For those who have been patiently waiting for TOKYO JUNGLE’S western release, I’m happy to announce that it will finally be available on PSN today for $14.99! We are also releasing DLC animals, a PS3 dynamic theme and free costumes so please make sure to check them out.
I’ve got great news for PlayStation Plus members: You’ll be able to get TOKYO JUNGLE at a 20% discount for two weeks (until October 9th)! In addition, we are giving away four DLC animals for free! These animals will only be free for one week (until October 2nd), so don’t miss out!

@45 Yes i did, I apologize i looked too quick when i made my post and was more interested in getting the facts out about this game I wanna see this game be popular
When will the store update D: I want the game before I have to work lol
Haha! You guys are too funny, you sound like the type who are going to play the pomeranian only. I know you too have bought a PSN game and then regretted it. So it isn’t far fetched. I don’t want to go to the obvious trophy comment about a $60 blu-ray game needing a platinum, though it is true. If not, then at least thirty trophies.This game only comes with 13 trophies (as most PSN only games do). There are obvious flaws with this title and it’s marketing. I’m no stranger to buying japanese only games. I imported One Piece from Japan and also own a silver 40gb ps3 from Japan. It’s really rare too. SCEJ doesn’t know how to market their games as well as their SCEA partners do. USA has the best games for a reason. I love Japan. They can do better than this.
@ C_Y_P_H_E_R: If you don’t like the idea of it, then don’t get it. But you don’t need to sit here and try to convince us that it’s a bad game.
@C_Y_P_H_E_R – That makes sense I guess. As long as your only reason for not buying it isn’t ‘because it has animals.’ I personally couldn’t care less about trophies, I’m only interested in a solid game experience. Though I’ll admit that at least half of my interest in this game is due to its utter absurdity :) I’m really looking forward to kicking some rabbits in the face as a deer.
Now back to obsessively refreshing the ps store!
Yay, can’t wait.
Disappointing how no demo is planned. I really wanted to pick this up but with no demo I cant risk it.
TJungle is up here comes my money Sony!!!!!
I’m right here on the PSN Store but i’m on the fence about buying it because SONY MIGHT PULL A JSRFHD on US AND MAKE US PAY FOR THE GAME TWICE IF WE WANT IT ON VITA. Had to put that on blast. Will you Sony, will you?
I agree with #59, it should be on the vita too and a cross buy game. Good point.
i can Care Less About Trophies. never everrr seen the big deal about Them. Yes i have got a PSN Game that i fully regreted Before and Deleted the whole thing from my HDD. i did enough research and read enough reviews to be possitive that i WILL be happy with this Purchase. Sorry but as i stated in my other Comment i will be Playing all Animals and not just one. im sure they can do better then this, there is always room for more Improvement, that goes for anything in life regardles where its comming from.
Store is updated! What are the free animals?
We are giving away four animals characters to plus members for a week only.
Download the Black Pomeranian, White Pomeranian, Silky Terrier and Fat Cat!!