PSN Games
Jetpack Joyride (Free)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 20.6 MB
PS Vita
AR Play 2012 Holiday Bundle ($6.25)
File Size: 1.1 GB
Chronovolt ($4.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone //File Size: 261.3 MB
Jetpack Joyride (Free)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 20.6 MB
PlayStation Store Highlights
It’s almost time for 2013! Ring in the New Year with even more Holiday Essential deals! PS Vita owners can pick up Chronovolt, Jetpack Joyride and an AR Holiday bundle packed with content. PS Plus members can enjoy deeper discounts and two new games for their PS3 & PS Vita.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition (PS3)
- Chronovolt (PS Vita)
- Batman: Arkham City (30%) – PS Plus Price: $14.70
- inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (30%) – PS Plus Price: $4.90
- Assassin’s Creed 2 Deluxe Edition (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Shadow of the Colossus (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Bulletstorm (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Sound Shapes (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Sound Shapes Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- TOKYO JUNGLE (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Skullgirls (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Touch My Katamari (30%) – PS Plus Price: $12.25
Price Change
- Amy – PS3 Game (now: $3.99 original price: $9.99)
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Assassin’s Creed II Deluxe Edition – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Batman Arkham City – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.70)
- Bulletstorm – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – PS3 Game (now: $14.99 original price: $29.99)
- inFamous 2 – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: FREE)
- inFamous: Festival of Blood – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Just Cause 2 – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $19.99)
- Quantum Conundrum – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $14.99)
- Shadow of the Colossus – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- SoundShapes – PS3 & PS Vita Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Skullgirls – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $5.14)
- Tokyo Jungle – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Touch My Katamari – PS Vita Game (now: $17.49 original price: $24.99 Plus price: $8.57)
PS Vita Add-ons
- Chronospheres Pack ($0.99) – NEW Chronospheres are available! Professor Chase has upgraded his original prototype and developed four new ones to try. Each has a different functionality: Electrosphere, Velovespa, Gravisphere and Chronosphere X.
Jetpack Joyride
- Coin Booster Pack ($1.49) – Add 20,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Mega Pack ($2.49) – Add 50,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultra Pack ($3.99) – Add 100,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Barry Pack ($3.99) – Add 250,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultimate Pack ($13.99) – Add 1,000,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Counterfeit Machine ($2.49) – Every coin you collect in the game is worth double! Does not apply to purchasable coin packs.
PS3 Add-ons
Jetpack Joyride
- Coin Booster Pack ($1.49) – Add 20,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Mega Pack ($2.49) – Add 50,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultra Pack ($3.99) – Add 100,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Barry Pack ($3.99) – Add 250,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultimate Pack ($13.99) – Add 1,000,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Counterfeit Machine ($2.49) – Every coin you collect in the game is worth double! Does not apply to purchasable coin packs.
PS3 Themes
- Apocalypse Dream – Good Dayz Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Hellcatz Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Love Life Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Mystery Wall Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Pursuit of Happyness Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Create PSP Theme — $1.49
- DNA Static Theme — $1.99
- Few Words Created Life Static Theme — $1.99
- Play PSP Theme — $1.49
Game Videos (Free)
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Halloween Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Launch Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Story Trailer
- The Last Of Us Story Trailer
Since I joined Plus in April of 2011 these are the games that I enjoyed
Gotham City Imposters
Renegade Ops
Pac Man Championship Edition
Infamous 2
Virtua Fighter Final Showdown
Shank 2
Sly Cooper
Far Cry 2
Simpsons Arcade
Hamster Ball
Tomb Raider Underworld
Shift 2 Unleashed
Dead Nation
Plants VS Zombies
Everything else was of no interest or something I downloaded and didn’t like the feel to it when playing.
I just hope 2013 will bring more A and B rated games to the IGC
HAPPY NEW YEAR From your Playstation Network Customer Ambassador ,A completely awsome year ahead for digital content. ITS GONNA ROCK YOUR GAMEING WORLD. Thank you for Subscribeing to Playstation Plus.
HAPPY NEW YEAR From your Playstation Network Customer Ambassador A completely awsome year ahead for digital content Thank you for Subscribeing to Playstation Plus.Keep on GAMEING .
I dont worry about free stuffs on the PSN for Plus Members really, im only wanna know why , the prices on the psp games dont go down? Are so expensive to be a Digital Download? And the games of PSVITA too, thats why i prefer but the game card, maybe can you make an effort and try to put dow the prices jesus!
@191 You share the same content as EU not the same prices you tool. EU doesn’t pay almost double. They pay anywhere from $5-10 more. YOU in AUS pay close to double yes, but don’t lump EU into that. They do not have the same ridiculous prices as you do.
@197 You should get Tomb Raider Trilogy to play Tomb Raider Anniversary & Legend; along with Underworld included on the same disc.
@196 Licensing. Plus who has those games rights now?.
@200 I’ve seen old games never go down in price, just get harder to find. Like for example, Burnout Revenge 360 for $20 download, Amazon wants $80 for the disc version.
Digital download is mostly run on licenses and those costs can get pretty steep.
All you “why does EU get better content” fools are complete and total morons.
Please all cancel your Plus subscriptions in 2013. Use that $50 toward re-enrolling into grade school, a new binky, or perhaps better pampers with the no-leak seals.
Life is hard, but when you have the mental capacity of a steamed carrot, life can seem unfair too.
Boo-hoo :*(
I appreciate Jetpack Joyride being free, and it’s a fun game. On the PS3. I’m not sure why it was decided to force people to use touch controls on the Vita, it makes it too awkward. Oh well.
Where is Deadlocked?! Cant seem to find the post i read about it, that it was coming by the end of the year but it was a no show >.<
I love using the back touchscreen for jetpack joyride. Fantastic free game for the Vita.
I also thought I’d mention that there are a few PSP sales from Atlus I noticed that I didn’t see advertised, and Dokuro for Vita is still 50% off until Jan. 8 I believe. I definitely picked it up for $9.99.
Not enough DLC sales. What about GT5?
Why is it the US gets the shaft on decent PS plus games. NBA JAM?!?!? and jetpack joyride..really Sony. and ya give Bioshock2 which we already got to europe..your also giving the guardians of middle earth.. and mortal kombat. The last decent game i think the us got was well really borderlands a long while ago and even than thats not a newer game. you owe us better games at least one time a month let us get better games than europe at least once a month. See i want games like Arkham city. which Europe already got..Mortal Kombat and not the stupid arcade ones. -_- Come on and give the US some better stuff..
Oh and to the person who blogs…why cant you just list all the games for US. Not just what comes up when it does. Europe gets a full list before they even get it.
@208 /facepalm
This is just a sad excuse for an update. You should be ashamed : ( Im not one to complain but this is just wrong. Take some notes from europe’s Plus i think the people in charge of thier service actually play games and know what people want. And before anyone says it, they are not free games if you PAY for the service.
My list is simply….
1. Thanks for try to give us the best content to all PS gamers, especially PLUS MEMBERS
2. But, you can do better, this last update is so shame!!!
3. Don´t forget to bring us . . . psOne (Rival Schools, RPGs etc)
4. ps2 (Dark Cloud, Fatal Frame 1,2,3, Clock Tower 3, MK series, Xenosaga series, .Hack Series, DDR series, Midnight Club2, Bouncer, SH4, Siren, Bujingai, Manhunt, Haunting Ground, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, Dirge of Cerberus, Magna Carta, Castlevania Series, Contra, Rule of Rose and some others)
5. ps3 (old games not only new)
6. ps3 (day 1 digital launch games)
7. psVita games (i like the vita and their games, the problem is that the library is so small, thats why you need to make your promises true . . . (psone, ps2 on vita)
8. The discounts are so fine, but please don´t cheat us, launching content for free, if they were discounted in the previous month
9. Thanks for all, and for read this post
See U guys
I am really disappointed with you guys on this update. I usually am not one to complain about free games and the such but, like most users here have said, why IS EU Store getting so much better content and overall more content lately? From no avatars, to lack of price updates (Motorstorm Apocalypse $60 >_>?), to just overall not being a bang for your buck with the whole PS+ thing.
I stopped paying for PS+ on US Store because, personally, I dislike paying for a MUCH inferior subscription even if EU pays $5 to $10, they atleast get constant deals with PS+ and it’s easier to invest in that one so much more considering they have titles like Bulletstorm, Crysis 2, Batman Arkham City, Vanquish and they even had Motorstorm Apocalypse for free for a time, not to mention the past updates to it like Deus Ex Human Rev, Red Dead, Darksiders and quite a few more – now THAT right there is worth paying a yearly sub over or a monthly one in the case of people that are too cheap to pay for a yearly one (like me) and I’m glad I didn’t, otherwise I’d be stuck with this weaksauce updates and games I simply don’t want to buy. I wouldn’t complain if they were free off the spot (no PS+ req) but you’re PAYING for a service here – a lackluster and uncaring one at that
Wish they would do all the holiday 30% off sales for one day again to make up for the somewhat lackluster update.
I have a suggestion, Give us a list of games for plus and let us vote on which one we get. That way we can get what we want and you guys get a better feeling for the things we want. (plus you get money)
@215: Ew no.
You know what? You are right again. You are such a cleaver little toad. It is totally a waste of my time to participate in your parade of negativity. Have fun with that, it is probably all that you have in life.
I’m suffering from a hangover so I’ll keep this brief. I’m much better off than you, I have a wonderful family, wife, children, even grandchildren. You most likely only have your keyboard, your facebook “friends” or whatever and possibly a parole officer.
As for the suckers that respond to you, they are on their own. Have a nice life & do your worst.
I couldn’t care less
Look at Steam’s Greenlight for how fail letting users vote on things is.
“Look at Steam’s Greenlight for how fail letting users vote on things is.”
yeah, that would get messy. PS Blog would become a trolls paradise, not that it isn’t already
What happened to Killzone Mercenary???
Okay, Finally got around to playing Chronovolt. Typical Marble Madness type game with a time manipulation mechanic and a super cheesy tacked on story. I wish the time mechanic allowed me to travel back to before I downloaded it, lol.
@ ShatteredRaven77
“What happened to Killzone Mercenary???”
They are still working on that, not even a release date for it yet.
Well said & Happy New Year to you too
Where the hell is more psp games for the vita I’m still waiting on twisted metal head on n motorstorm arctic edge both r owned by Sony so there is no excuses on why they ain’t up,so someone needs to get busy n do this
Mmmm, sports games.
Amazon had it listed as 12/31/12.
Guess I believed it because I wanted to…
Another New Year’s Day fail
I know, I bought the Twisted Metal/Motorstorm Arctic Edge bundle the week before I got my Vita. Still waiting. What really sucks is that Motorstorm:AA has been compatible in EU since launch. They know how to fix it and they have but they wont fix it for us
Yeah, you don’t want to believe anything you hear from Amazon, they always get release dates all screwed up. I’m looking forward to it too, hope it’s worth the wait
Batman: Arkham City Fre for Plus.
Speak to everyone who needs to spoken to and do what ever needs to be done.
I doubt you’ve already tried.
Guess it doesn’t matter, if its not free I think it’s just better to get GOTY Edition.
Depends on the price of the add-ons unless they were free too.
Happy New year!!!!! May sony’s heart Warm in this New year and give us good deals on the network and plus memebers!!!!!!
Majority of the comments are complainers, and they’re here EVERY WEEK. I for one love Plus and the value it has produced.
For all those that say they have found it worthless, you must be a cash cow and paying full price for every new game once it comes on the market
Here is just a very small sample we have gotten this year:
Little Big Planet Vita (Discounted under 20 dollars)
Gravity Rush(Free)
Sound Shapes PS3/Vita (Discounted at LAUNCH for 11.99, purchase counted towards Playstation Play program)
Lara Croft Guardian of Light(Free)
Walking Dead Episodes 1 and 2(Free)
Infamous 2 (Free)
Retro City Rampage PS3/Vita (Free)
CounterStrike GO(Discounted at LAUNCH, purchase counted towards Playstation Play program)
Resident Evil 4 & Resident Evil Code Veronica HD (Discounted at LAUNCH)
Mortal Kombat Komplete Collection (Discounted)
NFL Blitz(Free)
Gotham City Impostors (Free)
Papa and Yo (Discounted at LAUNCH, purchase counted towards Playstation Play program)
Awesomenauts (Free at LAUNCH)
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Free)
Sly Cooper 1 HD(Free)
Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed (Free).
Wake up, there is value so stop crowding these updates with your whining.
thx for compiling that list.
I’m looking at it and thinking how much of it I already had played or had zero interest in.
90% of it.
I’m better off without it tbh.
@231 – The whining isn’t about wether or not PS+ overall is weak to not warrant a sub and all, it’s whining because there’s (unintended?) favoritism between two “teams” and their offerings. Compare your list to the stuff the EU store has gotten since the “Instant Game Collection” program was introduced and see why so many people are complaining. I for one, refuse to spend my hard earned cash on a vastly inferior subscription offering and so do many people. If you enjoy the games the US Store has brought out, cool beans, but the quality of titles given to us here is nowhere near what EU has gotten, if just with RedDead Redemption alone.
And another thing, some of the ‘FREE’ offered games were given major discounts before they were placed within the Instant program. And I’m looking at ‘Borderlands’ specifically where it was offered a week before, and many times before that, as discounted. If anything that was a slap to the face.
Eh, I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth… or whine at one, as it were. Going to download a free game today and have a little fun. :)
@234 Your complaint doesn’t hold water. Some people may have only just now signed up for PS+, others may have not wanted the game despite the major discounts, but rather just get it for free and “rent” it.
You have to think that others aren’t PS+ ALL the time, don’t snag up every majorly discounted game and have different tastes and preferences.
c mon sony i want a serious good free PS+ game like the PS+ EU they got amazing game every months -.-!!
Decent update this week I love NBA Jam so that’s a great addition to my collection, don’t know what Chronovolt is about or how it is at all, but I’ll give it a shot. Jetpack Joyride is definitely mine though. Thanks guys..
@236 How exactly does it not? The majority would argue that between both offerings, one is heavily weighted towards more complete experiences. To be quite honest, If I had the option (from within my account) to pick between a sub, I’d go for the EU Store’s offering. It just seems a lot more complete and worthwhile for what you get. Hey, discounts are always fun, but it pains to see 3 games on here offered for discount that are currently free on the EU store still. And it doesn’t help that most of these people aren’t in a hurry to sub back on to PS+ for these ‘quality’ offerings, just saying you should demand more for what you pay. You’ve probably had a much better time than I did with their offerings, but I barely found PS+ to be that worthwhile for what I spent with it, let alone rush out to buy another sub.
you can do that, just go buy a PSN card and apply it to a EU account then buy the PS+ sub. easy
“Quote” If I had the option (from within my account) to pick between a sub, I’d go for the EU Store’s offering.”
I read you right the first time, I’m just saying that it is easy to set up. I have both ATM but will probably drop my US account if things don’t improve.
Sony needs more Remote Play titles on Vita. Ico/Colossus, GoW Collection and Tokyo Jungle are fine, but they need to have a dozen more titles, both new and old, patched to use it.
As far as actually selling the Vita: Phase out the 4 GB card and introduce a 64 GB card. Price them as followed:
8 GB: $9.99
16 GB: $19.99
32 GB: $39.99
64 GB: $59.99
Create a WI-FI bundle with a full year of PlayStation Plus and include a 16 GB or 32 GB card and other incentives with the code. PS+ is amazing value, but a lot of people still have no idea that it’s out there (or even how exactly it works). By letting people build a digital library with Plus, keeping them in the program and eventually going full assault with Gaikai, assuming many of the titles will be in the same library linked to your SEN account, they will be building a strong foundation for digital and cloud gaming, while supporting physical copies as well.
Sony should also reestablish PlayStation Rewards. That had crazy potential in it’s beta stage, so a revamped version would still work.
Lastly, marketing their own brands would do wonders. I’m actually shocked that PS All-Star’s is still airing commercials, and with it SCEI needs to spread the word of their franchises out to the masses. They have brilliant properties and great characters, just little to no marketing and so people don’t know many of them.
Madafaka! hahaha