be a kind of pattern to your tired rhetoric. Your back on the strawmen again, not even a new one. The old tired reflection accusation. As if that makes any sense in response to my previous post. but I guess your responses are limited and after you’ve used them all you start sounding like a broken frikkin’ record
Oh don’t worry, when this topic is done I’ll not indulge you any further and I’m pretty sure that you aren’t stupid enough to want to tangle with me again, lol. But in the meantime I’m going to see just how long i can string you along since you seem to have no choice but to reply.