Here at PlayStation, we’re gearing up for the holiday season. In the spirit of giving, we’re giving you some great discounts on more than 40 titles over the next three weeks. Each week will highlight some of the best PS3, PS Vita and PSN games available in the PlayStation Store. Featuring trippy music/racing hybrid Dyad, PS Vita side-scrolling puzzler Escape Plan, sure-to-become-classics like LittleBigPlanet 2 and Rayman Origins, plus plenty more, we’ve got you covered. Starting today, you can save 30% — or up to 50% for PlayStation Plus members — on a variety of hot games, listed below. If the lineup below isn’t enough, we’ll be refreshing this list with a whole new batch next week (12/24) and the following week (12/31), so stay tuned.
Here’s this week’s lineup:
- Catherine (Sale: $27.99, PS Plus: $19.60, Regular: $39.99)
- Counter Strike Global Offensive (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Dyad (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Escape Plan (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- I Am Alive (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- LittleBigPlanet 2 (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: Free, Regular: $19.99)
- LittleBigPlanet PS Vita (Sale: $24.99, PS Plus: $17.49, Regular: $35.99)
- Magic: The Gathering – Dules of the Planeswalkers 2013 (Sale: $6.99, PS Plus: $4.90, Regular: $9.99)
- NHL 13 (Sale: $41.99, PS Plus: $29.40, Regular: $59.99)
- Rayman Origins (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- Rayman Origins PS Vita (Sale: $20.99, PS Plus: $14.70, Regular: $29.99)
- Resident Evil 4 (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- Retro/Grade (Sale: $6.99, PS Plus: $4.90, Regular: $9.99)
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
All of these titles will be on sale for one week only — December 18th to December 24th — so head into the PlayStation Store before these discounts melt away. And don’t forget to check back on PSN next week (12/24) and the following week (12/31) for more great discounts on other Holiday Essentials games.
Happy Holidays!
already own all the good games in that list..
I guess this prices would be considered good if you only have access to Playstation. 50 percent for plus members feels a bit weak. Especially to someone who is used to Steam.
I wish the SCEA digital team paid attention to what Valve does with Steam. Valve is one of the most profitable companies in this industry and yet no one wants to mimic them. If you guys do, then it would be nice to see some reaction. Wish Sony would treat digital as more than an afterthought.
“I am Alive” is about the only thing that stands out for me there and I’ve already got it.
(absolutely outstanding game and WELL worth the price (even at the regular price))
Its okay the New PS Store sucks I’ve been kind of off the PS Store for awhile
this ALREADY puts SCEE’s Christmas sale to shame..
How do I “purchase” LBP2? I am currently a plus member letting my subscription expire next month.
I like LBP2 and am interested in keeping the title.
Unfortunately, this title has been in the instant game collection since the inception of that program. Therefore, it is “free.” If I “purchase” a “free” program with plus, it will expire.
Please make an option to actually purchase this item. Thank you.
PLEASE.. please put MASS EFFECT 3 on sale. (^ _ ^)
Please, please, please, please PLEASE Sony. When are we likely to be able to buy Legend of Dragoon in Europe? Surely you guys want to prevent us from making US accounts just to buy one game!! Honestly, I’m only interested in LOD at the moment in terms of buying from the PSN store. PLEASE at least think about bring it over here- it’s on the US store, so we know it CAN be done, we just want to know why you haven’t brought it over here. None of us enjoy being so behind America.
Are these discounts live right now? I am trying to get SF III 3S but I’m still seeing the regular price. Thanks.
Check out the last paragraph of the post for the answer.
I should probably read everything before asking basic questions. -_- Please disregard.
Wow! CounterStrike for under $7.50!! That’s great. The game was a steal at $15. I believe I’ll be taking advantage of that offer this week since it seems WWE WrestleFest isn’t going to be meeting it’s announced release date.
Great lineup, cant wait to see the games coming the next few weeks. Definitely picking some of them up. Also, i now you may be tired of this question, but could you please do something about an Alice Madness Returns offer again? i was one of the unlucky ones who couldnt get it before de error happened, and i really wanted it. OH, and i may be alone in this, but is there a chance you can bring to the ps store the first game of valkyria chronicles? the one for the ps3? thanks guys, and keep up the good work.
I’ll be away fm my PS3 for the next month. Any chance that that EU online store will make it to USA before the discounts end?
Thoughts on rayman origins vita? That’s the one that is jumping out at me. The game I really want is Need For Speed Most Wanted for the Vita. I normally don’t pay and more than $10 for Racing games. For this own, I’m willing to bump that up to 15ish. So long as I also get modnation racers on Ps+ :P.
I wish I didn’t just buy LBP Vita for $20 since i prefer digital on Vita. Also wish Rayman Origins Vita was same price as the ps3 game, don’t understand that. I’m considering CS: Go and Retro/Grade
I’m going on vacation tomorrow morning, returning home late on 12/24. Is there anyway to buy sale items if you don’t have access to your PS3?
I know Okami HD and Sound Shapes PS3 are new games, so i doubt these will have a discount on either december 24 and 31st.
But who knows if i am wrong about that other than Sony?
I really hope i am wrong on this one.
Wow, definitely picking up LBP Vita at that price!
Please please PLEASE let Okami HD be part of this sale!
Attention OP {PlayStation Home Update}
Winter holiday content, Atari’s 40th birthday,
Home Tycoon sale, introducing The PartyMachine 2013 and more. Read More
READ MORE just links back to the main page..
Please fix when you can. I’m interested in the Atari 40th birthday info.. Thanks
total ps plus subscriber and have been for a wile. ps 3 games on disk amount to over 240 then i must have over 20 downloaded games. but i all-so own a ps vita witch is lagging in any ps plus games or app,s. i see the uk ps store has t@g app for free but not in the u-s store. and nothing not even a free ps1 game for the vita this month in the u-s store. i think i can speak for a lot of people…….. happy christmas you have a ps vita now put it in a draw and just hope grandma bought you a vita game for Christmas because havein ps plus on a vita and no ps3 this Christmas suks. remember sony. not every one owns both consoles.
My 4gig vita card is not going to live through this sale. I’m already swapping games everyday now.
Well, there’s 5 games listed here I would be buying if you guys would leave them up for 2 weeks instead of 1. I’m out of town without ps3/psn access until Dec. 29th.
Apparently the free game is Anomaly: Warzone Earth. This has got to be the biggest fail I’ve ever seen. I mean…are SCEA just trolling us now? This month really sucks…
I bet that’s also why they didn’t bother with a Plus post like they normally do on Mondays. They are bracing themselves because they know they picked a total stinker during the holiday month.
@Sevyne umm they definitely did do a PS Plus update post. But if you’re going there just to complain, you’re already about 300 comments behind.
@ FranklynStreet #123 yeah I feel for you, I’m not going anywhere, but if I was I’d be pretty bummed to miss out on these sales. This is why they should allow you to access the PS Store from a PC, at least to purchase the game and add it to your download list.
Oh, great… Just right after I had to send in my PS3 for repair because of the YLOD… who knows when I’m going to get it back… Seriously, I wish it was possible to purchase through PC.
Nothing for me this week except maybe Escape Plan, but really excited about these sales!
Please have a Resistance Burning Skies, Ratchet Collection and Sly Collection discount:)))
I’m definitely gonna get Rayman and LBP on the Vita.
I wish Capcom would make RE4 on the vita..
So, about those redacted sales in the Dec 04 2012 Store Update (https://blog.playstation.com/2012/12/04/playstation-store-update-268/):
Gundemonium Collection (50%) – PS Plus Price: $3.75
Gundemonium Recollection (50%) – PS Plus Price: $1.50
Acceleration of Sugari X Edition (50%) – PS Plus Price: $1.50
Akami Village (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Crescent Pale Mist (50%) – PS Plus Price: $1.50
Heavy Weapon (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Hitogata Happa (50%) – PS Plus Price: $1.50
Qlione Evolve (50%) – PS Plus Price: $1.75
Revenge of the Wounded Dragon (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Switchball (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Field Commander PSP (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
GripShift v 2.0 (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Groovin’ Blocks (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Groovin’ Blocks PSP (50%) – PS Plus Price: $2.50
I’d love to see these.
It’s funny that all of a sudden everyone thinks SONY is Santa! All the ungrateful’s complaining about what their region didn’t get compared to the others. Maybe if you stopped checking in to see what others received then it wouldn’t bother you so much! I guess at the same time, you can’t keep everybody happy at the same time. I feel sorry come Christmas day when all these babies open up their gifts only to find out they got less than my kids…!!!
im so shocked about what im reading here today….u guys must be the most set of cry babies ive ever encountered in a forum.SONY needs our support and u guys are getting the greatest deal ever on the playstation which is not available on any other consoles and u cry cry cry about not getting enough games for ur ps3 or vita?smh..well once a baby always a baby i guess? hmmm lets see microsoft rips people off yearly for $60 bucks a year and u get online play and use apps ur already paying for,not to mention u dont get squat for free and playstation givess all this to u for free and ps plus to make the deal sweeter than it already is and u still crying omg! somebody get me a drink before i spazz out.im out this s..t u guys disgust me.
@133 UNREALGOD – Someone hasn’t been treated to the wonders of the PC marketplaces.
@ God-Of-Lyf
so did you get ps plus for just the extra save space or did you read up why you should buy it.
and if your not a playstation follower why are you even making your own suggestions ?
I’m getting Counter Strike and I Am Alive.
I was hoping to see discounts on DLC and Classics as well. Those CoD World at War map packs are very expensive.
Any chance of a sale on PSX games?
Nice offering, but I’ll be waiting until the next batch(es) of the 50 are released. Already have all three of those Vita games and nothing in the PS3 list of interest.
Yay Rayman Origin PS Vita and Escape Plan :)
Can’t wait to see what next week deals will bring.
I’m hoping to see more titles on PS3 though…
where can I find these games? the lbp vita is still $35.99 in playstation store
Tried to buy Rayman Origins but it still at $19.99, what gives?
40+ must have games? why didnt you give us the full list lol whats wrong with you guys today i hope you update early also
#142 … did you just get your ps3 man? lol you have to wait till the store updates later today this isnt they posted it and immediately the prices are changed lol
im waiting for gamestops next buy two get one free to get some real cheap games youve got some good offers here but id need to renew my ps plus and seeing the terrible line up i just dont see that happening you gotta step it up a notch
and p.s. give the vita a price drop already! your losing to nintendo
and im still waiting for the monthly updates we all voted for… lets hope that happens next month
Dear PSN team.
Will we ever see more/significant discounts on PSP games? I saw on the PSN+ update that Crush has been put on sale for $2.50, (which is awesome and I will certainly pick it up), but it’s been a long time. Having a PSP Go when there are piles of great games at around the $20 price point on PSN is frustrating, when they’re available for a few bucks on UMD.
I’d also love to rebuy some games that I gave up when I switched to the Go, but I never expected the Wipeout games and Gradius Collection to keep higher price points.
Especially if they’re Vita compatible games, it would probably help sales of older games, and new hardware.
Just a thought anyway.
MASS EFFECT 3 on sale
make it happen (^ _ ^)
So…. Is this sale starting any time soon? What gives?